View Full Version : EAST COAST POG EVENT
12-23-2011, 05:46 PM
Since the next "east of the Mississippi" rally is not planned until 2013, I was wondering if anyone has the appetite to have some type of an event on the "right" coast next anytime soon . It doesn't need to be real organized as those of you attended the "Adirondack Adventure" can attest that the key ingredients are a good campground, good food and great company. I have nothing specific in mind I just thought that I would throw it out there to see who is anxious to do something. I have some ideas but I would like to guage the interest.
Charles Spera
12-23-2011, 07:24 PM
I think it would be great to see some of the East Coast for a change. Keep us informed, eh?
Sounds interesting depending on time and place, hopefully we can fit it in.
12-23-2011, 08:36 PM
Hey Rick,
Bob and I are "in" depending upon time and place. Let us know what we can do to help.
Merry Christmas!
Debi and Bob
12-23-2011, 09:03 PM
There's more east coast in Maine than anywhere else.
Let's do it again here!
Joanie and I will do all the grunt work needed.
12-23-2011, 10:52 PM
I'm interested if all of the "ifs" work out.
12-24-2011, 05:07 AM
Rick I'm with Woody, Maine this summer would be great. Or sooner, we'll be in Florida for 7 weeks starting Feb 4th. Rick
12-24-2011, 08:40 AM
We could be talked into something
Bill Dator
12-24-2011, 09:31 AM
Keep us posted,
12-24-2011, 01:40 PM
The coast of the Carolinas is gorgeous as well and much warmer then Maine :-)
Jon Wehrenberg
12-24-2011, 03:17 PM
With apologies to Rick and Bill and other northeasters we prefer not to go north of NJ for a while. We are still trying to save up the cost we spent on tolls, I am still tightening nuts and bolts that shook loose on the bumpy roads, and Di needs more physical therapy for her middle finger after using it so much on other drivers. The Maine rally was wonderful and I would love to do it the Carolinas. Or Maryland. Or Virginia, etc.
But we would definitely want to do a mini rally in the spring. Just not when our garden is in full bloom and bearing veggies. Remember, we don't set our schedule, Mother Nature does.
12-24-2011, 04:04 PM
Jon - go the mountain route - 81 to 84 then the only tolls are one bridge and a short stint on the Mass pike + $4 in NH and the same in Maine - forget the rich mans I-95. Tell Di that she can rest except in Mass where no one ever learned to drive.
Jim Skiff
12-24-2011, 06:06 PM
Bob and Debi,
It was 15 this morning but summer in Maine is the best!
12-24-2011, 06:06 PM
Jon Woodys got it right. The first time I took 81-84 I knew 95 was no more. I now go around Hartford CT via 691 and 91. Downtown Hartford on 84 is very rough. Rick
Jim Skiff
12-24-2011, 06:26 PM
We had a great time at our last Maine Rally. Boothbay to Owls Head, Owls Head to Bar Harbor. We can do a side trip to Cow Shit Corner and Monhegan Island.
Mount Desert Island should not be missed. Also we have great things to do with the kids as we know the island well.
We have hosted the Erions and the Zittrers and welcome everyone to Maine!
The tolls aren't so bad ......really. I think Jon would admit that after he and Di paid for a mentally handicapped child to take a ride in an airplane.
The teacher told me that it was the best experience that child ever had. Thank you Jon and Di!
Merry Christmas!
dale farley
12-24-2011, 10:03 PM
Mobile is always nice and plenty of oysters for all those who dare eat them.
Jon Wehrenberg
12-25-2011, 08:04 AM
We returned to Knoxville via the routes suggested and while the tolls were minimal we were undewhelmed with the fuel costs (another way of extracting tolls) and the quality of the roads. You all do know that the central Atlantic coast is good for folks from NJ as well as the folks from FL? We won't get ME lobster, but I seriously doubt if anyone will starve.
Jim has it right. We would much rather spend a lot of money to help the disadvantaged than give it to the government that is only going to waste it.
12-25-2011, 10:56 AM
Rick, Count Karen and I " IN. "
12-25-2011, 11:05 AM
Maybe if about 20-25 buses showed up at Mango Mikes' ......?
