View Full Version : POG Mini Rally/ Tarpon Tournament
10-05-2011, 01:41 PM
There has been a great deal of interest in having a rally next May/June at Boca Grande, Fl, with a Tarpon fishing theme. I have made tentative arrangements with a campground and the fishing guides. We are looking at a Mon thru Fri rally with a two day tarpon fishing tournament mid week. Lots of great activities in the area - Shelling at Caya Costa State Park - Dinner at Cabbage Key, where Jimmy Buffett actually wrote most of his songs - The gorgeous little town/island of Boca Grande - Spectacular beaches - and, last but not least, perfect Florida spring weather. If you have an interest, come by the Coachworx coach on space 4 at 5:00 this evening and we will discuss the details - Don't know how many people are going to see this, so help me spread the word.
This will be an opportunity for both guys and gals to catch a world class tarpon, or just relax and enjoy a great time with your POG friends. It's going to be an experience you'll never forget.
10-05-2011, 04:52 PM
It just dawned on me that we might have appeared to limit this event to just the POGGERS here in Austin.......Absolutely not! ALL POGGERS are welcome. The campground has a virtually unlimited number of "big rig" 50 amp sites, but we will need a very accurate count of fishermen/ladies, to be able to book the best guides as soon as possible. The campground is Ramblers Rest in Venice, Fl.- Check out their website. When the plans are finalized, we will post more details here.
Thanks, Ken
10-06-2011, 12:46 PM
Decisions have been tentatively made for the Mini Rally Tarpon Tournament -
Rally Dates - Mon, June 4th thru Fri, June 8th
Campground - Ramblers Rest, Venice, Fl - On the beautiful, natural, Myakka River - Canoeing, Kayaking, fishing , or just sightseeing.
Fishing Tournament - Tue 6:00AM till aprox 1:00PM and Wed 6:00 AM till aprox 1:00 PM - Round Robin format with two fishermen/ladies per guided boat. One non fishing rider per boat allowed. Fishermen will switch guides and partners each day. Married partners can fish together both days...........or not.
Open afternoons tue and wed, and all day thur and fri. to visit places such as: Cabbage Key, Cayo Costa State Park, Venice Beach Pier, Snook Haven, and much more. This area is famous for beautiful beaches for shelling, snorkeling, sightseeing, and nature trails. The restaurants are abundant and interesting. The campground is inexpensive, the Tarpon fishing isn't - Figure $40/day for 50amp/ full hookup site at campground - Tarpon fishing will be $350/day/fisherman + tips, but worth every penny.
Sign-up sheet to follow soon. ANY questions, call me 727-748-2248 Ken
10-06-2011, 06:16 PM
Have it in EARLY May and I'll bring my Shamrock 26.
10-13-2011, 03:06 PM
Sorry Tad - Too many conflicts in May, so the first week in June has to be firm
10-13-2011, 03:20 PM
We can add non-fishing rally attendees well into next year, but we need to know how many fishermen we are going to have ASAP. Fishermen come to Boca Grande from all over the world for a "once in a lifetime" opportunity to fight the "Silver King" and Capt Dave assures me that the best guides will be booked solid before long, so..........If you want to attend the mini rally and participate in the Tarpon Tournament, please respond to this post and I will update the list as the names come in. We need to have our final count in to our guides by Nov.1
Jim Skiff
10-13-2011, 03:37 PM
I am in with my friend Mark Hoffman who will be joining POG. He is another car salesman....go figure. Anyway, that sounds like a lot of fun.
10-13-2011, 06:12 PM
Good by me Ken
Buddy Brown
10-13-2011, 08:30 PM
Dang, Ken. I think this would be perfect for us, but the kids have their finals that week.
10-14-2011, 09:20 AM
Karl - Sounds like I need to hook you up with Woody. His Shamrock is an incredible fishing boat!
10-20-2011, 11:55 AM
As of today, the following have committed to attend the rally
Jim Skiff Coach Fishing
Mark Hoffman Fishing
Doug Cox Coach Fishing
Lee Cox -
Buddy Brown Coach Fishing
guest -
Bob Dodaro Coach Fishing
Barb Dodaro -
Ken Robertson Coach Fishing
Melodie Robertson -
We've got less than two weeks to book our guides - If you can make it, get in touch with me ASAP.......Ken
10-20-2011, 12:04 PM
We can't make it as we have a son graduating from college on the west coast that week; however, below are some pics from my trip with my dad and Ken last May. Incredible action - if you are the least bit interested, go for it.
