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View Full Version : NY R Endorsement Drivers License

06-14-2010, 06:43 PM
I have been reading the information on the POG about the different states license rules and decided to get legal. I have been to the motor vehicle department several times in the last few years for the R endorsement needed for a recreational vehicle over 28000 lbs and never was able to get someone who knew about it. Today I demanded they look it up and after quite some time and several folks a fee of $10 I have my R endorsement permit. No written test. Scheduled for the road test in 2 weeks, I will let you know how it goes. According to what I can find, the test consist of driving through an intersection, a right turn and backing to a curb. Should be interesting. Have to show up with someone else who had CDL or R endorsement driving me to the test.

Jon Wehrenberg
06-15-2010, 06:44 AM
One piece of advice...........when taking the road test (which surprised me that it is needed) use only the mirrors when backing up. They will deduct points if you use the rear camera.

06-15-2010, 04:18 PM

Thanks for that. I appreciate the insight. Did they make you a back to a curb or parallel park? Do they expect you to lift your tags when turning at intersections? Any and all advice is appreciated.

Jon Wehrenberg
06-15-2010, 05:51 PM
I took a class B commercial so I had the full drill. I had to back up, parallel park, and navigate a variety of streets and street conditions. I did not lift my tag. I had stopped driving trucks and let my license so to a regular driver license so when the national CDL came into being I was in a window of opportunity where I did not need a special license to drive the bus, yet it qualified as a vehicle for a commercial class B. I think the examiner was in awe so the pre=trip inspection was virtually non-existent except for the pre-trip brake test and a light check.

He was fussy about staying in my lane when making turns, and in parallel parking I told him I was using the TV and he took off the only points for doing that.

You should consider getting the class B non commercial or commercial if they will let you. You get an insurance discount from some companies like National Interstate.

06-30-2010, 06:28 PM
I took the test today, was very interesting. The examiner did not really know what to do. I was there plenty earlydrove the area for a couple hours to get aquatinted. Turn on gen and ac invited her in to review coach and she was
Wowed. I had a copy of the state regulation with me and reviewed the requirements with her. So we went out side and checked the front ahead lights and emergency flashers, walked around made sure all tires were not visible low on pressure, looked at the engine, that was the pre flight. Road test was all right turns, 2 intersections, back to a curb like parallel parking, back up stright. Asked if I should turn off rear view camera was told no it's fine. It was maybe 10 minutes start to finish. Now back to motor vehicle to get the "R" endorsement. This should be interesting since it took several visits to get the permit. Great example of our government at work. Jon thanks for your tips.

Ray Davis
07-02-2010, 08:38 PM
Wow, looks like it was easy out there. My class B test I was at the DMV for almost 3 hours. Yeah, a bunch of that was waiting, but I believe the drivers test alone I was on the road for maybe 45 minutes, not counting the stuff that happened in the parking lot!