View Full Version : Extended Warranty

11-30-2011, 05:01 PM
We have just recently purchased a 2002 Liberty with a single slide and are wondering if we should purchase warranty insurance. I would appreciate your thoughts on it and also the names of warranty companies.

11-30-2011, 05:13 PM
Welcome Jimmy and Patsy to POG.

Oh the Liberty guys are having a run this week. Limited chest pounding please.

11-30-2011, 05:19 PM
Thanks for the welcome. That what I am hearing. Will check it out in Stuart next week.

11-30-2011, 10:24 PM
Congradulations on your purchase Jimmy and Patsy. Did you have a full PDI on your coach? If not , have the engine, transmission, drive trane, suspension,
all hoses, tires, airbags , etc. inspected. A re built engine or transmission will run 12 to 15 k each.
I have not purchased warrenties for any of the RV's I have purchased. There's always going to be something that breaks or wears out. The question is how much are you going to spend for a warrenty policy, what will it cover, and what percentage will they pay. And then its making sure to call them first prior to doing the repair and getting approvals. Also, can anyone do the repairs or do you have to go to an approved mechanic.
Im sure there is more.

12-01-2011, 08:30 AM
Welcome Jimmy and Patsy and congratulations on your purchase. I have had experience with Extended Warranties on two occasions. These companies have perpetrated that term "Extended Warranties" but they are not warranties at all they are service contracts covering certain components under very specific conditions. On your new to you 2002 Liberty it will cost you approximately $10K or more for a service contract. These companies are not easy to deal with and their whole goal is to save on claims. They also know your time is valuable to you and the more you push them to get and approval for the needed repair the slower they move. The level of frustration that you will experience in dealing with one of their representatives is mind boggling, it makes my eyes bleed just thinking about it. Save your money and your sanity and don't buy a service contract. JMHO

12-01-2011, 09:01 AM
Gary and Lise, yes we did have a full PDI on the bus, purchased it from Liberty in Stuart. I have called a couple of companies, but have not succeeded in getting any answers to cost or what the warranty would cover. Thank you and Ellott & Evy for your replies. We will probably do as ya'll say and not purchase a warranty.

Gary Carmichael
12-01-2011, 09:24 AM
Jim and Pat, welcome to POG, Troy and company do a great job. We purchased extended warranty from Good Sam. Gives me piece of mind, yea I might have to argue a little with the company if I have a problem but will cross that bridge when I come to it. In the meantime, cost 3600.00 per year, again,welcome! Gary, Megan

12-01-2011, 09:27 AM
Welcome Jimmy and Patsy and congratulations on your purchase. I have had experience with Extended Warranties on two occasions. These companies have perpetrated that term "Extended Warranties" but they are not warranties at all they are service contracts covering certain components under very specific conditions. On your new to you 2002 Liberty it will cost you approximately $10K or more for a service contract. These companies are not easy to deal with and their whole goal is to save on claims. They also know your time is valuable to you and the more you push them to get and approval for the needed repair the slower they move. The level of frustration that you will experience in dealing with one of their representatives is mind boggling, it makes my eyes bleed just thinking about it. Save your money and your sanity and don't buy a service contract. JMHO

I agree 100%. I have never purchased an extended warranty, but I talked to a few people who have. The response was always the same; the insurance company comes out ahead and you get the $%aft!

Keep your money in the bank and enjoy that beautiful Liberty.

12-01-2011, 04:11 PM
Welcome Jimmy and Patsy.
We are on our 4th bus, and never bought into "after market" warranties. As Elliot and others have said, keep your money in your hands. If you absolutely have to have one, first, don't finance the warranty into the cost of the coach. These warranties only last a few years, and your note payment will last a whole lot longer, so you'll be paying for something that has expired. Its best to pay up front.
Yesterday, we bought another Chevy truck for work, but we may tow it behind the bus.
After most of the signatures were in place, out came the parade of "after market warranties, including this GPS based battery powered Low Jack box. It was amazing the cost of this stuff. They present these options, scribble on the paper what your final vehicle cost is and it was not even close to what we agreed to. It worked out to $81.00 a month, for 4 years coverage or a total of $3,888.00. Stumbling in disbelief, I lept up saying that's not what we agreed upon. Subtract that S%#% off, or we walk. They did and we left richer.
Why not set up an account, set asside a few bucks, then when the unthinkable happens, pay for it yourself. In the long run, it will be cheaper than the stinking "warranties."

12-03-2011, 11:23 AM
Thanks for all the helpful replies, Jimmy and Patsy

12-05-2011, 10:51 PM
Gary and Lise, yes we did have a full PDI on the bus, purchased it from Liberty in Stuart. I have called a couple of companies, but have not succeeded in getting any answers to cost or what the warranty would cover. Thank you and Ellott & Evy for your replies. We will probably do as ya'll say and not purchase a warranty.

We bought ours there in June. Just picked it up Friday after a return visit for the (very) few bugs left over that we found at POG X. All look squashed, and no charge! Assuming they stay that way when we get back to it, you can't beat that old-fashioned service!

02-06-2012, 02:06 PM
Hi Karl and Natalie, sorry it took me so long to see your post, still new at using this forum. We were also back in Stuart on Dec 5th for the last of our bugs (we hope). Actually, we pulled into Stuart on Saturday, the 3rd.
Guess we just missed ya'll!