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12-05-2010, 09:10 AM
Vita and I drove Evangeline to Knoxville, TN Friday night to drop her off for some chassis work (replacing air bags, brake chambers, etc ) and a few converter side details that will be taken care of by Rob Russell at Russell Coach. We boondocked at the Cracker Barrel on I-40 at exit 398 and after a scrumptious dinner of comfort foods, got a peaceful night's sleep before meeting Jon & Di Wehrenberg and Rob Russell for breakfast Saturday morning. It was great meeting Jon and Diane! We enjoyed a couple of great hours of bus stories and idea swapping before heading over to Russell Coachworks to drop off the bus, go over the work list, and tour Rob's facility. Jon & Di led us over in the Hummer and stayed to visit some more and help with the work plan.

Jon has agreed to supervise the work locally as my eyes and ears since we are 4 hours away! I am thrilled with his generous and selfless offer and consider myself most fortunate to have someone with Jon's knowledge and experience watching my back. Having said that, I have the utmost confidence in Rob Russell, his work ethic, skills, and abilities and feel that we'll be more than pleased with the work he and his staff performs.

We got a chance to tour Rob's facility, go over a few of his own entertainer buses and also inspect some of the work he's done on other's buses (including some POGgers') and we were very impressed! Rob is capable of designing and building first class conversions from a bare shell (and has/does). The only thing he does not do is engine work (beyond routine maintenance). I've got to mention here that Rob's four bay facility is so clean and pristine that we found it hard to believe that the work is actually performed there! However, we saw the evidence in several examples of finished work product, constructed components awaiting installation (sofas, cabinets, etc), and well organized "take off" parts from recently completed projects.

The more time we spent with Rob (and his father), the more we felt in our guts that we had brought our beloved bus to the absolute right place to be cared for. I most definitely got the sense as I went over the bus with Rob that he would make it his mission to know every detail about her before he was finished and would be treating her with the love and respect that only a true "bus nut" can provide.

We'll report back as the project progresses and Jon said that he may even take pictures to post here to chronicle some of the work for the benefit of POG DIY'ers.

As always, I am deeply grateful for Jon's guidance, help, and friendship! When we go back to pick up the bus (tentatively scheduled for 12/30), we'll have the honor of spending part of the day with Jon and Di celebrating their 49th wedding anniversary! I also hope to get a tour of Jon's most excellent bus barn/pit while we're there and see his handy work on the salon on his bus first hand!

After seeing Rob's "renovation" of Jamie's bus, both Di and Vita are ready for Rob to design/build a new dining booth for both of our buses! (This is a 180 degree turn for Vita, as she has always previously preferred our stand alone dining chairs to a booth configuration. I, on the other hand, prefer the booth! SCORE!!!!) ;)

12-05-2010, 09:19 AM
Your bus is in good hands with Jon keepin' an eye on her. Nobody knows buses of our vintage better than Jon!

Keep us posted.....

Gary Carmichael
12-05-2010, 07:05 PM
Mike how long will the repair take on your bus. If the snow melts here this week we plan on being in Knoxville at 398 exit at two rivers camp ground I am meeting Jon to pick up jack stands Monday or Tuesday 13th or 14th and we may stay another day weather permitting we are heading to Fla for the winter.

12-05-2010, 09:08 PM
Mike how long will the repair take on your bus. If the snow melts here this week we plan on being in Knoxville at 398 exit at two rivers camp ground I am meeting Jon to pick up jack stands Monday or Tuesday 13th or 14th and we may stay another day weather permitting we are heading to Fla for the winter.

Gary - we're scheduled to pick up the bus on December 30 just in time for a New Years weekend outing we have planned! It looks like we'll miss you in Knoxville, but why not head on down to the Atlanta area for a "drive by" on the way to Florida?

Jon Wehrenberg
12-06-2010, 08:06 AM
Actually there isn't much help or advice that Rob and his crew need from me, and they sure know how to fix things because they have to keep those entertainer buses on the road. One of Rob's buses will see more miles in a year than most of us put on ours in 10 years.

