View Full Version : Plastic Shield
06-13-2010, 03:35 PM
Ok, so about a month ago I removed the nose condom as Loc called it because I didn't like the look on the front of the bus. Very very pleased with how much better the front of the bus looks without the smoked shield on it.
Here is the interesting part. We have now put about 1500 miles on the bus shieldless on a couple of weekend trips. I am happy to report, no irrepairable damage yet to the front of the bus. But, we have more wind noise around the windows. Something I hadn't even thought of was the change in aero affecting the wind noise. It is not bad, or annoying, but just more noticeable and in certain types of cross winds has a different pitch to it.
Don't think I will go back to the shield (except maybe on our Alaska trip) because I like the look so much better. Anyway, just curious if anyone else had a similar experience after removal.
Jon Wehrenberg
06-13-2010, 04:07 PM
You will get an occasional ding and paint chip. It's what happens. If it will freak you out put the condom back on and the next bus owner will thank you.
Or leave it off and accept dings and chips as part of the process of using the bus.
My parents used to put the plastic covers on the furniture and the new car seats. The only person that enjoyed the furniture and the cars was the second owner who probably pulled that stuff off the seats.
06-13-2010, 05:12 PM
I definitely like the looks sans condom enough to tolerate the dings and chips. The prior owner was kind enough however to keep all the carpet covered in plastic so it was just like new for us. Next guy won't be so lucky.
06-13-2010, 07:48 PM
Oh Yes. Just one more advantage of the " Plastic Shield. " Less wind noise. Better aerodynamics, Less dents. Fewer dings. Rock protection. Easy to clean off the bugs etc, etc. O.K. I guess there is more than one advantage !
Jon Wehrenberg
06-13-2010, 08:33 PM
Mr. Keller, it is time for your meds. They help with these fantasies you have been having.
I've watched you plastic shield guys. First, none of them are clear. They all have the clarity of weak milk. But first you wash them and clean the bugs off. The front side. Then you hinge them down after fighting to get the bugs from the front, and begin washing the rear which has dust and dirt on it. Then you wash the front of the bus normally covered by the shield.
Then you dry them in the reverse order.
When I went to school we learned to cipher, and by my calculations you have just increased the area of the front of the bus that needs to be washed by three times. All this so the next owner of your bus won't have any dings.
Wouldn't you rather spend the time trying to figure out why you need to replace bushings so often?????
Put this topic on the agenda for Lobstah fest. We need a good discussion.
06-13-2010, 09:27 PM
Jon as the world turns ........having sold one coach with a very nice shield and beginning my bus search low and behold seeing a very nice shield on front of a XLII . I believed the stars had aligned pointing me to look further at this beautiful bus. Now as this story gets better I now have a hinged shield. must be an up-grade to the super deluxe model. Now with all the mess that happens on the front of your bus after a summer night cruise, this part makes that plastic the best. Three words..High pressure washer.
05 Marathon XL II w/ shield
06-13-2010, 09:54 PM
BoaterAl, yep, they can be washed with Hi Pressure and kept Clear by polishing, no reason to have a milky shield.
Where you at Marthon in Coburg recently, I noticed an XL II with a shield in the camp ground there 4-6 weeks ago.
06-13-2010, 11:12 PM
Yep, that be me. I remember seeing a absolutely stunning CC XL there, I had to put my sun glasses on to look at it. Was parked in front of me and to my left. Dusted off the shield on the way back to KC. Went through rain, snow, hail. and 26 deg. one night. Didn't have many bugs on that trip. No pressure wash needed.
05 Marathon XL II w/shield
10 GMC acadia AWD
06-13-2010, 11:48 PM
AL, I walked around your bus as much as I felt comfortable with----Really nice looking bus, thought it was a new one. Sure wish we would have had our 'new' POG plates, would have stopped you for a chat, however it appeared you were rather busy with Dave at the time.
We were parked as you discribe, however I doubt you needed sun glasses---rather dirty at the time from all the rain.
Jon Wehrenberg
06-14-2010, 06:24 AM
If the shield is so important, why is it that nobody has one for the windshield or the top cap. Where I live we get bugs that adhere to the top cap better than the best epoxy adhesives.
I won't even use a pressure washer on my dump truck. It just ain't right.
06-14-2010, 10:21 AM
Jon, I have a plastic shield left by one of my renters. You are welcome to it in KC..... Free.... You know you really want one !