10-24-2011, 09:57 PM
Sorry Ken, we can't make it. Doing at that time a Camper tour through Europe.
Hope you all do have a good time.
10-27-2011, 02:24 PM
Gordo - Thanks for the pictures - GREAT memories - I still think you should have fought the shark !
Current rally attendee list :
BTW - If you don't feel like driving the bus to Florida, rental units are available at the campground for $500 / wk
Lee Cox.............spouse............?
Barb Dodaro.......spouse.....................
Melodie coach
Remember - Nov. 1st is our deadline !
Thanks everyone - It's gonna be a GREAT time
10-27-2011, 02:27 PM
Will and Antoinette - Sorry you can't make it, but you'll have a great time "camping" in Europe - See you soon
10-28-2011, 11:22 AM
Ken... we want to sign up as non fishing attendees... we can sign up later right?
We can add non-fishing rally attendees well into next year, but we need to know how many fishermen we are going to have ASAP. Fishermen come to Boca Grande from all over the world for a "once in a lifetime" opportunity to fight the "Silver King" and Capt Dave assures me that the best guides will be booked solid before long, so..........If you want to attend the mini rally and participate in the Tarpon Tournament, please respond to this post and I will update the list as the names come in. We need to have our final count in to our guides by Nov.1
10-28-2011, 02:27 PM
Larry n Diane - You Bet - The campground is virtually empty in June so we will have lots of room - We probably need to set some sort of a deadline, just for planning meals, trips, and stuff, but it will be sometime next spring - GLAD to have you aboard!
12-14-2011, 01:07 PM
Tarpon Tamer Tournament Rally Update -
Everything is set for the Tarpon Tournament Rally - As discussed earlier, we have had to book the guides, based on the number of fishermen signed up, and that has been done. I drove to the campground to check it out ( We don't like surprises, do we? ) It is a little tight getting in, and very rustic, but the Rally area is spacious, the sites are large, and plentiful, and the coaches will be a very short walk to the river - I will list the attendees currently signed up, but, again, we have lots of room for more coaches. Our only limitation was the number of fishermen - There is lots to do besides fish - You could stay here for weeks and not run out of places to go and interesting things to do -
Attendees :
Lee Cox.................Guest........................
Guest...................Guest..................... ....
Larry Byrd.............Coach.........................
Diane Byrd.............Guest.........................
Melodie Robertson...Guest.................Shopping Guide
03-27-2012, 04:40 PM
Tarpon Tournament Rally Update - Due to scheduling conflicts on my part, I will be unavailable to participate / organize the tarpon rally - The tentative arrangements have been made, but someone would have to step in immediately and take over for the rally to happen - As you can imagine, I am very dissappointed both in not being able to attend, and; more importantly; in letting those of you who planned on attending down. If I don't hear from a volunteer in the next couple of days, I will contact the campground and the guides and cancel our reservations. Please feel free to contact me personally on my cel - 727 748 2248.
More info to follow soon,
03-30-2012, 08:54 AM
Tarpon Tournament Rally Update - Due to the previously mentioned scheduling conflicts, the Tarpon Rally is officially cancelled - I will contact the campgroung and guides and notify them - I am sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused for anyone involved -
See you down the road,
03-30-2012, 03:38 PM
Sorry Ken, Maybe next year. Thanks for the hard work.
03-30-2012, 09:59 PM
Just recieved the e mail from Millinieum. Congradulations to Ken.
Gary Carmichael
03-31-2012, 07:29 AM
Ken, What's up? Sounds like a move? Come on now spill the beans!
03-31-2012, 08:54 AM
Congratulations Ken & Mel,
Hope the change is everything you want it to be.... they sure have a lot of gorgeous coaches for sale.
Larry & Diane
04-02-2012, 10:20 AM
Yes, It's official - Melodie and I are setting in our new office at Millennium Luxury Coaches - Thanks to all who sent Emails or called with congratulations - The cel # will stay the same 727-748-2248 . I will keep the Email address, in addition to the new Millennium address We are excited to be part of the Millennium team and look forward to seeing all of you soon.
Ken n Mel
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