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Jerry Winchester
04-24-2011, 10:44 PM
By way of a short explanation, i typically don't get the chance to post much on the forum, typically because I have a grade A full-time job and a family full of activities with no end. But as some of you heard, I somehow managed to injure a nerve in my back that has caused me Country Coach level pain and I basically spend the day in bed with minor trips to the loo.

I was on the mend last weekend when I took at full reversal and have been in as bad a shape as I was at the Oysterfest. So, other than sit here on drugs, I have used some of the time to do some POG X work and then generally jack with a few folks on the form, which used to be a more full-time job for me.

So, no I haven't retired to sitting around in my underware computer stalking all day yet (you guys know who you are). It's just this is about the only thing I can do laying on my back hurting like a mutha, so hopefully for all of us, it won't last much longer.

04-24-2011, 11:13 PM
Dude, that sucks. This is getting beyond serious. Maybe time to do a bungy jump and realign all that stuff.

04-24-2011, 11:50 PM
Oh Jerry that's too bad...No fun being down... however we will enjoy reading your "comments" and "hints" on here while you have nothing better to do..
We do hope you're up and around in no time... get well soon !!

04-25-2011, 12:06 AM
Does this mean that we will soon see some new POG Recipes??? Had back surgery myself a few years back , then knees replaced, does work some wonders, hope you get better ...sooner (is that an OK word?)

Jerry Winchester
04-25-2011, 12:17 AM

A reasonable word when it refers to the passage of time; not when used to reference a land thief.

04-25-2011, 12:28 AM
Hi Jerry. I know everyone has their own remedy for these things. mine has been stretching, with Yoga being the method. Helps alot.

Jerry Winchester
04-25-2011, 12:54 AM

That is in fact the route we are going to take. Rae does it locally from a yogi who wants her to instruct. One of the kids I used to give a wedgie to in gym everyday is an ER doc in OKC (I played for his dad in HS, so we are good friends now) and he said building both flexibility and core strength would help, along with loosing a couple of pounds. So I'm down 32 lbs, with about a third of that in one BM, (seems hydrocodone causes industrial strength constipation-no shit), so I'm glad that bad boy didn't end up in the bus grind-o-matic last weekend or I'd been back up to Marathon or over to the saw shop for a sharpening.

Jury is still out with me on this macerator toilet, but if it makes it thru football season it will be a miracle or the damn thing really works.

04-25-2011, 07:53 AM
I thought you were on a posting marathon to capture the title of "POG's most prolific Poster"!

Jerry Winchester
04-25-2011, 08:31 AM

It would appear that way, so thus my disclaimer. I'm also worried about your Harley statement. I was always told "You ride'm, you work on 'em" and "No oil under them, no oil in them". Was I misled?


04-25-2011, 08:47 AM

It would appear that way, so thus my disclaimer. I'm also worried about your Harley statement. I was always told "You ride'm, you work on 'em" and "No oil under them, no oil in them". Was I misled?


I dunno Jerry...... 5 Harleys and nary a drop of oil on the ground.

I know, kinda spoils the image doesn't it??

04-25-2011, 08:56 AM
It was always "You fix them, then ride, then fix again. The no oil under then is correct. There is no oil in it.

Wishing you the best from the Country Coach side.

All that Big Talk in another thread about the next POG thingy; and something about bringing hell with you----Well that must be OxyMoronCondone talking?


04-25-2011, 09:11 AM
Well they are called a "Constant Loss Oil System" and I have 20 baking tins full of oil to prove it

Ron Sink
04-25-2011, 10:24 AM
Try Dr. Mitchell on 2978. He told me what to do and I NEVER had to go back!!! That's my kind of Doc.

Gary Carmichael
04-25-2011, 10:41 AM
Jerry, been down that road, ended up getting shots to kill the nerves, works! lasts 18 months then do it again (RFL) like the song says " getting old is a drag"

04-25-2011, 12:29 PM
It was always "You fix them, then ride, then fix again. The no oil under then is correct. There is no oil in it.

Wishing you the best from the Country Coach side.

All that Big Talk in another thread about the next POG thingy; and something about bringing hell with you----Well that must be OxyMoronCondone talking?


I don't know King, a sleeker, slimmer JDUB fueled by Hillbilly Heroin may not be the best pot to stir.....

04-25-2011, 04:11 PM
Man my sympathy goes out to you.:( I sure am sorry you are missing a good chance to try out the new 6 Million dollar toilet that the Marathon hazardous waste guys fixed for you. Field trials would be an appropriate thing to do to check out the repair job but I guess it will have to wait till POG X. You know, if you really feel this bad, go on and trade the Marathon on a Country Coach. Since I am single, I have plenty of nurses here in Louisiana I could send over to help you ease the pain.
Need any help, let us know. Get well soon. Maybe some of this stuff will help with the pain, if it doesn't hurt to laugh.:)

04-25-2011, 05:51 PM
Jdub - Posted on FB, but figured I'd push the envelope a little more - As long as you're laid up and available, what do you think 'bout gettin' us a FB page - Like it or not, it's how people are getting the message out.

