View Full Version : Pogiii
11-29-2006, 09:45 PM
Was wondering what the dates are for POGIII in Kerrville TX.? It's not that we are rushing it but we need to put it on the calendar. Some of our clients are wondering if we can work in April. Jan and I don't want to work anymore:( , don't spread this around the midwest, Jerry!:)
PS, Jerry do you want to put some Lews on Nebraska?
11-29-2006, 10:20 PM
April 23 - 28, 2007.
It sounds like a great rally with the Glass Class and great BBQ!:D
Can't wait!
11-29-2006, 10:44 PM
Thanks for the quick response! I will mark it down. I'm not sure if it was posted earlier, but Jan was wanting to know. I told her these guys are fast, when it comes to answering questions. I timed it....12 minutes, good job!
11-29-2006, 10:54 PM
That,s the 1st time I,ve seen dates although I knew it was in April. Do the California Boys know, does Jim Skiff Know. Is it posted yet on this site? Just curious how far along the planning has come. Is there a sign up site? Gary
11-29-2006, 11:00 PM
I just clicked Member List, then clicked Jim Skiff, and looked at the posts about the Kerrville rally. I remembered reading about the rally, but I couldn't remember how to find the post. Guess I have been reading too many of Lew's posts.:o
Orren Zook
11-30-2006, 01:01 AM
When Liberty had their rally in Kerrville earlier this year they were limited to 45 coaches. Is there a maximum number for the POG rally?
Jim Skiff
11-30-2006, 07:40 AM
The dates for Kerrville are Moday, April 23- Friday, April 27 - Coaches leaving on Saturday,April 28.
Ray, Mike and Ken have met and arranged early plans for the rally. Ray has been very helpful getting quotes from the Data-Rally and making some comparisons so that we can get the costs down. We will have more catered meals and that will be our highest cost. I have been communicating regularly with Helmut, the chef at Buckhorn, to get the best food at the best price. I spoke with him yesterday afternoon and he is sending me an updated menu.
We should have it wrapped up by next week. As soon as we do, we'll have a price and sign-up page.
One change will be for individuals who attend the rally and non-POG members who attend. Individuals will pay a lower fee and non-POGGERS will pay a higher fee as POG membership fees help offset the price of rallies.
11-30-2006, 09:03 AM
The dates for Kerrville are Moday, April 23- Friday, April 24 - Coaches leaving on Saturday
Jim, just one day!:D
I had to do that.......
Jim Skiff
11-30-2006, 09:18 AM
Yeah Tom,
We really had to look at costs and make some drastic reductions.
11-30-2006, 09:50 AM
Jim I'm not a big fan of penalizing persons for checking out a new group (non-POG members) by
making there registration higher, you only drive people away. A lot of organizations offer free
registration for 1st timers to get them to join. I know that with RVing its different since you have
campground expense and then there is meals and so on.... But we need to show first time non POG
people that this is not just another club, that it's vital to bus ownership, (personal feeling) My thoughts
keep the Registration the same for all and keep track of the registrations and tell people they have to
join if they want to attend another POG rally.
Jim Skiff
11-30-2006, 09:59 AM
Thank you for the feedback.
Jon Wehrenberg
11-30-2006, 10:33 AM
I agree with Dale. I know you want more members because that is more profit, and we want more members because as the numbers increase we develop critical mass to be able to get more for our dues, to get more respect as members of an influential group, and we become a viable alternative to other Prevost organizations with all the benefits not only for us, but for converters and suppliers that participate with us.
11-30-2006, 10:38 AM
Here's a suggestion,
With our Vintage Airstream crowd, at our annual rally in the summer, we allow a NON-VAC (non vinitage trailer/motorhome) to come to the rally the first time at a reduction in rally fees. Thereafter, they would pay a premium to be a non member at a rally, or they can join and continue to return for following rallies as members of this intra-club of the main Wally Byam Caravan Club (WBCCI), and pay the usual pre-set rally fee.. Those big red numbers you see on the front and rear of airstreams are the "Club" membership numbers.
Jim and Chris
2000 Marathon "H"3-45
Coach #0586EXV
(Chris)-outgoing "treasurer" of Denco Airstream unit
(Jim)-incoming "trustee" of Denco Airstream Unit
WBCCI #5812
12-01-2006, 12:29 AM
Are we really discussing reduced fees for Prevost 1st timers? Can we develop other more inticing incentives? My first FMCA rally, I didn't blink at the cost. I was more jazzed about going and seeing what all the buzz was about. I think that is the hook, lets work on the buzz. Gary
01-05-2007, 12:02 AM
We should have it wrapped up by next week. As soon as we do, we'll have a price and sign-up page.
Do we have a sign up sheet yet?
