View Full Version : Comprensive Compilation of suppliers for parts
Jeff Bayley
08-13-2010, 04:21 PM
I'd like to volunteer to compile a comprehensive list of suppliers for bits and pieces we need to keep our buses up to par. These are scattered throughout the site but what about putting all this together in one reference place finally ? Need everyone's help and notes on suppliers you've either found or used or made a note of over the years.
Examples below
Likely Sources for OEM replacements:
Decorative trim lighting
Recommended to call them to discuss what you have and they will talk you through your replacement order which is custom cut to length for your application.
Hub Cabs
Push Button Switches on many coaches (courtesy of Steve)
(found post by Alex)
Bulbs for side markers, rocker switches, gauges (for example, corrections welcome)
Note: From Bulbtown, ordered part
#386 for square push buttons. See to see which switches these work on.
I just ordered a replacement two position push button switch used on most all our conversions from Newark above. It took about a half hour to track down the new part numbers and such since my bus in a 97 and their numbers have changed over the years. Lens Cover #66F-9716 $2.00 Part # for entire switch assembly: 66F9702 $27.65
#2721 is bulb for rocker switches using 12 volt only. For 24 volt I've had to order from Prevost Parts but price is still only .80 each. It would be nice to order them all from one source. Can anyone find a 24 volt version of this on bulbtown ?
#1873 are for the side market lights but I can't tell if I have 12 volt or 24volt.
Question: Can anyone answer what year Prevost changed over the side marker lights (and possibly other accessories ?) from 12 volt to 24 volt ? I am replacing a bulb later so will check my voltage at the terminals and edit what voltage bulb #1873 is.
(I have moved this question from up to to here) For example I don’t know if any of these sell 24 volt lights for the switches. If they do, let’s put the part numbers for the various bulbs if we have them recorded.
Water Filter Replacement Cartridges Thank you Andre
Home Page:
They have pressure gauges and regulators and a "Useful" gadgets link.
Heat Protection for Engine or Gen n Thank you Andre
Pneumatic Parts, filters, check valves, gobs of goodies Thank you Andre
Toilet Manufactures and Parts Thank you again Andre
(I need someone to tell me what other brands you have on your buses. This is one of several)
Replacement Bus Panels
Tip Courtesy of Mango Mike: Although encouraged to do so, do not buy your rivets from IBP as they only offer a 1/4" rivet which is known as a "monobolt". Although very impressive looking, it takes a special "monobolt" tool to install which is very expensive ($500+) Further to this, Prevost does not sell polished rivets so you'll need a grinder style buffing wheel and some polish or a vise and a Dremel to make Prevost rivets shine. Also note that Prevost does not sell polished body panels so as far as I know, IBS is the only supplier for polished panels.
Cool Tools: from Mango Mikes site
Surge Protector (description and review courtesy of Mike Anderson)
Torque Multiplier: [/B]
(Description and pictures courtesy of Mike Anderson
Purchase Here:
See: for a discussion on this tool.
(Appended from Gordens post/ suggestion. Excerpts from his post and my responses)
What do you carry?
(Gorden wrote) .............handful of sensors that will shut you down, so I bought those.
Here is where we list the sensors you need 1) Engine Temp 2)Low Coolant 3) Oil Pressure The part numbers would not be practical and these are D.D only items. Note that when I just had my Engine Temp sensor changed the tech's told me there was more than one (97 XL-45). Unconfirmed though.
(Gordon wrote) Jon has mentioned a copy of each type of relay on the coach is in his box. (Ok good, which ones do you carry Jon ?)
(Gordon wrote) I carry a spare Stemco and some other goodies (Good, what goodies are they ?)
I saw where Kevin carries some alternator repair items. Seems like that would be another good resource for members to share ideas and experiences. (Yes, it's working. What Alternator repair items to you carry Kevin ? Inquiring minds want to know.
