View Full Version : I made AquaHot work by shaking wires that come out of Webasto...what now?
S Purcell
05-04-2011, 03:52 PM
The AquaHot hasn't worked for quite a while. Those "military" showers have gotten old. So I took the cover off and heard a buzzing noise. I disconnected the fuse and when I reconnected it, I noticed that noise was coming from inside the stainless steel "Webasto" box that's attached to the big motor. I tapped the box with the plastic end of a screwdriver. Nothing. Then I moved a big black wire, out of which go colored wires into the Webasto, and "Whoom!" the fire came on. For a split second. That scared me and I jumped back, letting go of the wire. Then the whole thing happened again when I lifted that black wire again. There was also a clicking noise with the whooming noise.
After standing back and wondering if I should call someone, I went inside, saw that the Aquahot light on the dash had gone out. (again) So I turned off both the Engine PreHeat and AquaHot toggles, then turned back on the AquaHot one and returned to the scene of the whooming. This time, when I jiggled the black wire, the fire stayed on.
Yay, it seems to be working OK now. And the light on the dash is still on after about 45 minutes.
My question is, should I still have someone who knows about Webasto/AquaHot come and fix the problem? Or is it OK/safe/advisable to just see how it goes?
Thanks very much for advise on this general question. I appreciate this forum so much.
Susan, six-month-old full-timer, visiting family in Portland
05-04-2011, 04:02 PM
Welcome to the forum. If I were you I would have an Aqua Hot tech take a look at the unit. You can call Aqua Hot at 800 685-4298 and ask where is the closest authorized service for your area.
You might also want to include a signature line in your posts; it should have your name, what model, year, and converter of your coach (look at other POGGERS signature lines for a good example). If you click on Forum Actions, Edit Profile, and then under My Settings click on Edit Signature. With this signature line checked each post that you make will contain the signature line. It saves you the trouble of having to type your name etc.
Good Luck and welcome to POG!
Jon Wehrenberg
05-04-2011, 07:53 PM
It is obvious from your post something is loose in the wiring or connections. It might be a simple fix determined by looking beyond where you wiggled the wire, or it could be an indication of something loose or broken that is not accessible. Only you can determine that, and once that is determined you can decide if it is something you want to try to fix or if you need someone with skills in wiring, not necessarily Aqua-Hot or Webasto (the burner unit) expertise.
But one thing is for do need to get it fixed because some loose wiring can create other problems with some serious consequences.
If you can post pictures and show which wire(s) you moved to get it to work we can likely give you some advice. Notice I did not claim the advice would be good advice. Welcome aboard if we neglected to give you a proper POG welcome.
S Purcell
05-04-2011, 08:46 PM
Thanks very much for the welcome and advice. I just tried to edit my signature from my Droid. Let's see if it worked. And I will take a picture of the wire when I get home. I'm at relatives' in Hillsboro and will return tonight. Thanks again¡! Much appreciated....
05-04-2011, 11:24 PM
Anyone with a electrical or mechanical bent should be able to investigate that wire for you. It could be loose connection at a terminal or a wire which is burned because of it being loose. So, have someone investigate soon.
S Purcell
05-05-2011, 02:20 AM
OK. Thanks, everyone. I inherited a tester or two when I purchased this coach in September. I haven't yet learned to use it. But I have a kind neighbor who could help me find that short, I know.
OK, I just saved my signature and "Show your signature" is checked. fingers crossed...
S Purcell
05-05-2011, 03:04 AM
I will take that picture tomorrow, Jon. Hasta manana...gracias.
05-05-2011, 08:11 AM
Susan - allow me to offer another belated welcome to POG! You did good on implementing your signature line(s)! Now that you've "broken the ice" with your AquaHot issue, please continue to post early and often as POG could benefit from more participation from the fairer sex! :p
S Purcell
05-05-2011, 11:25 AM
Hello, Michael! That is a warm welcome indeed. Means a lot.
Now to take that picture.....