Jerry Winchester
04-25-2011, 06:09 PM
Charles Brown - You're first official "Bite Me"

Ken, funny you would mention that because I have spent the last two hours trying to figure out how to do that. FB, like it or not, is taking over blogs and about every other source of social media and we need to be out there on the "foreskin of technology" if possible. We don't need it to replace out forum for technical info and issues, but to keep the more social part of our relationships from being buried in a ton of posts about macerator toilets keeps our other dialog from drying out.

I personally think it could help our group solicited more members and do a better job of communicating to the ones we have. And FB is easier to post pictures to and you can update from your phone - the list goes on. I'll figure it out, unless there is a closet FB guru out there that can walk me thru it and let's give it a try. Gotta be better than owing a nuke powered turd grinder, eh?

04-25-2011, 08:52 PM
I will wear the "Bite Me" as a badge of honor. Really, I know your pain. Get well soon, oh and if you need the bus exercised as John W. suggest we do, I will come get it and your Love's card and make a quick trip to California. I am sure I can have it back in Austin in time for POG X!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

04-25-2011, 08:58 PM

Now you've done it! Jon hates to be called John.:p

04-25-2011, 09:15 PM
You are so right. My sincerest apologies Jon. I forgot, after all I am just a dumb ass Country Coach owner. What else would you expect.

04-25-2011, 10:43 PM
Jerry, I will give my testimony here also. Injured my back years ago and periodically get in situations where my muscles are weak and over do it. Last episode was--couldn't walk, dragging leg, and severe pain except when flat. Anesthesiologist gave me an epidural once a week for 3 consecutive weeks. Did the job and Haven't been in the situation since. That was 3 years ago. Sure there are days where you tweak the back but nothing like pain down to the toes anymore. As a nurse, just ask your physician to refer you for this. At least ask for the consult with an anesthesiologist.
Sorry you are having to go thru this. Everything is miserable with this type of pain!!!

Jerry Winchester
04-25-2011, 11:41 PM

That is just what I did. Got thru the second epidural and was really doing well. I had a small sinking spell, but they gave me the third epidural. First day was good and it's gone downhill from then. That was last Thursday and now I'm back between the bed and the bathroom. Follow-up visit this Wednesday to sort it out.

Jon Wehrenberg
04-26-2011, 07:34 AM
As long as we are acting like old farts and talking about health issues I will share my back pain story.

I used to manufacture and install concrete burial vaults in the ground. Very hard physical work, but never a problem. Getting 3000 pound concrete boxes across cemetery lawns into a hole in the ground through mud and snow was hard physical work but it never affected my back at that time. Then I buy a manufacturing business's assets and while welding conveyor track I apparently did something to my back. Nothing immediate, but that evening I had pain like I never experienced before.

I got the muscle relaxants and pain pills and the pain got worse. I was in bed and could not find any position to lay that wasn't painful. When everything below my belt shut down and I couldn't pee, poop, or move I knew it was time for an ambulance. I forced them to drive 20 MPH because every bump was like an ice pick in my back and left leg.

As soon as I got to the emergency room I got a shot of something that knocked me out. Darvon I think. In the middle of the night I woke in pain again and the nurse gave me another shot. When I woke up in the morning, no pain. I had to pee so I swung my legs over the edge of the bed and put my feet on the floor. I could feel the cold on my right foot, but no feeling on the left foot. I walked to the bathroom and did my thing and felt zero pain. The only difference was I had no feeling along the outside of my left leg all the way down to the foot. Still don't. But I didn't have pain, and to this day I have never had a recurrance of pain which was in 1984 so I guess the issue was resolved.

The lack of feeling has made some changes in how I function. I can't feel how much pressure I put on my foot so I flat spotted a tire on the plane. I now use my eyes to gauge how much brake pressure I apply. The bottom line is I will accept a numb leg and foot for that pain any day. Until I had back pain I thought my employees that complained about it were malingerers. Not any more.

04-26-2011, 09:36 AM
Sorry to hear about your pain Jerry. Have you tried chiropractic?

04-26-2011, 10:42 AM
back pain is relentless, I know I am stating the obvious, but I agree that strengthening your core (ab muscles imparticular) will help hold your back. They have made great strides in back surgery procedures. That being said, I would only go that route as a last resort. I would also look for a certified muscle release therapist. This has proven to be extremely helpful in situations like yours. My niece has three ruptured discs in her back from a car accident and MRT has helped her tremendously. Believe it or not, so will ubiquinol (the only form of CoQ10 to use). Meanwhile, keep us all entertained as only you can!


