09-30-2011, 10:29 PM
For the POGers who are attending the Adirondack Adventure this week here is an update of the schedule.
Monday October 3rd
New Jersey Arrivals
Cocktails at 5
Dinner at the DeSilva hacienda
Tuesday October 4th
NYC tour via chauffer driven vehicles departure approx. 10-11 am
options of Ground Zero, Statue of Liberty etc. or optional tour on your own.
Back to NJ and Dinner NYC style thin crust Kinchley's pizza and pitchers of beer
* either monday or tuesday we have scheduled a private tour of the "Les Paul" guitar display at the Mahwah Museum.
Wednesday October 5th
Limousine will depart for NYC approx noon
Broadway matinee of "Million Dollar Quartet"
Dinner optional in NYC or back to the garden state of NJ
Thursday October 6th
Caravan to Lake George Travel Park, Lake George NY. approx 3hrs.
Cocktail Hour time to be decided, heavy appetizers Rick and Wendy's house.
Dinner at Bill and Linda Dators cabin.
Friday October 7th
Weather permitting Lake George antique boat tour.
Boats will depart from the DeSilva Cleverdale dock at approx 12 noon
Tour will be about 2-3 hours
Cocktail hour at 5pm
Dinner at "Ridge Gardens" 6pm
Saturday October 8th
8am Coffee Cruise in a 50's and 60's period antique boat.
Dress warm as the temperature is forcasted to be in the 50's in the morniing.
Optional day Lake Placid , Bennington Vermont, or just enjoy the fall colors.
Dinner will be at the "Boathouse" restaurant. Transportation will be provided
from the Cleverdale docks. Bring warm clothing as we will be serving cocktails
on board and the evening temperature is forcasted to be in the 50-60's.
Sunday October 9th
Early morning coffee cruise for those who want to feel the chill of the morning
Adirondack air. Day time activities are optional. Tour the village of Lake
George, explore the covered bridge section of Vermont.
Cocktails and dinner to be decided
Monday October 10th
departure day from Lake George Travel Park.
The Adirondack trees are at their peak fall colors. Nights can get into the 40's and daytimes can get as high as 70. The weather is forcasted to be crisp and cool.
Monday October 3rd
New Jersey Arrivals
Cocktails at 5
Dinner at the DeSilva hacienda
Tuesday October 4th
NYC tour via chauffer driven vehicles departure approx. 10-11 am
options of Ground Zero, Statue of Liberty etc. or optional tour on your own.
Back to NJ and Dinner NYC style thin crust Kinchley's pizza and pitchers of beer
* either monday or tuesday we have scheduled a private tour of the "Les Paul" guitar display at the Mahwah Museum.
Wednesday October 5th
Limousine will depart for NYC approx noon
Broadway matinee of "Million Dollar Quartet"
Dinner optional in NYC or back to the garden state of NJ
Thursday October 6th
Caravan to Lake George Travel Park, Lake George NY. approx 3hrs.
Cocktail Hour time to be decided, heavy appetizers Rick and Wendy's house.
Dinner at Bill and Linda Dators cabin.
Friday October 7th
Weather permitting Lake George antique boat tour.
Boats will depart from the DeSilva Cleverdale dock at approx 12 noon
Tour will be about 2-3 hours
Cocktail hour at 5pm
Dinner at "Ridge Gardens" 6pm
Saturday October 8th
8am Coffee Cruise in a 50's and 60's period antique boat.
Dress warm as the temperature is forcasted to be in the 50's in the morniing.
Optional day Lake Placid , Bennington Vermont, or just enjoy the fall colors.
Dinner will be at the "Boathouse" restaurant. Transportation will be provided
from the Cleverdale docks. Bring warm clothing as we will be serving cocktails
on board and the evening temperature is forcasted to be in the 50-60's.
Sunday October 9th
Early morning coffee cruise for those who want to feel the chill of the morning
Adirondack air. Day time activities are optional. Tour the village of Lake
George, explore the covered bridge section of Vermont.
Cocktails and dinner to be decided
Monday October 10th
departure day from Lake George Travel Park.
The Adirondack trees are at their peak fall colors. Nights can get into the 40's and daytimes can get as high as 70. The weather is forcasted to be crisp and cool.