View Full Version : Member Locations
11-08-2006, 09:22 AM
Hey everyone, was wondering about this Idea of a member locations. It we put it under information sharing would this be a good tool to use when traveling to see where members live. Or just to get a idea of the members locations accross the USA.
Jim Skiff
11-08-2006, 10:02 AM
I am going to shoot out an email to all members interested in being included in a directory as Donna suggested at POG II. After we get that information in I could create a clickable USA map of member locations per state.
11-08-2006, 10:33 AM
Great Idea! I'm in!
Now I'll know where to stop for dinner as I cross the states to POGx.
11-08-2006, 03:51 PM
Dale, Jim & MM I'm in also. Picture of the owners and their coach please. Shirley and I met some wonderful people at POG2 but in the short period we were there we came away with more questions about who was who than answers.
Yeah I know I'm old and slow, but I think I had a lot of company on this subject.
Sounds great... just hope it's easy for those of us who fulltime and don't have a fixed location.
11-08-2006, 07:56 PM
i'm in too. Let me know what to do.
11-08-2006, 09:06 PM
It would be great to have a directory with our POG contacts all across the country in case of a breakdown or illness. I sure have no problem sharing my address and phone numbers in case someone needs help. I think it would give eveyone a little peace of mind knowing they can get assistance, help and support from the members while on the road.
The maps a great idea, followed up with an online directory through the POG site.
Jon Wehrenberg
11-08-2006, 09:31 PM
I would strongly second what Tom just suggested.
If I could be assured that only legitimate POG members could access the information I also would be willing to list my phone numbers (my mother does not even have my cell phone numbers) and address, including a map because getting in my driveway is a one way affair.
If such information is going to be accumulated I think it would be beneficial to list if you can help with repairs, help with over night parking, or would be available to assist someone in distress, such as maybe helping drive a bus home if the owner becomes too ill to continue.
This site has become one in which we are all helping each other and I think Tom's idea is an extension of that.
Toy Box
11-08-2006, 10:17 PM
I'm in. Ialso do something similar on a couple of motorcycle and nascar sites. Very helpful to folks at times, just try to keep down the sales calls and mailings from everyone who thinks they have a bus or a new plot of land in a "new" vacation spot.
11-08-2006, 10:44 PM
I would be in also, -Jim you could come up with a key as to what service or help could be offered by each POG member ( overnite, electric, water etc., mechanical, driving assistance etc.) - Hey Jon have your mother call me - I'll get her the number.
11-08-2006, 11:17 PM
Good plan. FMCA does the list in their January membership directory in which I am listed for assistance etc. We live within two miles of I 80 at the Ohio Pennsylvania line and a couple of years ago I received a call from a broke down RVer stuck in the Welcome Center coming into Ohio. I found a repair center just off the Interstate and within three hours they were able to continue on with their way. I don't know who was happier, the parents or the kids that thought they were going to miss the summer vacation. Count me in.
11-08-2006, 11:35 PM
Good thoughts. Perhaps this personal list of information should only be emailed to POGers and not available on the internet.
11-09-2006, 06:25 AM
Count us in. Ellen & I are going to request a Target Bullseye on Springfield, Ga. since they are responsible for re-locating us there.:cool: Ken
11-09-2006, 06:38 AM
Updated at Ken's request...
Jon Wehrenberg
11-09-2006, 08:01 AM
Where's mine in Knoxville? The driveway is one of the wonders of the world.
11-09-2006, 08:10 AM
The Mango Grove, Alexandria, Va.
11-09-2006, 08:34 AM
Count us in please, oh wait, I see that Dale already has:D I remember discussing this at the POGI rally and everyone who attended wrote down there address, email addys, etc.
Jim, do you still have those? Glad to hear that miss Donna reminded you at POGII;)
Everyone is welcome to camp out here since it appears Bob-00 and myself have no plans to travel anytime soon, at least not for any distance.....We could have a farm rally, kind of like farm-aid but without Willie? Ha~!
Kevin Erion
11-09-2006, 09:07 AM
Dale, Orange, CA. just 2 miles from Walt's famous Magic Castle where dreams come true. I think they should have a Prevost on site to satisfy your fantasy.
Sign me up,
Jim Skiff
11-09-2006, 09:14 AM
We're listening at this end. I like all the ideas and Dale's map is great. Just the names on the map and a printed directory of non-commercial members which could include a picture of the member(s). We also have concerns about members being harassed with offers, coaches, etc. Mike, and posting everyone online could lead to some serious hassles.
I do have addresses and information from members from POG I and some from POG II but I want to create a form that allows you to share as much or as little information as possible and as members pointed out, to what degree they would be able to assist or accomodate others.
So, expect an email soon and we'll get going on it. Also keep the suggestions coming.
Jeff Bayley
11-09-2006, 11:03 AM
I would like to sign up for this also. It would be great to be able to meet up with some people instead of having to wait for a rally. There was a big shinny new H3 parked here (still here) at this RV park in Malibu and I left a note on his door saying something to the effect of "Howdy neighbor and fellow Prevost dude. Want to join us for a glass of wine at the bottom of the hill sometime and trade stories?". He never called or came by. Snob ! Guess he can't be bothered with me and my old 1997 model. Shined me off. Anyway, the point is that not all Prevost owners want to make a new Prevost friend I guess and being able to meet up with each other in person sounds fun.
I'm gonna go flick a booger on that guys windshield now. (hope he's not creeping around this forum. Oooops).
Jon Wehrenberg
11-09-2006, 12:33 PM
There is one solution to avoiding membership lists and information leading to problems and that is to compile a list with all the information and email it as an attachment or just print out a hard copy annually to be mailed to current members.
I would prefer a hard copy that could be kept in the coach, but then again I may be the only computer illiterate here.
11-09-2006, 08:11 PM
Please add us to your map: Hubbard, OH, first/last exit on I80 in Ohio.
11-09-2006, 08:45 PM
Hang on, we want in on this. We are in Wheat Ridge, Colorado. 2 miles east of a Camping World.
We have 50 amp and water hookup. For "black water", you will have to cross you axles.:D
2000 Marathon "H"3-45, with various towed's behind
Jon Wehrenberg
11-09-2006, 09:05 PM
OK, I'm going a little off the chart here, but since part of what we are doing in this group is helping each other, and we are getting an impressive level of collective expertise, and it sounds like there are assets we have that could be of tremendous value, should we consider pulling all of this together?
For example, Mango and JDUB are both highly qualified Webasto experts. They have been deep inside of one and have the ability to analyze or repair them.
JDUB has the DD reader. And he is not afraid to use it.
I have a pit and would not mind spending a few hours in the pit showing another owner the finer points of the underside of a coach, or repairing a brake.
Tom is our resident Marathon inverter guru, and he knows how to make it work under varying power conditions.
My point is we can go beyond just listing addresses, but can list skills or assets we can make available to help others. When we started this thing we never dreamed how fast we could pull together the expertise that has emerged, so I seriously think we should put it to work and continue to build a base of "experts" all over the country, including a listing of POG members like CoBus that have a place we can park.
When we need help, there is nothing better than having another helper, even if the help is just moral support.
11-09-2006, 10:24 PM
OK, I think this is a great idea and resource, but I keep thinking about Randy Quaid in National Lampoons VACATION movies. The inlaw from Hell who never leaves. Clark Griswald,s Nemisis.
11-09-2006, 10:43 PM
Gary: I believe that would be Cousin Eddy. Do you have a manhole in front of your house? I remember what its for now.:cool:
11-09-2006, 11:11 PM
I,m afraid I do Have a manhole in my driveway.
