View Full Version : American Coach????
12-07-2010, 07:01 PM
Looking for input or experience w/ American Coach. Noticed there are currently (3) XL 40s on the market. I think for my intended use of mileage and very little lay over it will be a better fit if I should need to get turned around on some back two lane road out west.
Thank you for your help,
12-07-2010, 08:55 PM
American is an orphan coach but a nice one well built. Several of our POG members have American .
Jon Wehrenberg
12-07-2010, 09:03 PM
American Coach made a good product. They were located in Allen Michigan and I'd bet that if support was needed for one the folks at Pantera could handle it.
Not sure why 40 feet versus 45 makes a difference. I can say it is unlikely many of us would venture down narrow two lane roads from which we would have to make a 3 point turn to head back where we came from.
12-07-2010, 09:18 PM
American Coach made a good product. They were located in Allen Michigan and I'd bet that if support was needed for one the folks at Pantera could handle it.
Not sure why 40 feet versus 45 makes a difference. I can say it is unlikely many of us would venture down narrow two lane roads from which we would have to make a 3 point turn to head back where we came from.
I'm assuming the turning radius is sharper on the 40 - however the lack of additional 5' may make all the difference on unfamiliar turnabouts.
American made a very good product. I had one for several years, and a friend of mine still has it. Several years ago Buddy Gregg got the exclusive on American Coach, and like other exclusives he had, he put them out of business.
I would buy another one in a heartbeat.
12-07-2010, 10:42 PM
I think that Gary Stevens has an American w/1 slide. It is a beautiful bus inside and outside; I have always admired the color scheme.
Wake up Gary - the newbie wants to know about American conversions. This is your chance to shine!
Jon Wehrenberg
12-08-2010, 07:10 AM
I'm assuming the turning radius is sharper on the 40 - however the lack of additional 5' may make all the difference on unfamiliar turnabouts.
I would venture to say that for those of us that have had both 40 and 45 foot coaches that extra 5 feet is only noticeable from living inside the coach. I can't think of a single situation I have been in with my 45 footer that wouldn't have been equally challenging in my 40 footer. Where the 5 feet make a difference is in short campground sites. I will never go back to a 40 footer despite the fact my 45 footer is a pain in the butt getting it into the garage and working on it in the garage.
Did you really use "Gary" and "shine" in the same sentence????
I was at California Coach on Monday and went through a really nice 40 double slide that was a 2006 (if I remember correctly). It was a great floor plan and very well done. Jon is right about the guys at Panterra Coach being able to help. While the manufacturer is out of business Panterra has great knowledge of the product and are great to work with. The 40 foot coach makes some state parks and national parks a possibility for camping where the 45 is too long for many (at least in Texas). The 40 foot is also great for California because you can avoid all the 45 foot restrictions and you don't risk being over length with a tow vehicle. Good luck in the search.
12-08-2010, 08:54 AM
Did you really use "Gary" and "shine" in the same sentence????
I was at California Coach on Monday and went through a really nice 40 double slide that was a 2006 (if I remember correctly). It was a great floor plan and very well done. Jon is right about the guys at Panterra Coach being able to help. While the manufacturer is out of business Panterra has great knowledge of the product and are great to work with. The 40 foot coach makes some state parks and national parks a possibility for camping where the 45 is too long for many (at least in Texas). The 40 foot is also great for California because you can avoid all the 45 foot restrictions and you don't risk being over length with a tow vehicle. Good luck in the search.
Thanks folks:
Yes, I'm aware of the American @ Panterra and the one on the west coast @ Cal-Coach. Both fit the bill but really need twin sofa's to put the children on and prefer a booth to dinette which the Panterra coach is configured w/. Now, though you all have me thinking twice about 45 as I would prefer to hunt for a 45 w/ 2 bunks. I don't think I've ever seen a 40 w/ bunks and not even sure there is a large wardrobe closet that could be converted if a twin sofa option isn't available.
What state/fed parks restrict 45's - is there a link to a list that is comprehensive?
Thank you again,
Devin W
12-08-2010, 09:28 AM
When we were shopping we found that there were a lot more choices in 45' and prices were nearly the same, but my wife likes the beach and we found that many of the beach campgrounds in California restrict anything over 40ft. In fact, we found a few that won't take over 35'. I don't recall finding a master list, I just researched campsites individually in areas that I knew we would visit regularly. If that were not a factor, I'm sure we would have ended up in a 45' as the precautions you take driving with that extra 5 feet are not likely much different that with a 40'.