12-25-2011, 01:44 PM
Who/where is that :p
From the prehistoric days of POG I seem to recall the name :rolleyes:
Jon Wehrenberg
12-25-2011, 02:32 PM
I'm surprised our SC POG members aren't supporting their own state. Myrtle Beach in April. Plenty to do, nice big campgrounds, no lack of places to eat or play, the ocean, and they may even have oysters and a place to get lobstah.
12-25-2011, 04:26 PM
OK I'll jump in here, Rita and I are hosting a Royal Coach Club rally in Myrtle Beach SC from April 30 thru May 5 at Ocean Lakes Campground. Do not have all the final details yet ( actual cost ) but was going to do this more like a POG rally than what has been the normal Royal rally as in always doing something or going on side trips. Way more laid back with good food and some activitys. Going to have lots of space, and for those who may not know of the Royals there a great groupe of people with a good bit of cross over within the POG gang. Or something could possibly be set up independent of that rally in the same area. Think about it but remember Easter is hard to work around in April at the beach they don't need anymore people they have all they can handle. Bill
12-25-2011, 05:02 PM
Jon When I leave home I don't fuel up until Winchester Va. 800 miles from Bangor Me. There is a flying J at the first exit in Va on 81, the fuel prices are usually 25 cents lower than any where along that 800 mile route. If you top off in Winchester you can go to Maine and back to Winchester. Just saying. Rick
12-25-2011, 10:49 PM
Since I started this let me throw out the 1st suggestion. When we set up the "Adirondack Adventure" last October all we did was set up a schedule, picked the campgrounds and let nature take its course. Everyone made their own reservations although we did set up a few events like the NYC theatre excursion. We had a blast. My suggestion is to pull something off either early spring or early fall. I think the early fall is best as the weather has a tendency to be cool and not as much rain. Since we seem to be spread along the east coast why don't we organize an "Atlantic Ocean Crawl". We can set up some desinations from perhaps starting in Myrtle Beach and ending in Maine. So far there has been a suggestion for Maine, and Myrtle Beach. I'll throw in "the Jersey shore" Wendy and I will host anyone who wants to make Long Beach Island in NJ a destination. There are no campgrounds on the island however the campgrounds on the "mainland" are not resorts but should be able to accomodate us. The location is about 1 hr north of Atlantic City for those of us who are inclined to gamble and 2 hrs from NYC. For those of you who are not familiar with Long Beach Island its an 18 mile barrier island, we'll set up some activities as well as host any POG get together at our home at the beach. For the faint of heart I will host a seminar to calm your fears about driving in NJ, it will be called.... "You lookin' at me? Yeah, I'm from outta got a problem with that?" I suggest we set up the dates and pick the venues and weigh the interest. Its not brain surgery, we just need a few people to do some organizing at each venue and you can choose to participate or not.
Jon Wehrenberg
12-26-2011, 07:39 AM
If the Las Vegas rally is in the early fall this rally will compete. If it is in the spring folks can go to both if so inclined.
Sign me up for Bill's rally.
12-26-2011, 07:52 AM
Is there any interest in returning to Bella Terra (Gulf Shores/Foley, AL) for another Oystefest rally in the spring? The folks at Bella Terra LOVED having 30 POG Prevosts for Oysterfest 2011 and will bend over backwards to have us return! Just sayin.... :cool:
Jon Wehrenberg
12-26-2011, 08:01 AM
Are oysters back down to $4.00 or are the folks selling them still trying to get $9.00 doz?
They taste great at less than $5.00 per doz., not so great when they are more expensive.
12-26-2011, 02:28 PM
Jon, I bet Michael and his friends at Belle Terre could hook you up with some Locals who would take you out Oysterin' for the thrill $$$ of a lifetime.
12-26-2011, 06:18 PM
Count me in for Myrtle Beach April 30th to may 5th, great place and lots of room. Now I can put some pressure on Mango!
12-28-2011, 11:00 PM
Count me in for Myrtle Beach April 30th to may 5th, great place and lots of room. Now I can put some pressure on Mango!
Bill, count us in as well, this looks like a beautiful campsite.....Please let us know what we need to do??
