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View Full Version : Sppedweeks....Daytona

Jon Wehrenberg
12-12-2010, 07:46 AM
I had a brilliant idea to park in the infield at Daytona for Speedweeks 2/15 through2/20, leaving 2/21. The Daytona International Speedway has multiple choices for RV parking inside the track. The only site to list 20 X 55 foot spaces is a premium site and there are no spaces available at any price according to the ticket office.

The remaining RV parking sites, Green, Red, Yellow, etc. all list 20 X 40 sites with the word approximate qualifying the size. So I figured that meant some are smaller and some may be larger. According to a suspervisor however they cannot accomodate a 45 foot coach. Is this true? Does anyone have any advice?

I do not want to be outside the track, I do not want to put up with the traffic, and I prefer to not tow. I want the security of knowing I will be inside where the Speedway folks will control things. We went to the Indy 500 years back and were in a parking area outside the track and after the race the crowds were out of control, setting fires in trash barrels and burning things so we left out of fear. Don't want to do that again.

Will Garner
12-12-2010, 08:35 AM
John, I've been to Indy three times, I've been to Daytona several times. My best advice is to stay home and watch them both on a wide screen TV. Maybe even invite a few friends over and make it a party.

Both of those venues have long since strayed away from there primary function of racing flat out. Now it is more about being at a big party. As far as being parked in the infield, I would not count on that being a pleasant experience either. I understand from second hand sources that several observations have been made of people actually streakin' through the campgrounds there. Could have been Ray Stevens, Gary's relative.

You might try Talladega, they have a larger infield and I might have a contact to help out getting you in. Heck I might be up for going to 'Dega myself. Been there once before when men ran big blocks instead of these mousey motors.

12-12-2010, 08:38 AM
<SNIP> You might try Talladega, they have a larger infield and I might have a contact to help out getting you in. Heck I might be up for going to 'Dega myself. Been there once before when men ran big blocks instead of these mousey motors.

We might be up for a trip to 'Dega as well! We could hold a POG mini-rally! :D

Jon Wehrenberg
12-12-2010, 08:51 AM
Despite the empty seats we have seen on TV this year the folks that answer the phones and questions don't seem real excited about encouraging business. I'm thinking sitting home might be the best choice.

BTW, streaking wouldn't both me at all, and if Di went she might enjoy the view. But we did not like it when they set the trash barrels on fire at Indy (outside the track) and started rolling them at coaches. If the infields are a party that's OK. But when it gets out of hand I'm outta there.

12-12-2010, 09:30 AM
We were at Daytona 6 years in a row and quit going in 2008. The cost, traffic and crazy drunk rednecks no longer appeal to us and the weather was almost always cold in February.

Now, if you really want to understand why some animals eat their young, go to Talladega!:p

12-12-2010, 11:05 AM

Now, if you really want to understand why some animals eat their young, go to Talladega!:p

That right there is funny, I don't care who you are.

12-12-2010, 11:24 AM
I always thought going to a Race event would be fun until my wife informed me there would be crowds. I don't do well with crowds. I don't like standing in lines, waiting my turn, or watching mindless individuals go about there day. As I understand it, once you are parked inside the race track, your there for the duration. There's no leaving. That gives me pause as well.

12-12-2010, 12:53 PM
Jon, We have stayed in the green parking area for 7 years. They can accommodate a 45 footer. The green area is in turn 4 and has security and a fence. Occupants in there wear a colored wristband for access. Those sites are actually 20x50. We usually see a few XLV and H3s. No electric. Water is available to fill tanks. Cost about $1,500 and includes 2 infield tickets.

The red area goes from Lake Lloyd parking to the front stretch. Stay away from red numbers 1-107. They flood real easy , are sunk in the middle making it difficult to get into the site. However, these sites are the only red sites that have electric and water. Most all other red sites are too far in the middle to have a good view.

The yellow covers turns 1 and 2. Like the green, it is dry camping except for the water.

Don't go in the orange area. Mostly pop-ups and tent campers. If there are any streakers on the infield, they would be in this area. They have portable generators running 24/7.

Lake Lloyd parking is paved, electric, water and cable hookups. February race is $2,500. We stay there for the July race where it is only $950 (includes 2 tickets)

If you need to leave early, there is a tunnel under turn 2 open 24/7 that will accommodate anything up to about 15 feet in height.

In any of these areas you can bring a toad in. However, the only area that allows you to leave the infield in your toad is the Lake Lloyd parking. That is available 24/7.

The only line we ever encountered was at checkin where they have drug dogs to sniff around your coach. But that usually takes about 15-30 minutes to get through.

We haven't purchased any tickets yet. I need surgery on my left knee and will not find out until next tuesday when that will be. I called about 3 weeks ago and they still had about 6 sites available in the green area.

