View Full Version : POG Member Distribution Map
Jamie Bradford
04-01-2012, 12:26 PM
Hi ,
I was interested in knowing the member distribution - Here is a map showing percentage distribution by state. If there is no number in a state it is less than 1 %.
This was based on the info contained in member profiles - there are a bunch of people who have left their location blank. I have requested people to fill this in - I will look at this again in a few months and see if people have filled in their location and what it does to the distribution.
04-01-2012, 04:33 PM
Thanks for posting this Jamie, its pretty neat to see the distribution around the nation.
I would have thought that we had more members in California! Maybe they got tired of the crazy laws and left!
04-01-2012, 07:30 PM
Very interesting thread, my understanding was the major rallies were held west of the Mississippi because that's where a majority of POG members lived.
04-01-2012, 11:25 PM
Hi ,
I was interested in knowing the member distribution - Here is a map showing percentage distribution by state. If there is no number in a state it is less than 1 %.
This was based on the info contained in member profiles - there are a bunch of people who have left their location blank. I have requested people to fill this in - I will look at this again in a few months and see if people have filled in their location and what it does to the distribution.
I count only 67. Thats a far cry from the 500 members or so that are registered.
04-02-2012, 08:36 AM
Like Rick, I'm surprised by these percentages. Looks like most of the Member saturation is East of Mississippi with Florida at 20 %.
04-02-2012, 12:08 PM
As with most statistical evidence, good and less than good information can be digested....and used......that said, you missed us in Arkansas! No harm done.
Jamie Bradford
04-02-2012, 12:44 PM
Map Notes :
The map represents the data on hand. There are a bunch of members who have not filled in where they are located. This would be nice to have as it may change the spread a bit.
We do have members in almost all states - but rather than putting decimal %'s I left the state blank - that means less than 1 %.
I will look at this again in a few months after I can get the word out to those who have not listed a location. This is a start - as time progresses we can get it fine tuned.
Will Garner
04-03-2012, 08:00 PM
Ah ha, now we know the states where all those 1%ers live!
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