View Full Version : New Prevost for POG Member
I have it on good authority that one of our POG members has purchased a new bus (new to them). I keep waiting for the disclosure, but he is being really quiet on this. Perhaps we can get him to spill the beans.
11-30-2010, 04:34 PM
We might be interested in the old one. What is THAT? PM me LOC
12-01-2010, 09:24 PM
Congratulations to the King.
12-02-2010, 06:38 AM
WHAT ! ! ! ! ! !
12-02-2010, 08:11 AM
I'm with Jim, WHAT?
I don't think it was the King. I thought the new owner who is generally not shy or quiet would step up and spill the beans. Evidently Prevost ownership has caused shyness.
12-02-2010, 10:37 PM
I had heard Jdub was drooling at the last rally over a Marathon. I guess there were too many dents in the last one.
12-03-2010, 01:21 AM
We know!! We know!!!
12-03-2010, 07:51 AM
Mango got his wires crossed!
12-03-2010, 09:00 AM
It ain't me.
Yea, I just got new headlights and now new Truckster supplied Lifeline Batterys. Santa brought 6 8Ds yesterday in the back of his FedEx truck.
I won't be trading any buses until a new administration gets into office. Maybe not even then.
OK, the secret is out, it is time for me to admit................
12-03-2010, 11:46 AM
Good one Pete.
I hear you need a new SEAT BELT.
Now that I know you have been on the POG site, any comment?????
12-08-2010, 10:45 PM
Loc, I am thinking that Pres must have a severe case of CC buyers remorse. Why else would he possibly hold back such ground breaking news?
Evidently I have misjudged Reagan. I never really viewed him as the shy silent type (certainly not silent). I think he is afraid of the mountain of crap that may come his way because he bought a bus with a nose condom. Since I tried to prod him to disclose his purchase and he wouldn't - I will. Reagan and Betty purchased a 1998 Country Coach XLV. That is unfortunate for the CC crowd because El Presidente always has a big target on his back and there will likely be scuds to fly which although aimed at Reagan will certainly hit collaterally into the CC brand. I won't comment on the really funky green base color with tan and red accents because he might take offense. He really wanted an Aggie maroon bus, but Gordon beat him to the Aggie Marathon. The interior is nice, especially the indoor swimming pool that occurs when you turn the refrigerator off, but forget to dump the ice tray. He has done a nice job of spit shinning the bus. Now if I could keep him from trying out his new battery charger on my Jeep. Congratulations Reagan and Betty.
It's more of that trickle down TARP money beginning to show up in the economy! Congrats Reagan & Betty, can't wait to see it. And don't worry about having a green bus, we can start a GREEN SECTION at our rallies..... You know we are trying to join in on Obama's push to more green.
Jon Wehrenberg
12-09-2010, 01:28 PM
Are we allowed to say anything or will the CC folks be whining and crying because we are picking on them?
Will the Pres keep the Newell as a toad and as backup?
Congrats Reagan and Betty. Keep Miles phone number in your speed dial.
12-09-2010, 02:11 PM
Time to come out of the closet Reagan.
If you expect me to help you wash that coach, we need to see pics......
Reagan Sirmons
12-09-2010, 06:52 PM
To Loc nad the crowd:
It is true. The '87 Newell is in Dallas on the block but well cared for as we speak. I guess that my reluctance to announce any purchase comes from my naturally inclined biases towards being conservative yet it really comes from my not wanting to hear comments from "Millie Millenium" and others. Can anyone believe that someone would criticize a friend for trying to charge another friend's sorry Jeep battery? I used my TARP refund from my AIG stock repurchase program for a downpayment. That made as much sense as anything else Congress is doing.
Betty and I very pleased with the acquisition and particularly appreciative of the comfort level Miles Circo and his knowledge of the electrical systems provided. The coach is great and we feel we can travel a little more freely with a newer version. Betty and I have spent some 4 complete days as time has allowed just doing what comes natural for us regarding the coach. It is totally hand washed and totally hand waxed and polished as well as the first go over on the wheels. ....It looks great and we look forward to the rallies we will be able to attend. ......... Don't mess with Mother Nature guys... I have a good memory and am very vindictive... Thanks for all the nice comments everyone. You are a great group of fellows and I really enjoy the friendships.
12-09-2010, 07:08 PM
Now that you've got her shined up, post some pics and show her off. The coach that is.
How big is the closet in the new bus? Will you still have to bring the trailer for your wardrobe?
12-11-2010, 05:02 PM
Congratulations on your new coach !! I know you will enjoy it immensely... If you get up in the Lufkin area please give us a call. Enjoy...enjoy... enjoy !!
Reagan Sirmons
12-11-2010, 09:51 PM
You asked how big the closet is and whether or not I will still need the trailer for my wardrobe.... I would respond by saying that the closet is indeed sufficient and I will be glad to carry a few extra sets of underwear for you... I don't want to start anything but there are those who have been talking...
On another subject, many thanks to Loc and Gordon for their good Samaritan deed in delivering Jan's coach out to California Coach and Steve Bennett. Way to go did really good!!!
Will Garner
12-12-2010, 08:37 AM
Pres, congratulations on your new coach. Could you add the make year and model to your signature. That way I won't have to go back and reread through all the posts to remember the details. You know it gets harder as the years go by, remembering things that is.
Gary & Peggy Stevens
12-12-2010, 12:12 PM
You know it gets harder as the years go by, remembering things that is.
I'm sorry will, what was it you were talking about ? :D
Gary S.
Will Garner
12-12-2010, 03:07 PM
Gary, the Pres and his new to him coach. What were you thinking I was talking about?
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