01-05-2007, 12:30 AM
Hi James. Did you see ;
Just Plain Jeff
01-05-2007, 06:09 AM
It'd be great to have a session:
1. Where owners of certain converters could huddle for a bit and discuss common things. Those who may be interested in a certain conversion could join in and learn.
2. Echoing many recent chats here, a session about inverters, what they do and don't do seems like a good idea. Various converters do different stuff with them, so that might be rather enlightening.
3. It'd be super, if possible to have some real technical wizard attend a techie, propeller-hat session for the more advanced people to talk to. The rest of us mere mortals could go back and get some of the original POG I seminar information.
4. Jon's erector set deal with the air system could be repeated, especially if it focused on the leans. For those who missed it, Lew's deal on veneer was great. It opened up the idea that there may be things we can do ourselves from an interior design point of view to personalize our coaches.
5. Vague as it is, it seems as if those who would be attending POG III might be able to get the benefit of past seminars and talks to get up to speed on what has transpired in the past: Jon and Lew's talks, discussions about wireless options on the road and such.
6. Lastly, with the growth of the POG rallies, it will probably be necessary to make plans not only for the following rally, but for the one after that. As the number of coaches grow, the fewer places there will be to accept the size of said rallies, so planning ahead might be prudent.
Thank you.
Jon Wehrenberg
01-05-2007, 07:31 AM
This is premature and I hope fast Roger and I can confirm that it works as well as I am expecting. I now have an ultrasonic leak detector.
We owners have two areas of our coaches that seem mysterious. As JPJ mentions, inverters are shrouded in mystery, but so are the dreaded leans.
My coach is at the age where I expect to start seeing problems. I tackled those problems on the other coach by removing, rebuilding and bench testing all my suspension valves. And I did not have a pit at that time. I know how difficult it is to trouble shoot the leans so I invested the time correcting the problem which I never specifically identified.
Now however I am older, and lazy. The leak detector will pick up the most minute air system leaks and you can hear them through a headset.
Before POGIII I intend to make use of the detector on Roger's coach and mine and report back on success or failure. If it is as successful as I think it will be I can introduce it at POG III and demonstrate how it works.
The question you all might ask is how much? I paid $322, and if it works as I suspect I will guarantee that if you have a case of the leans, or if your aux compressor is cycling too much, a single use of the detector will pay for itself. Who knows....we may even teach Prevost to stop squirting away our money with soapy water solution and actually use some technology to trouble shoot our systems.
01-05-2007, 09:53 AM
Jon, that sounds like a great tool, can't wait to see it used.
Jon Wehrenberg
01-05-2007, 12:19 PM
The results are promising.
I played a little this morning and I found a leak at my pressure regulator by the valve that deflates my belt tighteners. I hear a constant hiss through the headphones, but when a leak is present it turns into a whistle. I have to play some more because it looks like some skill is required to pin point the leaks so the practical test will be curing Roger's leans.
He said I could have his M3 if we do.
01-05-2007, 02:17 PM
Ray: I have always had an interest in Electronic Gizmo and Gadgets. And I am definitely no expert. Since you and some of the other guys have dishes maybe you could put on a little dog and pony show with the communication ablilities of your setup.
And open it up to any new gadgets, gizsmos etc - like MM router, or JDUB airplane Weather GPS. I just recently added Slingbox to my home network, which allows you to watch your own tv anywhere in the world via the internet.. Pretty neat if you have good internet connections.
01-05-2007, 05:27 PM
You see everyman does have his price.
You'll look good in that car.
01-06-2007, 11:11 AM
Slingbox? Roger you know better than to reference a new gadget without a where,what, and how explanations. What in H are you talking about here.
I'm using a Verizon card in my computer now. Will that give me our local TV stations? Are you storing up more gadgets to win again @ POGIII?
01-06-2007, 02:24 PM
Harry - Didn't mean to be holding out on you.
Its a combination of software and a little dab of hardware that hooks into your home cable system. Between the cable modem and your wireless router you add a little box that serves kinda as a mini server. I have the cable and internet thru the same provider. Then thru my laptop via the verizon card or a wireless network (wifi) I can operate my cable receiver remotely from my lap top and can view all channels including local or you can even add a security camera to keep an eye on something remotely. It is a neat gadget -they have 3 to choose from - I have the middle one Slingbox. I purchased it at Circuit City, did not shop price, just bought on the salespersons recomendation, which I never do. Don't even like to do business there, but needed an IPOD accessory for the kids, and saw the box and ask what the h is this for - how does it work etc.
The way I keep crashing satellite dishes on my garage door, this will save me a lot of money in the future. I will venture to say I have bought my last Satellite Dome - I don't have a great deal of experience yet, but it worked great in the Atlanta and Nashville areas.
The new Toshiba Laptop Santa brought me has all kinds of video /Tv out capability so I can supposedly hook up to my Coach coax and play it thru the TVs inside the coach. Have Not done that yet as I just move the laptop were needed.
