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View Full Version : Slides to Digital Images

11-20-2006, 09:44 AM
Can anyone offer assistance, ideas, on the best way to convert the slide projector slides into digital images to be used on the computer. All I can think of is to take a digital picture of the slide projected unto a screen. THANKS IN ADVANCE

11-20-2006, 10:11 AM
You will get a fairly poor quality reproduction by taking a photo of a projection. Both Nikon and Epson make quality film scanners. Another option if you don't have too many slides is to have them commercially scanned at most photo shops.

11-20-2006, 10:13 AM
Jim you can buy pretty good scanners now that will do the job. If you don't want to do the work you can out source it to a person that like to sit at a computer all day. (not me that is why I shoot film) If you google, Slides to digital that will get you close or just pick up a popular photography magazine at the local mag. stand and look in the back.

I personaly would get a scanner so you don't have to mail out the original. Then do so many a week so you don't get discouraged. It will cost some Lews if you have someone else do the boring part.

PS...make sure if you buy a scanner, it has a slide holder, mine holds 12

11-20-2006, 01:18 PM
Thanks Alan and Dale, Now the can of worms is open. I found enhancing technologies: Digital ice and Silver fast. Any opinions on which is best. I found a Microtek Artix Scan 4000TF ? @ $549.99 it offers a lot but there are so many products to choose from.

Ray Davis
11-20-2006, 04:49 PM
How many slides do you need scanned? You can get a ton of slides scanned for $500, so it may not be worth the investment, AND he's hardly automated.

I have a Nikon scanner (CS-5000) which works fine. I'd be happy to scan some for you, if you have a limited amount. But, most Ritz Camera and other photo shops will provide the same service.

The Nikon Cool Scan units are pretty nice at a reasonable price.

11-20-2006, 05:06 PM
Ray, Thanks for the offer but I have too many and I want to be in control. I want to sort and reminisce as I go if you know what I mean.

11-20-2006, 05:29 PM
Microtek makes scanners for others so they are a good scanner. I have one that I use with silverfast so if you have questions. Jim I would try to do all the retouching and enhancing in Photoshop, its best to get a great scan and then work with the file.
Jim I tried to email you and it came back can you check this email? jjc@apk.net

11-20-2006, 07:20 PM
Dale, The email is valid but from my recently closed business, (retired now) I have not looked at it for some time now as there is so much to tend to and it is probably overloaded with crap and turned off by the provider. Thanks for the assistance. I will make a concerted effort to get things squared away and copacetic. My daughter is coming home from boarding school for thanksgiving and the "Honey Do List" seems insurmountable. I didn"t work this hard when I was working!!

11-20-2006, 08:57 PM
Jim -

I haved used Digital Ice in the past (more than likely not the current version) and found it a time saver for those always present flecks of dust and color correction problems.