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View Full Version : Pinch Hit Driver Needed to storm area

Jeff Bayley
09-02-2010, 07:50 PM
We have friends that have been storm chasers for years. Tree work. We're going to help sell jobs and also sell Tarping jobs for the roofs. We left from where we were in western MN and staying in Milwaukee tonight, then turning the corner around Chicago toward the East Coast. Will decide tommorow after update on Earl but best guess is to head straight east toward New York with their guess that it might make landfall up around the NE.

If anyone is within striking distance on that path (or even off the path a little) and is able to help us drive we would welcome it in order to get ahead of the storm. I need to get there ahead of the storm or be on the fringe of where the storm is going to hit (they never know until the very end anyhow). If it happens to go into NC then we'll turn south. I will pay for your return flight home or your welcome to stay and observe or if you want and/or work for a day or a week and either stay if your having fun or fly home. Might have to drop you at an airport outside the storm area depending on what's what with the airports. It's like falling off a rock to make $700 a day or more selling tree jobs. PM me or email me about the work opportunity if you wish but this post is about a driver not working. I'll be happy to find someone to drive if your out there and make the airport drop or if you want to go into the area with us and decide to leave later I'm having someone bring my truck and about 5 generators in a trailer up there so can take you to the airport when ever your ready to split. These storms devastating peoples lives but the energy around helping them is both enjoyable and profitable (for me anyway). I'm sure I'd hate it if I had to do it every day but once in a while it's fun.

Anyway, driver needed. 3 square meals a day included. he. Oh, if anyone would like to tag along in your own bus with us that's cool also. There's a Royal Coach Club Rally in Maine next month I think.

09-03-2010, 06:59 AM
Jeff Are you awhere of arbroist licensing laws? Each state requires you be licensed in their state. Even if you are only selling jobs, you still have to have a license. Just for your info. Rick

Jon Wehrenberg
09-03-2010, 07:45 AM
To say nothing of sales tax collection, and the myriad of regulations in place to protect consumers. After some recent disasters in FL and along the gulf coast various state and local agencies focus on out of town opportunists who use disasters like hurricanes to make a quick buck. Rick is correct in alerting you.

Due to profiteering at disasters a lot of localities have laws or regulations in place that limit prices that can be charged for goods and services. The NE is the poster child for laws and regulations in this country.

I don't believe there are any regulations or laws preventing people from helping those in need by volunteering services however.

Gary Carmichael
09-03-2010, 08:11 AM
Jeff, those generators will help some unfortunate family or even better find someone that has to have power for a medical reason, Most people like you say are devastated,and need help, remember it's better to give than to receive. I have my primary residence in Southport N.C. have been through 7 hurricanes, Floyd being the worst. My heart goes out to all that may be affected by this storm.

Jeff Bayley
09-03-2010, 10:34 AM
Thanks for the replies. In an effort to keep my post shorter, I didn't go into full detail. While I'm not fully aware of the out of state laws pertaining to contractors I know that my friend that I've known since I was poo poo'ing my pants (and starting again soon) was raised in the business and has been storm chassing doing the tree work since childhood with his father. Pretty sure he's go the legality covered. Presume if he is employing salesman they are covered under his license. I'm actually supposed to be selling tarping jobs. The other part I didn't cover in the post is that he's been working on a business plan for the last few years to make an organization called Stop Gauging and is ready to launch this but it's a big endeaver. There is nobody really regulating these contractors and it would be like http://www.servicemagic.com/ but just as it relates to storm contractors. There are many other regular contrators that follow the storms / follow the work and the idea is to have a list of honest contractors with good ratings.

I'm not taking the generators to sell them. He's got a large operatoin and I'm taking some tent's and portable A/C's for giving other storm organizers shelter and A/C in the tents plus one of the generators is on an ATV type trailer with a light tower to give us light at the base camp if needed.

Right now he's not sure if it's going to be a go for him or not. His best guess is it's not going to hit hard enough to go but I'm still going to move east. Fiona is right behind it. I haven't checked the news just what he's reporting to me. Not getting enough rest. Got a PM and possible driver but I'm going to slow the pace down a tad and get some rest. Rather arive late than not arrive at all.

When we have more of the big picture put together I was planning on explaining the mechanics of all of that picture later for others within stricking distance on the East Coast that may want to participate. But it's premature for that. Having your own provisions which include housing and electricity (RV's) makes this a good place to throw it out for those that have time or desire to help but this could be next season before the foundation is laid in.

Out of town contractors are a real case of a love/hate. The bad ones have given all of them a questionable reputation. The out of town contractors have a black eye but the towns affected can not afford not to have the extra help. Hence, the reason for Stop Gauging. I've been praying (seriously) for a way to get out of my current business and into something else that I can make a living at but go to sleep at night and feel like I've made a difference in peoples lives. This may be the answer to my praying. I'm not retired or wealthy enough to not think about an income but that doesn't mean that you can't both make a living and also be helping people at the same time. Comments and suggestins on any other models to follow for regulating welcomed. I don't have the whole schematic download on the mechanics of it from my friend yet because it's complex and he's waiting to explain it to me when I see him. I know, let's let Obama regulate it !

Ok, you made me relapse into another long post just when I was trying to be in "long post rehab".