Jon Wehrenberg
12-12-2010, 01:48 PM
Based on the comments, and influenced by the Daytona sales people's attitudes we decided not to pursue this. We are a lot like Gary and our tolerance for stupidy is at a new low. Thanks for the comments. Ron, I was specific about the Green Parking area and saw on the layouts a number of sites that were likely larger than what we needed, but I guess it was easier for them to say no than to take my money.

After the comments here and via email I'm glad they said no to a 45 footer.

Will Garner
12-12-2010, 03:05 PM
So Jon, what about a fall trip to "Dega?" That race is even part of the final ten to determine the series Champ for the year?

Jon Wehrenberg
12-12-2010, 05:16 PM
I don't believe the folks that go to the Alabama race are any more well behaved than the Daytona crowd. And from my perspective I don't like to travel in the summer, even though it is late in the season.

12-12-2010, 07:08 PM
Stay home and watch it on the wide screen. A few years back when our kids were small, Bill Dator and I brought our coaches along with our families to Indy. We stayed at a place called Briskies trailer park just outside of the track, they had an armed guard at night and we had to lock the ladies in the coach at night. You needed a tetanus shot just to walk around. One of those things you had to do once.....or twice but never again.

Jon Wehrenberg
12-13-2010, 08:18 AM
When we went to the Indy 500 we enjoyed ourselves right up until the idiots started fires in the trash barrels and found that rolling them was fun.

I don't believe I have ever hitched up and pulled away as fast as I did that time. That incident left Di with a real sour opinion of those who go to races. Selling her on going to the Daytona 500 would be an uphill battle, and if she did decide to go and it turned out there are equally stupid people camping near us I would never be able to suggest another venue.

So all of the comments about the people who go to the races cemented the decision for me. We will stick with watching on TV. That makes me feel real good anyway because with the ho-hum attitude of the Daytona ticket people I am especially pleased they will not be getting my money.

12-13-2010, 10:11 AM
Every race track has it's own personna. I have never been to Indy or Talladega so I can't add any comments about their tracks.

I have never seen this type of activity at Daytona for the past 8 years we have attended. The Daytona 500 is the primo racing event of the year and typically cost more than other racing events. I don't know if that is a factor in keeping "bad people" out. The area is constantly patrolled by the police so this probably contributes to "good behavior".

Just my 2¢ worth.

12-13-2010, 12:46 PM
I had a brilliant idea to park in the infield at Daytona for Speedweeks 2/15 through2/20, leaving 2/21. The Daytona International Speedway has multiple choices for RV parking inside the track. The only site to list 20 X 55 foot spaces is a premium site and there are no spaces available at any price according to the ticket office.

The remaining RV parking sites, Green, Red, Yellow, etc. all list 20 X 40 sites with the word approximate qualifying the size. So I figured that meant some are smaller and some may be larger. According to a suspervisor however they cannot accomodate a 45 foot coach. Is this true? Does anyone have any advice?

I do not want to be outside the track, I do not want to put up with the traffic, and I prefer to not tow. I want the security of knowing I will be inside where the Speedway folks will control things. We went to the Indy 500 years back and were in a parking area outside the track and after the race the crowds were out of control, setting fires in trash barrels and burning things so we left out of fear. Don't want to do that again.

Lake Lloyd is the place to be. I make both races every years. The area is fenced and access is tightly controlled. The crowd is well behaved. Until I could score my own spots I was able to find them for sale on either StubHub or Ebay at face value. I may have a conflict for the upcoming 500 in February so if you are interested let me know. It will probably be mid January before I know for sure.

Jon Wehrenberg
12-13-2010, 01:08 PM
Thanks Ken, but the decision has been made. If I am going to press my wife to do something it isn't going to be a race.

Bill Price
12-13-2010, 02:02 PM

Do you have a number I can call you at.


12-13-2010, 05:35 PM

Do you have a number I can call you at.


Bill - go here to the POG Member Resource database: http://forum.prevostownersgroup.com/content.php?49-POG-Member-Resource

Scroll down to the Tennessee listings and you'll find Jon's contact information.

Bill Price
12-13-2010, 06:44 PM

Thanks We got together on the phone.

Toy Box
12-13-2010, 07:58 PM
Jon, if you change your mind, I know there is an empty spot next to me on the lake. We have been going to Daytona since 76 and have never encountered any trouble. We have stayed in the Lake Lloyd spot #78 for about five years. Asphalt,water ,electric 50 amp,daily newspaper, and easy in/out 24/7. Pumpouts are available most any time for a small fee.....can't remember how much.

12-14-2010, 04:30 PM
Pumpouts are $35.