Debi and Bob
12-28-2011, 11:14 PM
Michael, what dates are you considering for Bella Terra ?
Gary Carmichael
12-29-2011, 09:23 AM
We, "The Wild Bunch" are having a rally as we speak. Started Yesterday goes thru Jan 2. Location Riverbend Motor Coach Resort. We have 22 coaches attending, all kinds of coaches mostly Prevost. Planning one at Twin Rivers resort in Severville Tn around the first of May on the banks of the French Broad only about 12mi from Jon's house on the hill, and I do mean "hill" Megan and I are relatively new members of the wild bunch, had a great rally in PEI last August, this is our first rally as host, learning a lot. Hat's off to the people that put the big Pog rallys together.
12-29-2011, 12:46 PM
Michael, what dates are you considering for Bella Terra ?
Al - Oysterfest 2011 was held in the middle of March and we had about 30 coaches participate.
What does the group think about that same timeframe for an Oysterfest 2012 at Bella Terra? Any interest?
Great looking park, but the 15 year bus restriction rules us out! My '92 looks classier than most 5-10 yr old mass produced class-As.
12-29-2011, 06:43 PM
Perfect... anytime in March.
I think the mass produced class 'A" are the target. Sure would not hurt to make a phone call. By the looks of your bus you fooled me, nice.
Liam, don't worry about your coach age..if it's a to Courtney.
12-29-2011, 07:56 PM
We are scheduled to be at Bella Terra from 4 Mar to 17 Mar. A rally during that time would be great. Liam, they love Prevost's at Bella Terra, you would be welcome there.
12-29-2011, 11:08 PM
Liam, we were at OysterFest 2011 with our 21 yr old coach and no questions asked.
Cool, thanks everyone! I guess it is like being interviewed by a Manhattan condo board in a Seinfeld episode.
I too was amazed at the condition when I bought it this Fall. The seller's comment was "never been embarrassed to park next to a new one."
12-30-2011, 08:21 AM
Michael. How about mid March before Andre and Ann Ducote check out so they can hang out with the rest of us.
You did a fine job last year of promoting, communicating etc I suggest, recommend, and support you do it again.
call Courtney and reserve about 25 spots and let folks call in and make their own reservations using Tuga's credit card.
12-30-2011, 11:08 AM
Keeping the interest ball rolling.....
12-30-2011, 05:42 PM
Michael. How about mid March before Andre and Ann Ducote check out so they can hang out with the rest of us.
You did a fine job last year of promoting, communicating etc I suggest, recommend, and support you do it again.
call Courtney and reserve about 25 spots and let folks call in and make their own reservations using Tuga's credit card.
Roger, I'll call Courtney next week and request at least 25 spots for March 15-18, 2012. I'll begin a new/separate thread on POG for Oysterfest 2012 to begin gauging interest and building a list of potential attendees/participants.
Depending on the responses, we could do it the previous weekend (March 8-11), if that works better for the majority of those planning to attend..
01-05-2012, 05:20 PM
We just can't make Alabama, but Myrtle Beach is a GO! I'll be parking a Liberty right in the middle of all those Royales. Hope they treat me good!
01-05-2012, 08:13 PM
You'll be good Bonz, we'll be right there with ya....
01-06-2012, 11:09 AM
I'm in for Myrtle Beach, site H26.
01-06-2012, 11:14 AM
Ed and I would love to join our POG & Royal families! I think someone said that Royal Buses get a discount since it was an original Royal Rally planned ??
03-25-2012, 10:23 PM
It's starting to get almost close to the Rally in Myrtle Beach, the dates are April 30 thru May 5, 2012. Looks like we may have some visits from some old friends in the bussiness with some suprises up ther sleves. Jamis has a lunch deal worked out on Wed. the 2nd and everybody knows how things snowball from there. So those that have not made plans yet get on the phone with Ocean Lakes and tell them you want to be in section H with all the wild children and lets have some FUN. See ya in Myrtle, Bill
Jamie Bradford
03-27-2012, 09:13 AM
We plan on being at the Royale Rally - We are going to have a cook-out Wednesday for lunch for everyone - Rally participants or not.
Who else plans on being in Myrtle Beach for this?
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