"Best Cellular Booster" by Lloyd:
Cabinet Latches used by many converters:
Repair Resource
Bus Garage Index recommended by Denny
The cost is $40 and that includes first class shipping.
Recommended by Tuga who writes "I keep a copy of Trucker's Friend in my coach. It has a lot of useful info; where to buy tires, road service, towing, etc."
(Post by Jon) This link is one of the articles from the magazine and it is a very comprehensive article about tires and it contradicts a previous thread in which we discussed blowouts and how to handle them.
(My Original Posting Left in place here)
So that’s the idea and this list could be quite extensive. I don’t know if there’s a way to mark which suppliers may be particular to certain converters but if you submit your suppliers to me to compile you might include the coach (or coaches) that you have used those suppliers for in the past and could go on there as a foot note. I think this document will be a continuous work in progress when someone successfully orders something from a supplier for XYZ converter of XYZ year it could be appended to note that those owners got the parts they need for the following coaches there.
Also links to favorite accessories like the telescoping ladder or any number of the “Cool Tools” that Mango already has listed. The torque multiplier. The favorite couple of compressors some of you use. Other adds on accessories you’ve done yourself. I can knife it up into two documents. “Converter related OEM’s” and “Popular accessories of POG’ers”.
Is this something we could get going. I know the information is all scattered throughout the site but how about we put it all on one document ?
You can email me direct at and I can start a running document and come back and cut and paste the items into one posting here by editing it so it’s a running tabulation and we can begin to see what is missing. Unless someone has a better idea for putting this document together. Even stuff that is obvious to some like Fantastic Fans might be helpful to newbies. We can list what their policies are such as the fact that Fantastic Fans have lifetime warranties for example.
Is this a practical or impracticable idea ? I put post for parts I need and someone always seems to come up with the supplier so why not compile it all ?
Gary Carmichael
08-13-2010, 08:47 PM
Jeff, I think that is a great idea, I am new to the world of Prevost and am amazed at the prices for things for Prevost.
08-13-2010, 10:28 PM
Jeff. That is perfect! We do need our own POG catalogue. Good call.
Jon Wehrenberg
08-14-2010, 06:57 AM
Since the beginning of POG links for just about anything we could want or need has been posted on the forum. In addition there have been tips about how to get better phone or computer signals, how to hook up Silverleaf, how to paint the roof, etc.
If this could be compiled and put in the information sharing section or the articles section it would make an amazing resource, especially if it could be a living document that has changes and additions as new information becomes available.
Anyone agree? Anyone want to assemble a team to scour every post on the forum and alphabetize and sort and compile this? At the risk of seeming to pick on new owners, I cannot think of a better way for a group of new owners to get a sense of the big picture. The key to ownership is not necessarily knowing everything, but is more about knowing where to get information or stuff when it is needed.
Jeff Bayley
08-14-2010, 12:17 PM
Gary D, Gary C and Jon- This thread has received 86 views since I posted it yesterday afternoon and 3 replies from you all that say it makes sense. Do none of the other viewers have one supplier in their notes to contribute ? Even if it's already been discussed somewhere before, as Jon points out finding it all is time consuming. By the way, see my original post up top. I'm going to go ahead and use that as a working draft. I've made the subheading bold and I looked up my past orders and put details on the bulbs and a note on the pimp lighting and such. I (we?) need more information like that. Ok. I can remember the post on the cellular booster by Lloyd so I got to the search bar and put "Booster" and then search. Out comes what I'm looking for at So I can now go back up top later (when there's more stuff to post from POG'ers putting it in this thread, hint) and I can continue to append the document. Maybe it will just reside right here. Maybe instead of emailing me you just make a short post and add something. Put out of 86 views only 3 people ?
