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View Full Version : La Hacienda - High Water Pressure

Gary & Peggy Stevens
08-27-2011, 10:27 AM
Sorry for the thread creep, but didn't know where else to put this bit of information.

La Hacienda in Austin has VERY HIGH WATER PRESSURE coming out of their faucets. I recommend everyone have a fresh water in line pressure regulator on your hose's.

Last year I blew off a line in my water bay, because I didn't have the in line regulator.

I think regulators come standard on all CC models ? :D

Hope this helps.

Gary Carmichael
08-27-2011, 02:40 PM
I believe they are standard on Liberty as well 45psi? correct me if i am wrong.

08-27-2011, 02:48 PM
Thanks Gary....appreciate the heads up!

08-27-2011, 07:26 PM
You most likely still need one on the faucet to protect your hose itself. My hose is on a retractable reel, so if I burst it I have some crawling around to do in the water bay when I get home. I don't like the ones pre set to a certain pressure cause they never seem to obtain that pressure so I use one that is adjustable with a dial indicator for displaying the pressure. I think most all the buses have an internal regulator but that doesn't protect the hose. Say a really nice Prevost on I82 going down the Columbia River Gorge yesterday, was it a Pogger?

08-28-2011, 01:32 AM
Charles, what is a Southern Boy like you doing up here in Yankee Land?
If you get to Walla Walla give a shout.

Jon Wehrenberg
08-28-2011, 07:28 AM
Perhaps Tom can move the portions of this thread so we don't lose the original intent. But to add to the thread creep everybody needs to understand that while campgrounds with either excessive pressure or low pressure are not that common it does happen. When you do experience that the easiest way to deal with it is to use your coach water system and only use the camground water to fill your tank.

For high pressure situations connect your hose and before turning on the campground water, open your tank fill valve. Then when you turn on the water it is going through a hose that in essense has an open end.When the tank is full, turn off the campground water supply before shutting the tank fill valve.

It does not matter if you have a pressure limiting device on your coach or at the hose end connection. If you use the above procedure all the time (and dump your holding tank every time you refill) you will not ever have to worry about other than normal system pressures or the danger of having an overfull holding tank bubble its contents onto your wool carpet. If you absolutely, positively insist on using your autofill feature or relying on campground water pressure then you do need to limit the system pressure preferably at the faucet you connect your hose to.

Unless you use the above procedure, as Gary points out you can have connections in the coach separate, or if you have the original 75 PSI pressure relief valve such as on the Liberty HW tanks you can expect water problems.

08-28-2011, 07:51 PM
Well LarryB I was out in Eugene having Nick Hessler do some electronic work on my CC OTR A/C. My card down in the ECC burned through a trace and the compressor would not come on and also had an over load on the PC board in the steering bay due to some heated and charred contacts. Everythings good now. Driving with a blanket on!! It was to hot in my part of the country to go south so on my long way home to Louisiana I chose to stay to the north. Besides, its prettier up here.

08-30-2011, 12:54 PM
For high pressure situations connect your hose and before turning on the campground water, open your tank fill valve. Then when you turn on the water it is going through a hose that in essense has an open end.When the tank is full, turn off the campground water supply before shutting the tank fill valve.


Sounds good, but my manual fill is a tiny switch I have to keep pushed to the side. Is there another way you know of?

Jon Wehrenberg
08-30-2011, 02:51 PM
Your manual fill does not require you to do anything other than push a switch to open the valve, and to push it again to close the valve unless Liberty has changed their system between your coach and mine.

If you look at the switches on water bay, driver's side one of them should read "tank fill" or something like that. If you press that switch and listen carfully you should hear a faint click of the solenoid valve that is over your fresh water tank opening. The annunciator light next to the switch should light when the valve is open. When you push the switch again the click of the valve closing should be heard and the annunciator light should go out.

It sounds like you are using the auto fill system.

08-30-2011, 03:17 PM

It sounds like you are referencing the manual fill switch from inside the bus.

Jon, is referring to the one outside....

09-01-2011, 10:08 AM
No, actually it is the one outside. It seems that when I push the switch it comes on, but shuts off as soon as it centers itself.:confused:

Jon Wehrenberg
09-01-2011, 11:27 AM
We are talking apples and oranges.

To open the valve for filling my water tank I have a square lighted switch that says tank fill. It is mounted along with other switches of the same design that are for gray water bypass, macerator, port dump, water pump, prime, etc. Pushing the switch for filling the tank once opens the valve and a light adjacent to the switch lights to indicate the valve is open. Pushing it again closes the valve and the light goes out.

