View Full Version : Texas Prouds Rally October 26-30 Wichita Falls, Texas
Bill Price
10-15-2011, 07:15 AM
Who all is going?
I hated we had to miss POG this year. Next year we will get back on schedule.
Who all is going to Wichita Falls Rally? They have a lot in store even down to an authenic Chuck Wagon for some of the meals. The RV park is brand new and first class so this promises to be a good one!!
For additional information contact John Jackson
10-15-2011, 07:21 PM
Jennifer and I have been invited by some other POG'rs and plan on attending. See you there.
Bill Price
10-15-2011, 07:33 PM
That is good. Will be looking forward to meeting you.
10-15-2011, 08:57 PM
Wayne and I will be there too.....looking forward to a great time!
Legacy Coach
10-17-2011, 04:29 PM
Brandon, Gypsy and I will be there! And this time, no trips to the ER!
Bill Price
10-17-2011, 07:48 PM
What is this ER story I have not been told ? Was it for you, Brandon or the dog??
Again we want to thank you for the courtesy and profesional manner in which the coach sale was handled. The PDI was over the top; 125% effort went into this one. I must tell you that I did find one port cargo light bulb bad. LOL A lot of dealers claim they have great PDIs. I will say there are some dealers that need to come take lessons from Legacy Coach and Liberty Coach on what a true PDI involves. I have now had the pleasure of both and neither of you guys miss anything. Impressive !!! Thanks again and looking forward to seeing you both in Wichita Falls.
Legacy Coach
10-18-2011, 04:48 PM
Thank you so much Bill, your kind words mean more than you know! We are glad y'all are enjoying the coach and can't wait to see y'all! As for the ER story... I think I heard Brandon explaining it to you a few minutes ago.... beware of air doors!! :) See you next week!
Bill Price
10-18-2011, 06:46 PM
OH my did you ever get it. I had not heard of this. I am so sorry you had this happen. We all need to be more careful around these machines. The main thing is you were not seriously injured and will survive to sell us another coach.
Looking forward to seeing everyone next week.
Les Lagerquist
10-21-2011, 04:08 PM
Texas Prevost Rally starts Oct 26 at Coyote Ranch RV in Wichita Falls, Tx. I'm sure a couple more coaches would be welcomed. Going to have some fun events. Last I heard 36 were onboard.
Bill Price
10-21-2011, 05:02 PM
I have been talking to the organizer of this Rally and I can promise you he is doing it right. He and his wife have put a lot to time into this. And I agree with Les I know there would be plenty of room for additional coaches.
Contact person for the Rally is John Jackson 940-839-7402
As I understand it no late fees or etc just come one come all. Very nice brand new park where the Rally is being held in Wichita Falls, Texas.
Bill Price
10-25-2011, 06:52 AM
This Rally is off to a great start. Around 20 coaches arrived yesterday. Looks like the number will top out at close to 50. Chuckwagon meals begin Wednesday morning with the official kickoff date of the Rally. We picked up a new Rally member Doug and Carol from the Ohio area. They were just passing thru, saw the busses, saw the crowd and as they say the rest was history. Not to take away from anyones rally you POG guys are missing another chance to use your buses and missing a great opportunity to meet a great bunch of people. There are people here from all over the United States. This is not just a Texas deal. Its still not to late to attend!!!!
Sid Tuls
10-25-2011, 05:03 PM
Can you post some pictures? Can never get to much of looking at buses.
10-30-2011, 12:20 PM
The Texas Prouds are an extremely nice group of folks. They couldn't have been more open and welcoming to Jennifer and I. We had a very enjoyable time, plus I had one of the top five tacos ever in downtown WF which makes any trip succesful.
Sid, sorry I didn't take any pics, but there was a lot of late model bus eye candy out there. Made for some good sight seeing while walking the worlds smartest dog.
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