Jon- The idea of cataloging the articles and discussions is great. I think we have to walk before we run though. What I had in mind was that each of us (in our computer most likely) has a list whether it's short or long of where they've purchased parts before. If you did nothing more than cut and paste that list here it is what we're looking for. Don't worry about editing it or if some of it's redundant. One of us will filter through it and parse out what has not been added to the master list and it will work. Will the next person reading this make a reply and add something useful please ? Even if it's to say "Engine Sensors: Only available from Prevost or Detroit. Don't waste time looking elsewhere". That information is useful.
08-14-2010, 12:27 PM
On of the problem with POG'rs is they don't hesitate to go off topic in a thread. As a result, the forum is full of off topic gems that end up in otherwise non-descript threads. Good idea Jeff.
I have also been thinking of starting a thread along the lines of "what do you carry?" I learned through reading a lot on here about the handful of sensors that will shut you down, so I bought those. Jon has mentioned a copy of each type of relay on the coach is in his box. I carry a spare Stemco and some other goodies and obviously tools. I saw where Kevin carries some alernator repair items. Seems like that would be another good resource for members to share ideas and experiences.
Jeff Bayley
08-14-2010, 01:15 PM
Gordon- Thank you for the suggestions. I have appended my post above and will continue to fill in the blanks as information is posted so we have one document when we are done. Another 35 people have viewed this post in the last few hours yet no one has anything to add ? This is a group effort to compile everything POG'ers. Even if you have stuff book marked can't you submit what you have? We need more content for the parts.
Gary Carmichael
08-14-2010, 09:07 PM
Jeff, Thank goodness I have not had to replace major parts so far (2005) but R-ving for several years in 2 country coaches 1 Essex I know that these things happen at the worst time and the frustration is compounded by trying to figure out what it is, and then where to get the part. This site is better than any, and unique in that the wealth of info the members have, again your idea is great! I am not good with computers, and am learning quickly about Prevost related things, but will do what I can to help you.
08-14-2010, 10:26 PM
That's one of the reasons I help moderate for Jim and I usually have to move threads almost on a daily basis. Your right, they're scattered all over the place, but hopefully we're making progress. I don't know anyway to go back and try to sort them out and you really have to dig for what your looking for, but at least moving forward you should see an improvement.
Loc posts almost every day, but I delete them due to his Government affiliation!:p:o
08-14-2010, 10:30 PM
I have bunch of links. Before I send them to you I need to make sure they are still good. I wil start working on it and send you a few at a time.
Jon Wehrenberg
08-15-2010, 05:57 AM
One thing that likely needs to be done is for a team to split up and go through each post on each thread and sort out articles on how to do things and getting links to those, pulling links from posts for parts and pulling links from posts where the link leads to technical information.
I am sure if that is combined with links we have all bookmarked POG would end up with a document worth its weight in diesel fuel.
Jeff Bayley
08-15-2010, 06:44 AM
Regarding pulling all the articles together and other info, am I the only one that can't get the Advanced Search to work ? I keep on thinking that it's me but I just don't think it works and that would be helpful if it did work for finding this stuff. For example when I wanted to find the write up Lloyd did on "Best Cellular Booster" I went to the simple search bar and typed "Booster". I got about a dozen or more results but was able to quickly find the one I wanted in this example. There have been other times I've recalled a post on something I wanted to read again and tried searching but too many results come up for me to find what I'm after. I tried finding Jon's post that itemized out the cost of suspension parts recently and couldn't find it using the word "Airbag". Too many results. If I try the Advanced search for keyword "air bag" or even "bag" and Jon's member name I get zilch and we all know Jon has posted many times on air bags. Actually when I searched for the word "bag" I got results of all the wives that complained about my prior Avitar. No not really.
So I try the Advanced Search but I always get "No Results Found". Just to test, I went to the advanced search and put the word "Booster" in for the Keyword and left every other parameter blank and it still gave me "No Results Found". Huh ? How could it work on the simple search and not the Advanced Search ?