But I am going to look at Michael's bus as if it was my own and let him know what I see. That way if he wants to have something else taken care of while Rob has the bus he can discuss it with Rob as though he has seen it himself. I am looking forward to watching the progress on Michaels bus because I want to photo some of the work being done. We have a number of newer POG members that may not understand what we are talking about when we throw around words and phrases such as air bags (not someone that talks a lot), slack adjusters (not an alteration for a loose pair of trousers) or some of the other commonly used phrases to describe routine maintenance. My effort I hope will result in onwers feeling comfortable with managing the maintenance on their coach and not being intimidated by work which might seem too expensive or too extensive. I'll let Michael speak to the economics of having someone other than Prevost perform maintenance on his coach, but I can say with confidence that POG has some great sponsors spread around geographically that should be considered when work is required on a coach. I know almost all of them and I would never hesitate to bring my coach to any of them. You also know them by their posts and participation on not only the forum but by their participation at our rallies.

I would be remiss if I did not point out for all POG members that have not met Michael and Vita that we really enjoyed the time we spent swapping tales with them and that we are looking forward to spending some more when they return to pick up their coach. Finally, Rob is not going to build a dinette booth for our coach despite what Michael said and despite Rob's plans to side with Di on this issue. I can see there is going to have to be some negotiations and that Michael appears more than willing to stir that pot. It's all Jamie's fault because she saw how nice his was and sat in it to see how comfortable it was.

12-06-2010, 09:45 AM
To follow up on Jon's last post - I will confirm and clarify my selection process regarding a vendor for the work we're currently having performed on Evangeline. To begin, I had someone I thought knowledgable look at my bus to advise me on items that needed to be addressed. This was prompted by symptoms that Vita and I had noticed/observed during our use of the bus. From this "inspection", I compiled a list of work and solicited quotes and input from several vendors based on POG sponsorship, reputation, and recommendations. Let me say that, with one exception, I was very pleased and most impressed with the potential vendor responses. Without exception, the respondents demonstrated professionalism, care and concern, enthusiasm, and honesty regarding their capabilities to perform the work requested. While pricing varied widely, only one quote was unreasonable, in my opinion. Only Prevost Nashville's quote was ridiculously high (more than double the next highest quote). To the extent that the bulk of the other quotes only had a variance of about $2,000 - top to bottom (there was one "low ball" quote that was quickly dismissed), I was left with the distinct impression that the Prevost quote was not based in economic reality!

As for my eventual choice of vendor, it came down to five factors (in order of importance to us):

It "felt" like a good fit/choice. (Gut feeling based on interaction with the vendor)
Demonstrated/documented relevant experience, capabilities, resources, & facilities
Recommendation from trusted, knowledgable source.
Competitive pricing.
Geographical proximity (relatively speaking)
Again - the POG sponsors - without exception - submitted professional, thorough, considered reponses (even a couple who declined to quote based on limitations of either capability, experience, or adequate facilities. I so appreciated and respected their honesty!).

Having now met POG's resident "curmudgeon" Jon and his delightful wife Diane, I have to blow his cover and reveal to all that his POG persona of calculated abrasiveness sometimes is simply an aversion to stupidity and carelessness! The man behind the curtain is actually a kind, funny, intelligent, gentle sweetheart of a man who really cares about the safety, reliability, and enjoyment of these magnificent machines that we drive! Our time with Jon and Di was most entertaining and we look forward to more soon! I'm proud to call him a friend, advisor, and mentor!

POG is significantly enhanced by Jon's participation and contributions here! He is one of many that make POG a truly great organization, fraternity, club, family, mafia (call it whatever you will)!

Thank you, Jon!

Russell Coachworks
12-06-2010, 12:02 PM
Mike and Vita - it was a pleasure meeting both of you and having breakfast with you and the Wehrenbergs on Saturday. Russell Coach is very excited to have Evangeline here at our facility and we will take great care of her and get everything taken care of as we have discussed. Of course Jon is always welcome to come over and check on the status and see first hand the repair. Our door is always open to POG members! It is nice to have Jon living in the area and offering to check on your coach while it is at our facility - we love having Jon come over! :-)

Rob Russell
Russell Coach
6344 Rutledge Pike
Knoxville, TN 37924