11-11-2006, 02:04 PM
Hi all, I'm down here in Phoenix now and just logged on since Wensday, boy you guys sure post a lot! We have the wedding today and spending time with family till Monday when we start back home, be home Tuesday night late. Believe it or not, I miss you guys. Might just have to get a verizon card, lucky I'm parked close to some office with open wifi.
11-17-2006, 03:55 PM
This is a update for the members so far.
Ray Davis
11-17-2006, 04:08 PM
If you want to see how another group, the DataStorm users group does this take a look at
After the US map loads, scroll down to any user name and click on it.
You get a localized map, with any other datastorm user who is in that area posted as well.
They have recently also added the ability to view everyone on google earth! (if you have GE installed)
What's really fun with this group is the locations are dynamic. As they travel around, they run a program which grabs their latitude and longitude from the satellite dish, and registers their location with the map server.
I know the author of this, perhaps I can see if he'd be willing to share a bit?
ps: Here's a google earth link to my home!
Dale, put me on in Lake Forest CA, just right and down from Kevin's dot!
11-17-2006, 06:51 PM
Count me in on this also. For what its worth I like Ray's GE method. If you want to see my 8 ac. square input 14035 GAR Highway,44024. JIM
11-17-2006, 07:43 PM
Count me in on I-10 on Ms. Gulf Coast at exit 16;)
11-17-2006, 09:18 PM
Paris Hilton would say "thats hot" from my generation I say "this is too cool". Keep up the good work. JIM
11-17-2006, 09:40 PM
Thanks for the posting; interesting to see where everyone is located.
You are in Chardon and I am near Youngstown (Hubbard). If you want to get together and talk Prevost please let me know, 330-534-1952
Joe Cannarozzi
11-17-2006, 10:36 PM
Dalej, You can put up Debbie and Joe
I-80 at 294/94 split
South of Chicago
11-18-2006, 08:03 AM
Hey Dale, Ya got me in south Georgia, I'm 50 miles NW of the big "A".;)
Good work...
dale farley
11-18-2006, 09:22 PM
Dale, Please add me to the map. I'm about 13 miles North of I-10 on Hwy 29 in Molino, FL. Molino is a suburb of Pensacola. Although new to the group, I'll be glad to help anyone any way I can. Thanks. Dale Farley
11-19-2006, 09:10 PM
You can put us on the map at Austin, TX. Even though the state is small, it won't hurt to have two of us listed.
11-19-2006, 10:18 PM
Member locations updated 11.19.06 @ 2117
added Chris Yates and Alan
11-19-2006, 10:31 PM
Holy Mackeral !!!!
I never knew you guys were serious about this map. Put me in at the most picturesque location in New York, Elmira
11-20-2006, 11:01 AM
Lew you are in Port St. Lucie. Do you want to move? It will cost you a Lewbuck!;) Or maybe I should move you north when you move north!
mike kerley
11-20-2006, 01:20 PM
Great Idea.
Post us in River Ranch Florida. Just off hwy 60 between Lake Wales and Vero Beach Florida. Just 21 miles from "Yee Haw Junction". More cows than people!
Toy Box
11-20-2006, 07:03 PM
Toy Box here, most of you are always welcome at either location. Full hook ups. 1/4 mile from central downtown Ft. Lauderdale or, 6 miles south of beautiful downtown Durango, Co. Please put us on your map.
11-20-2006, 07:10 PM
"most of you" which ones are not? I can post them by your name! Toy Box, where do you want to be? I will put you at which ever location you want. I can move you too, I think that Lew is thinking this too.:)
Toy Box
11-20-2006, 07:41 PM
Just wanted to see if anyone was paying attention!!???!!.
Toy Box
11-20-2006, 08:11 PM
Please put me at each spot. Most of the time we are in Lauderdale. Spring and sporadic times in Durango. We go wherever the Bikes and planes are.
11-21-2006, 07:47 PM
Member Locations updated 11.21.06 @ 1845
added Ben, Jeff Barclay, Toy Box, Orren Zook and matsprt
Gary & Peggy Stevens
11-29-2006, 11:52 PM
We are brand new with you guys, but count us in on what ever you need, except, Money Donations. I mean if you need just a couple of bucks no problemo, but money for a New Generator, NOT!:p
Seriously, if you need our address, phone numbers and such, you have our premission to put it in the accessible database. :)
The Bus Driver in case of an emergency is a GREAT IDEA to add to available services, we offer each other. Count me in on that too?:D
Should I send you the information, or can you get it out of the Database?
Let me know.
Jeff Bayley
11-30-2006, 02:57 AM
Dale and Jan-
Are you guys updating the member locations ? I feel asleep and lost track of this subject but see that it is off the ground. You can peg me as Southern California. You can use Carlsbad,CA for the point but I'm drifting around a bit also.
I noticed that there are six of us (not including me) between L.A. and San Diego... I'll be passing by that area within the next two weeks... anyone up for a mini rally or dinner get together?
I have no idea where it would be... but it would have to happen between Dec 11th and X-mas.
11-30-2006, 11:08 PM
WHA-HOPPENED, The map has changed since the last edition and ( boo- hoo ) I'm off the map.
12-01-2006, 12:35 AM
Put a pin in the Los Angeles area for Art and Sylvia AKA Timebum
Gary & Peggy Stevens
12-01-2006, 01:00 AM
Thanks Dale for adding Peg and I to your group map!
Even though we are not full bussers' yet, ( No Prevost :( ) you included us in your group..... You luv us, you really, really luv us...;) :o Thanks a million!
Is the map going to be easily accesible on the POG forum website, like the calendar is?
If the map is available how much information is going to be accesible?
POG members home address, home phone number, email, cell phone?
I noticed a banner comes up when you point to each of the members, maybe the information could be in the banner, or have you already thought of that????
Well enough from me, I know I am the newbie, and busless at that, so let me know if I talk to much? :o
Gary S.
Jeff Bayley
12-01-2006, 05:23 AM
I think the mini ralley would be an awesome idea. For location, I'm certain that the locals who live here would have more ideas than I do but I'll kick off the suggestion by saying it could be in Orange County. I know there is a big RV park called Newport Dunes. I really don't know how rally's work (never been to one) but I guess we would need to let any RV park know ASAP in order to ge a half dozen spaces together.
12-01-2006, 06:59 AM
Another good meeting place would be at Pechanga, its off I-15 in Temecula.
Its mid way between L.A. and San Diego more or less. Nice RV resort, 50A service, walking distance, or take a shuttle to the casino, restaurants include everything from a buffet to a great steak house (I think as good or better than Morton's or Ruth's Chris).
I am kind of familiar with the park, as we lived there for six months between selling a house and starting to build another one.
This would be a great place for a full on POG ralley too. They have a clubhouse/kitchen you can reserve as a club..
Just another option! :D
12-01-2006, 08:11 AM
WHA-HOPPENED, The map has changed since the last edition and ( boo- hoo ) I'm off the map.
Lew I have you in Port St Lucie, did you miss the reply a few weeks ago? Let me know if you want in NY or FL, I can move you as you move;)
Kevin Erion
12-01-2006, 09:29 AM
I'm in if the date works for us, anywhere near Orange County is great. I would like to try this steak house that is as good as Morton's.
12-01-2006, 10:22 AM
Dale, I'm in Fl from Oct 1 - May 15. Then I am in Elmira for the summer.
I's not hard for me to miss a post cuz I am trying to invent a perfect way not to.
