View Full Version : Pog Iii
Jon Wehrenberg
09-21-2006, 04:52 PM
On an unrelated thread a discussion is started with various ideas for POG III.
It is clear this POG thing is going to have "legs". From the modest beginnings of POG I, we are seeing POG II with at least 25 signed up. As the groups get bigger, plans for a site have to made further in advance so campgrounds can accomodate the members and guests.
I suggest until the left and right sides of the country have enough members (or we decide as a group to forever meet in the middle) that all throw out ideas for places to have the next rally. Personally I like a compromise location somewhat in the center of the country so we all can attend and I may have started the discussion by suggesting Branson.
On the thread that this discussion started to evolve, others suggested places such as the FL panhandle or the Carolina(s) coast. I'll put a few more on the table to consider. There is a high end RV resort near Kerrville TX called Buckhorn, and New Orleans is another spot to consider.
How about posting some ideas that can be kicked around at POG II.
Ray Davis
09-21-2006, 05:00 PM
Right after POG2 I am heading down to Kerrvile (Buckhorn) for the Datastorm users rally. I'll be able to give an opinion on the location about two weeks after POG.
Branson sounds interesting, as I've never been there, and obviously there's plenty to do in the area.
09-21-2006, 06:26 PM
I think Texas is a centralized place that has resorts like the one you mention in Kerrville. I am flying out next month to Millennium with the intention of custom designing a new bus and look forward to the POG functions after its built.
Jon Wehrenberg
09-21-2006, 09:39 PM
If you buy a new Millennium and show up at the next POG with it plan on giving tours. :D
09-21-2006, 09:54 PM
There is a real nice Outdoor Resorts right south of Branson, just in Arkansas. We have been there and it's nice. Just my two cents worth! We will go where the POG goes.
09-21-2006, 10:28 PM
Jon how much do my POG members charge for tours?:D We had a 2006 Country Coach Affinity. Our interior is pictured on their website. A gentleman flew here from Arizona yesterday and bought it. Are there any Millennium owners within the POG?
Jerry Winchester
09-21-2006, 11:20 PM
I, like Jon, would favor a Branson / Outdoor Resorts location. I have also heard the Buckhorn at Kerrville is pretty sweet. I have only been to one RV rally, (unless you include OSH) so I am a poor judge of potential rally locations.
09-21-2006, 11:21 PM
Sting was your Affinity posted a lot on
09-22-2006, 06:55 AM
Book it Dano! Ellen & I would love to POG there!
Jon Wehrenberg
09-22-2006, 08:07 AM
I hope you understand how this works.
If you have enough Lewbucks to buy a new Millennium, you pay POG members to tour your new coach. We would ordinarily not charge you when we tour the coach, but since you are raising the bar with a new coach, and in turn making all of us peons look bad, it's going to cost you.
I don't come cheap.
09-22-2006, 08:41 AM
Congrats on parting with the sticks & staples, now your on the right track for a Bus. It's hard to get any straight answeres out of this bunch, but I think we have a Millennium owner here. We saw Nelson (Millennium) at the FMCA Rally and he had some really gorgeous displays and he's pro POG, so hurry up and buy. See you in Santa Fe (not to much pressure on you, huh).:D
09-22-2006, 10:55 AM
Hey Mango! Yes my coach was on RV.NET. I am "The Stinger" on that board.
09-22-2006, 05:58 PM
Jon how much do my POG members charge for tours?:D We had a 2006 Country Coach Affinity. Our interior is pictured on their website. A gentleman flew here from Arizona yesterday and bought it. Are there any Millennium owners within the POG?
Congradulations on the sale of your Coach.. Who did you have it advertised? I am still trying to sell my Lexa, and need to get it sold. Whoops, never mind , I see the response. How long did it take, and what price range did you sell it. I am trying to get some idea what the market is like out there.
Ray Davis
09-22-2006, 07:32 PM
As other sites are considered for POG3, I thought I'd mention a website I've started using as I plan my trips.
People post reviews of various RV parks. It's amazing the differences in opinions on various parks, but you can obviously find parks to stay away from using this site.
09-22-2006, 09:47 PM
Hey Winchester !!!!
Happy New Year, Rosh Hashana buddy.
Jerry Winchester
09-26-2006, 11:20 PM
Is that code for "Yes Jerry, I think POG III in the Ozarks at New Years is fine with me"?
I use the same site and have written a dozen reviews on it. It is amazing how much they sometimes differ, but if everyone hates it, then it is surely a dog.
I have been to two ODR locations and they were way sweet which means we would have to get Lew a fake ID to get him in, but I think the rest of us would enjoy it.
09-27-2006, 07:44 AM
Buckhorn is a great rally park, it has everything; 8,000 sq. ft. community center w/kitchen, 35 seat movie theater, 2 swimming pools, instant on phones, and it is beautifully landscaped. I know Dee Christensen and he has a first class operation in Kerrville.
I have never been to Branson, but I'm sure that it was be a lot of fun too. With this group of guys, its the people that make the rally not so much the location.
You had mentioned New Orleans, I live in Houma which is 57 miles SW of N.O.
The only problem with N.O. is there are no RV parks (nice ones) that could accomodate rallies. A few years back a rally was held on rented barges on the Mississippi River. It was a big success; although very expensive! The coaches were loaded onto barges and tug boats departed from New Orleans upriver to visit plantation homes and restaurants on the river. Generators were provided and each coach had 50 amp electrical service.
Just another idea! :)
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