05 Marathon w/shield
06-14-2010, 10:53 AM
My shield is smoked colored which is different and kind of interesting, but it doesn't allow the clarity to see the front stainless and paint no matter how much you polish it. It got to the point after I had hand waxed the entire coach, I still could only see the shield when I looked at the front of the bus. If it was clear or if the front of the bus was ugly, maybe I would feel differently, but I am liking the cleaner look thus far.
The first time I saw the bus, I told Steve the shield was ugly. He suggested I leave it on for a while to see if I got used to it. After hitting a pigeon near phoenix on the maiden trip home, and having it bounce off the shield I was convinced of the positive attributes. Now after a year, I just got tired of looking at it......
Jon Wehrenberg
06-14-2010, 03:39 PM
While your offer of a shield is very much appreciated, I must decline. However, hang onto that and at the POG rally in October make it available for the charity auction. There will be somebody willing to spend some serious dollars, all of which will go to charity, to have their bus look ugly.
My bus had the Liberty version of a shield, a vinyl bra with the colors and design of the coach sewed into it. I am sure that bra cost some serious money, but it now resides in the top of the bus garage where it will remain as long as I own the coach.
06-14-2010, 05:50 PM
So Jon, what your saying is you feel there is value in protecting the front of our buses as evidenced by your storing of the bra that came off your bus in your attic for the next owner. However in your particular case since you believe something on the front is ugly you prefer to go with vanity over common sense. Is that correct? LOL
06-14-2010, 07:11 PM
they have,nt made a bra for your sagging upper
06-14-2010, 10:08 PM
they have,nt made a bra for your sagging upper
I know someone who
Jon Wehrenberg
06-15-2010, 07:05 AM
This is going to be hard to explain to a CC guy, but I will try. We have two choices with respect to aesthetics when it comes down to the appearance of the front end of our coaches. We can try to protect the front, or we can go "bareback" to use the condom description perviously offered.
Using protection (continuing on with the theme here) we end up with a bus that looks ugly almost all the time, as opposed to one that begins to develop the small dings and chips which are mostly only noticeable to the owner, even up close. Both the bra and the shield are in your face, and thus draw the viewer's eyes to the part of the coach the owner is attempting to keep pretty.
Without that protection over time a coach gets chips and dings which are just signs of use. We get them on our cars, we get them on the top cap, and our windshields end up getting replaced because we get them there. Both of the common solutions are not only ugly, but if used properly actually increase our workload instead of enjoyment. If a bra is left on the coach after driving and it gets moisture behind it, the paint is at risk. If the back side of the bra is allowed to retain even the smallest amount of grit and dirt the paint it is supposed to protect actually gets damaged.
If a plastic shield is used, it not only has to be cleaned of bugs, but it is going to need frequent polishing to avoid making an strap on device even more noticeable than it really is. I rarely see a clear shield because in a vey short period of time they all get hazy. I do also see owners clean the plastic, fold it down to clean the dust from the rear side, and then clear the dust from the front of the coach and then dry all three surfaces and restore the shield to its installed position. That is a hell of a lot of work to prevent barely noticeable dings and chips so the next owner can enjoy a chip and ding free coach thanks to all your hard work.
So my common sense says I don't want to spend valuable time farting around with either option, in essence driving a coach whose appearance is marred by the devices just to prevent a few dings and chips over my years of ownership. Tell me how you protect the top cap and the lower front bumper.
06-15-2010, 08:34 AM
While I can certainly appreciate your opinion I must be honest and state that I kind of like the look of the shield. Of course I'm refering to one that is clear and not hazy. It was something we looked for when we were looking for a bus, we felt it was a plus on the buy side. As for protecting the lower front bumper mine is a two piece and it covers the lower. As for the top cap, well I can't see that far anyway. Although there are times when my wife foolishly makes comments on my driving that I give momentary thought to strapping her across there with goalie gear for protection but not wanting any undue injury myself I always keep those thoughts to myself.
Jon Wehrenberg
06-15-2010, 11:20 AM
A wise man does keep those thoughts to himself. I actually try to do that but unfortunately stuff like that just falls out of my mouth and I'm in trouble.
Thanks for making my point about the protection by stating the top cap is beyond your ability to see. That is exactly why the small chips and dings don't mean much because the folks in a campground often do not get close enough to see them.
I'm thinking of putting some sort of shield in front of my slack adjusters to keep them polished looking as long as possible.
06-15-2010, 01:57 PM
Patrick: If Jon, and that is a big "if", ever persuades you to remove your plastic shield, I would like to have it. Yours is the most attrative shield I have seen and would like the added protection for the front bumper. and area below the windshield for my CC. I really have no top cap to worry about as the windshield extends way higher up than necessary.