04-26-2011, 11:05 AM
back pain is relentless, I know I am stating the obvious, but I agree that strengthening your core (ab muscles imparticular) will help hold your back. They have made great strides in back surgery procedures. That being said, I would only go that route as a last resort. I would also look for a certified muscle release therapist. This has proven to be extremely helpful in situations like yours. My niece has three ruptured discs in her back from a car accident and MRT has helped her tremendously. Believe it or not, so will ubiquinol (the only form of CoQ10 to use). Meanwhile, keep us all entertained as only you can!


I am in the process of trying to rehab a re-injury of a knee on which I had ACL reconstruction 5 years ago. My therapist is working on my core to try and straighten up my frame. He is using muscle release in the abdominal area, along with muscle excercise throughout the core and it is pretty amazing the difference it makes in realigning things.

Honestly I was skeptical at first but I am fast becoming a believer. Favoring the knee was causing me to stand and walk crooked, which in turn was causing back and neck spasms. This all in turn continued to aggravate the knee.

We will see how the knee responds to all this but at least the therapy is working to remove additional stress on it, and stress caused by favoring it.

04-26-2011, 11:39 AM
Having back surgery (L5 removed) in 1991, both knees replaced in 2006 (one at a time) and Cancer Surgery in 2004, I feel that I have spent my time in the Hospital and under Medical Care. Improved procedures , diagnosis , and therapies have greatly improved. End result ? Some reduced activities one of which is not recurring pain such as has been described. Seen my share of it, tried as much as I could to stay out of "Under the Knife" situations, but had to make the difficult decisions and go on with my life. Have I done the best thing? I think so, I don't have the pervasive pain that over rules any life style, some difficulties, but we live and evolve. Stay strong Jerry, you will come around it. I remember too well, in recovery room from the back surgery realizing that the constant excruciating pain was gone. Go get em.

04-26-2011, 01:02 PM
I am in the process of trying to rehab a re-injury of a knee on which I had ACL reconstruction 5 years ago. My therapist is working on my core to try and straighten up my frame. He is using muscle release in the abdominal area, along with muscle excercise throughout the core and it is pretty amazing the difference it makes in realigning things.

Honestly I was skeptical at first but I am fast becoming a believer. Favoring the knee was causing me to stand and walk crooked, which in turn was causing back and neck spasms. This all in turn continued to aggravate the knee.

We will see how the knee responds to all this but at least the therapy is working to remove additional stress on it, and stress caused by favoring it.

Gordon, glad to hear this is working for you. I always prefer less invasive means when possible and have seen enough through nursing to know that keeping an open mind is a good thing!


Jerry Winchester
04-26-2011, 02:22 PM

My first trip was to the chiropractor. Went three times and I was only getting worse. When the MRI came back I could see why; I don't know how he could have coaxed that disc out of that canal away from that nerve. And now my back muscles are so tight trying to protect my spine, which seemingly has nothing wrong withit, that the whole reason for the epidural was to get the steroids and pain meds right to the spot where they could do the most good. Even the skin on my shin hurts like hell, so I'll see the pain guy tomorrow and let him know he is about to go off the clock, see the electrode needle poking masochist in the afternoon to see if he has any bright ideas, then to a neurosurgeon on Thursday about trimming this disc that's rubbing on the nerve. I'd piss on a spark plug if I thought it would help.

04-26-2011, 05:12 PM

Man I feel for you! I have never experienced anything like you describe. Hope the doctors can help you soon. Keep us informed - we're praying for you.

04-26-2011, 06:09 PM
Jerry, I will talk to Loc and see if I can get him to try the "Spark Plug Method" you mentioned to see if he feels better!
Sorry you are not feeling well, get well soon and yell if I can help with anything.

04-26-2011, 09:38 PM
I don't know why but the spark plug image makes me think of the Diet Coke/ Mentos display. A lot of fizz and hopping around.

Seems there was some noise too.

04-26-2011, 10:55 PM
As long as we're sharing ailment stories.........As we speak I just happen to be in the process of passing a kidney stone. My 4th one over the years, I think I'll make a bracelet out of them.

04-26-2011, 11:04 PM
When I was 40, I had pain and numbness down my left leg. The MRI showed my lowest disk had decreased in size 35 %. I purchased a small inversion machine which I can invert my body at the hips upside down. That stretches the spine and allows licquid into the discs. I would do that every night before bed for years.
I stopped that and now use Yoga to essentially do the same thing. Fortunately, I have not had the pain or the numbness since then.