View Full Version : Florida West Coast Site Wanted
10-27-2010, 09:06 PM
Anyone have a contact with someplace nice on the west coast of Florida from Tampa to Naples for the month of February? Forget the rental offices, a private deal is desired.
Loc - South Texas premo's are booked a year in advance, but thanks for the help! Have you been to a nice one in New Delhi?:p
10-28-2010, 09:51 AM
Call Sue Rosol @ 734-377-8602. She handles private rentals at Pelican Lake in Naples.
Jamie Bradford
10-28-2010, 07:21 PM
Signature has a new place in Naples. I think they would give a real good deal for a month. The ORA in Everglades City is interesting also , I am not sure how much they are. Also , Everglades Isle would probably give a good deal for a month but you are a good 30 minutes from Naples.
Gary & Peggy Stevens
10-29-2010, 12:04 AM
Tom, you may want to check out either or both of these resorts.
Aztec Resort Margate, Fl.
Signature Resort Naples, Fl.
Pelican Lakes is Very nice, and contact Sue Rosol like John suggested.
We are headed down to Florida in that vacinity for the Xmas Holidays this year. Maybe we will run into one another. But then you won't recognize me........., oh wait you helped plaster CC Stickers all over my vehicles, so you probably will recognize me????? :D
Gary S.
10-29-2010, 05:10 AM
My understanding is Signature is the best deal for availability. I think they would be more inclined to work something out. If anyone can get it done for you at Pelican Sue can as she is an owner and knows most of the owners personally. Everglade City is out there, its a good ride from Everglade City to Naples. We drove through E City last year and there was plenty of vacancies. We'll bring the coach to Pelican sometime next month and hopefully spend a good part of the winter there. Look us up when you come down, 4767 Southern Breeze. Perhaps we can have a SW florida POG gathering.
Gary Carmichael
10-29-2010, 07:58 AM
You might try River bend on rt 80 about 20 miles west of Ft Myers, It is a nice place, not a lot of traffic like closer to coast, but only 15min away from whats happening I will be there from late Dec till May 1st lot 186 Call Mary Davenport, she knows all the owners 1-239-233-7287, We shoot skeet once a week at the local Sheriffs range and pistols once a week.Good luck Gary
Charles Spera
10-29-2010, 11:56 AM
Hey Rick,
We're planning to be there in mid Nov as well. Look us up at 4529 this year.
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