S Purcell
05-05-2011, 12:18 PM
Took pix, rushing to the gym with family...uploading after that...puff, puff
05-05-2011, 03:15 PM
Susan - based on your signature, can i assume that Magic and Sultan are of the feline persuasion? Where is "home base"? :confused:
S Purcell
05-06-2011, 12:03 AM
It is obvious from your post something is loose in the wiring or connections. It might be a simple fix determined by looking beyond where you wiggled the wire, or it could be an indication of something loose or broken that is not accessible. Only you can determine that, and once that is determined you can decide if it is something you want to try to fix or if you need someone with skills in wiring, not necessarily Aqua-Hot or Webasto (the burner unit) expertise.
But one thing is for do need to get it fixed because some loose wiring can create other problems with some serious consequences.
If you can post pictures and show which wire(s) you moved to get it to work we can likely give you some advice. Notice I did not claim the advice would be good advice. Welcome aboard if we neglected to give you a proper POG welcome.
Jon, here are some pictures. Sorry it took me so long to get them up...visiting relatives can be all consuming. The black coiled "wire" that surrounds green, red, and white wires is the one that I moved, after which the fire came on. Those colored wires go into a plug that plugs into the bottom of the Webasto unit on one end and then up into the electronic "works" (for lack of any technical know, the fuses, terminals, wires, etc.).
Hope this helps and if not, I sure understand why. Thanks for taking a look at this and if you would like a detail or something, just let me know and I'll take another picture(s).
S Purcell
05-06-2011, 12:19 AM
Susan - based on your signature, can i assume that Magic and Sultan are of the feline persuasion? Where is "home base"? :confused:
Yes, my copilots are felines. They can't figure out the human being's propensity for moving on just when they've convinced the other felines in the area to respect them.
Right now, home base is anywhere that I find myself. (newbie full-timer) Before this I lived and worked in the SF Bay Area for 10 years. I was doing tech writing for computer companies. (but not any of the bad manuals that you have read) Most recently I lived in SW Colorado, in a little town called Pagosa Springs.
I started living in Someplace Special last November and have been loving it, even the electrical shorts. Guess I'm hooked.
Jon Wehrenberg
05-06-2011, 08:21 AM
If it is a wire going into a plug or terminal it is probable that the wire or pin in the terminal is not making good contact. If you can, pull the terminal from the Webasto control box try to determine if the wire is properly crimped to the pin or receptacle in the plug. Check both sides, the plug and the box to see if there is any corrosion.
Often plugging and unplugging a terminal a few times wipes the corrosion from the pins and receptacles. The corrosion if any will be a whitish or green powder on the surface. If you see any you can scrape it away but just be very careful you do not touch more than one terminal or wire at the same time unless you are absolutely sure there is no power present. That box is expensive and you don't want to mess it up.
The control box can be removed and if you have pulled the connections from it you will be able to see the receptacle better and there will be no danger of shorting any thing out. My guess is corrosion, and when looking at the terminal pins and receptacles also look very carefully for any corrosion that may have or may be near bridging between two wires or terminals. If you have any trouble with this anyone that has basic electrical skills can help you with it.
05-06-2011, 08:49 AM
Here's a tip for you.... The computer box that your two plugs go into comes off like Jon said. All you do looking at the picture is slide the box outward, you don't have to take off the bolts, it's mounted on a little slide rail.
Angola did a real nice job with the plumbing, copper instead of that junk gray plastic that I have.
05-06-2011, 08:56 AM
Yes, my copilots are felines. They can't figure out the human being's propensity for moving on just when they've convinced the other felines in the area to respect them.
Right now, home base is anywhere that I find myself. (newbie full-timer) Before this I lived and worked in the SF Bay Area for 10 years. I was doing tech writing for computer companies. (but not any of the bad manuals that you have read) Most recently I lived in SW Colorado, in a little town called Pagosa Springs.
I started living in Someplace Special last November and have been loving it, even the electrical shorts. Guess I'm hooked.
Susan - are you still doing technical writing for your "day job"? I think it's great that you can full time while still actively earning a living! We'd love to try that, but haven't figured out how yet! I'm retired/disabled, but Vita is still working hard to maintain the "lifestyle to which I've become accustomed" :rolleyes: Vita is a contract software development program director and just changed companies from SAIC (where she managed the bioterrorism and flu tracking programs at the CDC) back to McKesson, where she spent 12 years previously in her career. Her background, besides software development, is in healthcare radiology and we'd love to travel picking up temporary engagements for her managing/consulting for hospital radiology departments along the way. Maybe one day.... :cool:
Someplace Special looks like a fine, beautiful bus! I know you're as proud of her as we are of our beloved Evangeline! If you're on Facebook, be sure to join the POG Facebook page that JDUB created there!
