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View Full Version : Thank you from the Watson family, regarding the charity auction @ Kerrville

10-19-2010, 06:49 PM
The following was sent to me from Brad Watson, and he asked I pass it along.

I wanted to take a moment to express my heartfelt thanks to the members of your group for sharing the proceeds of your charity auction with us. Your generosity is overwhelming, especially as you people have never met us, and only know of our situation through Warren.
You have no idea what this cash means to my family and I in this dark hour. It really really is a Godsend and an answer to prayer.
It will be put to immediate use, putting food on the table, and covering some of Sheila's growing medical expenses.
We also ask for prayers for Sheila as the battle continues.
I trust your collective kindness will comeback to you tenfold!
So on behalf of my wife Sheila, our daughters Rachael, Sarah, and Anna Grace and myself, THANK YOU!

Brad Watson

10-19-2010, 06:53 PM
Also, I want to personally thank each and every one of you guys who participated in this, it truly moves me to see what really good folks POGGERS are at heart, when not busy driving, eating, pranking, or the usual shenanigans we become involved in.

A double helping of thanks to Jim Skiff for including them in the auction
