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05-17-2010, 08:07 AM
Faithful POG readers will recall that several weeks ago, we had a problem with Evangeline not achieving ride height. With expert guidance from Jon Wehrenberg, Tom (truk4u) Chilcote, and others, we were able to temporarily work around the issue by swapping the coil/valve positions on the norgren manifold stack in the steering bay. Subsequently, I ordered a complete new solenoid valve/coil manifold assembly from Prevost, who overnighted it to me by FEDEX from stock in Jacksonville, FL

Unfortunately, we’ve been consumed/overwhelmed since then with things that prevented us from taking the time to install the new parts (a death in the family, a household move, etc) until we forced ourselves to make time yesterday to “git ‘er done”.

As we were preparing for the parts swap and sizing up the job, it because obvious that the orientation of the new manifold stack was different than the old one, which would make it difficult, if not impossible to install in the current location. So, we make an “executive decision” to leave the old manifold block in place and simply replace each of the solenoid coils and valves from the new manifold.

I walked Vita through how I wanted it done, and watched/supervised her on the first one. So as not to continue to hang over her shoulder and crowd her, I then retreated to the inside of the bus to tackle reprogramming my TPMS (another project on my list). Within a few minutes, I glance out the driver’s side window to see Vita sporting a big grin and issuing a “thumbs up” gesture. I started the bus and dumped the air. Within a very few minutes, Evangeline had risen to perfect, level ride height and was purring like a contented kitten!

I’m proud of my wife for lots of things, but this gives me incredible pride! She is smart, brave, kind, generous, and smoking hot – but to tackle working on a complex 47,000 pound beast like a Prevost is way over the top! She’s also emerged as a safe, competent co-pilot/relief driver!

So ladies – step up and become involved with your bus! A woman behind the wheel of a beautiful Prevost is a stirring and sexy sight! And it doesn’t hurt when she’s smoking hot like my Vita! Vita has begun to welcome the challenges of maintaining the bus and it’s a source of pride and self confidence for her to know that she is capable of helping to keep our pride and joy in safe operating condition! The bus does not have to be exclusively in the man’s domain!

Bottom line – thanks to my wife’s adventurous spirit, determination, and intelligence – Evangeline can once again “get it up” without breaking a sweat! :p

05-17-2010, 08:18 AM

And so does Michael for praising her so eloquently!!!


Jon Wehrenberg
05-17-2010, 08:26 AM
Sounds like you make a great team. Good job Vita!

05-17-2010, 10:28 AM
Good job... So now I'm off standby this week?

05-17-2010, 11:15 AM
Michael,I love your bragging on Vita.

05-17-2010, 11:29 AM
Michael & Vita,

Working as a team always makes things easier. It s great that Vita is willing to tackle jobs like that and even better that Michael appreciates it so much. Micheal buy her a nice dinner out or a bottle of her favorite wine/spirit.

05-17-2010, 02:41 PM
Nice to hear nice comments.. Congrats on a job well done.

Years ago, my wife would help me with the yard work by mowing the grass when I would be out of town. I would bragg on her to my few friends. I decided I would buy her a nice mower with all the state of the art features, hydrostatic, tilt wheel, power steering etc. I bought it for her birthday, She hasn't mowed the yard since.

Moral of the story Mikey: Do not buy Vita any tools. Stick with Andre's advice and buy her something nice to eat or drink.

05-17-2010, 04:55 PM
Amen Roger!

05-17-2010, 05:42 PM
That's great!! Congratulations on a job well done!!

I've tried to get Janice involved.... something not-too-challenging to start.....like polishing the stainless, perhaps....

05-18-2010, 03:21 PM
Good job... So now I'm off standby this week?

Tom - you are officially "off the hook" - this time... :p Who knows what the future will bring? ;)

Thanks for being on standby. That lent us a measure of confidence for the job, for sure!

