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View Full Version : Prevost History

06-16-2011, 08:34 AM
I was Googling Prevost LeMirage so I could learn something about the bus we are purchasing, and came across this link. (http://busexplorer.com/NABus/Prevost-Text.html)

Now it was interesting, but maybe not what I was hoping for. The one we are getting is a 2004. How is that in the scheme of XLIIs? End of an era, beginning of one, etc?

I am already learning that despite it's relative newness the A/V system is not up to my long-term standards. It may need an updated Crestron system, though Liberty tells me that if they do it they won't do HDMI (really?) to the new TVs I would have to install.

06-17-2011, 01:16 AM
The new style XLll began in 2000. This is the stainless steel siding with no rivets. The XL was produced thru 1999, with Rivets. If your Conversion is a 2004 odds are the Coach is a 2003.

06-17-2011, 08:44 AM
It's not, and that is something I liked about it. VIN and model year matched. Kind of justified what I consider the premium price I am paying for it. An '04 VIN translates to an '05-'06 coach for everyone else I have looked at.

06-17-2011, 10:58 AM
Also the 04 shell had the 365 tires and 18,000 LB.front axle with a gross of 54,500 LBS,the slides were much improved in 04.