I am presently ( as of yesterday ) going directly to new posts but I have to scroll down thru all of the old ones to get to the new posts. I had better hurry up and learn cuz I don't have much time left.
12-01-2006, 10:25 AM
Member Locations, updated12.1.06 @ 924
Added Gary & Peggy Stevens, Jeff Bayley, JamesJ, timebum and moved Lew to his home in NY The land that he loves.:)
12-01-2006, 03:14 PM
Mike & Jean Simmons
We are in Laguna Hills California....just on the west side of the INFAMOUS El Toro Y....really bad LA bottleneck...where 5 and 405 merge.
Mike & Jean
98 Country Coach/ 03 Jeep Grand Cherokee
Owned since May 2006
12-01-2006, 09:57 PM
It gets worse...Ken Zittrer...also lives in Lake Forest...right around the corner from Ray....detail looks good to me....Mike & Jean
12-01-2006, 10:55 PM
I noticed that there are six of us (not including me) between L.A. and San Diego... I'll be passing by that area within the next two weeks... anyone up for a mini rally or dinner get together?
I have no idea where it would be... but it would have to happen between Dec 11th and X-mas.
It,s a busy time of year for me, but let me know . I might be able to get away for a couple of days. Maybe on the weekend . Gary
Ray Davis
12-05-2006, 05:38 PM
I noticed that there are six of us (not including me) between L.A. and San Diego... I'll be passing by that area within the next two weeks... anyone up for a mini rally or dinner get together?
I have no idea where it would be... but it would have to happen between Dec 11th and X-mas.
Hey Ben!
Sorry for late post, but I've been out of town for a week. I'm up for a get together some evening. Something like a dinner would be easiest on my end. I've got a 50A circuit out in front, and can allow overnight parking for at least one night. CCR's prevent long term parking!
Add another dot in Houston for Loc and Courtenay McNew
12-06-2006, 01:15 PM
Updated 12.6.06 @ 1214
Added LOC
Gary & Peggy Stevens
12-06-2006, 04:03 PM
Updated 12.6.06 @ 1214
Added LOC
Dale have you thought about putting the " Map " Tab on the Blue Bar at the top of the POG web site. Like where the Calendar Tab is? This might be useful for everyone to get member information? :confused:
I never did read how much information you are going to put on the map? Are you still mulling that over, for now? :confused: :rolleyes:
12-06-2006, 04:18 PM
Gary did you see the 01 on Ebay? put in a few bids, thats a great price on a 01. Not sure what the Reserve would be but you will find out after bidding some.
Gary & Peggy Stevens
12-06-2006, 05:41 PM
Gary did you see the 01 on Ebay? put in a few bids, thats a great price on a 01. Not sure what the Reserve would be but you will find out after bidding some.
Yes Dale, I have looked at it. :D Several times in fact, just to get all the facts straight in my mind.
It does look like a nice bus, and with tow vehicle, However, even after all of the info coming across this POG site about the pros and cons of slides, I think Peg and I are still looking for a bus with slides. We are coming from a 4 slider plastic coach and while there is no comparison between plastic and your buss' we believe in the long run we would be happier with slides.:confused:
We are heading down to Florida for two weeks, during the Holidays to visit virtually all of the convertors, to see what is out there, and where they are priced.
I have thoroughly enjoyed reading all of the posts everyone has put out over the last year or so, on the POG:)
So many questions, so many buss's to choose from.....:eek:
Thanks for thinking of me, and letting me know about the 2001 Thompson.
12-23-2006, 04:05 PM
as others are putting their info here, we will do the same - we're a mile west of titusville, fla, at The Great Ourdoors RV Resort. well, the locals call it resort, i call it park, but i get a few disapproving glances when i do that.
maybe this thing needs to be edit'able by individuals. dalej, got any ideas about that? seems like a lot of maint for one person to keep up with. the location at the top of each post has (ours at least) current location, but then thats just text. i might be able to help with a web app if you want, tho i'd have to think a bit about how to implement. i can also host if thats an issue.
Jon Wehrenberg
12-23-2006, 06:44 PM
If you are going to be there the last week in January we will look you up
12-23-2006, 08:24 PM
Updated 12.23.06 @ 1923
added Petervs and bill&jody
12-24-2006, 01:56 PM
dr jon-
indeedy we will and we'd be really happy to see you guys. i talked to joe who is also trying to get here sometime during the last wk of jan. we're asking around if anyone has a pad to let for a couple days. want us to ask around for another?
lew - fire that thing up and come on up. maybe we can find a third slip for late jan.
this place (i'm told) gets very busy/booked in jan/feb - better book early.
i'm also checking on staying at the nasa site - some friends of ours stayed there thursday night before the shuttle launch (oops).
12-24-2006, 10:19 PM
It wasn't too long ago that you moved to Georgia somewhere and now all of a sudden in the past few weeks you are at TGO. Is this another permanent living area or just temporary?
We will stop by some time, perhaps on the way thru going north.
Jon Wehrenberg
12-25-2006, 10:45 AM
According to our plans we will arrive at TGO on 1/28 and we will leave on 1/31.
12-25-2006, 12:34 PM
EXCELLENT! lookin' fwd to seein' bo-fuh-ya.
you guys got reservatins yet? i haven't found anything definite yet, but got a couple maybes.
after 7 or 8 jan (i forget which) we're moving from 121 greenwing to 164 greenwing.
the li'l woman will be in connecticut from 17-24 jan. (woohoo)
lew- this is yet another temporary permanent spot. we did stop in savannah ga for a couple days. its a really nice place to stop and play tourist.
Jeff Bayley
12-25-2006, 06:23 PM
Dale and Jan-
I'm making a run for Florida but taking about 2 weeks to pass West to East from CA. I made it close to Tuscon AZ last night. Why not just foot note me as such going along the 10 rather than try to keep up with a moving target. Probabley doing a stop over in Laredo, TX for a week and try to find a body shop in Mexico that can repaint the car I'm hauling for less money.
Jeff Bayley
01-01-2007, 11:55 AM
Billy&Jody and to whom ever else-
Are you guys in Florida ? What/where is TGO ? I see Jon talking about going to Florida also I think. Not sure.
I'm about 400 miles from San Antonio making for Sarasota. Looks like I'll be passing by some members in case any of you want to get together and make fun of me.
Also, the house in Florida has a big front yard and I don't know how many buses I can fit there yet but I'm dying to find out. Could get at least 4 comfortably. Can receive POG'ers at will. No association or deed restrictions which was hard to find water front. There is not furniture in the house yet but entire first floor is it's own 2 bedroom mother in law suite complete with kitchen. If someone wanted to stay there for several months and help me tinker with the house or bus here and there let me know. Lot's of space. Bring bus or stay in house. Even more space with no furniture yet. I've got to get some mold or mildew plagued wood switched out that the home inspectors found and want to build a hanger for the bus in the front yard. Help wanted. Bring Mexicans.
Short termers need not have any technical skills except knowing how to mix Margaritas and DJ to Jimmy Buffet.
We'll be leaving in the 60 days to make a run to PA to retreive a car I bought but should be around most of the time.
Here's the link in case anyone wants to come. We don't have no friends there. Lonely POG'ers.
01-01-2007, 12:51 PM
According to our plans we will arrive at TGO on 1/28 and we will leave on 1/31.
Hey Jon, are you and Di coming anywhere close to us on your trip? I would be happy to cook for ya'll and we would love to see you. Let us know, you have the number and or email, right?:confused:
Jon Wehrenberg
01-01-2007, 04:23 PM
Deb and Bob,
Thanks for the invite. Unfortunately we are very tightly scheduled in part because of site availability in FL this time of year and because we are ending our trip with the Liberty Rally in Stuart.
