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View Full Version : 2007 legendary

07-31-2010, 09:07 PM
there is a 2007 legendary listed on ebay for 504k or best offer. is there something wrong with it or have prices came down that much? pat chism

08-01-2010, 03:25 AM
I think that is the price,Florida luxury coach had one for $499,000

08-01-2010, 03:38 AM
Same coach is on RVONLINE for 509 also,some new Legendary's were reported to have sold at the very end for 700-750,so this price makes sense,but I think that these are good buys if you understand what you are buying with no factory support,others have found X employees of Legendary that have helped them.

Jon Wehrenberg
08-01-2010, 07:37 AM
One of the Legendary coaches sold new for $625 a couple of years ago. As long as it has the Prevost chassis and (if equipped) Prevost slides the major portion of it is supported. The house, even without support from the converter should be easily supported by any converter or the independent shops that sponsor POG because almost all of our coaches use off the shelf components and systems.

The only difficulty might be in matching fabrics or hard surfaces, and that may never be important.

Kenneth Brewer
08-01-2010, 03:07 PM
It may be useful to point out that at least one Legendary coach has the generator radiator roof-mounted. This may or may not be of note: on the (new, I think) coach I witnessed, a coolant transport system failure caused leakage through/into the roof. Also, water addition had to be accomplished on the roof. I have no further details. I was in a facility having my Webasto rebuilt and observed (yes, I know, drop it please) work being done on the Legendary.

08-01-2010, 04:34 PM
Hey Jack, that's our our 2007 Legendary for sale at Florida Luxury Coach for less then the one mentioned here on ebay. Bob wants an H-45, actually wanted one before he purchased the Legendary, but couldn't find that right H-45 "Liberty" <grin> as Gary S. keeps reminding him! Referring back to an earlier POG thread of a couple weeks ago:


You will see that there is all the support out there anyone would ever need if they purchase a Legendary. The engineering of these coaches is excellent and the HVAC cooling and air impressed us as well as the Crestron system. Very Scandanavian interior in ours with light hardwood floors and cabinets. Eric, Deb and Jay Faires saw it at the Pilots N Paws flyin and I think Deb would have moved right in <g> Regarding the radiator mounted on the roof, it is mounted in the same place as a Millennium conversion :-)

Debi and Bob-00

Gary & Peggy Stevens
08-02-2010, 04:59 PM
Debi, you go girl.... I wish I knew as much about my bus as you do about yours... AND, how do you keep ALL OF THEM STRAIGHT ! :confused:

What is this now, Bob's 8th bus? Did you even have time to remodel the enterior to your liking, this time? :rolleyes:

Gary S.

08-02-2010, 08:52 PM
Debi,I really like your new coach,that is the best looking interior I have seen in a Legendary.

08-03-2010, 09:14 AM
Gary, I am married to Bob, that is why I know! Trust me, I know more about cars, trucks, machinery, and now buses then I ever thought possible....besides which, I am Bob's "typer" so consider me the court reporter--LOL Some of it I actually retain! And no, I did not have a chance to do a re-do of the interior, as Jack stated, (thank you Jack!) it is already a very smart looking interior.....did shop a little for accent pieces though and created a draped headboard, does that count?

As far as the numbers go, Bob doesn't count so why should I? bahahhahahhaha I feel safe in saying it is beyond 8 now....Like I stated earlier, it might be intervention time!!

Debi and Bob, hmmmmm, what's next??

Jon Wehrenberg
08-03-2010, 04:38 PM
Bob is out of control and Debi is an enabler.

I'm thinking that Bob knows buses are cheaper than mistresses right Deb?

08-04-2010, 11:17 PM
Bob is out of control and Debi is an enabler.

I'm thinking that Bob knows buses are cheaper than mistresses right Deb?

Ha, whatever you say Jon! I have no experience with mistresses :-)


11-03-2010, 06:05 PM
Hello All,
my name is Dave and I was the Sevice & Warranty Manager for Legendary Luxury Coach and I have openned my own shop in the same facuilty in Coburg, Oregon where they were converted. Since their closure back in July of '07 I was working for Country Coach before there closure, so I grab some of the great technicians and builders from CC, Legendary and deceied to open my own shop for part to full restoration plus repairs. I have been getting most of the Legendary folks together and letting them know there is someone out there that can support them with all their needs, knowing how their built and that I'll be there for them has comfort them (Legendary, CC). I want to extend my services to the group anyway I can and hope to hear from you all in the future.

Best Regards,

11-03-2010, 06:18 PM
Hello, if you need any info on the Legendary's please contact me I was the Service and Warranty Manager and I have all their info color code for the interior and exterior plus all the lastest wiring diagrams, and much more.

Best Regards,

01-19-2011, 08:19 PM
Hi Dave:

I am looking at buying a 2007 Legendary.
The guys at Marathon are sending me dire warnings about a Legendary product.
Can you share your thoughts?

Thank you.

Jim Paton

01-20-2011, 07:37 PM

I have a 2006 Legendary and the only problem specific to Legendary was a leak in the coach by the passenger seat roof that Prevost repaired for me. The issues that have surfaced since then are systems and components that all the converters employ. I find the conversion to be tight and the finishes seem to be holding up. Marathon makes a great coach by don't count out Legendary.

01-20-2011, 08:11 PM
Hi Dave:

I am looking at buying a 2007 Legendary.
The guys at Marathon are sending me dire warnings about a Legendary product.
Can you share your thoughts?

Thank you.

Jim Paton

We have a 2008 Legendary we bought new in Oct. 2009 and love it! We have had no major problems at all with it so far. We got the full 2 yr. Prevost warranty and 5 yr. Detroit Diesel / Allison warranty when we bought it. FWIW, I have had more work done on the chassis than the conversion so far. There is no reason not to look into the Legendary if you like it. Dave Rousey from Styleworks RV Repair is available to talk to if you have specific conversion questions...as he has posted, he worked for Legendary. What are the guys at Marathon complaining about in the Legendary? Just curious....

01-26-2011, 09:33 PM
Thanks Mark and TPR. The Marathon guys are probably trying to make a sale. Although I did speak to Dave Rousey; I guess some of their earlier coaches had some issues (fixable); but he warned me about coach #15 and 16, which were in production when Legandary went though some lay-offs and employees were bitter. He said the coaches built after #16 were excellent. Is anyone comfortable sharing what they paid for thier Legendary?

Thanks for your help everyone.

01-27-2011, 08:15 PM
jpaton I sent you a private message.