S Purcell
05-06-2011, 02:27 PM
If it is a wire going into a plug or terminal it is probable that the wire or pin in the terminal is not making good contact. If you can, pull the terminal from the Webasto control box try to determine if the wire is properly crimped to the pin or receptacle in the plug. Check both sides, the plug and the box to see if there is any corrosion.
Often plugging and unplugging a terminal a few times wipes the corrosion from the pins and receptacles. The corrosion if any will be a whitish or green powder on the surface. If you see any you can scrape it away but just be very careful you do not touch more than one terminal or wire at the same time unless you are absolutely sure there is no power present. That box is expensive and you don't want to mess it up.
The control box can be removed and if you have pulled the connections from it you will be able to see the receptacle better and there will be no danger of shorting any thing out. My guess is corrosion, and when looking at the terminal pins and receptacles also look very carefully for any corrosion that may have or may be near bridging between two wires or terminals. If you have any trouble with this anyone that has basic electrical skills can help you with it.
OK, Jon, I can do that...fingers crossed for some nice scrape-ready corrosion. And Tom, I know what you are referring to about that rail...I haven't been brave enough to remove the box but do see how it can be done.
I'll let you know what I find. And thank you again for the hand holding. Brrrrr. Chilly in Portland!
S Purcell
05-06-2011, 02:57 PM
Susan - are you still doing technical writing for your "day job"? I think it's great that you can full time while still actively earning a living! We'd love to try that, but haven't figured out how yet! I'm retired/disabled, but Vita is still working hard to maintain the "lifestyle to which I've become accustomed" :rolleyes: Vita is a contract software development program director and just changed companies from SAIC (where she managed the bioterrorism and flu tracking programs at the CDC) back to McKesson, where she spent 12 years previously in her career. Her background, besides software development, is in healthcare radiology and we'd love to travel picking up temporary engagements for her managing/consulting for hospital radiology departments along the way. Maybe one day.... :cool:
Someplace Special looks like a fine, beautiful bus! I know you're as proud of her as we are of our beloved Evangeline! If you're on Facebook, be sure to join the POG Facebook page that JDUB created there!
Michael, I'll be on the FB page today. Thanks!
That's really interesting about Vita's work. And fantastic that you are together. I look forward to meeting you and hearing more about how you make being in the coach work with a disability.
By the way, your profile picture is fantastic.
I am not doing a day job except for landlording, and am thinking about handing all that over to a <shudder> manager again.
I telecommuted a lot when I was at Cisco Systems. That company is unusual in that it walks its talk (about a body's presence being often unnecessary when you can work over the net). And Cisco managers don't micromanage (amazingly). As long as you are getting the work done, they leave your schedule and geography up to you. I was writing internal doc in the software department, writing and editing things for internal programmers. Not that I'm a genuine bithead. I only helped those folks get their work documented.
I wish you all good luck in creating a situation that is ideal for you and Vita and the buspuppies. Are there any pictures of the family in your profile? I will put some of Magic and Sultan up soon. Magic curls up in a carpeted square area on the dashboard now. Sultan still lays low while we're moving but at least he doesn't dive under the bed covers any more.
S Purcell
05-06-2011, 07:59 PM
OK, Jon, I can do that...fingers crossed for some nice scrape-ready corrosion. And Tom, I know what you are referring to about that rail...I haven't been brave enough to remove the box but do see how it can be done.
I'll let you know what I find. And thank you again for the hand holding. Brrrrr. Chilly in Portland!
Houston, should there by clear oil dripping onto the stainless steel floor of the AquaHot? There is quite a little bit of it there, and I see a yellow stain from old dried up oil there too. It is dripping fairly frequently when the motor is running/flame is on. Could that be causing this problem?
I am going to get an expert to open that "boiler room." Don't wanna do it myself.
At any rate, I was able to determine that the contacts are clean and the Webasto turned on fine when I flipped the switch on the dash and then eventually (after I had run the hot water for a while), the burner came on just fine. But after I noticed the oil drip, I turned it off. Any recommendations besides call AquaHot?