I don't want to make thread creep here but so far this topic is not getting a lot of support and being able to search better using the Advanced Search would help to find information. This thread has 161 views as of now. I guess some of those are repeat viewers but all we have so far for my draft attempt at this are the few links that I put which are labeled "Examples". Andre has sent me a few links that I still need to view and post but that about all except for Gordon's jogging my memory of things like the engine sensors and spare parts sub heading. I think Jerry Winchester has an article made up some where in here (maybe in the new "Articles" section) for his collection of spare parts.
Maybe this is only valuable to people with older coaches like mine that need bits and pieces and POG'ers with newer coaches don't have the need for this ? Or are you guys still sore at me for making you look at the rear ended Avitars there for a while ?
08-15-2010, 08:45 AM
We could set up a place to put all the how to projects and put them in alphabetical order. I have seen other forums use a term they call "DIY", short for do it yourself. When the post is placed on the board, Jim or I could just copy it to a DIY, but leave all the additional chatter that comes along on the original post. Then folks could just go to the DIY and not have to read all the additional comments that many times get off topic. Jeff's idea of parts could also be added to the DIY as "Parts."
Jon Wehrenberg
08-15-2010, 01:18 PM
To do this project there is no need to do a search because at some point every single thread is going to be examined for nuggets of advice or information or links.
The key will be to assign each category on the forum to a volunteer or group of volunteers and as they scan through them looking for valuable links, knowledge, parts sources, etc. they compile a list and assign a heading for the information that is collected. For example, if it is a link for parts, it needs to be saved under links for "widgets". Another link may be for exhaust brackets and that would be saved under "exhaust" and so forth.
If a particular post or thread has valuable information instead of putting that in the parts section, a link to that can be posted under "tips from owners" and then listed under its topic, such as "refinishing a roof". We have had a lot of owners do a project, photo its progress and post it on the forum. There are a lot of very valuable threads. I don't know if it is worth editing them to take away the BS and off topic remarks, but just linking to them and creating an index will be worth its weight in Transynd.
We also have collected links to PDF files for things ranging from batteries to Allison transmissions to macerator pumps. These files are collections of knowledge and usually are the operators manual or handbook. They are also invaluable and each of us can provide those links if they are not culled from the site search.
I think newer owners should do this. I am not suggesting this to duck work, but as a means for new owners of coaches to climb the learning curve at a speed the rest of us which we could have. Remember, this knowledge we have amassed at POG is not that old and prior to Prevost Stuff and POG there was NOTHING. We were literally on our own.
Gary & Peggy Stevens
08-15-2010, 02:12 PM
Jeff, I sent you a Private email with Bus stuff in it. Hope it helps your compilation ? Thanks for taking on this project.
Gary S.
Jeff Bayley
08-16-2010, 03:36 PM
Gary- Got all the links. Taking some time to sort through them. You had a bunch. Thanks. I posted Andres links under subheadings and can rearrange what goes under what subheading as I go along.
Truk or Jim- Can the Advanced Search be repaired to work ? The simple search works but not the Advanced Search. I tried inputting www. in the simple search hoping to get results for all web sites that had been posted (suppliers, etc). Nothing turned up. I tried searching for .com and still zilcho. Maybe there's a way for you guys to search as administrators on the back end to pin point and find the URL's. That seems like it might be an efficient way to garnish some useful stuff maybe.
Further to Jon's suggestion, if anyone is researching (newbies or otherwise) and finds URL's or names of suppliers maybe shoot me a PM with the hyper link or better cut and paste it to me to reduce having to scroll through the whole page and find it.
Here's the additions I put on my original post with some unaswered questions if anyone can add and answer.
Question: Can anyone answer what year Prevost changed over the side marker lights (and possibly other accessories ?) from 12 volt to 24 volt ? I am replacing a bulb later so will check my voltage at the terminals and edit what voltage bulb #1873 is.
(I have moved this question from up to to here) For example I don’t know if any of these sell 24 volt lights for the switches. If they do, let’s put the part numbers for the various bulbs if we have them recorded.
