View Full Version : B500R Manual

10-15-2011, 06:13 PM
I have a few repairs to complete to the transmission in my coach. The basic info that Prevost supplies does not cover what I need. I was wondering if any one has a copy of the 4000 series Allison manual that they would like to share.

Thanks in advance,

10-15-2011, 09:20 PM
Sorry I don't have it Lee, this link though leads to a source that seems to have what you want at a reasonable price.


JIM :)

Jon Wehrenberg
10-16-2011, 08:02 AM
Lee, I have not investigated fully, but if you go to the Prevost web site according to Bill Jensen who put on a seminar at POG X regarding supplier's documentation he said there are links to the technical manuals for all of the purchased components of importance on the coach. I would start there to see if the Prevost link will take you to the Allison shop manual.

I suspect it will because the Prevost site has become the "go-to" place for all information needed for technicians to make whatever repairs are necessary.

10-16-2011, 03:52 PM
I just looked Jon and I don't see a link yet to anything outside of Prevost except clubs.

Jon Wehrenberg
10-16-2011, 04:46 PM
It will be in the technical side of the site, probably accessed through the commercial coach side of the web site. They are working to improve user friendliness. According to Bill they have data on everything including the Bendix ABS, brake calpers, slack adjusters, the 50DN alternator, AC compressor, etc.

If I have a chance I will try to navigate the site and see oif I can post the steps sequentially. It will be a learning experience for me to get into that detail. I usually go direct to the manufacturer's site and poke around that way.

10-16-2011, 08:38 PM
I may stand corrected but I believe that Prevost can NOT supply manuals and parts for some major components. In the case of engines and transmissions I believe this to be true as few or no internal parts are available through Prevost Parts. I think that Prevost can sell and provide support for assemblies, attaching hardware and accessories only and that internal components and support for such are handled by authorized dealers (Detroit/Allison).

I have a set of manuals for 8V and 60 Series that I have downloaded at no cost. It appears that Allison has manuals available to download at $45 each, they also have some support and maintenance available at no cost.

I was hoping for a freebie.

Jon Wehrenberg
10-16-2011, 10:32 PM
Start on the Prevost web site, go to the seated coach side (not motorhome), go to parts and service, the go here:


Then go here:


Then when you get here:


Click on technical manuals, and at the bottom left go to manufacturers manual, scroll down to Allison and end up here:


I don't know if what is needed can be found here, but it is a good resource. Allison, like Prevost expects techs working on the transmissions to link to their site for everything from diagnostics, to service information, to programming, etc. A password may be required to access what you need.