View Full Version : Jeff Bayley
Jon Wehrenberg
06-24-2011, 07:28 PM
Jeff, who was a frequent poster on POG and who had what could be described as unique ideas is apparently a national wanted fugitive.
That is his mug shot. He apparently has jumped bail on charges of domestic battery (his 3rd offense) and false impersonation according to a bail bondsman from Bradenton. The bail bondsman is Big Johnson Bail Bonds (I'm not making this up) and a reward is offered.
06-24-2011, 08:57 PM
Wonder why he's not on their website? He's probably camped out on Time Square as we speak.
06-24-2011, 09:00 PM
If you recall, Jeff was heading to South America the last time he posted. Wanted a change of scenery.
06-24-2011, 09:30 PM
Good catch Gary. If I remember, he was either going to buy a plane (gasp) or boat.
06-24-2011, 09:39 PM
Yea, and didn't he also show pictures of a huge heavy duty "tank type" Motorhome that he was considering?
Is it just me, or does everyone see his name automatically filled in the username space when doing an advanced search?
Jerry Winchester
06-24-2011, 10:34 PM
If you Google his name and hometown it's classic Jeff. Impersonating an officer heads the list up.
06-24-2011, 11:54 PM
I wonder what happened to the shell that he had for sale?
Jerry Winchester
06-25-2011, 08:16 AM
One hit in the Google search showed he was trying to trade it for a boat. Can't tell if he was successful, but it seems unlikely since one of the other hits was foreclosure.
06-25-2011, 08:47 AM
Yep, this is classic Jeff.
Last I heard about Jeff, he had been involved in an "event" that left his girlfriend, Stefanny, seriously injured. It sounded as if she had possibly been struck, or run over, with a vehicle..... and worse yet, possibly his bus.
Boy, sad to hear about Jeff......I wonder if this will have any affect the bridge I bought from him!
Jerry Winchester
06-25-2011, 09:39 AM
I think she was in jail at some point and that is what precipitated the impersonation charge. However, it appeared at some point they got marrried. Or at least got a license.
06-25-2011, 09:48 AM
I'll bet it's quite a story..... and nobody could tell it like Jeff!
06-25-2011, 10:01 AM
Who smiles while their mug shot is being taken? Jeff!
That says it all.
06-26-2011, 08:48 AM
I wonder what happened to the shell that he had for sale?
Last time I was in contact with Jeff (several weeks ago), it was still for sale. However, given this new information, I wouldn't touch it if it was the last bus on earth (potential legal quagmire).
06-26-2011, 11:53 PM
Doing some research in 2009 he had a charge of "Leaving a crash/ with injury " which was classified a felony and has violated probation.
06-27-2011, 05:14 AM
Doing some research in 2009 he had a charge of "Leaving a crash/ with injury " which was classified a felony and has violated probation.
Which is a kinder and gentler way to say...Hit and Run, as it is called in many jurisdictions. Also shows a Capias Warrant or Warrants at the initial arrest which is a Court ordered requirement to pay a judgement, although these are civil matters, still will get one locked up. Five arrests in one year, in one jurisdiction, all apparently not know about Florida but out west the three strikes law could likely earn a very long stay at the Gray Bar Hotel. On a lighter note, looks like the various wrap sheets show Grecian Formula has been in use not to mention the 70 or so pounds of weight gained in less than one year. Too bad!
06-27-2011, 09:28 AM
Found this bus ad for May 2011. Seems Jeff was tsill trying to sell that shell for far too much, when completed used H3-45 go for less.
06-27-2011, 11:30 AM
Which is a kinder and gentler way to say...Hit and Run, as it is called in many jurisdictions.
Not really. With injuries is a bigger deal. On the other hand, the guy that did it to me paid a $200 fine and called it a day.
06-27-2011, 12:05 PM
I know being "on the lam" is serious legal stuff and the new file name should be Jeff "Whitey" Bayley.
FBI top fugitive Bulger made it 16 years and according to the newspaper, Whitey paid for everything in cash, did not drive a car thus keeping a very low profile.
Jerry Winchester
06-27-2011, 05:10 PM
Aren't both of those busses his? Looks like he ginned up his own website to sell them.
06-27-2011, 07:59 PM
Looks like his own site and wonder why the contact button doesn't work!:rolleyes:
06-27-2011, 10:20 PM
Uh................. does this mean I wont get the money he owes me?
06-27-2011, 11:47 PM
I never met Jeff but I have spoken with him on many occasions. Although his adventures and picadilos are well documented by him as well as others, I always found him to be sincere and informative. I hope he can resolve his problems and get on with his life. The last time he posted we had encouraged Jeff to develop his writing skills as he was certainly a imaginitive individual with a lot of unique skills. Hopefully he can use them positively.
06-28-2011, 05:44 AM
Found this bus ad for May 2011. Seems Jeff was tsill trying to sell that shell for far too much, when completed used H3-45 go for less.
This is actually a website that Jeff had built to market/sell both his buses.
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