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View Full Version : House Sitter needed in Florida. Plenty of room for bus.

Jeff Bayley
05-26-2010, 11:39 AM
We are finally traveling again but find ourselves in need of someone to watch the house in Florida. We shoved off about a month ago and had to leave the bus outside New York City to come back for a little business but now we are leaving again today. Does anyone want to come stay in Florida? We are in Bradenton about 45 minutes south of Tampa. You can see photos of the house at the link below. If the link has expired, please e-mail me for the photos but it should be good for about a month. We would like no dogs are pets (unless you keep them in the bus). I have two 50 amp hookups so you can come with a buddy if you want. You can stay in the yard for free or you can use the house. It would be nice to have the electric offset if running yhe a/c in the house which is typically six or $700 a month in the summer.


My sister-in-law will be here for another week or two to let someone in and give them the keys or I can fly back if I have to to meet you and show you how everything works. I've got the Waverunners and boats all put away and those won't be available for use but if you have your own boat, there is plenty of room to store it in the yard and the ramp is 2 miles away. The address is 2919 51st Street East, Bradenton, FL. 34208 if you want to see where we are located.

We expect to be gone for at least a couple of months, possibly longer.if we needed to return for a reason by playing again it would be for no longer than a week and there is plenty of room in the house for everyone or of course if you bring your bus that is another option for privacy if you require it. If you don't want to bring your bus and one fly in, I don't expect our returning will be expected or needed especially if we know there's someone here in the house looking after it.

More reliable to e-mail me since I don't keep a close eye on private messages.

05-26-2010, 01:10 PM
Jeff - that's a pretty nice little "shack" you have there! It makes me want to take an extended "vacation" and come house sit for you. If it weren't for Vita's pesky little career with her CDC job. I'd be all over it!

Jeff Bayley
05-26-2010, 08:13 PM
Just to clarify, the ad and link mentions a price per month but I am not planning on collecting a fee for anyone in the group. Just maybe some help with the electric is all.

Come on down. The waters fine.