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View Full Version : Prevost H560 Seen in Newcastle,Maine

Jim Skiff
09-20-2010, 05:58 PM
This 1988 coach is articulated and 60 feet long. It has a 892 Detroit. It was the 7th one built by Prevost. The engine is at the 2nd and 3rd bay. It has ten tires.
It is owned by Evangelist Jim Walker and the Walker family. Jim and Linda travel the country and perform at churches. They have seven children so the extra room comes in handy.


7225 7224

Jeff Bayley
09-20-2010, 07:11 PM
I saw several of these up close that were just passenger coaches and thought what an awesome conversion it would make. Remember the service guy telling me that Prevost didn't make an aweful lot of them. Would love to see interior pictures. Wonder if more pictures are online somewhere.

09-20-2010, 07:52 PM
Here's another one...with some interior shots...