Boater Al :Jon wanted me to ask you How much do you think it would cost to ship the shield to Knoxville, Tn?
06-16-2010, 09:10 AM
I'll keep you in mind if my opinion ever changes about shields. For now though we have that Maine trip coming up and from there to Colorado to join Loc so everytime I hear something hit the front end I'll be comfy with the knowledge that I won't have to look to see what damage was caused.
05-18-2011, 11:13 PM
The front clear shield is removed, resting against the wall in the bus barn. The new look is very attractive IMHO. Any one care to pick up a one owner low mileage 2 piece shield. Price is right.... FREE.
Jerry Winchester
05-19-2011, 07:47 AM
Welcome to your new found freedom.
Just say no to plastic shields.
Jon Wehrenberg
05-19-2011, 08:36 AM
I believe the plastic shield is overpriced. CC owners may disagree but I am right.
Jerry Winchester
05-19-2011, 05:41 PM
Don't worry about selling it. One of the CC guys will be on it like a rat on a Cheeto. Expect a PM to avoid detection.
05-19-2011, 08:36 PM
your smoking that crack pipe again!
Jerry Winchester
05-19-2011, 09:55 PM
You know you want that bad boy. Just say it and get it over.
05-19-2011, 10:01 PM
Is going braless ok these days!!!
Jerry Winchester
05-19-2011, 10:18 PM
Tell me you don't have a bra and a plastic shield? I think some folks may end up doing the "Walk of Shame" at POG X
05-20-2011, 03:35 PM
Who's gonna do the "walk of shame?"
05-20-2011, 06:06 PM
Hey Jerry, I don't have a BRA and gave my Bug Shield away but if having both of them on my coach would create a serious amount of gossip on this site, I will get the shield back pronto!!!!!!!!!!!:p
I kind of like traveling topless:D:D
Also, I see from some of the post you may be doing a little better. Good luck and recover very soon.
I to am growing tired of dealing with the front shield. How do the 3M masks work out?
06-15-2011, 12:58 PM
Every 3M mask that I have seen has a useful life of 3 - 5 years before the scratches and cracks are so bad it looks terrible.
Unless there is something new that is a substantial improvement over what has been applied in the past, I would not put it on my bus....
06-15-2011, 01:00 PM
I too grew tired of the plastic shield and defended it on this forum. As it aged it was becoming cloudy, as predicted. After doing the headlight up-grade it just was time to come off.
If anyone needs shield parts I have lots as one of the storage tenants left his shield in the building when he sold the coach.
06-15-2011, 01:04 PM
I watched 2 workers removing a 3M mask; it took them 2 days to get it all off! I would just live without it.
Consider the scratches and dents as adding "character" to your bus!
06-15-2011, 01:13 PM
A Marathon salesperson told me the standard practice of the 3M shield being put on is no more. Front ends painted, 3M shield... owners choice now.
Just way to many problems with the 3M shield.
Reagan Sirmons
06-15-2011, 06:43 PM
Somebody needs to get a life. I will be at the Oct POG event and will have the dreaded "shield" on the front of my coach. I thought about removing it because of what I had heard particularly from our favorite OSU Cowboy and our favorite government employee but instead I worked on it and returned it back to the original crystal clear condition. When you look at the coach, the shield is not noticeable. That is the way they were designed. I can imagine it might look better to see the stainless and paint without the shield but in reality, with the shield clear and shiny, it looks fine. I would not keep the shield if the stainless and paint behind it were not refinished and like new. A part of this is that with Pete Petree's direction, I spent 9 hours refinishing the stainless on the entire coach obviously including the front. I don't know about the noise level but I can not understand the reasoning that without the shield, it would be louder.
Besides, I need the shield to protect my coach from all of the cow poop that gets flung off of Loc's coach when he parks next to me in the warehouse at night.
He's still into doing wheelies in his corral with his Millie Millenium.
06-15-2011, 08:01 PM
I kinda like the shields, but never had one. How do you clean the bug juice and crap that gets down behind it? I wash down the front of mine after each day and would think dealing with the shield would be a pain unless it's on a hinge and can be easily moved for cleaning. Or do you have a Porter that handles that like Loc!:p
PS - Where's your signature, are you hiding the Converter or have you already traded again?
06-15-2011, 08:13 PM
Ok, cancelled the 3M. I don't think I can handle the razzing of a shield. Will just have to paint it when the time comes.