12-08-2010, 09:42 AM
45's are a problem at parks as Loc pointed out. Here's a website you can look at:
Jon Wehrenberg
12-08-2010, 09:43 AM
Just as a point of information, some of the older 40 foot coaches have a turn radius greater than 45 foot coaches. When the original solid axle 45 foot coaches came on the market they had improved steering geometry, and the IFS shortened the turn radius even more.
The more likely issue relative to tight spots is not the turn radius, but the fact the coaches will have some impediments along the inside radius of the turn. If there is any question about that consdier how many instances of bent metal listed on this site by the brave folks who are willing to post such stuff involves the bay doors. The damage to the front and back of coaches has nothing to do with length as much as not stopping until something was hit.
Except for Mango who might benefit from having 5 feet less of metal to bend I would guess there are very few 45 foot owners who would ever go back to a 40 footer because it presumably can get into or through a smaller space. If you really want to tackle challenging spaces consider one of the old single axle, 96 inch wide 35 foot long Prevost conversions.
Something to consider, the later model year 40 foot coaches dropped the horse power down to 435 horse to accomodate cooling for the emitions nonsense and I don't know what year that happened. That being said, I followed Bob Makin of Pantara Coach from Florida to Savannah after he picked up the American 40 coach they now have for sale and he dusted me in my 45 on the entrance ramps on I 95.
12-09-2010, 08:34 PM
Greetings and Merry Christmas to all. We have an American Coach, 2000 XL II 45. I am the second owner, and had the coach refit at Panterra Coach. Very happy with the custom work done @ Panterra. Our coach if fitted with 3 bunks opposite the head, new stranded bamboo flooring (!) booth dinette and two opposing Villa convertible sofas. We are traveling w/3 kids and find this the best compomise. The original conversion by American has proven to be very reliable, well thought out systems and workmanship. This past year I had considered selling and trading up, but the market is too soft to sell and decided on custom exterior upgrade.
The coach is now at Xtreme in Texas, and James is doing a complete Prevost custom paint project for us.
On the question about 40 vs. 45, there is no other choice for us, family of 5, than 45ft. Our last coach was a travel supreme, 38' and the additional footage provides space for full length bunks without encumbering the galley or salon.
Gary & Peggy Stevens
12-10-2010, 07:54 AM
Gerswhin, I have an American 45' XLII with the single salon slide, that I bought from Panterra almost 3 years ago. Peg and I love the bus, have only a few issues over the years ( Like everybody else ) and have had a very positve experience from the folks at Panterra. They are always willing to help, as much as they can.
Don't worry so much about the size of the bus, 40' vs 45', worry more about how you intend to use it. The extra 5' of living space inside may mean all the difference to you when camping, however, check out all bus's to see how they work for you.
An American Bus while being an orphan is still a great PREVOST. If you purchase from Panterra or California coach, or any of our sponsors, you will have the support you need.
Tuga, thanks for thinking of me and the kind words.
Loc, "BITE ME" and I can think of one place on you to put a "Stud Muffin" ! :p ( Read Previous Posts about the actual use of this item )
Gary S.
12-10-2010, 08:43 PM
Hi Gary. How's that Bumper Sticker working for Ya?
Gary & Peggy Stevens
12-11-2010, 10:16 AM
Hey Gary De, nice to hear from you. I have made more friends recently because of those stickers than you can shake a stick at. Especially after I tell them the full story of how they came to be on my American Coach.
They just love the story and the selfishness of the man that paid $ 1000 for the privelage of putting them on my bus. :) Thanks JDUB. U da Man
Hey JDUB, how is the search for your next CC bus coming anyway ? :p
Gary S.
12-11-2010, 04:36 PM
Thanks folks for all the help. OK - the 40 is out. However, American is still on the list of our preferred converters as are Marathon, Liberty (no doubt), Royale and perhaps Featherlite/Vantare.
Yes with the earlier poster - looking at opposing couches and booth as a must and we have to have dedicated space for children. As another resort we will just place them in a large rear wardrobe and build a bulk head creating a flat area and remove any electronics, shelving, drawers.
Getting close on several different coaches right now hope to do something over Christmas break.
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