View Full Version : POG XI Discussion
Ray Davis
11-02-2011, 07:39 PM
Hi Guys,
Ken Z and I have been asked to try to plan the next POG rally. This rally was announced to be in Las Vegas, next year, and I assume around the same timeframe, i.e. early October.
Ken and I visited three RV parks in Vegas last weekend. We can throw one off the list immediately. That leaves us with potentials of the Las Vegas Motorcoach Resort (the old OR), or one down the street called the Oasis.
There are pros and cons for both places. I'll give a few of the details here, but I'm going to try to get a survey monkey setup, so we can get an idea of what people think before committing.
LVMCR: Beautiful park, large lots, obviously designed for big rigs. They have a large room we can use for meetings etc and a small restaurant, but being owner occupied, we would likely be spread around the park.
Oasis: As Ken describes it, it's more of a plain-jane park, but they have a section in the rear where they are converting dual slots (facing each other) into a single big-rig slot. The slot is plenty long, but streets are narrow coming in and out, and you will definitely be driving off-the-pad to get centered in. But, we could probably get a couple of rows of 15-20 slots each, to get around 30-40 coaches very close together.
They have a nice pool area. They also have a ballroom, but it currently leased to a concession company, and might require additional fees over space rental to use. This might change next year, as they are talking about taking it in house again (for the third time!)
One other thing we'd like to throw out is that the CA group stopped at Lazydays in Tucson, both on the way in, and way out from Austin, and they would love to host us there. TeddyB is already planning a west-coast mini-rally there for February, so I'm not sure if that will affect the decision of people, who might go to both rallies.
Anyway, I will try to get a survey monkey questionaire put together, but so far, that's the issues.
Oh, one thing I didn't mention, if we are going to have a large amount of coaches (in excess of 40+), then it's likely that neither park in Vegas will be acceptable. I've been told a number of 80 coaches, but honestly I don't where that number comes from. The last several rallies (I believe) have been less than 50 coaches.
11-02-2011, 10:24 PM
Hey don't forget about us on the east coast! By the time we have something a little closer, I may be too old to drive!
11-03-2011, 12:52 AM
Ray, dont' know a thing about this other than its new. Mesquite, Nevada is east of LV up I-15
In 2005, Marathon Coach had a rally at The Virgin River RV Resort. Thats when we met the Aristides, owners of your old Marathon We had around 75 coaches. Actually the resort closed down to the public and we had the run of the resort. Its sort like ORA set-up-wise, but all sites are rentable and not owned. And its real close to Zion naitonal Park's west gate, and a great time of year to be there. Also, Bryce national park, and Capital Reef national monument are also within reasonable driving distance for a day of site seeing. Zion's trails are super, especially the one to Angel's Landing, which Chris calls "Chicken-shit-landing. Long story!!:eek:
How the big campground at Pismo Beach. The Tin Can Tourists hold 600+ trailer rally there yearly.
Or Chula Vista RV Resort, Marathon did a rally there years back.
How about the new resort in Napa, don't know a thing about it but heard it was nice., there is a KOA north of Sausilito??
Another would be Boomtown RV Park in Reno or there was one at the Sahara as well. Not too special but large with facilities.
In Las Vegas, has anyone thought about dry camping at Mandalay Bay. Its huge.
Then we have had friends who stay at the resort in Paso Robles.
An I know, some will carp about the poliblilty of snow, and the altitude, but what about Tiger Run in Breckenridge?
there is also an Outdoor at Table Rock Lake I think in Arkansas.
Since most of our rallies have catered food, coach water useage is at a minimum. Would anyone consider a "drycamping rally'? We do it with airstreams and get larger numbers than at a full hookup park.
How about we take over the French Quarter Rv Resort??
There is Outdoor Pacifica Newport Ore. October in Oregon can be spectacular, Newport has the aquarium, light houses, Mo's Seafood Shop, great warf and downtown, and the Oregon coast can't be beat.
And I know, its not much, BUT it is convenient to walk to the Strip, Circus Circus. Country Coach did a Snowbird rally there in 2003 and it was fine.
OK, I'll shut up.
What about your local Fairgrounds. We have run into many fairgrounds that have hookups, while they aren't posh, they're accomodating.