To add to the lack of flexibility Di's sister is coming with us on portions of the trip, but not all, and she has doevetailed her hotel reservations to our schedule.
I'm still looking fo ran excuse to take Bob for a flight. Can he break away?
01-01-2007, 07:44 PM
Deb and Bob,
I'm still looking fo ran excuse to take Bob for a flight. Can he break away?
Sorry we will miss seeing you but I understand scedules.
Bob says you don't need an excuse--he will make sure he can break away just say the word. Have a great time on your road trip.....
01-02-2007, 11:18 PM
TGO is the great outdoors. its about a mile west of titusville fla on rt 50 west. check out golf courses, swimmin' pools, restaurant/bar, and 30+ pages of events online. only downside is the commie pinkos shoot bikers on site. no bikes inside the compound. Gggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr....
very nice spot to stay tho. gets booked solid in jan/feb. book early.
Jon Wehrenberg
01-03-2007, 07:12 AM
Bill means no bikes that make noise. Except for my creaking bones my bikes are silent.
FYI: From now until mid March I'll be in Florida. My schedule includes:
Daytona Beach Jan 7-8
Delray Beach Jan 10-20
Key Wes and/or Stuart Jan 23-27 (Trawler Fest is in Stuart)
Sarasota Feb 19-21
Miami Feb 28-Mar3.
Let me know if any of you will be passing by those locations.
01-06-2007, 10:10 AM
TUCSON, AZ Hi all. Shirley and I are in Tucson where we will remain through at least February at Beaudry RV Park and sales site. This weekend they are having one of their promotion events with free Pork feed and factory incentives on all units. They have 8-9 CC XLII 's for sale. A new XLII shell on display. I am finally convinced they do a good job on the slides after seeing them naked.
This park is large, first class, wide sites. On site there is a great resturant , a Camping World, a large repair facility and very well trained and friendly staff.
Tucson area has a lot to offer in the way of site seeing. Try it you'll like it.
Harry & Shirley
Just Plain Jeff
01-07-2007, 05:13 PM
Harry: Sounds pretty nice. Would you consider Beaudry to be a 'destination' park or just somewhere good to stay along the way?
Thx in advance.
01-13-2007, 08:37 AM
Don't know how many of you use Google Earth to check out the area before you travel, but I sure like to. Here is where Jan and I live in Nebraska. If you put in...
This will help get you real close, but not close enough for coffee!
These are a couple of images snached from Google Earth.
01-13-2007, 09:18 AM
Great looking compound Dale, where's the snow?:p
Gary & Peggy Stevens
01-13-2007, 04:07 PM
Hey Harry, how many used XLII's do they have for sale? Or are all of them at this time Brand New, and way out of our budget?
We stayed for three days at Beaudry's a year and a half ago, and love the resort, and all the coachs they had. But at that time we were still looking for plastic coaches, had not decieded to go with a real bus...!
Enjoy your stay.
01-13-2007, 05:01 PM
Ben: Give us a call if you come to Stuart.
Jeff Bayley
01-13-2007, 06:22 PM
If you wish to update us on the map, we are in Bradenton FL and taking a break from traveling for a spell.
01-13-2007, 09:03 PM
Did they finish the PDI on your coach? How was the shakedown cruise?
Hello to Ginger and puppie dogs. Enjoyed meeting you folks.
01-14-2007, 01:24 PM
Member Locations
updated 1.14.07
If anyone would like to be added, please let me know public or private.
Moved Jeff Bayley to Florida
Added Fl. for now to Ben
01-14-2007, 01:46 PM
You might just as well switch me to Port St. Lucie. No one would come visit me at either place but I am in Florida nearly 8 months a year anyways.
Joe Cannarozzi
01-14-2007, 02:00 PM
Lew we would love to come and visit. How does next week sound. Debbie does not enjoy it when we show up uninvited, although I still do it to her often.
Did you get the microwave installed? Need help with some batteries?
01-14-2007, 03:07 PM
Member Locations
Updated 1.14.07 at 1410
Moved Lew to Florida where he belongs :)
01-18-2007, 09:42 PM
Did they finish the PDI on your coach? How was the shakedown cruise?
Hello to Ginger and puppie dogs. Enjoyed meeting you folks.
Lew: Sorry for the late reply but we had to make a trip back up to Va. and just got back. PDI went great and have our first real trip next week to Pelican Lake over near Naples. Give us a call and we'll get together. We plan on leaving the bus in Stuart until after the Liberty rally.
01-21-2007, 10:04 PM
What are the exact dates that you'll be at Liberty when you return. We'll meet again for lunch. I will be out to TGO this next Sunday til Wed.
Almost any time is fine within those perameters.
01-21-2007, 10:12 PM
I have a very important problem that I would like Jon to solve.
Answer this please after with level 10 info: Brake system:: A 2 ton truck is overloaded and proceeding 900 yards down a steep slope on a secondary road at 45 mph in Tennessee. The brakes fail. Given average traffic conditions on secondary roads, what is the probability that it will strike a vehicle with a muffler?
Steve, perhaps Ben will be in the area and be able to join us again. It was fun putting the last lunch on Mango's tab.
01-21-2007, 10:16 PM
Please add the Clarks,
Mike & Dee Clark
Modesto CA
01-21-2007, 10:30 PM
Membership Locations
updated 1.21.07 @ 21.32
added mikedee
Jon Wehrenberg
01-22-2007, 07:36 AM
I am turning Lew's question over to Roger, who sells cars with mufflers.
01-22-2007, 09:13 AM
Hi Mike and Dee, I just noticed your N.Cal location. When we make it back to Grass Valley, We'll have to schedule a Mini Mini rally. Are you going to kerrville for POG3? We are leaving our coach in Tucson untill the POG3 rally. Maybe we can hookup with the So. Cal group for a caravan to Kerrville. Drop us a line.
02-02-2007, 11:05 PM
I talked to Jim about putting a tab or a quick link to this site so it is easier to access.
But until then you can bookmark this page and call it Member Locations if you want to.
I like the way Nebraska looks don't you guys?
Orren Zook
02-03-2007, 11:34 AM
I like the way Nebraska looks don't you guys?
Very stylish.....
02-03-2007, 01:05 PM
Bien somos fuera de aquí. Trataremos de mantener en contacto, si podemos encontrar una computadora en camino.
Estaremos en Arizona durante diez días por ahí antes dirigimos fuera en el Harley. Planeamos a tomar la carretera pacífica de la costa por lo que Guatemala y entonces volviendo atrás a Arizona. Figuro alrededor de seis mil millas.
Bueno adiós, los hombres
It you need to know! ;)
Just Plain Jeff
02-03-2007, 02:23 PM
Звуки, как будто Вы имеете слишком большую забаву.
Если бы мы не должны были пойти к церкви все время, мы сделали бы то же самое. Тем временем, можете Вы иметь много замечательных путешествий и обладать красотой!
Jerry Winchester
02-03-2007, 04:05 PM
EGO sententia Nebraska football ludio ludius sententia N eram pro scientia?
02-03-2007, 05:23 PM
T minus 2 hours and counting....
02-03-2007, 07:43 PM
T minus 10 minutes.........checking out! ;)
02-03-2007, 09:21 PM
It must be gettin' close to dinner time.....I hear the hired help arguing.
02-03-2007, 09:38 PM
I got the wild idea while at TGO about finding someone to make the two glass pieces for the front door and the drivers side windows. The slides and the stationery ones. Many of them are either steamed up or hace water at the bottom. A1 was going to try to operate on one but apparently he has found another bunch of slack adjusters to polish. He's a Liberty geek, ya know.