Water Filter Replacement Cartridges Thank you Andre
Home Page:
They have pressure gauges and regulators and a "Useful" gadgets link.
Heat Protection for Engine or Gen Thank you Andre
Pneumatic Parts, filters, check valves, gobs of goodies Thank you Andre
Toilet Manufactures and Parts Thank you again Andre
(I need someone to tell me what other brands you have on your buses. This is one of several)
08-16-2010, 07:18 PM
I use advanced search all the time, I believe the problem is on your end.
Jeff Bayley
08-16-2010, 10:31 PM
Truk- Someone else commented they got no love from it either. I'll try a different browser. Comments from others on Advanced Search ? Works for you or not ?
Hey I need some help with parts now and what better place to put it than on this thread. My automatic blind motors are getting tired in my 97 and tripping the breaker. I was surprised to learn this was a Prevost installed item. I'm told by Phoenix Royale that they used German Motors and they have a refit for using a different motor. I've asked them for a quote to redo it several times but no answer and suppose they are too busy so I'm examining other ways to get the automatic blinds fixed.
I got these links from Gary but I can't seem to find what I need here. Anyone have the answer to replacement of the Prevost installed front motorized shades. Like to get white instead of black but would settle for new motors.
Electronic Solutions, Inc. Front Window Shade control Modules
Silent Gliss Shades Front Window Shades OscarRami material ?
But I can’t seem to find anything helpful there for the bus. Prevost wants almost $500 per side for new ones. Screw that. I'm wondering about taking them apart and getting the OEM off the motor and trying to replace those. Anyone done this ?
08-16-2010, 11:14 PM
Truk it doesn't work for me either. If I want to look up mae west airbags I put "mae west" into keywords, click "forums" and search. I get nothing, if I click "post" I get all of the current posts.
Maybe we need an article on "advance search"
Jon Wehrenberg
08-17-2010, 07:15 AM
Are you sure the motors are a Prevost thing? My Liberty of similar vintage has 4 front shade switches on the side panel near the transmission keypad and they do match the Prevost switches, but I also have a second set of switches located in one of the overhead front cabinets, clearly those were installed by Liberty. What makes me question if this is Prevost stuff is the fact that my shades are 120VAC powered and I wasn't aware Prevost had other than 12 and 24VDC power in the shells.
08-17-2010, 08:36 AM
Here are few interesting links:
Window shades, I think that is what we have in our buses:
Adjusting Motor Limits on your shades :
Jeff Bayley
08-23-2010, 09:28 PM
You may have noticed my "Ra, ra, ra" for the parts supplies has dropped off because of the lack of participation (which may indicate lack this is needed) from the group. But I did just order something for the first time that took some time to sort out and could save someone else some time if they need one of these push button switches. I've updated my first "working draft of master document" to reflect this addition:
#386 for square push buttons. See to see which switches these work on.
I just ordered a replacement two position push button switch used on most all our conversions from Newark above. It took about a half hour to track down the new part numbers and such since my bus in a 97 and their numbers have changed over the years. Lens Cover #66F-9716 $2.00 Part # for entire switch assembly: 66F9702 $27.65
I'll let this thread twilight off like a dying star unless someone knows how to light a fire under everyone's cooler. Do you guys just not have any suppliers or maybe too many new buses that haven't needed anything ? Jeez, I thought even a brand new one needed stuff from day one.
Jeff Bayley
09-21-2010, 12:15 PM
Here's another item to add to the Master Parts Draft (emphasis on "draft" which may never become a real working and usable document).
I need a new screen for my lower half side window. Prevost parts just informed me they don't sell it anymore as their supplier stop making them. I asked the guy if he has another suggestion for a supplier and he said "no". Anyone know that to do on the screen ? It's either find a subsitute source or attempt a repair on the frame I have. I haven't looked at it real close from a repair standpoint but I don't think those frames use the type of compression rubber in the frame the way a house screen does. Cancel that. I just took one out. It DOES have a similar rubber pressed in. Looks to be smaller diameter than typical house screen. Is that diameter going to be tricky to track down ?
