View Full Version : Verizon Mi-Fi
03-01-2011, 09:40 AM
For many years I have used a Verizon aircard while traveling. In January while at Titusville, I switched to a Mi-Fi. Al I can say is why did I wait so long, it works great. Allows you to use up to 5 devices, is completely wireless and as long as there is cell service, you have your own hot spot. I installed the device, about the size of a small cell phone so it is plugged in to 120 at all times, but it also works off it's own battery if you want to use it in different locations. It automatically goes to sleep when nothing is connected to save the battery time.
The best part was the price. I was due for an upgrade on my aircard and I got the Mi-Fi free. I was paying 59.00 a month for the aircard and I'm now paying 35.00 a month for the Mi-Fi for 3 gig of time. If you go over the 3 gig, it's only an additional 10.00 per gig. I wasn't sure 3 gig would be enough, but Nance and I wore it out for the first month and I used 2.6 gig.
This is a great way to go for normal users, but may not be the answer for heavy business use. Now before you experts get your panties in a wad, it's only good for 3g not 4g and that is a non-issue for the way we use the service, it's plenty fast.
It also won't work for Jon, he still hasn't tethered his Droid!:p
03-02-2011, 01:36 AM
Hi Tom. Can you post a picture of the unit.
03-02-2011, 08:56 AM
Here ya go Gary...
Jon Wehrenberg
03-02-2011, 10:56 AM
Here's the question from a computer challenged. guy.
Would I be correct in assuming that for $35 a month you have internet connection? May I assume you don't need a phone but probably some device to make the MiFi and the computer communicate with one another?
Or asked another way, if I were to get that device, could I do away with my home internet connection and just take that with me when I travel and use it at home also?
Neither Comcast nor Verizon will tell me what 3 gig is or how many gigs I currently use. Is there an answer in simple English as to what that means to me. I don't download songs or music.
03-02-2011, 11:24 AM
Here's the question from a computer challenged. guy.
Would I be correct in assuming that for $35 a month you have internet connection? May I assume you don't need a phone but probably some device to make the MiFi and the computer communicate with one another?
Or asked another way, if I were to get that device, could I do away with my home internet connection and just take that with me when I travel and use it at home also?
Neither Comcast nor Verizon will tell me what 3 gig is or how many gigs I currently use. Is there an answer in simple English as to what that means to me. I don't download songs or music.
Jon - Vita and I use the Overdrive Wireless Hotspot device by Sprint in our bus. It's foolproof and dependable. We've used it at home on occasion when we've had Comcast outages (rare) and the speed is comparable! Cost-wise, the unit sells for $50 ($349 retail less $300 new service discount) with a 2 year contract and the monthly fee is a little less than $50. Not cheap, but we've been very pleased because Vita needs continuous internet access for her work when we travel and with the Overdrive, she can actually be on the internet while we're rolling. The only time we went over on our usage was last summer when we were touring with the drum and bugle corps that my son teaches (The Troopers - Casper, WY) and the brass staff had adopted our bus as their "staff vehicle". All those guys were connecting through our Overdrive constantly (you can connect 5 devices at once) and surfing the net, streaming videos, etc. I don't think you would have any usage overages the way I think you use the net.
03-02-2011, 12:20 PM
Just spoke with my Verizon rep and he informed me that the 4G MI-Fi should be out within the next month. He wasn't sure if the $35 plan with 3G a month was going to be offered. However he says that he was certain that 5G a month would be available at about $10 more (around $45)
03-02-2011, 02:42 PM
Here's the question from a computer challenged. guy.
Would I be correct in assuming that for $35 a month you have internet connection? May I assume you don't need a phone but probably some device to make the MiFi and the computer communicate with one another?
Or asked another way, if I were to get that device, could I do away with my home internet connection and just take that with me when I travel and use it at home also?
Neither Comcast nor Verizon will tell me what 3 gig is or how many gigs I currently use. Is there an answer in simple English as to what that means to me. I don't download songs or music.
To answer your question, YES.
I think you are confusing two terms in your mind. 3G or 4G is not the same as 3g or 4g or 5g usage. the 3, 4, 0r 5 represents 3 gigabytes 4 gigabytes or 5 gigabytes of usage. In rudimentary terms 3G and 4G refer to the speed of the data transfer.