I think the switch you are talking about is a toggle switch on the tank level annunciator panel.

09-01-2011, 03:36 PM
We are talking apples and oranges.

To open the valve for filling my water tank I have a square lighted switch that says tank fill. It is mounted along with other switches of the same design that are for gray water bypass, macerator, port dump, water pump, prime, etc. Pushing the switch for filling the tank once opens the valve and a light adjacent to the switch lights to indicate the valve is open. Pushing it again closes the valve and the light goes out.

I think the switch you are talking about is a toggle switch on the tank level annunciator panel.

You're right, it is. There are no switches like yours on my bus.

09-01-2011, 03:46 PM
There were in my 05 and there are the same type switches in my 08.

Jon Wehrenberg
09-01-2011, 04:15 PM

Are you talking about in your bay on the rear, driver's side? I have yet to see an Elegant Lady that did not have the square switches in that bay to control all the functions. Maybe the shine on the copper piping is so bright it prevents you from seeing that little switch panel.

The switch you describe sounds just like the one on the annunciator panel in the cabinet with my AV stuff over the dash.

09-01-2011, 05:43 PM
My '03 EL has the same rectangular switches for water fill. It switches and ball valves for both port and starboard fill inlets in the bays near the fill. Also switches at the bath vanity inside.

Gary Carmichael
09-01-2011, 06:29 PM
My 05 H3-45 is exactly as jon describes.

09-01-2011, 07:00 PM
Mine is like Jon's and the same on the curb side.

The odd part to me is the water level indicator is on the curb side and not on the road side. I think some have it on both sides? Some day I will add the level indicator to the road side.

JIM :)

09-01-2011, 10:14 PM

Here's the pictures. I guess I have been pushing the wrong things. Mostly the little toggles to the right instead of the green switches on the left, which I must have totally ignored! :o

Jon Wehrenberg
09-02-2011, 07:13 AM
Uh, Karl.........you just know we are going to be breaking your chops at Austin don't you?

09-02-2011, 08:15 AM
Expected. But I am not ashamed. I am a rookie! :)

Jon Wehrenberg
09-02-2011, 09:03 AM
The first coach is a very steep learning curve. Even though the seller may spend time explaining everything the information comes at you so fast it is impossible to absorb it all. The worst part is you don't know what you don't know.

The best thing a new-to-Prevost owner can do is come to a rally and ask questions. You don't even have to focus on Liberty owners because a whole lot of the learning relates to the bus as well. Everything we need to know is on the internet, or in the manuals that come with the coach, but there is no sustitute for having another more experienced owner reach up and show you how to take the tension off the belts so you can change one by turning a valve, or show you how to press the two arrow buttons to check transmission fluid levels, or where to shoot temperature readings on your Cruise Airs. Before you decide how you want to modify your coach to suit your needs you will get a chance to see what others have done. You will learn from collected experience the really important things if you take the time to ask questions.

The point is that every one of us gains experience just after we need it. Rather than relying on experience the rally is going to be a great place to have others help you climb that steep learning curve.

09-02-2011, 09:16 AM
Exactly why I will be there! I am going to have to drive the whole way, as Natalie scheduled her shoulder surgery for right before the Rally so that she can piggyback the time off for surgery with the mini-vacation.

09-02-2011, 09:18 AM
I'am with you Karl just learning. Before I had my gallon of coffee one morning I responded to a message here from the year 2007. One little slip and you are fair game.

Point well taken, Jon

Quick question.... are we suppose give Jon high fives when he has good information ?

Jon Wehrenberg
09-02-2011, 09:29 AM
Nobody should give me high fives. First, how do you know I am not making it up? Second, how do you know it is right?

Instead of high fives I want you to give me Maddie. Gary Stevens won't give me his pups.

09-02-2011, 04:19 PM
I'am with you Karl just learning. Before I had my gallon of coffee one morning I responded to a message here from the year 2007. One little slip and you are fair game.

Point well taken, Jon

Quick question.... are we suppose give Jon high fives when he has good information ?
That made me LOL! I'm looking forward to Austin for just this reason.

Also reminded me that when we left the rig last weekend we got to our driveway, 3 hours away, when Natalie says "I don't think I turned off the coffee pot". No calls yet from the KOA, so it probably didn't burn down. If it did, I will try to borrow my gallon of coffee from you.