09-21-2010, 01:05 PM
Lowes has a variety of screen splines:
You'll need to measure your current spline - sometimes if it is old, it will be compacted and brittle, and won't measure the true size. Then you should try the closest largersize. The spline roller tool is invaluable for making this an easier job, as well as a large enough flat surface to do the repair on.
Jon Wehrenberg
09-21-2010, 01:34 PM
Don't get frustrated because nobody appears to be supporting what you are attempting to do.
What you are recommending is sorely needed and if it can be completed and found on the web site it will be a heavily used document. But as I stated earlier pulling it together is going to be a monumental task. I am sure over the thousands of posts made to this and the P-Stuff site there is enough information and links to suppliers that anyone with the desire can find any part needed, or learn how to make any repair.
Those of us who have plowed that ground independently likely have our sources bookmarked and know how to tap into information on how to diagnose and do repairs. The document would likely be best suited for relatively new owners who may need to come up to speed quickly. I still think those are the folks who should assist you because they will rapidly be able to come up to speed on Prevost ownership.
Jeff Bayley
09-21-2010, 01:47 PM
Jon- Too bad there is not a way to quantify membership based on participation and somehow corral the looky loo's into helping compile this. That is not a practical suggestion but wish it was. If you look at the number of times a given post has been read compared to the number of replies you can get a sense for what I mean. Or just browse the membership list and see how many people have either never posted or only posted a handful of times. Active people that are helping like you and others should get a discount and others that just read and have nothing to contribute (either because they are unable or just don't care to) should be the ones compiling everything but (again) this is not a suggestion that could be implemented. I don't have near the knowledge of you and others but on the rare occasion when I think I have something to add that may be helpful I at least make an attempt and putting back into the kitty. There should be a rule that says for every 20 posts you look at you have to MAKE a post. Even if it's just to say "I'm making my token post because I have to in order to keep reading what you other guys have to say".
Jon Wehrenberg
09-21-2010, 02:44 PM
I disagree. Nobody should have to do anything. I understand where you are coming from, but to suggest that as a condition of membership everyone has to do some work would not be right.
We are a diverse group with some of us gearheads who do most if not all our work, and others at the opposite end of that spectrum who just want to drive and enjoy the coach and allow others to maintain it. Both belong here because the full range of interests represented here is what makes POG.
Help to pull information together needs to be voluntary and done by those with an interest. Every one of us has been coerced through life, with everyone from the government to customers to others telling us what to do and how to react, and POG is our safe haven where a member can sit back, laugh as we tend to make fools of ourselves and never post a thing, or can dive in with both feet and join the insanity. I hope POG never becomes a duty, or a job or a responsibility because then we have lost sight of what POG is supposed to be.
Jeff Bayley
09-21-2010, 03:16 PM
Point well taken. It's a labor of love. (and possibly my shortest post ever)
09-21-2010, 08:34 PM
My coach is a 97 Royale XL40 #199 and I am still reading the manuals to get a better hand on what I have gotten myself into. As one of the new guys, I will volunteer to help as I learn about my coach. There certainly is a huge amount of information to be collected and documented and it will take a period of time before I can be reasonably expected to make a worthwhile contribution. I joined the group about a week ago and have only logged 2 nights in the coach so far. As a newbee there is a lot of information that the old timers have learned and now take for granted. As an example, I have wondered why there are 2 inverters and if I need to run both of them? The limited information I have available seems to be on the order of try something and see what happens. On an even simpler note I an not sure exactly how to extend and retract the Zip Dee awnings that seem to cover every window. Now that you are laughing, perhaps my contribution should be the basics of what a newbee struggles to learn before becoming a veteran. One of my problems is probably due to not even having been in a motor home or is that a coach, for over 30 years. At at least I made a good choice on where to start and have fallen in with an unusual group.