Even with all the posting you do you will not exceed 5 gigabytes of usage, IMHO, music, videos and games use the most bites and I don't think you partake in any of that, at least not excessively.
Watch the video in the link for a good explanation of the 3G, 4G technology.
Barb and I both get by nicely within the 5 gigabyte allowance with two computers and daily use.
We use the Verizon "air card" @ around $60.00 a month with 3G technology. I do not feel the time is right to jump into the 4G as the service is not spread over the entire Verizon service area as yet and there are many start up hiccups to get over.
I don't need to be the first on the block with the newest and greatest.
// (
If I did not answer all your questions please ask more.
03-02-2011, 02:51 PM
Jon, Great questions.
Michael, I'm computer challenged and illiterate.
Someone please answer the three questions so I can understand. Like, Yes, No, Yes. Or Yes, Yes and no.
Thanks in advance.
Jon Wehrenberg
03-02-2011, 03:08 PM
Jim C, I was clear that 3 gig was usage and 3G or 4G was some whiz bang marketing term. The real heart of my question is if this device will work at home or while on the road, in which case I have zero need for my Comcast internet service if I can use a mobile device to satisfy my home needs.
What concerns me is what is the catch? Do I have to have my droid tethered or is this a stand alone device? If it is a stand alone device it bears looking at.
Lest you Neanderthals think I am totally out of touch with technology, I had hard wired cell service in our bus since 1990. It used to be called GTE back then.
03-02-2011, 05:57 PM
Jim C, I was clear that 3 gig was usage and 3G or 4G was some whiz bang marketing term. The real heart of my question is if this device will work , I was clear that 3 gig was usage and 3G or 4G was some whiz bang marketing term. The real at home or while on the road, in which case I have zero need for my Comcast internet service if I can use a mobile device to satisfy my home needs.
What concerns me is what is the catch? Do I have to have my droid tethered or is this a stand alone device? If it is a stand alone device it bears looking at.
No, your laptop computer should wirelessly connect to the MiFi or Overdrive device (as long as your laptop is set up for wireless networking - most are these days.
Lest you Neanderthals think I am totally out of touch with technology, I had hard wired cell service in our bus since 1990. It used to be called GTE back then.
I have vague memories if that early mobile technology (like bag phones, etc).
03-02-2011, 05:59 PM
Jon, Great questions.
Michael, I'm computer challenged and illiterate.
Someone please answer the three questions so I can understand. Like, Yes, No, Yes. Or Yes, Yes and no.
Thanks in advance.
Jim - does the above response to Jon give you the answers you need?
Jon Wehrenberg
03-02-2011, 06:16 PM
Actually it was a bag phone connected to a hard wired box that received the cell phone calls and distributed them via phone jacks throughout to any regular phone in the bus. The neat thing about it was all the phones in the bus were normal land line phones. Even though they were operating on a cell network they funtioned like a land line. They had dial tones and you used them like the home phone. No pressing send or end.
I still have the same thing in our coach today, only it is digital technology. Still is a cell phone, except the phones throughout the bus operate like our home phones. You have no idea you are on a cell phone.
03-02-2011, 06:31 PM
Jon, there is no catch. Now is a time when you can pick up the current technology or stand fast and watch the world go by.
The old ways were good and still may be in certain cases. I don't know what your computer needs are or what you currently have Apple or PC. Get yourself a laptop if you don't already have one, either brand works with the air cards. The air cards and similar devices are not as fast as hard wire DSL, but neither is Cable internet.
I think you will more than get by if you choose a cell service and get your internet through them.
I prefer Verizon. Their Air Card @ $60.00ish/month or the deal Truck has will be sufficient for you and work in the home or on the road anywhere you are able to get a good phone signal.
Something else to consider is for you to get Web Based Email. That would be AOL, YAHOO, G mail or the like. It is free and with it you can get your email anywhere you get a cell phone connection, with most current cell phones and through your computer if you have it with you. Examples are on the road or in your home or at work at your daughters and on and on, almost anywhere.
I have tried to over simplify this and will offer more if you need it.
You don't necessarily have to cancel your current email service. Some people have several email addresses and use them for different purposes.
I don't think you have a Droid nor do I think you would like one so stop asking about tethering it :p
JIM :)
Jon Wehrenberg
03-02-2011, 06:46 PM
Jim C, perhaps you did not get the memo. I'll use the recently introduced new version of the iPad as an example. Amid much fanfare the new iPad is out, and in the same news blurb announcing it they indicated later this year a newer version will be introduced.
