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View Full Version : R12 Refrigerant

Darrell and Linda
01-27-2010, 12:26 AM
Just looking around on e-bay for R12 refrigerant. My system needs a recharge but I can't purchase the R12 in Canada. I would like to keep the the R12 as long as I can before the expensive upgrade to R124a

Question: What's is this Freeze 12... Is this the same as R12
Pls advise

Darrell and Linda
01-27-2010, 12:32 AM
Sorry guys, I mean, upgrade to the R134a...... but you guys know what I'm talking about.

Jon Wehrenberg
01-27-2010, 07:35 AM
Assuming your system is leak free it may be best to retain R-12. My original bus was R-12 and it was 17 years old before the compressor seal finally started leaking. If the system is otherwise functioning and tight ( a compressor seal is a relatively cheap fix) if you stick with R-12 you will not have some of the issues you may face with a conversion to 134.

R-12 is more efficient by about 15%. It operates at lower pressures and is less likely to leak where 134 will. If you stay with it you will not have any concerns about flushing the old incompatible oil from the system, you will not have to consider changing expansion valves (not required, but a good idea) and generally you will be keeping the system functioning as designed. If you have hoses coming to the end of their useful life 134 will hasten their demise because of the pressures and its ability to escape through smaller openings than R-12.

Having said that if you do switch to 134 you can tolerate some small leakage because for now you can buy it cheap and top off the charge pretty inexpensively.

There is another consideration and that is to see if you want to recharge the system with R-12 drop in replacements. There are a number of them out there and while they are not Freon, but are hydrocarbon based (like propane) they do function quite well. If it were my choice I would have a savvy refrigeration guy make sure the system is leak free, and recharge with R-12. It is still available if you look hard enough.

01-27-2010, 07:45 AM

I assume your talking about dash air and not the cruiseairs, but either way, R-12 is easily found in the states. I just bought a 30 lb sealed container on Craigslist here in GA for 225.00.

Conversion to 134a is not a quick fix for the dash air. Do a search, we have covered this pretty good over the last 6 months.

01-27-2010, 10:59 AM
Darrell, After Jon and Tom, there's not much to add. Suggest you resist the temptation to "upgrade" to 134A, it really isn't an upgrade at all but is only another govt. attempt to improve the environment. Keeping the system leak-free would be a better contribution to mankind. :)

Also, you should know that Tom is an ace at finding leaks. He located a small leak in the bus he purchased from me that I'd been chasing for a long time.

If you have compressor issues, new OEM type piston compressors are pretty cheap (around $300USD). I've been told with very little adapting a modern turbine type compressor could be fitted which would improve the performance and be more reliable. I don't have the specifics but maybe someone could jump in here with a recommendation.

01-27-2010, 04:54 PM
Darrell, I don't know what Freeze 12 is, but when I owned an R12 bus and needed R12, I was offered Freeze 12 as a replacement. Instead, I found a 30 lb can of R12 on eBay and used all of it on a refill of the system after replacing a bearing seal and the two short rear freon hoses. I would take a chance on the Freeze 12 long before doing a 134a changeover. Personally, I would hold out for R12 and get it done somewhere in the US. Perhaps some one up close to the border could buy a tank of R12 and hold it until you folks are down in the US.

Darrell and Linda
01-27-2010, 07:40 PM
Thanks guys. I would like to stay with the R12. It only makes good sense. The OTR system is obviously not leak free. The compressor does not have any noticeable oil leaks around the shaft/ seals or seams, so I am thinking it is down stream on the many joints / fittings / filter from that location.

Anyways, I'll have the system pressure tested with blue and let sit for a couple of weeks. Repair what needs to be and re-charge. Like I said, I haven't heard of Freeze 12. Would this be a drop in product....... I don't like the propane / hydrocarbon idea but I have heard it works well.

I don't know if a supplier will ship to Canada but I'll try...... I'm sure a US POGGER friend can assist me in my endeavors.

I can't belive I'm thinking of air conditioning in January........... All I have to do is step outside. Hey, there's my fix!