View Full Version : Suggestions for Las Vegas Rally?

Ray Davis
04-17-2012, 08:53 PM
Hi Everyone,

So, you've probably seen a tentative schedule now that Jamie posted for the Las Vegas rally. Ken Z and I were asked to come up with seminar ideas, and also activity ideas.

First let's talk seminars. What would you guys like to have in terms of seminars? Clearly, for a lot of us that have been to many, many rallies, we've seen a lot of them. However, I clearly realize that for newer members, you probably haven't and we'd like to make sure we're catering as best as possible to everyone.

So, if you have ideas for what you'd like to see, please let me know. Obviously a lot will depend on who's coming, and who's able to make presentations. It's a bit early at this point, but we're going to do our best.

Activities. We're also looking at some options there. Ken and I were trying to have more activities at this rally, not all pay-for activities, if we could help it. We did look around the area, and found a few things

* We are planning a trip to the Shelby museum at least one day
* The "Pawn Stars" pawn shop is in the area, and they said they could handle a group for a group visit. You can always just walk in, unless they are filming.
* We looked into an indoor sky-diving facility. Looks like fun, but a bit pricey.
* There is a machine gun range in the area, yeah!
* Golfing. We're hoping that Gary D might be willing to head up a golf event.(Gary, we need to talk :)
* We were also looking at a geo-caching/poker run type of event.

* We do have an optional show in the current schedule. We had hoped that it would be included in the base price, but catering in Las Vegas is running more than twice what it did in Austin, so we are trying to keep the price reasonable.

Anyway, we are all ears, and are looking for suggestions. I don't at this point know if the rally is going to be big, or small. But, however many come, we're going to have a good time.


04-17-2012, 10:46 PM
Hi Ray. Yes, there are quite a few nice Golf coarses in LV. I would be happy to organize a day of golf. Also, there are quite a few collectors museums in LV as well.

04-18-2012, 10:01 AM
For POG XI, the Austin rally the Segway Tour was a big hit. Most major cities have Segway tours, they are reasonably priced and are a lot of fun.

Another idea might be a tour of the Hoover Dam; when you take the tour you get a 10% discount off of your next vaccum cleaner purchase!!!! Seriously we took the tour a few years ago, and it was awesome. The tour group gets in an elevator and it goes down 5 stories underground. You get to see & HEAR the water running thru the giant turbines (each turbine developes 175,000 hp and there are 17 turbines. Very informative tour.

Jamie Bradford
04-18-2012, 10:16 AM
We do have a tour on Hoover Dam already included on Wednesday.


04-18-2012, 10:18 AM
A seminar on the different games might be fun. Most people are intimidated by the casino games and a good explanation by the casino staff might be just the ticket.:D

One of the croupiers could meet with our group and give instructions on how to play roulette, craps (my favorite) or bacarat. The best time to do this would be in the morning that way there are more vacant tables available in the casino.

I think the casino would be very receptive to this, because after the seminar the participants might want to try their luck!

Ray Davis
04-18-2012, 08:02 PM
I hadn't thought about a casino based seminar. Now that is different, but fun!

Jamie Bradford
04-18-2012, 08:11 PM
That is a good idea!

"Keep em coming"..........

Jamie Bradford
05-03-2012, 08:32 AM

We still are open to ideas for Rally Activities / Seminars. So far here is the list:

Bus Weight / Tire Pressure

Casino Gambling Seminar

Shelby Museum

"Pawn Stars" tour

Machine Gun Range

POG Forum Seminar

Poker Run


Hoover Dam Tour

Electronic Gizmo Seminar

Coach Internet / printers / scanners / other devices - Seminar

New Member/Owner General Questions Seminar

The final list has not yet been determined - Please submit any ideas you may have.

Also , We have a Ladies Luncheon planned and would like some ideas for a " Lunch Topic". This could be anything that the ladies would enjoy whether it was associated with the coach or not. Please consult with the boss and let's make sure we get something good planned for this event.


