View Full Version : Let the Bling Begin
10-12-2006, 12:27 AM
We had a small taste tonight of the upcoming Bling competition. Letting no grass grow under their feet (or bus), Jon and Roger have dueling, synchronized cable lighting flashing under their coaches. Very impressive. But the Fat Lady hasn't sung yet.
Jon' blinged Series 60 w/highlighted by Kleig lights.
Just Plain Jeff
10-13-2006, 07:10 AM
Easy to take pot-shots from a distance.
HOWEVER, the fan belt markings are not lined up properly. Note the uneven yellow lines.
...waiting for the Fat Lady...
10-14-2006, 01:29 AM
Congratulations to Fast Roger and Mickie Foster on winning the coveted Bling Award. Fast Roger, as others did, spent hours getting their busses ready for the contest as judged by the 85 year old woman -Mildred.
Will post photos of Rogers work in the near future.
JDUB Placed 2nd with a major LED entry. 650 Multi colored LED's adorned the side of his bus, powered by 650 watch batteries taped to each LED.
The competition was intense, and flowed with a gazillion laughs.
Just Plain Jeff
10-14-2006, 07:50 AM
Congratulations to the man Formerly Known as Fast Roger.
I can see Mildred's new car already!
10-14-2006, 10:22 AM
Mildred the judge with Kevin Erion and JW.
The LED attachment TEAM
10-14-2006, 11:12 AM
WOOHOO, way to go Roger and Mickie!! That 85 year old Mildred certainly has nice skin for her age :eek: I am anxious to see the pictures so Mango, JDUB or somebody please do not keep those of us left behind in suspense:D
Debi and Bob-00
10-14-2006, 06:50 PM
Hey Mildred, I gotta a little something for ya honey!
Couldn't compete with JDUB
Mildred, I'm looking for another Corona Kelly and I can hook you up.
Joe Cannarozzi
10-14-2006, 06:59 PM
Whos hands are those in the first picture to the left? Looks like way more than JUB is offering. Could it have been Rodger?
10-15-2006, 12:04 AM
Rumor has it that the LED bling fairy visited some of the busses the last night of POGII
Jerry Winchester
10-15-2006, 12:29 AM
In the spirit of full disclosure, MangoMike was the brains behind the LED swoosh on my coach. And he personally taped a gazillion watch batteries to those LEDs.
And just for fun, we left about six on the coach as I pulled out from Santa Fe today. One solitary blue soldier lives on after an 11 hour trip to Stillwater. The rest are scattered along I-40 :eek:
And for sure Roger worked some serious bling on the already blinged up Liberty.
As I am sure someone will start the post rally thread, I will not opine too much, but man did we have a great time.
If I were Truk4U and AP, I would be seriously worried about POGIII :eek:
Chris and Debbie Yates
10-16-2006, 01:29 PM
Jerry,I know you scattered those LEDs all the way down I40 as revenge for our JDUB roast and the Viagra award. I now have 2 cracked windshields. Man that was cold! (Oh, wasn't that what you said when T4U poured 10 gallons of freezing rain water down where the sun don't shine.):eek:
Jerry Winchester
10-16-2006, 03:08 PM
I'm sure those cracked windshields were nature's way of getting back at you for dumping 200 gallons of turd water on the Interstate :eek:
Maybe Popeye will prepare you for POG III, cuz you and Tom have called in the airstrike. Not knowing when or where it will happen is just joy for the rest of us.
Note to Debbie; Make AP open all his own mail until the next rally ;)
10-16-2006, 08:45 PM
I think the exact words where, "duuude, that water is coooldd". Jdub failed to cough up enough cash for Mildred and he thought he was home free when she told him he had a nice butt!:eek: Meanwhile, Jdubs partner in crime Mango was trying to give Corona Kelly the boot and transfer the weekly hooter shots to Mildred, but that didn't work either. So, the two LED light fairies when home empty handed and Dodger became the KING of bling.:D
Stay on the dark side....;)
Jerry Winchester
10-17-2006, 03:29 PM
Empty Handed? Oh contraire.......
We took the third oldest coach in the group and beat;
(5) Libertys
(4) Marathons
(1) Newell
(1) Anal Vortex
And the winner was adorned with what? LEDs. LED marker lights, LED stop lights, LED tag light, LED moving sign on the tag, LEDs on his belt buckle, LEDs stuffed in every corner.
The Dark Side? This is the future. Learn to deal with it :D
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