View Full Version : Ham Radio at POG 9
09-14-2010, 08:20 PM
I was wondering how many ham radio operators are in our group and which of you will be attending POG 9?
I have an ICOM 7000 setup and a new ground-mounted vertical arrangement to share.
Also, anyone who is interested in amateur radio should let us know. I'm more than happy to help newcomers get started. It's never been easier to get your ham license, now that Morse code is no longer a test requirement.
Right now I'm in Bar Harbor, ME and have been talking to other hams as far east as Chicago with ease. There is lots of activity on the bands here.
-fred AA7BQ
Bill Price
09-15-2010, 06:43 AM
WE plan to be there.
Debra KD5UUA
I will have 2 meter capability. What about everyone using 146.520 at POG 9?
Ray Davis
09-15-2010, 08:13 PM
I will be there.
Ray Davis
Hmm, maybe we can have a session installing a 220/440 in my coach? I haven't put a ham radio in the bus, and the CB is essentially non-functional (I think it's just the missing antenna :)
09-15-2010, 08:42 PM
I would be intrested in getting an "introduction" to ham radio. If you could cover some of these questions during a short presentation that would be great. What are the study requirements for the first test? What bands and equipment is a beginner allowed to use? How can it be used in the bus while traveling? What is a realistic cost to get into it as a beginner? Just the basics, a little show and tell.
09-15-2010, 08:54 PM
How about a little round table deal on Ham Radio, I'm in...
dale farley
09-15-2010, 10:04 PM
I would also be interested in an intro to Ham Radio.
09-15-2010, 10:59 PM
I'll be there, but you knew that.
09-16-2010, 04:59 PM
I'll be happy to host a round table and will be able to answer all of your questions. The license test consists of 35 multiple choice questions. The questions are published and you can even take free practice tests on my website at Hundreds if not thousands of folks have used this site to get licensed. The strategy is simple. You get a study guide, read it, and keep taking the practice tests until you consistently pass them. Then, you sign up for a real test at a location near you and then you're almost guaranteed to pass.
For background reading, I recommend the Gordon West Technician Study Guide, which is available at
If enough folks want the book, I can get them at a discount and have them shipped to Buckhorn. Just let me know. They're $20 each.
Oh, and by the way, you can get a great VHF or UHF radio these days for only a couple of hundred dollars. I don't sell radios but I can show you where to find them.
We'll have a great time. Both Jim Chaloupka and I have the Icom 7000 setup in our rigs and we'll be able to demonstrate a lot of capability. Jim has the hot setup with the built-in transciever and a motorized antenna for quick deployment. My rig isn't built-in (yet) and my antenna is a ground mounted using a surplus military tripod that I setup at each stop. Both radios perform the same, however, and under good band conditions are capable of worldwide coverage.
I'm looking forward to meeting you all at POG 9.
09-16-2010, 08:26 PM
Skiffer is going to add the Ham round table to the Agenda for those that are interested.
Bill Price
09-17-2010, 08:20 AM
I would be willing to set on a panel with you two regarding Amateur Radio.
WA5NBP Amateur Extra
Radar Endorsement
09-17-2010, 12:36 PM
I would be willing to set on a panel with you two regarding Amateur Radio.
WA5NBP Amateur Extra
Radar Endorsement
So be it Bill and welcome, You and Fred will have to carry the load as I have been absent from the hobby for 35 some years and am now only getting back to it.
I am willing to participate to any degree I am able. My radio is new to me as is the installation of it and the antenna and there are tweekings still to be done with tuning the antenna, (maybe you and Fred can help me with that?)
JIM :o
Ray Davis
09-17-2010, 02:31 PM
Might be a fun idea to bring some radios to the round table and do some demonstrations. I can bring a couple of hand-helds if we want to show local "bus-to-bus" type of operation. I'm not sure if the repeaters in the area, but would be fun to show some longer distance contacts. Also, we might want to setup with a friend back home who has HF, and show a connection via 20 or 40 meters? I have a friend here I could probably schedule if we know the time to listen for us.
Bill Price
09-17-2010, 06:03 PM
That would be a good idea to show some gear and demo.
I can bring a couple of handhelds and a HF rig. I dont have any HF antennas on my bus though. Looks like you have a great antenna set up for hf
I do have a dual band 144/440 installed in my bus.
Another Ham from here, John KF5BBM will be at the POG Rally.
If you can think of anything you need let us know. I will twist Johns arm to help us.
I will research the Repeater situation in Kerrville. I do know they have one and a local club.
Should we plan on 146.52 as a POG Rally Freq??
Ray Davis
09-17-2010, 06:17 PM
I could actually use some help in installing a rig in the coach. Haven't done it since I haven't had ham running partners previously. I've got an unused CB in there at the moment which might provide an easy way to do it. I'm thinking of a 144/440 rig.
09-17-2010, 08:06 PM
Here's my setup which I'll be showing.
The antenna is a telescoping 30 foot fiberglass pole with a surplus fiberglass tripod. A small wire is attached to the top of the pole which runs down to my automatic antenna tuner. I'm using the Bus for the ground. Power output is 100 watts.
These pictures are from a few days ago in Bar Harbor, Maine.
Although the radio runs on 12 volts, I use the small 30A switching power supply because it's easier to just plug into 110 AC. When I do the permanent install in the bus, I'll probably tap into the 12 volt house supply if I can find a convenient location to do so. Otherwise, I'll stick with the power supply shown here.
We should be able to make contacts to both coasts with this setup from Kerrville.
This photo is approximately the actual size of the radio (about 8 inches wide).
10-08-2010, 09:09 PM
Just a note for any POG member who is interested in Ham Radio, or who would like information on becoming a ham.
The Ham Radio Seminar / Gathering will be held at 11:am at my coach, site 6023
Look for the yellow pole with a red wind sock, and a big QRZ.COM banner on the coach.
We'll have a live demonstration of a 100 watt radio, a talk on becoming a ham, and study guides for those who would like to take the test.
Call me at 602-793-6637 if you have any questions. Otherwise, see ya there at 11:am on Saturday.
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