Heck, these two would give you guys another excuse to hit the road for another weekend, Lucky ducks!
My two cents, Lazy Days in Tucson is fine as well. We have known Neville Proud (park mgr)since 2001, and he great!!
Bill Price
11-03-2011, 07:37 AM
Guys here is a new one Coyote Ranch Resort. The location is Wichita Falls, Texas which is better located for everyone. This park is about one year old with numerous meeting rooms, two swimming pools, cabins, catering, alcohol permitted, catch and release fishing. We just finished the Texas Prouds Rally there and the facility was great. Long pull thrus and we could all be together. The electricity, water and sewer were perfect. The staff and owner, Donna Adams did everything and more that was asked of them. I give it a 5 star rating. Wichita has a gun club so I could see skeet and trap shooting possible. I would also think 4 wheeling could easily be done. The park is about 15 miles from the Casinos in Oklahoma. So what does it not have?
Moving POG to the east Coast or West Coast is going to kill the attendance regardless of how you try to work it. We had talked at one time omiddle of the United f the new park in Canton, Texas but alcohol was the problem there. Alcohol is no problem with this location. Google it up and take a look. Lets face it with nearly all states having Casinos Vegas has lost a lot of its glory. When I start to read of narrow parking areas and etc. and older parks I see problems immediately. Then when you add in the group cannot be together the venue starts to look unattractive. Why not go new, the middle of the US and where we can all be together? One more thing this park is located about 4 miles outside of town, easy to get into and out of on 4 lane Texas Hwy 287. This one needs serious consideration!!
Yes I know the argument is we are in Texas again but this is a different part of the state. Texas is just about the center for both coast. The truth of the matter is Texas is lucky to have Buckhorn, Coyote Ranch Resort and etc...
11-03-2011, 09:05 AM
As this discussion unfolds, we need to remind ourselves one thing. These busses were meant for rollin'" and that 's what I want to do!! One of these days those busses will run right over N. America". Anything under 800 miles for us isn't a roadtrip travelling to adjacent states and it doesn't even empty our fuel tank. "See the USA by towing your Chevrolet." .
Ray Davis
11-03-2011, 02:27 PM
Hi Bill, thanks for the link there. Just as a point of reference, the last 3 rallies have been either in Texas or OK. It's been a fairly long drive for those of us who live on the coasts.
I wasn't personally involved in setting the locations for the next two rallies, i.e. Vegas and Florida, but was asked to help get the Vegas rally setup. I would have to agree that I believe we are going to have less attendees than a central rally, and I am figuring we'd only get about 40 buses maybe, plus vendors?
I haven't had a chance to get a survey monkey setup, but let's try and informal survey in this fashion. Please send me a personal email ( and let me know if you would be coming to (1) Vegas, (2) Tucson, or if that's too far to travel? At least I can start by getting an idea of how many people might travel to a west coast rally, and will help with planning purposes.
Jim, I'll look into the Mesquite resort, at least a phone-call at this point (it's 8 hours of driving to and from Vegas). We'll see what they have to offer. We did call Circus Circus, for those who asked, and they really seemed to discourage us. They indicated people would be spread around the park(ing lot), some pull-thru, some pull-in, some backin. They also indicated to Ken that not everyone would get 50A, and might have to have only 30A power. Meeting room supposedly handled only 50. So we pretty much wrote that one off.
11-03-2011, 03:39 PM
OK, Nix on the Circus Circus. Lets go some place NEW! At least a 3 day drive. We can't wait for 2013. It will be a 2200 mile trip one way to Disney World for us, but that's what I call a road trip.
Maybe we could consider going to Quebec; Prevost central?
11-03-2011, 06:38 PM
Suggestion: Something New! Have the rally in an open area like a field or parking lot. All the coaches can park together where ever they want to. We can run our generators. A honey wagon can come around everyday. We can rent a large tent and a portable stage.
It would be like --- camping!!!!
Just a thought!
11-03-2011, 07:11 PM
Yey for Tuga, This is something I have been suggesting. Full hookup Parks present numerous obstacles. An open parking lot or fairgrounds does provide flexibility. A large open area like Prevost did for the Prevost Prouds in Quebec City for the City's 400th b-day. Tent, catered meals the worx
In the past, most of our meals are catered, along with off-site dinners, coach water comsumption-retention at a minumum, we could easily "dry-camp" for a few days, and then as Tuga suggests a honey-wagon run. We could even hire a few rent-a-cops for security.