If we got someone to make a laminated piece of safety glass without the air space insulation, I believe we could save a ton of Lewbucks. I guess it wouldn't work if the coach was up north in the winter but does the single thickness glass in the rest of the coach steam or frost up?
If someone made those we should be able to pick them up for a song. Who here can sing? The glass people love to make 5000% or more. I can see thru their skeem. He has to help pay for his dads 1, 2,& 3 million dollar horses. Jeeeze
My son-in-law is in the specialty glass business but he has his head up somewhere dark most of the time.. It'll take time for me to get up the courage to ask him, but I need the exact measurements first. He can make windows or ports for spaceships and submarines, he could certainly take on this project. I cannot imagine what he'll have to have for a pair or just one piece.
He cannot read, he went to Georgetown.
02-03-2007, 09:44 PM
driver's side rear window is 29 7/16 x 9 3/4 . . . measuring the replacement one i already purchased. great idea, though.
as for JPJ's avitar: seems your root beer at cracker barrel must have been loaded with estrogen. lookin' good big boy.
02-03-2007, 10:37 PM
You have to ask yourself why Prevost but double pane window in the side and not where else. Pennisula Glass in Vancouver Washington should be able to make or have in stock those single pane replacements.
Anyone have source for the small windows over the windshields at a resonable rate?
02-05-2007, 07:44 AM
02-05-2007, 07:51 AM
Member Locations
updated 1.14.07
If anyone would like to be added, please let me know public or private.
Moved Jeff Bayley to Florida
Added Fl. for now to Ben
02-05-2007, 08:17 AM
Jim where should I put you? I can't find your location.
02-05-2007, 10:34 AM
Sorry. Not Real Good At Navigating This Site. We Have A House In Largo, Florida And A Cottage In Franklin, North Carolina. I Need To Figure Out The Profile Section And Put In More Information.
Jim And Karen Keller 11055 Spring Street, Largo,fl. 33774
1930 Allison Watts Road,franklin, N.c. 28734
02-05-2007, 11:43 PM
How did the glass topic get going in the thread?
Put us on the map
Greg and Huong Meiling
Wilsonville,OR 97070
Joe Cannarozzi
02-06-2007, 09:16 AM
You know the phrase, "be carful for what you ask"
We could impose a penalty fee and use the cash towards something at the rallies?!
02-06-2007, 10:26 AM
Звуки, как будто Вы имеете слишком большую забаву.
Если бы мы не должны были пойти к церкви все время, мы сделали бы то же самое. Тем временем, можете Вы иметь много замечательных путешествий и обладать красотой!
Greg, Possibly there was something in this post that led up to it. :eek: JIM;)
02-06-2007, 10:32 AM
Sorry. Not Real Good At Navigating This Site. We Have A House In Largo, Florida And A Cottage In Franklin, North Carolina. I Need To Figure Out The Profile Section And Put In More Information.
Jim And Karen Keller 11055 Spring Street, Largo,fl. 33774
1930 Allison Watts Road,franklin, N.c. 28734
Jim, You may have to wait to be located. I think Dale does that and I don't know if he took his computer on the bike trip? JIM
02-06-2007, 02:51 PM
Jim, Thanks For The Heads Up. Jim
02-06-2007, 05:51 PM
Jim I will try to do it pretty soon, got to get us a Verizon card. This hit and miss wifi is for the birds.
We are in Phoenix Arizona for a week.
Joe Cannarozzi
02-06-2007, 05:56 PM
Dale you need to read one of my previous posts, save some money, don't need a verizon card just the mobile office kit!
02-07-2007, 04:56 PM
re: add another to the map please...shookie here in northeastern pennsylvania...looks like the group needs a resident in the upper right hand quadrant of the state...outside of clarks summit....thanks, shookie
Just Plain Jeff
02-07-2007, 05:03 PM
Shookie: You going to POG III?
02-11-2007, 09:42 AM
Member Locations
updated 2.11.07 @ 842
Added Jim Keller and shookie.
02-11-2007, 10:40 AM
Just wanted to update everyone as to our location. Jan and I are sitting in Good Life RV park in Mesa, Arizona. We will be here till Monday the 12th, then moving to Tuscon to meet up with win42 or Harry and Shirley.
Here is a shot of our little camp spot. We don't spend much time here since our daughter lives here along with Jan's brothers family.
Joe Cannarozzi
02-11-2007, 11:05 AM
Ever get the feeling while looking at your map your a little isolated, might as well be out in the South Saraha desert:D Its amazing we also are the only ones in Chi. that has found this club. Then again, mabye a bunch of the lurkers are form Chi. and I'm scaring them off:rolleyes:
Mr. Skiff and JPJ
How about finding a few members up my way I could agitate in person? Also If ever looking for a spot to concider a "central location" for all members, looks like Dale and Jans farm is dead center! We could do traditional things like cow chip throwing:eek:
I'm helping a friend drive some stuff and set up for a local R-V show in Rosemont this week. Don't know if Liberty or any bus converters will be there but I'll try and do some recruting. Sure would be nice to have a POG t-shirt or hat to wear, don't even know how to get one. Seems to me that this could be a potentally significant revenue stream for your endever here. I was concidering printing up some flyers with some basic info. Do I have your blessing?
Dalej Nice spot folks.
02-11-2007, 02:15 PM
Dale, Man that sure is a shiny Bus, Jan must have been helping you. Looking good, what is the temp there? Looks comfy. We might hit 36 degrees today. Really tough after being in the Sunny South for two weeks.
Toy Box
02-11-2007, 06:09 PM
Hi, Roger! Sure is a cute mini you have. I was wondering how the Bling glasses you were awarded [ when you and Jon were Knighted] were working out..?? also, when we saw the picture of Carolyn holding your bling ball, we then wondered if you had found any match for the big NUT you received from De De? Just wondering.
02-11-2007, 07:09 PM
Hey George- This was the night of the judging- Has anyone ever seen a bribed judge?
Has anyone in POG ever seen Jon with this big of a grin?
Looks suspect --He's running with the wrong crowd again.:cool:
02-11-2007, 11:02 PM
I may be out of the loop but it was publicly known that Jon and Fast Roger were judges of a parade at Liberty and said that they could be bought.
Any questions?
02-11-2007, 11:21 PM
What is a mobile office kit
02-11-2007, 11:26 PM
I am new to this board hope iam doing it right
02-11-2007, 11:36 PM
Roger, its been hanging around the 80 mark but was 70ish today little rain went through.
Joe, you know we have had a VZAccess manager for awhile but never used it. It's kinda of nice. I called Verizon and ask about it again and they said with newer phones that they want to charge for it, but with older phones they don't care. I guess its a speed thing.
02-12-2007, 12:00 AM
I am new to this board hope iam doing it right
There is no right way. Welcome Johnny. If you hang around you'll see what I mean. Gary
Joe Cannarozzi
02-12-2007, 01:12 AM
Johnny hello and welcome.
Its a package sold by any Verizon outlet, I think it was about 60 bucks, and you need it to use your current verizon phone and service for high speed internet service. Its an osb cord a disc and some instructions.
Dalej I don't know what a VCaccess manager is?
Gary & Peggy Stevens
02-12-2007, 10:59 AM
Joe the VZ Access Manager is the software that is loaded on your laptop to allow you to use the Verizon AirCard. That is what I got when we went to Florida, and it worked great.