Jon Wehrenberg
09-22-2010, 07:14 AM
Welcome to the asylum. You would benefit greatly helping Jeff in his attempt to create a master list of links and a catalog of informative "how-to" posts. You will also find the answers to your questions by wading through the thousands of posts and discussions.
To help out, if you have two inverters, use them both. The short version is they each have circuits passing through them that are likely the important ones you use most.
As far as the awnings are concerned, unless you have power awnings, you have to relase the locks and pull them down, then extend the braces to secure them in place. If you come to Kerrville all of your questions, both generic that apply to any conversion, and specific that apply to your conversion will get answered. It will be like trying to drink from a fire hose gathering this information, but more importantly you will meet and be able to know other POG members who will be able to help you at any time.
What do you mean this is an unusual group???????? I don't know if we just got insulted (that's pretty normal around here, or praised.)
09-22-2010, 10:32 AM
Thanks for the intro to the group. Unfortunately I will not be able to attend POG9 but I will plan on the next one.
I will begin collecting links on "how-to" posts using an excel spread sheet for easy editing, unless Jef would prefer to use another format. Think I will omit the how do you "extend and retract the Zip Dee awnings" to reduce probable comments in the future. Guess I have just opened the door and have been cataloged by you guys as the POG member who can't open his awnings.
The unusual group comment was an observation based on the content I have seen on the forum. I was not sure initially if the POG members would actually get their hands dirty or simply pay someone to do everything. I'm a hands on guys who likes to work on my toys and fully intend to drink from the POG fire hose with the proper flow restriction installed.
Jon Wehrenberg
09-22-2010, 01:37 PM
As far as if we get our hands dirty, we cover the entire spectrum. Some of us do 100% of our work. Others use the services of others to maintain their coaches. I think the vast majority falls somewhere in the middle, doing some work, but having others do the rest.
A number of us have our own pits and the tools to do work. Some have no choice but to let others do their work because they do not have a place to work on the coach.
Of the work that has been done by POG members I don't think there is a limit. Some guys have gotten deep into their engines. Others have done less complex repairs, but still some major work. I think it is fair to say those of us that get pretty deep into the maintenance and repairs we do is because we view it as a hobby that provides a lot of satisfaction.
Every one of us except the liars started our Prevost experience like the proverbial deer in the headlights. So if your awnings are stumping you don't feel in the least embarassed because there is so much to learn it takes quite a while. I have owned a Prevost for 20 years, and have done all my own work for at least 15 of those years, and whenver something new (to me) needs a repair or maintenance I always learn something I did not know before. I did not know how to use my ZipDee awning tool for about 15 of the 20 years I owned a coach.
I see by the silence some POG members are going to let you stew a while about the awning thing, but trust me, there are stories to tell about owners who due to a lack of knowledge have gone far beyond the realm of dumb mistakes and into the land of really, really stupid mistakes. I may be viewed as having entered the land of really stupid mistakes because I was once accused of blocking a four lane highway. Since there were no photos I can always claim it never happened. Some time ask me how far a bus can drag an H2 Hummer at 6700 pounds before the driver realizes the brakes might be locked. The owner without any mishaps is brand new or holding back the truth.
The reality is the converters do a great job of making the coaches simple to live in and relatively simple to maintain. If you want any information ask the question here and undoubtedly you will get answers. We pride ourselves on occasionally (usually by accident) providing the correct answer. We have a lot of folks with considerable Royale knowledge so it is doubtful if you will ask a question that cannot be answered. If you want we can even tell you the magic of awnings.
Ray Davis
09-22-2010, 01:53 PM
If you're ever coming down from the mountain to the Orange County area, or perhaps heading for service at Mira Loma, give us a shout. There is a number of OC based POG members, and we'd love to meet you face to face, grab a bite to eat, etc.
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