Thank you so much, Jon and Tom. I appreciate your walking me through this very much. It's great to understand that complicated furnace better.
05-06-2011, 09:24 PM
Does the clear oil smell like diesel fuel? How comfortable are you with some basic tools? It's pretty easy to pull the burner head off and see where it is leaking..... Here's a troubleshooting manual so you can see what the insides look like -
Larry W
05-06-2011, 11:13 PM
Aqua hot leaking fuel, if I remember there was a recall on about your age aqua hot to fix the pump. On a 2000 year plastic coach I had before the bus I had a big oil leak. Took it to aqua hot and they replaced the pump. Aqua hot no longer does service but will porvide a list of those that do. If you remove the control box where the wire plug in it may not be as easy as it looks. There is a lock pin that for me requires some rather hard prying to get the box out. Would offer to come help but am leaving for Denver tomorrow. We live in Montrose, CO. As LOC agrees do not drive the bus on US 550 north out of Durango
S Purcell
05-07-2011, 03:41 AM
Does the clear oil smell like diesel fuel? How comfortable are you with some basic tools? It's pretty easy to pull the burner head off and see where it is leaking..... Here's a troubleshooting manual so you can see what the insides look like -
Oh and yes, I am pretty comfortable with tools. It's good to know that the head can be looked at. I'll see if I can do that tomorrow, if not on Sunday....
S Purcell
05-07-2011, 04:13 AM
Aqua hot leaking fuel, if I remember there was a recall on about your age aqua hot to fix the pump. On a 2000 year plastic coach I had before the bus I had a big oil leak. Took it to aqua hot and they replaced the pump. Aqua hot no longer does service but will porvide a list of those that do. If you remove the control box where the wire plug in it may not be as easy as it looks. There is a lock pin that for me requires some rather hard prying to get the box out. Would offer to come help but am leaving for Denver tomorrow. We live in Montrose, CO. As LOC agrees do not drive the bus on US 550 north out of Durango
Hi Larry,
What a trip to meet someone with a Prevost in the SW CO mountains. I was sure I was the only one when I drove it from Indiana to Pagosa Springs last September.
It is awfully kind of you to think of coming over to help me out. That's terrific and I thank you for the thought. I left Pagosa in November, though, with the season's first significant snow storm on my heels. I thought it would be a great idea to cross the rez. Man, did I get hit up to buy Indian jewelry. I got teased a lot. It ended up being a good experience.
I am in rainy and chilly Portland, OR, visiting family. :) But thanks again and have a great trip. By the way, I crossed Wolf Creek Pass on only my third day of driving the coach. I got encouragement from a tourist-bus driver and a big-rv owner, at a rest area in Alamosa. All good. And I remember leaving the campground in Pagosa at night and turning left in Durango toward Dolores and the rez. Good memories.
05-07-2011, 10:13 AM
That must have been your bus we recently saw at Marathon in Coburg.
We recently discovered our Webasto was leaking diesel fuel from the bottom as well and I had to replace the pump. When I read the manual I discovered it recommends replacing the pump every 5 years so yours is probably due.
The pump is not hard to replace, I have instructions if you need them. If the aqua hot pump is like the Webasto be sure and get the kit which contains the small fuel pipe and washers. The LDS 18 special grease they recommend using costs more than the pump.
05-07-2011, 11:32 PM
My new to me Royale with an Aqua Hot/Webasto has a bad fuel pump and I'm waiting on parts. I suspect the problem is with the "O" ring, but good luck trying to find parts to rebuild them.
05-08-2011, 12:19 PM
I read on someones blog that an Ace hardware #84 o-ring will work in the fuel pump if you want to try it - much better than buying a new pump.
Jon Wehrenberg
05-08-2011, 01:36 PM
O rings are generic and should be available at any supply house that caters to industrial customers or any rubber gasket and seal company. All you need to know is the two diameters and what it is exposed to such as diesel fuel, heat, water, coolant, etc.
S Purcell
05-18-2011, 12:06 PM
Whew, I've been spending all my time with my brother, who arrived a little over a week ago. Big reunion with all the family here. It's been great and also unforgiving of time for AquaHot repairs. Just wanted to let people know why the silence...I will be returning to the issue soon and again, thanks everyone who sent help in response to my flare.
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