Gary S
02-15-2007, 07:47 AM
Well the day has come, we are ditching the bus in a storage place in south Tucson and taking off on the Road King. We are headed south into Mexico for our ride to the central Americian border. We plan on staying along the Pacific coast. We are planning 30 days for the ride.
It was nice to see Harry and Shirley again, they are staying at Beaudry's RV Resort. He and his cousin are doing a good job on the tail lights on Harry's bus.
I will try to check in when we can find a computer.
02-15-2007, 10:13 AM
Dale & Jan,
Have a great ride, be safe. Send pics when you can. See you at POG III.
Brian & Beverly
94Liberty XL
02-15-2007, 12:40 PM
Dale and Jan,
Have a fabulous time! Looking forward to seeing your next group of pictures from this road trip.:)
02-21-2007, 07:50 PM
Hey all, we are about a day and a half from central America along the pacific coast highway. We have logged 2100 hundred miles so far on the Harley. We are staying at a $300/night place and Jan loves it! Please wire us Lew bucks.
Jan has used up two compact flash cards so about a 1000 photos so far. Be ready for a slide show when we put it together.
02-21-2007, 10:03 PM
Great to hear from you guys, what a ride!;) Can't beleive you can still stay in touch, but keep trucken....
02-21-2007, 10:41 PM
Talked to Andy today here at ODR and he said he ran into you and yoour rowdy bunch at the races. He spoke well of you(don't know why) and said he had a good time. You get around, man.
Thank you for one the most useless things I have ever received in my life. Marathon sends a calendar every year and I can't find anyone who would enjoy it.
I looked and looked for Donna's picture. I forgot, you keep her in a apron and coveralls all of the time.
I know the thought was there but I would rather have a political donation to my travel fund to make it to Kerrville. $$$$$$
02-22-2007, 10:14 PM
How many do you have signed up for Kerrville as of this date?
03-23-2007, 08:01 PM
I hope you all know that the members map has been added to the Quick Links in the bar above.
I started to add more info to the page so members will know who users are such as win42 is Harry and Shirley Hoppe. This will help when we all get together.
Check it out and email me so I can put you info by your user name. Let me know what you think.
I added JPJ to the map.
03-23-2007, 09:10 PM
Being a CANADIAN, are there any other POG Members that are from north of the 49th parallel, that plan on attending POGIII? :D
03-24-2007, 02:17 PM
What a great question Karl.. Jim would know but it might be your the only one. Gary
03-31-2007, 12:01 PM
Added Karl from Ontario, Canada
Anyone wanting to be added just drop a line or if you want your phone and other info added.
check it out, Quick Links then POG Map
05-16-2007, 10:27 AM
Added a few more names to the bottom of member locations. Click on quick links and then POG map, then scroll down. If you want to be added just let me know.
05-20-2007, 05:13 PM
Updated the map today.
Added Jim Scoggins, bluevost and Larry W. Also added some more members information at the bottom.
If you need any corrections or additions, please email me.
For those of you that don't know, you access the map by clicking on the quick links tap and then the POG map. Its just one page, so scroll down to see all the information.
05-22-2007, 06:34 PM
Just added amanda up in Mass.
05-29-2007, 12:57 PM
Hey all, I talked to Jon on the phone today and he is in NY visiting family. He has had trouble connecting with us, but said he is doing good.
05-29-2007, 09:31 PM
What does it take to get the special red dot on your location? I just have a small black dot.........
05-29-2007, 09:47 PM
Get a job at Target!
05-30-2007, 08:08 AM
What does it take to get the special red dot on your location? I just have a small black dot.........
I'm glad I didn't ask that:eek: :D
05-30-2007, 06:30 PM
I will be out on the road for a couple of weeks, so I will do any updates when we get home.
Keep the emails coming, there are more names being added all the time.
08-22-2007, 05:02 PM
Updated the map with more members info and location. If I have missed you or you want to be added let me know at
Somtimes I loose the info in old emails, sorry, let me know again.
You can find it under quick links, POG map and then scroll down.
08-22-2007, 05:32 PM
Dale please update my email info in the POG map, to
Gary S
09-09-2007, 08:54 PM
If you want to see how another group, the DataStorm users group does this take a look at
After the US map loads, scroll down to any user name and click on it.
You get a localized map, with any other datastorm user who is in that area posted as well.
They have recently also added the ability to view everyone on google earth! (if you have GE installed)
What's really fun with this group is the locations are dynamic. As they travel around, they run a program which grabs their latitude and longitude from the satellite dish, and registers their location with the map server.
I know the author of this, perhaps I can see if he'd be willing to share a bit?
ps: Here's a google earth link to my home!
Dale, put me on in Lake Forest CA, just right and down from Kevin's dot!
Ray, wondering are you still working on this or what:confused:
Ray Davis
09-09-2007, 10:53 PM
I had to take a backseat on this due to work. I still plan on doing this and have done some initial design work
09-10-2007, 03:20 PM
Just added rickdesilva and Darl-Wilson, Stelan73 and jonnie to the map.
If you scroll down look over the added info. and see if you want yours added.
09-10-2007, 03:31 PM
Pls add Steve & Ginger Lane. We live half the time in White Sulphur Springs, WV and winter in Jupiter, FL 540 270 2131.
11-06-2007, 09:10 PM
Just to keep you up to speed, Bill is working on a version of the map. He might like to hear your thoughts. You can see it at...
11-06-2007, 09:29 PM
I just added my name and address to Bill's map. It's easy; just click on your home town, type in your name, address, etc. and click save.
Riding the wave of the future!:D Louise and I are on the map!:)
11-07-2007, 08:01 AM
I just added my name and address to Bill's map. It's easy; just click on your home town, type in your name, address, etc. and click save.Riding the wave of the future!:D Louise and I are on the map!:)
Right you are Tuga! I was a little behind adding our names and info but finally took a minute to do so.....The way I look at it is this.....our information is already out on the internet, you can find everyone quite easily, so no big deal for me to list our information on the map for the good of helping other POGGERS.
11-07-2007, 08:29 AM
Wild Bill,
How do you edit it, I screwed up!
11-07-2007, 09:45 AM
Wild Bill,
How do you edit it, I screwed up!
Tom, Bill said in a post that this is just a preliminary map and that at this time you can not edit errors or delete entries.
I offer a suggestion here to those that want an accurate visual of their property.
Click the + ( zoom in) character on the left to find your exact location. Do it in small steps as the entire map moves from your start location, so you are required to pan the map to correct the location. The pan tool is the hand shaped icon on the screen. Just hold the left mouse button down and reposition the map!
After your arrow is opened you may zoom in and the map is pretty much locked in to that location and you may zoom in in large amounts without moving your start location.
Joe C if you wanted an accurate position of your location, you do not have it.
Zooming in on your arrow positions you in Lake Michigan and that is OK if that is what you want.:eek: Knowing you I don't think so. you are too precise for that.
Tom, A couple days ago we were allowed to insert a second arrow. That may have changed now so experiment yourself.
Everyone rememberer that what goes into the map now is Public and may be viewed (even if unlikely) by the public. So, if you care about that only enter first names in the arrow tag and they won't be too traceable.