At the pace of the introductions of the electronic marvels no matter what anyone has and how new they think it is, i guarantee they are as rooted in the past as I am. Only I don't claim to keep pace with technology.
Unless I have access to a computer I cannot get or send email. My cell phone has no camera, text or voice mail capability (my choice) so I am out of touch with the world until I reach my home base or someone chooses to phone me. There is no lack of ways to reach me, just not through a computer when we travel. The bus as well as Di and I have cell phones and the bus phone has an answering machine.
So it seems your air card by Verizon is already out of date and Tom's MiFi is cheaper and does the same thing only better. If I were you I would hold off until the 4G version comes out, or maybe wait for the 5G version sure to follow. That one will be so fast you will get responses to emails and posts before you send them.
03-02-2011, 08:53 PM
Jim C, perhaps you did not get the memo. I'll use the recently introduced new version of the iPad as an example. Amid much fanfare the new iPad is out, and in the same news blurb announcing it they indicated later this year a newer version will be introduced.
At the pace of the introductions of the electronic marvels no matter what anyone has and how new they think it is, i guarantee they are as rooted in the past as I am. Only I don't claim to keep pace with technology.
Unless I have access to a computer I cannot get or send email. My cell phone has no camera, text or voice mail capability (my choice) so I am out of touch with the world until I reach my home base or someone chooses to phone me. There is no lack of ways to reach me, just not through a computer when we travel. The bus as well as Di and I have cell phones and the bus phone has an answering machine.
So it seems your air card by Verizon is already out of date and Tom's MiFi is cheaper and does the same thing only better. If I were you I would hold off until the 4G version comes out, or maybe wait for the 5G version sure to follow. That one will be so fast you will get responses to emails and posts before you send them.
Jon, did not see post #12 before my last post.
JIM :)
03-02-2011, 11:24 PM
Hey Jon. My first mobile phone account was with a Motorola Phone attached to a large lead battery. probably 4-5 lbs. Those were the days!
That was in the early 80's.
Orren Zook
03-03-2011, 12:09 AM
We have been using Verizon's MIFI card for almost 2 years, and seldom find an area where it doesn't connect. It is a 3G (3rd Generation) unit. 4G (4th Generation) is supposed to be finally going online in major metro areas, and while that may be true. as slow as 4G is coming (since 2007) you'd have plenty of of time to practice with your 3G unit. Also we've been in campgrounds where so many users were on the wifi system that it was nearly impossible to get online - in these situations the MIFI card came in real handy.
Here's the difference between 3G/4G - 3G provides 14 megabits per second (Mbit/s) download and 5.8 Mbit/s upload. This is compared to the projected minimum 100 Mbit/s transfer speed of 4G. Now that's not even close to what your home DSL, cable or T1 connection can provide, but if the phone or cable goes out, you can still surf the web with one of these.
03-03-2011, 08:23 AM
Michael, I think so. Thanks.
03-03-2011, 08:47 AM
Jon - Yes you can dump Comcast and use the Mi-Fi at home. Your I-pad and Kindle's will also connect to the Mi-Fi just like you were at home on Comcast. There are no wires needed, it's all wireless.
Jim C - Why spend 60.00 per month, dump the USB Aircard, save 25.00 per month and allow up to 5 devices to hook to your Mi-Fi?
03-03-2011, 09:33 AM
Jon - Yes you can dump Comcast and use the Mi-Fi at home. Your I-pad and Kindle's will also connect to the Mi-Fi just like you were at home on Comcast. There are no wires needed, it's all wireless.
Jim C - Why spend 60.00 per month, dump the USB Aircard, save 25.00 per month and allow up to 5 devices to hook to your Mi-Fi?
There is another option too. My iPhone is jailbroken to allow an app called MyWi which takes my 3G signal and turns my phone into a wifi router. Essentially the same thing as having a Mi-Fi, except that I have one device that does it all. Best of all, the app is $20 one time and the jailbreak is free, so no recurring monthly charges. If you are already paying for cell service, why pay for another device?
AND, if you have an iPad, there is another app that will allow it to automatically turn on the MyWi on the iPhone when you need an internet connection! It don't get no betta.
