View Full Version : Air Springs & Brake Chambers
04-20-2011, 11:06 AM
As my bus has reached the 10 year mark I am anticipating changing out the air springs and brake chambers as suggested here on the site. I intend to do the work myself, for the experience, ie: to cheap to pay Prevost for it. I stopped by Prevost F.W. and received a quote listing the part numbers and pricing for the parts. (see below) I would like to get confirmation from any members that might be familiar with this work that these are indeed the correct part numbers for my 2001 XL11 chassis. Also, as I've seen mentioned here that I might find the brake chambers for appreciably less money at a truck parts warehouse like Truck Pro can anyone tell me what part numbers I would reference?
Thanks in advance for any guidance offered.
Air Springs
Steer 630151 $157.00 ea.
Drive 630260 $132.00 ea.
Tag 630259 $109.00 ea.
Brake Chambers
Steer (right) 641309 Type 24 r $93.54 ea.
Steer (left) 641312 Type 24 l $93.54 ea.
Drive 641432 Type 24/24 $271.58 ea.
Tag 641308 Type 16/16 $287.00 ea.
Jon Wehrenberg
04-20-2011, 02:24 PM
I think the air bag numbers are correct.
However I seriously doubt if the brake chamber numbers are correct, but I say that having no experience with an XLII.
As has been posted here the brake chamber trade number is the square inches of surface area of the brake diaphragm. I think your coach weighs a lot less than mine, but if those brake chamber numbers are correct you are getting your stopping power a lot more efficiently than on my coach. I would suggest you double check to verify if those sizes are correct. It is easily done because the brake chamber type is stamped on the can.
On my vintage coach my steer axle has a type 30, my drive a type 30/36 with the 30 being the service brake and the 36 being the emergency brake, and a types 16/24 on my tag, 16 for the service brake and 24 for the emergency. My coach weighs 46,600.
I think your brakes are all caliper (mine, drums on the drive) and your brake chambers are oriented to apply 90 degrees from how mine are activated.
As to pricing the steers should be in the $35 range, the drive and tag if they are as you list in the $110 to $120 range. If you do have brake chambers sized as mine are the 30/36 is usually not stocked at the local level but is a distribution center item readily available. The 16/24 brake chambers, if that is what you have can be made from a 16/24 piggyback and a type 16. The only place I was ever able to find a 16/24 was here:
If you have been supplied with the correct brake chamber size information that is good to know that
09-02-2011, 05:26 PM
Wondering if anyone that has changed brake hoses and chambers has found that the hose sold by Prevo that goes from the drive chamber to the brake valve is now supplied with a 3/8" male pipe thread on the valve end and not 1/2" male pipe as the one I removed. Both hoses still have dated part number tags visible and neither Prevo sales nor Bill Jenson knows why the difference. I used a reducer to use the new hose and can't stop thinking of the why of this. The hose is made by Parker.
The sales desk states that the same hose pt no goes back to 1989 and that his description specifies 3/8" male pipe thread, so where did the hose I took off come from and can anyone speculate whether the orifice through the 3/8" fitting is large enough. Probably so, I'm thinking since the ID of the nylon DOT tubing is about that size.
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