View Full Version : SeeLevel Tank Monitoring System

09-19-2011, 11:45 AM
Hello fellow POGer's

This is my first time to draw upon the knowledge and expertise available through the forum so don't hold me responsible for errors, spellings or misspeakings.

I am fed up with cleaning the Liberty installed float valves on my tanks - especially the grey/black water tank. It's messy and a PIA from my point of view. So, in searching the forum I noted several posting regarding the SeeLevel system. Back in the days when we had a pop-up camper, I purchased the SeeLevel II Model 709 to install on all of the tanks but decided the system would never work properly due to limited tank heights. The problem was I could not satisfy the installation criteria specified by Garnet Technologies. Since the Model 709 remains in new condition and has never been installed, the thought occurred to me "why not install the system on the coach tanks."

Well, there are a couple of problems. First, the 709 comes with 12-inch sensor strips and only two strips can be stacked atop one another. The height of my tanks is greater than 24". Garnet offers the sensor in a 16" strip but it will not work with the 709 because of a common bus wiring method as opposed to individual circuits for each tank.

Second, I am told by Garnet that their technology will not work on stainless steel tanks. This is because they use a capacitance based principle of measurement and the stainless will block the signal. They have, however, suggested a way around this issue by installing sub-tanks as shown in the attached photo. The sub-tanks can be either a 3" diameter ABS or PVC pipe of the same height as the tanks and they don't have to be in the same area as the tanks but on the same plane. With this arrangement, the 16" sensors can be used in conjunction with their 711T, 712P or 713CC Models. There has to be a better way!

Has anyone installed the SeeLevel system on your coach where the coach is fitted with metal tanks? If so, what method of installation did you use? Has anyone installed a different system on metal tanks that will provide constant readings in a percentage of full capacity?

I would appreciate any and all thoughts on this matter. Thanks

Jon Wehrenberg
09-19-2011, 01:44 PM
Tom, Send me a big stack of paper money and I will let you know how to solve your problem.

OK, I'll take an IOU.

From the lowest point on each tank install the fittings that will allow yu to "tee" off with at least 1/2" tubing to a 4" diameter PVC pipe capped at the bottom. The 1/2" tubing should enter the pipe which should be as tall as your tanks. and which has a vent at the top, preferably of 1/2" tube venting to atmosphere or back into your holding tanks. Locate the pair of pipes which are going to contain whatever is in your holding tanks at the same level as your holding tanks. Bond the See Level strips to the outside of the pipes which on your coach will fit behind the water pump in between the HW heater and the water holding tank. You may have to run the tubing from the waste tank through the generator box to get to that point.

What I do not know is what it will take to get the lines from the strips up to the display which I assume you will want in your coach somewhere.

Hows that for a solution?

09-19-2011, 06:13 PM
The sea-level sensors are set up by cutting traces on each sensor to create an ID for its location BW, GW FW and top or bottom sensor for additional tank height. The sensors are labeled to make locating on the correct tank easy.

I would recommend setting up the tanks as if they are 24 inches in height by placing the sensors starting at the bottom for fresh water. You won’t see a reading over 24 inches but who cares; you only need to know when it’s empty. On the GW and BW tanks start at the top since you only need to know when it’s getting full. Jon’s idea to use an external plastic pipe was great as usual.

The wiring is easy. Each sensor strip has an IP address. One wire going from sensor to sensor then to the display is all you need. The common side can be grounded or use on of the several wires you have from you existing sensor.

Consider an extra display in you plumbing bay, it’s easy to add and nice to have.

Jon Wehrenberg
09-19-2011, 06:45 PM
Excellent detail from John. I think you can pretty much make the entire external part of the system to which the sensor strips are mounted with a visit to Lowe's or Home Depot. The external sections will have to be mounted securely.

09-19-2011, 08:27 PM

Thanks for your comments. I must determine if there is room for the standing pipe. There ain't much space available in either the fresh water bay or the black water bay. Your solution is exactly what I had in mind to do if I decide to go that route. John Klopp idea for locating the sensor strips is well received. Especially for the fresh water tank. I never fill it more than half full.

09-19-2011, 08:31 PM

Your recommendations are well received and would certainly solve the problem as to what to do with the 709 that I have. Thanks very much for your input.

09-19-2011, 11:58 PM
Hi Tom: If you are considering other options, another system that seems to work well is the Headhunter. Reads out in 10% increments and seems to be pretty accurate in my bus. I don't have any idea about your installation, so you would have to do some checking on it.

Take care!