If I recall correctly it was about 180.00 lew bucks for this. Set up time 15 minutes. Havn't figured out how to feed more than one computer at a time, but can be put on multiple computers but only one can watch.
01-06-2007, 10:44 PM
Roger: Thanks for turning mud into muddy water, but I'm so damn dense when it comes to this stuff you really didn't owe me an explanation. I'm sure most of the other POGers got something out of it. Sounds like a worthwhile addittion to make.
01-07-2007, 08:47 AM
I look forward to reports from you on the road about this cool little device. I do wonder how good your reception will be when you are outside of a city area ?? I guess we will all find out. Thanks for being the test pilot--Oh and Micki can keep updated on the soaps and that is important to some of us, right Miss Micki :D
01-07-2007, 09:55 AM
Thanks for the info on the Slingbox. It looks really neat. I did some research on this product as I was not familiar with it and thought I'd share. I wouldn't want to miss the VA TECH HOKIES basketball games. We beat 5th ranked DUKE last nite at DUKE in OT by. Like JW I need to blow my horn while I can!! Glade footbal is over JW, we really blew our bowl game.
Circuit City Information
Sling Media Slingbox™ AV (SLINGBOXAV)
Watch TV virtually anywhere: The Slingbox AV is the perfect companion for your DVR, digital cable or satellite receiver. With the ability to watch and control your favorite TV source, the Slingbox AV ensures that you can always enjoy your TV anywhere you go.
How it works: Using an Internet connected computer or compatible mobile phone (requires SlingPlayer® Mobile software), you can watch and control your home TV, DVR, digital cable box or satellite receiver anywhere around your home or around the globe.
PC requirements: Windows® Vista/XP/2000 (SP4), Pentium® 4 1GHz processor or later, 256MB of RAM, 100MB of free HD space, 24-bit graphics card, 16-bit sound card, CD-ROM drive, Ethernet network connection (wired, wireless or power line)
Mac® requirements: Mac OS X 10.3/10.4, 500MHz PowerPC G3 or later or any Intel-based Mac, 256MB of RAM, 100MB of free HD space, 1024 x 768 display, CD-ROM drive, Ethernet network connection (wired, wireless or power line)
Network requirements: (Where the Slingbox is installed) Cable or DSL modem (for out-of-home viewing), 256Kbps upstream speed (higher recommended), wired or wireless router (UPnP recommended)
Audio/video requirements: Any of the following—digital cable set top box, satellite receiver, digital video recorder, DVD player, video/security camera, any NTSC S-video or composite video source
CNET Reviews Information is a website that reviews all types of electronics from cellphones, computers, TVs, GPS and the like. The really nice part are the short videos they do on new products. CNET also shows you retailers that carry the products along with their pricing, customer service ratings on the stores and customer ratings on the products.
The link below will take you to a Slingbox video and info page on
01-11-2007, 05:26 PM Slings web site.
01-28-2007, 05:34 PM
With only 84 days, 20 hours, 28 minutes, and 15 seconds left on the counter untill POGIII, Does anyone (Jim) know how many bus's are registered for the rally?
I'm just curious....I can wait if I need to.
Orren Zook
01-29-2007, 02:42 AM
The way I keep crashing satellite dishes on my garage door, this will save me a lot of money in the future. I will venture to say I have bought my last Satellite Dome - I don't have a great deal of experience yet, but it worked great in the Atlanta and Nashville areas.
I got some literature in the mail the other day about a 2 inch high dish that is designed to mount on SUV luggage racks and still fit into a regular garage door.... it supposedly provides in-motion satellite access and works with both Direct and DishNetwork. If it would be of interest I'll scan it into PDF format and email it to you or post it here.
01-29-2007, 08:47 PM
Orren: Oz my man, thanks for the offer, but I have already been steered away from the flat dish cause of the following: true or untrue I don't know- dew or rain stops signal reception. It is designed for in motion use only. So right or wrong, I didn't pursue it.
I was sitting in Stuart Florida this morning watching my local yokel weatherman in Bristol Tn telling me it was 11 degrees outside, I went out and it was about 52 degrees. Not good for South Florida, but a heck of lot better than 11. This was thru the Laptop and Slingbox setup. Works pretty good via the internet. Sometimes it takes a couple 3 minutes to fine tune itself but generally comes up pretty good so far.
Thanks for the offer. Be near Key West by night time.:cool:
Jim Skiff
02-01-2007, 09:52 AM
We have 17 coaches registered and paid for POG III. From past experience, we are way ahead of schedule. Several new members and non-members are part of our first 17.
Just Plain Jeff
02-01-2007, 02:48 PM
We have 17 coaches registered and paid for POG III.
Never mind. I thought this was a newsbreak about more coaches that have been added to MangoBus lines.
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