Jon Wehrenberg
06-16-2011, 07:23 AM
I know the reason for the plastic shield is to prevent the front from getting dings. I get that.
But the downside is to prevent dings an owner has almost twice the maintenance on the front of the coach than a coach without it. The plastic clouds up or crazes. So from time to time it has to be buffed out to restore the appearance. Every time the bus is needing to be cleaned the shield needs to be cleaned, then the shield needs to be lowered so the front of the bus behind the shield and the back of the shield can be cleaned effectively doubling the effort to keep the front looking good.
In the meantime the next owner of the bus thanks you for the considerable effort to keep the coach ding free.
As to the appearance, this may be only my personal preference, but I would rather see the stone dings in the front of my bus than the shield which not only looks ugly, but represents a lot of extra work keeping its ugliness to a minimum. Usually owners either obsess over keeping the shield looking as good as possible, or the shield ends up looking like a cloudy, cracked plastic bug catcher.
This of course is a throuw back to when my parents bought furniture or a car and then proceeded to cover the seats with clear plastic. The plastic looked like hell and the next owner of the car or sofa ended up with like new seating while we had to sit on plastic that was hot and sticky in the summer and cold and crinkly in the winter.
I'm pretty sure JDUB may offer his opinion if we can get him to get past his shyness when discussing plastic shields.
06-16-2011, 11:57 AM
I have the 3M type cover on my bus, I had it installed when I did the toad. My wife Mercedes came with the same stuff on it nw, so I did it to the toad and bus. I can see how it will keep the paint from chipping but could never see how it could save you from a dent. If that rock is going to dent the stainless it will do it with or without the 3M.
Reagan Sirmons
06-16-2011, 08:07 PM
This is embarassing but for the benefit of true confessions, the reason I have not changed my signature is that I have not figured out how to do it. I only have three technicians doing this stuff for me at the office, but I am numb on how to add the picture, etc. to this site. We have a Country Coach Conversion which we dearly love and I have sold the trusty Newell. I will get a lot of flack but really, I don't know how to add the stuff to the bottom. What do I know? I am an economist who has been standing too close to the diesel fumes. I will work on it.
06-17-2011, 12:36 AM
Hi Reagan. At the top of this page , at the top right, next to 'log off', click on 'Settings'. Once you are on that page you will see a whole series of choices on the left . The 'Edit' functions are on he left down a little bit. Edit Signature, Edit Avatar are two choices to set up photo's and or information.
06-17-2011, 08:45 AM
I kinda like the shields, but never had one. How do you clean the bug juice and crap that gets down behind it? I wash down the front of mine after each day and would think dealing with the shield would be a pain unless it's on a hinge and can be easily moved for cleaning. Or do you have a Porter that handles that like Loc!:p
PS - Where's your signature, are you hiding the Converter or have you already traded again?
Bug removal on any surface can be facilitated with a mixture (50-50) White Vinegar and H2O. This organic acid mixture dissolves the protein or glue from the decedent bugs interior (gall bladder, stomach, liver, etc.) which allow the exoskeleton to "stick" to said surface after the traumatic stop against windshields, plastic shields, even painted metal. A plastic spray bottle is best for this, a quick "soaking", wait five minutes and wipe off the insects. Use caution around bee's, wasps and yellow jackets as the stingers may still be installed. A final flush with clean water and a wipe are finished. By the very dynamic of things, it would be difficult, nearly impossible to find bug remains inside of the shield.
06-17-2011, 08:51 AM
I can't attest to John's method above, but in Florida we are beseiged with love bugs which, believe me, I _DON'T_ love. A fantastic, FAST, method to get them off is to get the surface wet and rub them with a dryer sheet. Yep, that's it! Seconds later they are gone! I got the cheapest ones I could find at the dollar store and they work great.
06-17-2011, 11:41 AM
I use 25/100 vinegar and water to wipe down my coach. It works great on road grime, oil, and bugs. Been using it for years.
Pete Petree told me about it. It also leaves a nice shine on the paint.
06-17-2011, 12:35 PM
Here in Arkansas we know bugs. The vinegar thing is probably the best, maybe with the dryer clothes a little bit better/faster. Has anyone just tried to dodge the bugs?:D
06-17-2011, 06:34 PM
TO AVOID WIND NOISE WITH YOUR FRONT SHIELD REMOVED: Tie an 8 foot long piece of 3/4" hemp rope to the engine door handles at the center rear of your coach. It works for elephants and makes them stream lined.
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