11-10-2007, 03:31 PM
well, i have updated the stuff at (
if you use cut 'n' paste, you can copy the exact info in the "member" field, paste it in the member field of a new location, and the old one will disappear the next time you refresh the map. you can replace the "notes" field text in the new one. as you're typing, note that the enter key (the "carriage return" for those of you over 50) is the same as clicking "save" - the 'notes' field is 255 characters long.
i will add a delete button sometime in the future, but not sure how i'll incorp that into the current "change me" method.
i plan to put some buttons at the top so there can be diff overlays, say something like, flying J locations, walmart locations, pog member locations, etc, so the map doesn't get too crowded. i'm hopin' jim skiff will add the map to the "quick links" as well.
as i mentioned before, the map is public in the sense that, if someone knows where the page is, they can see it from anywhere on the planet (and the int'l space station ;-) As a matter of practicality, however, i haven't seen anything on the map that can't be found somewhere else on the web. i plan to change this as soon as i get some time.
also as i mentioned before, i'm soliciting ideas for what this thing needs to have added/removed. i can't guarantee i'll implement all of 'em, but i'll certainly keep your ideas in mind when adding stuff. i'm interested in policy thoughts too - should stuff be purged periodically? should members be allowed a certain number of icons? should it be totally a free for all? (the fewer rules the better IMHO - but i'll give into concensus on this)
happy mappin'
11-10-2007, 04:03 PM
I think Bill's map is great, but now once again, the momentum in getting everyone on the map and contact information is fading away.
Do we have to have an illness or a breakdown with assistance needed to inspire people again!:mad:
C'mon, lets get it done and have a link on the POG site to the map. We don't need two maps, can't Dale's and Bill's be combined to produce one Map?
Skiffer & JPJ - Kick some butt's.....
11-10-2007, 07:54 PM
Nice work Bill. I didn't see at first how far in you could zoom to place your marker, so I have two! The first one I did at the original map (US) size and it ended up in Joshua Tree!. The second one is right on top of my house LOL.. Cool deal.
11-10-2007, 08:09 PM
you'll be happy to know there's a place in myrtle beach called Workshop Tools. their sign out front sez, in big letters, "Daycare for Men". there's one in sevierville as well - see you there.
thanks for the comments. as it turns out, if you put exactly the same name/text in the "member" field in the new one, the old one was deleted automagically. as soon as the page is refreshed, the old one should disappear.
thanks to you also, tc
11-10-2007, 08:25 PM
Click the + ( zoom in) character on the left to find your exact location. Do it in small steps as the entire map moves from your start location, so you are required to pan the map to correct the location.
Wish I would have known this when I entered our info.....our arrow puts us about 30 miles south of where we actually live but oh well--maybe an edit feature will appear via Bill one of these days;)
11-10-2007, 08:44 PM
You missed the edit info Deb. It's a couple posts above this.:D
11-10-2007, 09:09 PM
We don't need two maps, can't Dale's and Bill's be combined to produce one Map?
Tom, at this point in time two maps are needed.
It is useful to see all the locations with names showing and to be able to print
the list of location data and the map by those wishing a hard copy in anticipation
of not having computer and internet access.
11-10-2007, 10:28 PM
Tried to enter my infor as Paul Horner did and hit "sqave" and nothing happened. Tried to retreive the info and that damn Horner's name kept coming up.
I know I'm challenged when it comes to this crap. Help
11-11-2007, 08:58 AM
Tried to enter my infor as Paul Horner did and hit "sqave" and
thats because i haven't implemented the squave button yet, just the save. ;-)
actually, sounds like you're clicking too close to paul horner's. move the map til paul's marker is at the center of your screen (you can "grab" the map by pressing the left mouse button somewhere where there is no marker, holding the button down, and move the map. as you click you can see the hand change), zoom in (using the + sign at the upper left).
after you've zoomed in several clicks of the +, you can place another marker. if you zoom in enough, you'll be able to see individual sites. the map starts at zoom level 4 (where you can see the whole US). at about level 14 you can see individual sites. keep adjusting the position of the map between each click or two. just keep paul's marker in the center of the screen, then zoom in a click or two.
after you get in really close, click the "hybrid" button on the upper right corner. find out-do resorts, find your space (zoom in a bit more if necessary), place your marker, and voila, success.
the reason you have to keep centering paul's marker is that, as the map goes to successively smaller scale (zoomed in), distances grow proportionaly. if you keep zooming in on paul's locn, you'll see his marker is on the entrance ramp to I95. clearly, for the purposes intended, "close" is good enough. but if you want to be completely anal, er, accurate, about this , you can zoom in on your own lot at out-do resorts.
if you still have problems, either gimme a call or ask kathy. :-)
11-11-2007, 09:00 AM
jc, et al,
Tom, at this point in time two maps are needed.
It is useful to see all the locations with names showing and to be able to print
fixing this today. check the map later today or tomorrow to see how.
11-11-2007, 11:05 AM
I am learning if you don't check this site every day you can get behind quickly.
Better late than never - add me to the POG Map.
I am on the Chesapeake Bay about 6 miles from the town of St Michaels, Maryland. (The town that fooled the British). I have parking and a full hook-up. I am in the process of building another garage to work on my bus. Jon is mentoring me on this garage so within a few months I may have a decent place for service . Be advised it will never be in the same league as Jon's.
Miles and Laura Circo
2004 Country Coach XLII D/S
Wittman, Maryland 21676
11-11-2007, 11:13 AM
miles -
the beauty of this map is that, if you have access to the internet, you can add yourself whenever and wherever you like. it even works on other continents if you happen to have a floating bus. you don't even have to download anything to your computer.
(AND, it works on stuff other than windoze !!)
read some of the posts above for instructions.
11-12-2007, 12:58 PM
ok, the latest version is now available at http://wheresJodyAndBill.Com/whereami
a lot of new stuff has been added. please check it out.
and in the unlikely event there's a bug/bizarre behavior :rolleyes:, please let me know.
11-12-2007, 03:54 PM
--maybe an edit feature will appear via Bill one of these days
take a look at post #170: among other things it has some limited "edit" instructions:
if you use cut 'n' paste, you can copy the exact info in the "member" field, paste it in the member field of a new location, and the old one will disappear the next time you refresh the map. you can replace the "notes" field text in the new one. as you're typing, note that the enter key (the "carriage return" for those of you over 50) is the same as clicking "save" - the 'notes' field is 255 characters long.
i'm getting out a "howto" for this thing. sometimes i forget other people can't read my mind.
11-12-2007, 10:10 PM
If one first clicks on the target arrow of their choice on the zoomed out map, it locks the map on that location as a target.
One can then zoom in with several successive rapid mouse clicks on the + icon found in the upper left side of the map without having to reposition the map after each click!!!!!!
11-13-2007, 08:35 AM
Bill: Thanks for the excellent work on the Location Map. When complete it will be a winner and a great asset to the group. Thanks to DaleJ for his original idea and the continuing help he affords us. RayD thanks for your envolvement in the project also. I'm proud of my new found POG family and their enthusiasm. :):)
06-19-2008, 07:50 PM
Added Ron Walker to the map today.
Haven't added anyone for a long time. If you want to make changes just email me.
06-24-2008, 07:34 PM
Added sawdust_128 to the map today.
check over this map!134&encType=1 also and let me know any changes.
06-24-2008, 09:54 PM
Added sawdust_128 to the map today.
check over this map!134&encType=1 also and let me know any changes.
Very cool map Dale, thank you for doing this. Are we supposed to add our contact information as well?
06-25-2008, 10:06 AM
If you want to be added to the map so that other pog members will know that you are available to help others, there is a few things that I need to know....
1. User name on POG e.g. dalej
2. Mailing Name include your spouse if you want to. e.g. Dale & Jan Juranek
3. mailing address, include street, city and state e.g. 17175 S Showboat Blvd. Blue Hill, NE 68930
4. any information that would let others know that you could help out if needed. e.g. I have parking for 1 bus with 120 AC along with a shop full of tools.
