View Full Version : Easter Nuts

04-09-2012, 01:27 AM
There were two boys who had been collecting nuts in a nearby cemetery on the edge of town and sat down under a large tree to begin dividing the nuts up. The boys were separating them by stating "one for you, one for me, one for you, one for me" and occasionally they would drop a nut and it would roll down the hill toward the fence of the cemetery. As they were dividing the nuts, a boy rode his bicycle by the cemetery and heard voices saying, "one for you, one for me, one for you, one for me". At hearing this the boy rode his bike as fast as he could to tell someone what he had heard, when he came upon an old man, the boy stopped and said, "Mr. I was just over at the cemetery and I heard God and Satan in there dividing up souls by saying "one for you, one for me". After much persuasion, the old man agreed to go to the cemetery with the boy, and while standing at the fence they heard "one for you, one for me", and the old man said, "you weren't kidding, they really are in there, I can't see them, but I can hear them. As they continued to listen, the boys in the cemetery said, "one for you, one for me, now lets go get those nuts down by the fence and we'll be done" at hearing that the old man took off and beat the boy on his bicycle back into town by three blocks.

I hope everyone had a very happy easter.....Blessings to all.........