03-03-2011, 10:56 AM
Jon - Yes you can dump Comcast and use the Mi-Fi at home. Your I-pad and Kindle's will also connect to the Mi-Fi just like you were at home on Comcast. There are no wires needed, it's all wireless.
Jim C - Why spend 60.00 per month, dump the USB Aircard, save 25.00 per month and allow up to 5 devices to hook to your Mi-Fi?
Truk, your Mi-Fi sounds very appealing. I will check it out.
I am at the age where the process of change is definitely not an event. That means it will be awhile.
Charles Spera
03-05-2011, 03:30 PM
I have to thank you for the heads up on the MiFi system.
I went to the Verizon store to check it out and came home with a couple of new devices at virtually no cost and will be saving a bundle from here on.
I now have a MiFi which replaces my Verizon AirCard AND the Comcast cable service I have at home. In addition, I picked up the Verizon Home Phone Connect which will replace the Comcast VOIP service.
At the end of the day I will save something like $85/mo and have better and more portable service to boot.
Now, if I can hook up my air antenna on the coach to work in concert with the DirectTV satellite service, I will be able to get local channels as well and all will be good.:cool:
03-05-2011, 10:21 PM
Glad it worked out for you Chuck. I'm seriously considering dumping my home land line and just going wireless.
03-05-2011, 10:25 PM
Hoping not to create thread creep here- I must ask - is anyone using two slingboxes?
Slingbox is combo of hardware/software hooked to your home cable receiver/ internet router and has the ability to send your Home Cable TV wirelessly over the internet to your MiFi/Air Card/ Droid/Autonet Router. I have been using the air car, Slingbox for 3 to 4 years and have just about come to the conclusion that Direct TV on the bus is a waste for me. I do not have Direct TV at home so the dish subscription is use only for the bus. With the slingbox I can watch my local news or any choice of my local listings. Not possible with the Dome/Dish TV.
The problem used to be poor reception but with improvements in slingbox technology and improved wireless speeds, it is an acceptable picture for me now. The next step is to be able to watch different programs on the front and rear coach TVs. As in Fox news in the front and soap opera in the bedroom. Can't do that now with a single slingbox as one compurter controls its and one only.
Anybody got any experiences that could shed some light on if I can add a second slingbox to run a second computer thru one cable connection? I hope this question makes sense and does not confuse everyone.
03-06-2011, 10:48 AM
You can check your download and upload speed at this site:
Currently in Alexandria, Va I'm at 16.5 upload and 3.9 download.
03-06-2011, 03:47 PM
King - Start a new thread for your sling hickee and I'll delete your post.
Mango - Stand by for a speed test.
03-06-2011, 09:51 PM
You can check your download and upload speed at this site:
Currently in Alexandria, Va I'm at 16.5 upload and 3.9 download.
Are you sure it isn't the other way around? Usually downloads are MUCH faster than uploads.....??
03-07-2011, 08:04 AM
Mango must have a real screamer, my DSL is .065 up and 3.04 down.
03-07-2011, 11:41 AM
We have talked to many over the past months with a 3GB or less demand who love it. Highly recommended.
And if you installed the Wilson amp it boosts the signal to a larger area, we are told.
03-07-2011, 01:49 PM
Hoping not to create thread creep here- I must ask - is anyone using two slingboxes?
Slingbox is combo of hardware/software hooked to your home cable receiver/ internet router and has the ability to send your Home Cable TV wirelessly over the internet to your MiFi/Air Card/ Droid/Autonet Router. I have been using the air car, Slingbox for 3 to 4 years and have just about come to the conclusion that Direct TV on the bus is a waste for me. I do not have Direct TV at home so the dish subscription is use only for the bus. With the slingbox I can watch my local news or any choice of my local listings. Not possible with the Dome/Dish TV.
The problem used to be poor reception but with improvements in slingbox technology and improved wireless speeds, it is an acceptable picture for me now. The next step is to be able to watch different programs on the front and rear coach TVs. As in Fox news in the front and soap opera in the bedroom. Can't do that now with a single slingbox as one compurter controls its and one only.
Anybody got any experiences that could shed some light on if I can add a second slingbox to run a second computer thru one cable connection? I hope this question makes sense and does not confuse everyone.
I can't believe you can't get Mick to come back there and watch soaps with you.
03-07-2011, 06:04 PM
She can be contrary at times, it must be something in the water..
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