Tents are not too expensive to rent providing the installer doesn't have to drive great distances and charges a travel expense.
We've rent a 40X60 tent with walls for 1800 dollars for one of our RV events..they're not that expensive.
11-03-2011, 10:52 PM
:oSo, the choices are Oasis or LV Motor Coach. LV Motor Coach because its beautiful, already set up for Prevosts and it can easily accomodate 40 or so buses. Its close to everything and people won't mind coming early and staying a few days after the rally. October is good as well because it won't be full yet with Snow Birds.
Tucson is already set up for one Rally in Feb. 2012. The only advantage is its a little closer for those driving west. It does not have grass, and things to do and see are fewer.
I don't believe we should be talking about any other places at this point, we need to reserve early or lose out. Its a big place so reserving early will get us all close together.
Ray Davis
11-03-2011, 11:14 PM
We are waiting for LVMC to give us a call with pricing and availability. It's not clear that they can accommodate 40 rigs, but they probably can. Much more however does become problematic. Jon mentioned he felt we could get 80 coaches (in an email to Ken and i). I'm kind of doubting that, and if we hit that number, we couldn't handle either location in Las Vegas.
FYI, there were others who commented it was more important to be close together, and would prefer the Oasis. We're not going to be able to please everyone, that's for sure.
Let's see what LMVC responds with as to pricing and availability.
ps: According to Oasis, high season starts on October 1, and they said that they already have 12 rallies booked for October 2012. They too were going to get back to us.
11-04-2011, 10:46 AM
Tongue in cheek (from someone who for myriad of reasons hasn't been to one yet) but this discussion is reminding me of what is happening in Congress!
11-04-2011, 10:55 AM
The decision was made earlier this year by the rally committee to do Vegas in 2012 and Fort Wilderness in 2013. If Vegas can't accommodate approximately 40 coaches, then obviously an alternate location would be needed. Trying to make everyone happy with a location is impossible, that's why the decision was made. The downside to Vegas as we learn from Ken and Ray, is the space. What if we end up with 60 Coaches or even 70? The rally point has to be able to handle the maximum estimated number of coaches or you are forced to have a drop dead cutoff point and good luck with that. We estimated 80 coaches at Austin and ended up with 46, but at least the facility would have been able to accommodate the larger number. We didn't reach 80 coaches at Austin because lots of folks had there fill of Texas after 3 annual rallies. Also keep in mind, when the reservation is made, a sizable downstroke will be needed and it won't be refundable. So if Tuscon is a good alternative, that sounds reasonable and we have had the place checked out by Gary, Ken and Ray.
The next problem is what time of year. October seems to be rally month in the US and Prevost, the Converters, Vendors and Sponsor's get spread pretty thin. So some thought maybe about a different time may be in order. The comments about dry camping as Tuga and others made are good ones. I don't know enough about the weather out west in the fall to really make an opinion. If you need A/C 24 hours a day, that's a concern.
I would encourage anyone wanting to help to contact Ken and Ray, it's a big job and they need assistance.
Bill Price
11-04-2011, 05:36 PM
Take a look:
11-04-2011, 08:30 PM
Nice, but, maybe 2016.
Jerry Winchester
11-04-2011, 10:30 PM
Just like the Trukman said. We promised the West Coast guys a closer rally followed by one on the east coast. We need to determine how many folks will come and see if someone in LV can accommodate us.
11-04-2011, 11:03 PM
I found a great place!
Check them out, its Old Las Vegas.
11-05-2011, 06:43 AM
Gary, Now you're talking. That Recreation room looks perfect for a Cigar Seminar.
11-05-2011, 01:06 PM
I like the term; 'Recreation Area'!.
11-08-2011, 11:15 AM
Suggestion: Something New! Have the rally in an open area like a field or parking lot. All the coaches can park together where ever they want to. We can run our generators. A honey wagon can come around everyday. We can rent a large tent and a portable stage.
It would be like --- camping!!!!
Just a thought!
I _LIKE_ it!
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