5. A link to your personal web site or blog, e.g.
06-25-2008, 11:58 AM
I'm starting to think that all we might need in the future is the map to use for the members map. I can put all the info or contact numbers and address in the contact box.
Let me know after you have a chance to look at it what direction to go.
Look at my previous post too.
Sid Tuls
06-25-2008, 12:22 PM
Dale, don't know how to do all this but will just give you my Info.
#1 Sid Tuls
#2 Sid & Judy Tuls
#3 3534 E. Vassar Ct. Visalia,Ca 93292
#4 E-mail
#5 Have parking @ the Cattle Ranch 50amp (a few flies no charge)
#6 Have a mechanic to help for emergencies
#7 Best way to get a hold of me 559-901-6426
Sid & Judy Tuls
2007 XL11 Thompson
06-25-2008, 12:40 PM
That's PERFECT! :)
06-25-2008, 11:31 PM
Our info is as follows:
Username: Aggies09
Member: Tony and Jenny Conder
Address: 640 Clark Rd., Abilene, TX 79606:
Phone: 325-692-9141
Amenities: I have enough room to park multiple coaches. Fresh water is available. I have one 50 amp service available, and a fair selection of tools. I would be willing to help a POG member in need.
Let me know if you need anything else from me.
06-26-2008, 01:46 AM
As we are planning a transition to full timing without a home base (going searching for a new home) how will this status be addressed?
06-26-2008, 07:26 AM
Full timing POG members will be posted on the information page along with a location as long at they let me know where there at. I would think as long as your in a spot for at least 30 days that's still ok to have a spot on the map.
I do like emails compared to public postings since somtimes I miss posts.
Ray Davis
06-26-2008, 03:18 PM
Isn't there the other map from Bill & Jody too, which the user can update themselves? (available from quick links pull down above)
06-26-2008, 11:57 PM
Sid & Judy; Welcome aboard. It's nice to get another member closer to our Grass Valley CA location. We have caravaned with the Southern CA members and had great fun along the way. Spearfish POG Rally is coming up in Sept. and Shirley and I have plans to go. We will be hooking up with Darl & Martha Wilson in Reno for the trip and hope to have Jim Shoen & Son of Reno and Mike and Dee Clark of Modesto join us also. You are welcome to join us also. The week will be full of Bus info for the guys and lady doings along with lot's of evening fun. It's a great area to see.
06-27-2008, 08:49 AM
I do like emails compared to public postings since somtimes I miss posts.
Hey Dale, Debi here....I sent you a private message yesterday from this board regarding information updates for the map. For some reason, I don't think the board likes my messages to get to you, considering our past attempts--ha~! Can you please try and PM to us and see if that will work? Or send directly to castle_ridge @ msn. com (remove the spaces)
Sid Tuls
06-27-2008, 12:24 PM
Hey Harry, Thanks for the invite but won't be able to make it, I'll take a rain check. I've haven't ever been to a rally yet but hope to. Going to try to make it to the ballon feast in Sante Fe first of Oct.
Sid & Judy Tuls
06-27-2008, 01:00 PM
I have had a chance to update the look and workings of the members map. The idea behind it is that members that are willing to share phone numbers and address's could be listed on a site to alow members to have access to help when needed. You can also know where members are located if your are close by.
If you go to quick links and then click on Dale's map you will have access to the members that are listed. When you click on the image of the USA at the top you will go to and then you can zoom in and move about to see where everyone lives.
I really like getting all the information on a email so I can put it in a POG folder and not overlook any emails.
If you have any input about this please feel free to shoot an email to me.
If and when we need help this should be a place to look.
Ray Davis
06-27-2008, 02:40 PM
Hey Harry, Thanks for the invite but won't be able to make it, I'll take a rain check. I've haven't ever been to a rally yet but hope to. Going to try to make it to the ballon feast in Sante Fe first of Oct.
Sid, we did POG 2 rally at the Sana Fe Skies RV park in NM a couple of years ago, and many of us went to the balloon festival. Very fun. You'll have a great time. Try the Santa Fe Skies park if you haven't got a place to stay yet.
06-27-2008, 09:13 PM
Sid: We'll catch up with you on another event. I'm suprised Ray did not remind you to take Parka's and warm clothes for the Dawn Patrol event at the Baloon Festival. We froze our fannies off before daybreak watching it, but it was spectacular. Enjoy.
03-05-2010, 10:31 PM
Seems that Dale's map and contact list got misplaced in the recent forum upgrade. :(
Where can we find it??????
I asked Skiffer about the map and list of POGgers this morning. He said that it went away with the upgrade, but he was working on a replacement. Give him a week or two and we should have the map and list of folks with phone numbers available.
Jon Wehrenberg
03-06-2010, 07:07 AM
POG seems to have recently added a number of new members, its sponsors have changed, and there may be a lot of folks now on board that do not realize what a huge resource access to this group can be.
I will restate for the newer folks that when we bought our first bus our total access to assistance, advice, or information was a couple of 800 numbers. Today, thanks to the internet and POG none of us is ever more than a phone call away (or email) from local advice. It doesn't matter where you are or what the problem there is probably a POG member or sponsor that can give you guidance on how to deal with problems wherever you are.
Having contact information for the folks on this forum can be a godsend and if Skiffer is going to reconstruct a map and listing of folks I would suggest that each member provide a very brief listing of what assets might be available to other POG members in need. For example if a POG member has some experience with a specific type of conversion, or has available parking space, or can recommend a good local mechanic this should be listed.
We have a lot of talent, knowledge and resources among POG members and I would like to see us continue to utilize those assets when a POG member needs help.
03-06-2010, 08:27 AM
I'm with Jon on the member map and contacts. We tried years ago to get as much participation as possible and did pretty good, but only a small percentage of members joined in.
The other benefit of having that map and contacts is help if and when someone has a medical problem or is injured and can't drive their bus. It's nice to know that you can count on the POG members for help, but you have to make your information known.
So please participate when the new map and contacts become available. If your concerned about making public (POG) your exact location, at least identify your town/city and phone number. Lets face it, anyone with a computer can find you anyway!
03-06-2010, 09:06 AM
Jon and Truk make excellent points. Our most valuable resource is the collective knowledge and experience of our members.
I would hate to think that I was near enough to help someone but wasn't able to simply because they didn't have the information they needed to contact me.
I mean, even I can bring a cold one out to a stranded bus driver :)
03-06-2010, 09:42 AM
I agree 100 percent with Jon, the contacts map, phone numbers, level of skill or repair and parking info is so important to the new owner as well as the old owner as in Jon or Me. When it gets dark - he needs a place to park.
03-06-2010, 11:41 AM
Jon also needs to know how far it is to the closest oyster bar.
03-06-2010, 11:43 AM
I'm glad you guys agree with me, the map and list are some features that are important to POG.
Dale initiated the map on his own time and expense and I think he should be commended for that. The map and list have in the past helped several directly and offered mental piece of mind to those who knew of it.
Hope it returns soon. It should be easy to do, nothing else went away with the upgrade.
03-06-2010, 08:03 PM
Jim C,
I would hope that a new map and contact list would be in a different format and more user friendly. Dale did a nice job, but it was difficult to sort anyone using the map like in Houston because the flags where on top of each other. Unfortunately, Dale no longer participates and a link to his site probably didn't make a lot of sense anymore. Hopefully Skiffer and the geek squad can come up with something easier to use.
03-07-2010, 07:14 AM
If the state could be clicked on and enlarged. Than have major cities and pog locations. I never this map before now but do think it is a great idea. Rick
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