View Full Version : RE: My New Old Coach - Back Again!

12-14-2011, 01:12 PM
For all the folks who helped me with the initial electrical problem, I give you another accolade for your assistance. From that story, the RV resort has moved me to an inner spot where the electrical boxes are closer in circuitry than the original place. They said my battery(ies) my need water, and checking the house batteries, they are all sealed. Additionally, the engine batteries are all sealed. Because the inside spaces (versus the outside wall spaces), work perfectly with all panel lights appropriate.

Unfortunately, the resort will now have to move me to the original wall space, and I know I will be dealing with the same issue as before, ie: electrical shortage with shore power. Of course, I could run the generator for the next 3 months, but I'm not willing to do that. I feel the electrical post, being 50A, somehow does not deliver 240V to the coach, and like most women, feels the lack of a volt or two, and starts to short out.

Even though the wall circuitry is long and continuous, I feel there is something amiss with the electrical input, and therefore causes the "spitting" electrical sounds. By the way, the panel does nothing but lights up "001" for line voltage, and "000" for load current. Obviously, I see it as not receiving its' due reward of a solid 50A/240V. Does anybody have any other suggestions, and at this point a grenade is not needed......maybe later!

Thank you for anything you can offer as suggestions.


Reagan Sirmons
12-14-2011, 01:22 PM
Have you checked to see if your actual four pronged plug is making proper contact? Is the plug cracked...for example?
Are the internal connections of the plug tight?
If your panel is showing "000" etc., somehow the electricity is not getting to the box?
Is the master breaker worn?
I am not an electrician but these are thoughts I have. I did not see all of the previous threads so this may not help.
I had a similar issue and changed the plug. That worked for me.

12-14-2011, 02:48 PM
Check 3 things. your plug end to be sure there is full contact on all leads. Check your fuses on both of your converters. Check and reset ALL of your circut breakers.

When you run your generator is everything functioning properly?

12-14-2011, 05:37 PM
Before you go any farther, I would suggest you have a fire extinguisher rated for electrical fires handy.

A spitting or sizzling sound is generally a warning before a connection point is burned off. The cause is usually a loose connection at a screw or crimp terminal. The spitting sound is actually an arc causing a rapid deterioration and heating of the contact. If you are hearing the sizzle you should be able to quickly locate the area of the problem.

Suggest you use an infrared thermometer on all accessible electrical connections. This includes all circuit breakers and wall outlets. Remember the circuit breaker will normally snap or clip on to a buss bar behind the breaker itself. The temperatures of all buss bars, circuit breaker housings and connection points should be similar unless they are overloaded or loose.

12-14-2011, 10:09 PM
Run, don't walk, to your nearest electrician or technician if you don't have the knowledge to locate and fix this electrical problem emmediately.
This is something which needs quick attention and resolution.

Jon Wehrenberg
12-15-2011, 08:02 AM
Dr. Pat,

First, as others have suggested use caution.

But to help us or anyone help you gwet to the bottom of this issue provide as much information as you possibly can. You are going to have to be our eyes and ears.

From what I do know, you had Liberty in Stuart work on it and you considered it repaired, at least for a while. Start by giving us as detailed a description as possible of what Liberty did. What did they check? Did they find anything? Did they replace any part(s)? Can you tell us if they worked on your cord, your transfer switch, a relay, etc?

Since you indicate you have everything working as it should on inverter and generator (that is a correct statement?) the focus has to be from the power cord all the way through it's connections, into the transfer switch, and up to the power wires from the transfer switch to the panel. So to start, where are you hearing noise? Do you have a cord reel or do you use a power cord you connect to the shore power box and to the side of the coach?

Where you hear the sizzling noise is likely a loose or poor connection. That is where I would look first. But I would also work to rule out other potential issues. If you have a cord reel, do you have a separate power cord you can use and plug into the connection on the side of the coach? If so try that, and also try it on the other side of the coach. Just remember if you do that you need to flip a switch to select a source other than the cord reel.