View Full Version : 2002 LXi Wanderlodge Engine Room Makeover
05-02-2010, 11:25 AM
David, I replaced the upper A-arm bushings at 42K (10 years) I think it is related to time and the amount of time the bus sits at the bottom of the suspension travel, at full bump. The lower A-arm bushings last longer than the uppers and I think it is bacause the upper arms are shorter than the lowers and at full bump tavel the angle of rotation is much higher on the upper arm, more twist in the bushing. The lower A-arm bushing has a larger diameter than the upper bushings and that reduces the rotational stress on that one. The rubber in the bushings I replaced was fractured and not dried out and I believe the fracturing is a function of father time and sustained rotation of the A-arm, IMHO.
How are you doing on the engine compartment detailing, super bling project? I want pictures!
Hi George,
I didn't want to hijack the suspension bushing thread, so here's a few pics in the "Miscellaneous Items" forum.
Thanks for the interest in the work. It's been slow going, but I'm making steady progress. We don't plan to get on the road till July so I do have the luxury of time. Things have mushroomed a bit. This was supposed to be a CAC (Duralite) installation, but has turned in to a complete engine room makeover! Just about everything has been refreshed. The engine got it's tune-up and a new cam and exhaust rockers with ceramic bushings (my cam had modest galling on the exhaust lobe, but since I was in there...). I'm now at the point of installing my engine room insulation, stainless steel exhaust, Duralite CAC, Radiator, and all the associated bits. Here's where I'm at:
05-02-2010, 11:26 AM
05-02-2010, 11:27 AM
Jon Wehrenberg
05-02-2010, 12:10 PM
David, Have you met Kevin Erion?
05-02-2010, 12:18 PM
David, Have you met Kevin Erion?
Only by reputation, but I'm sure he and I would get along swimmingly! :)
lonesome george
05-02-2010, 03:24 PM
Wow, nice job David.
Kevin Erion
05-02-2010, 06:56 PM
I am sorry to say we both had to change our cam and roller rockers! And no bling with that $.
05-02-2010, 08:10 PM
I am sorry to say we both had to change our cam and roller rockers! And no bling with that $.
Hi Kevin,
As some would have it, it appears we were separated at birth! I'm glad to be in such good company! :) The camshaft galling is prevalent. DD has a spec for what they consider "normal". I think this is really a CYA effort. They've since gone to ceramic rollers on the intake, injector, and exhaust rockers. The problem rarely shows up on the intake. Apparently this has to do with the longer arms on the exhaust and injector rockers (more mechanical advantage). Sorry to dredge up this old thread. :( It is becoming clear that the problem isn't non-use; otherwise, DD wouldn't have changed materials.
Kevin Erion
05-02-2010, 09:47 PM
David, I agree that Detroit knows of the problem. I also found out after I did mine that the ceramic is now the replacement for the intake. If I still have this bus in another 100K miles, I will take a look and if need be, change them all to ceramic. I like the exhaust that you are doing, makes me want to take that side of the motor apart for a little clean up.
It is fun and when you are done, it's nice to stand back and enjoy!
05-03-2010, 06:52 AM
David you are creating a beautiful thing.
I especially like the SS exhaust, is it custom made or was that a standard item on the W Lodge?
05-03-2010, 09:28 AM
David you are creating a beautiful thing.
I especially like the SS exhaust, is it custom made or was that a standard item on the W Lodge?
Thanks everyone, I appreciate your appreciation. :)
The configuration of the exhaust, up and out the roof, is stock W-lodge. The stainless pipes are aftermarket reproductions of the OEM pipes. I had them made by an outfit in Souderton Pa, BHTUBES:
Roger and his brother at BHTUBES will reproduce just about anything in stainless. Their prices are very competitive and their turn around is usually about a week. A highly recommended vendor. NFI
08-01-2010, 05:41 PM
Thought you might enjoy a few pics of my Charge Air Cooler/Radiator overhaul effort (plus stainless CAC/RAD/Intake/Exhaust tubes)! It runs! There's a few details to attend to, but she purrs like a kitten. Here's a before pic, and a few after pics:
08-01-2010, 09:54 PM
Nice job Dave!
08-01-2010, 10:33 PM
A thing of beauty. Its modern Art! Great work David.
08-01-2010, 11:48 PM
Dave did you move that alternator on the upper left side?
Jon Wehrenberg
08-02-2010, 07:01 AM
Looks great...........It's going to be a shame to have to drive it.
08-02-2010, 12:37 PM
Thanks for your kind compliments. I thought you'd enjoy it. :)
The alternator is in the standard place. I think you're referring to the A/C compressor. I haven't put it back on yet. This is one of those little details I still need to address.
If my wife stops having babies, I may actually drive this thing again! Otherwise, it's just going to get shinier and shinier!
Gary & Peggy Stevens
08-02-2010, 04:47 PM
Jon, If my wife stops having babies, I may actually drive this thing again! Otherwise, it's just going to get shinier and shinier!
David, WHO'S fault is that anyway? I'm thinking it might be yours ! Your Series 60 sure is looking good, Great Job.
Gary S.
08-02-2010, 08:58 PM
David,that looks great,I see red and blue hose connectors on the charge air cooler,is there a difference in strength?I just had a blue one rip a couple weeks ago and limped home,I do have a spare now.
08-02-2010, 10:08 PM
David,that looks great,I see red and blue hose connectors on the charge air cooler,is there a difference in strength?I just had a blue one rip a couple weeks ago and limped home,I do have a spare now.
Thanks Jack,
In my photos, the red are the Charge Air Cooler hoses and the blue are the radiator hoses. According to the Flexfab website, the red are 4 ply nomex and the blue are 3 ply polyester. The red are good up to 500 deg F, and the blue up to 300 deg F. The red are stronger. Both can be ordered with reinforcing stainless steel rings.
08-03-2010, 05:13 AM
Thanks David,I can tell you that when one rips(about 40% around)the boost goes to almost zero,it is not much fun on the interstate going 45 MPH up the hills.The good thing was that I was on the downhill side of Asheville when it happened.I will look Flexfab up and order some.
08-20-2010, 02:40 PM
Thanks David,I can tell you that when one rips(about 40% around)the boost goes to almost zero,it is not much fun on the interstate going 45 MPH up the hills.The good thing was that I was on the downhill side of Asheville when it happened.I will look Flexfab up and order some.
I wonder if these should be included in a longer term maintenance change out program? Anyone else had a failure? I guess one could just carry a copy of each in case of failure, but it seems like they should have a terminal life like other rubber or synthetic products. I am planning on pulling mine apart this winter for some cleaning and painting and may just replace them at that point to ensure they are good to go.
Website is
08-20-2010, 04:07 PM
Truck Pro had them for around $20,so I bought one for a spare.The Flexfab red one is actually a little thinner than the one I got from Prevost (blue) but it is rated for more pressure and a higher temp.
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