05-18-2010, 03:29 PM
Thank you to all who have responded positively to my public recognition/praise of my wife! In my mind, the praise was well deserved and I wanted her to be recognized for her willingness to step out of her comfort zone and courageously get her hands dirty (quite literally) with the bus! I'll say it again - my wife's is an incredible woman! How the hell I was fortunate enough to find and successfully woo her at this stage of my life is a mystery of colossal proportions to me! I'm just thankful that she's hot for fat old handicrippled, brain damaged guys! :D

dale farley
05-19-2010, 10:01 AM
Michael, We all agree that Vita deserves this recognition for her willingness to do repairs that many of the men have never tackled. Now if you want some recognition, all you have to do is get her to give a seminar at the next POG teaching/encouraging our wives to follow in her footsteps.

Kenneth Brewer
05-19-2010, 10:21 AM
Michael, We all agree that Vita deserves this recognition for her willingness to do repairs that many of the men have never tackled. Now if you want some recognition, all you have to do is get her to give a seminar at the next POG teaching/encouraging our wives to follow in her footsteps.

What he said.

05-19-2010, 08:13 PM
Michael, We all agree that Vita deserves this recognition for her willingness to do repairs that many of the men have never tackled. Now if you want some recognition, all you have to do is get her to give a seminar at the next POG teaching/encouraging our wives to follow in her footsteps.

Dale - I just read your post to Vita and she actually said that she would be happy to do a session for the ladies at a POG rally in the future. I have to say that she is recognized as an outstanding public speaker and presenter (seriously, just one of her myriad of extraordinary talents,)! :D

dale farley
05-19-2010, 11:14 PM
Now if we can just get some women interested in learning how to use a wrench!

05-19-2010, 11:25 PM
I have to say I'm impressed.

Now let's see you do some sewing.


Jon Wehrenberg
05-20-2010, 07:41 AM
Now if we can just get some women interested in learning how to use a wrench!

I'm telling you guys you are heading down a slippery slope. If the ladies start washing the bus or turning wrenches, next thing you know they will expect to be allowed to drive the bus.

Then when they are driving the bus you will be expected to bring them coffee. Doing the dishes will be the next thing you are expected to do.

Then when you want to take the bus to a NASCAR race with the boys you will find the lady of the house is taking it on a shopping trip in the big city with the girls., and you will be expected to wash it when she brings it back.

I am afraid, very afraid.

05-20-2010, 10:58 AM
I'm telling you guys you are heading down a slippery slope. If the ladies start washing the bus or turning wrenches, next thing you know they will expect to be allowed to drive the bus.

In my case, Jon, that horse has already left the barn. I taught Vita to drive the bus shortly after we acquired it. She's turned out to be a competent and safe driver, too! I guess it just goes with her adventurous spirit. Hell, when she talked me into buying another Harley trike a couple of years ago, she signed up and completed the Harley Davidson Riders Edge training and safety course and got her motorcycle license, too! Now she rides the Harley much more than I do!

Jon Wehrenberg
05-20-2010, 02:11 PM
And just to confirm my fears, do you bring Vita coffee when she is driving?

05-20-2010, 03:59 PM
Ok you guys.....
We ladies know how to use a wrench!!! It is just a shame that you men don't know how to make ice tea and bring it to us while WE are driving, cleaning, washing dishes, buying the groceries/cooking, and washing your clothes!:p:p

05-20-2010, 06:05 PM
And just to confirm my fears, do you bring Vita coffee when she is driving?

Actually no - neither one of us are coffee drinkers! My job when Vita drives is to entertain our two Shih Tzus, because otherwise, they want to sit in Mommy's lap while she drives! :eek:

05-26-2010, 12:21 AM
Right on Vita!!!! Very proud of you. Being adventurous, intelligent, & open to new ideas is attractive to both men and women. Your both very lucky to be so much in love and to have obvious respect and admiration of each other. Way to go.

05-26-2010, 07:57 AM
Right on Vita!!!! Very proud of you. Being adventurous, intelligent, & open to new ideas is attractive to both men and women. Your both very lucky to be so much in love and to have obvious respect and admiration of each other. Way to go.

Cyndie - thanks for recognizing what an extraordinary woman my Vita is! I am, indeed, a very lucky man! I suspect that you and Vita share a number of traits and characteristics! I hope Scott knows how fortunate he is! :)

05-26-2010, 11:44 PM
OH I'm the fortunate one.