View Full Version : Ceiling light switch

06-22-2011, 10:19 PM
Last night our stateroom ceiling lights started acting up.
Instead of high, medium, low and then off with each push of the button, now it's low, off, low, off.
There are 3 switches in the stateroom that control the ceiling lights and they are all acting the same.

In addition, since this started happening, on more than one occasion, when the lights have been off, there is a momentary flash....all 6 lights flash on then off....and appears they are on the high setting.

Any ideas as to the cause of this problem or the fix?


06-22-2011, 11:38 PM
If your switch is a direct line/load it has a loose wire connectin or the switches may be burned out due to loose connection. If the switch controls relays which control the lights, check the relays for loose connections. It does not sound like it is at the lights themselves, but check those after checking the switching first.