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View Full Version : Intro:New Member-Doc Miller

Doc Miller
01-02-2010, 03:12 PM
Hi All, Just joined today. Have a 99 Marathron XL-V purchased from Calif. Coach-Steve Bennett in Aug. of 09. We have a home in Las Vegas as well as a lot in LVMCR. This is our 5TH coach but first Prevost. My wife and I plus out stan.poodle traveled to the North West last summer and went to Fla. and back from Oct. to Dec. with family in Gainesville and Orlando plus other family in Alexander City Alabama. Looking forward to the Mimi-rally in LV. in Feb. Also will be heading back to Fla. the first part of May. With good health, family and friends and the ability to travel in our Marathron, retirement is great! Hope to meet many POG members. I have never met a stranger so hope to find friends along the way in our travels.

01-02-2010, 03:23 PM
Welcome Doc. We are having a mini rally in LV Presidents weekend . Hope you can make it. Congradulations on your purchase.

01-02-2010, 04:33 PM
Welcome Doc,

Glad to have you aboard. We have a great group of guys and gals. Hope you enjoy POG as much as I have. If you ever pass thru Houma, LA (around New Orleans) give us a call and we'll go out to dinner. Try to make a mini rally and meet everyone.

What kind of doctor are you? If you are a psychiatrist we have some real nut cases around here, so it will seem like you're back at work!:D

Jon Wehrenberg
01-02-2010, 05:18 PM
Welcome to the asylum Doc. It will be a joy to have a grown up around here to keep the kids from getting into trouble.

01-02-2010, 05:49 PM
Welcome to POG, Doc! Join in, post often and you'll have a blast! Remember to add your signature from the User Control Panel with year, model, and converter of your bus so that we can answer any questions you may pose with answers specific to your rig. Of course, I'm not guaranteeing any answers will be correct, but it sounds good! :p Also, add a picture of your new bus to your profile and signature so we can "ooohh & ahhhh" appropriately! :D

01-02-2010, 08:16 PM
Welcome Doc! I have essentially the same vintage Marathon and love it! Hope you experience the same enjoyment with yours as we have with ours.

01-02-2010, 09:10 PM
Welcome Doc, glad to see POG now has another MARATHON to add to the contingent.

01-02-2010, 09:53 PM
Welcome Doc, did you pay your 25.00 to join?:p

01-03-2010, 09:01 AM
Welcome Doc. My wife and I have a Liberty, but a Marathon paint job...our coach was located in Oregon for a couple of years. :D Ken & Ellen

01-03-2010, 09:16 PM
Welcome aboard Doc!

01-04-2010, 06:41 PM
What's up Doc? Welcome, looking foward to meeting you in person.

01-04-2010, 09:34 PM
Welcome Doc. Headed out to Vegas weekend after next. Won't be able to make the mini rally. Great to have you aboard and look forward to meeting you down the road.

Doc Miller
01-29-2010, 12:46 AM
Welcome aboard Doc!

Thanks for all the warm welcomes from a very friendly group. Will hope to see you-all in February at LVMCR for the mini rally. Will be on our :)Site(lot) #183. As you enter the gate, Turn left all the way to the end but please do not run into our bus. You don't want to see what would happen,( that would be my wife Vera crying). Cocktails waiting,(I drink NA beer)but Miller beer, volka ,wine etc will be available. If the weather is some what nice come around for individual made cups of coffee, (Chick, decaf & high test ) anytime after 7;00AM. Bring your dog if you have one,wives, husbands and significant others also welcome.

01-29-2010, 09:16 AM
Nice to meet you Doc, welcome... See you in LV!

PS, if you are going to offer this group free vodka... Stand by. Ask Mango and Jdub how many cases slid down their Martini Luge, contributing to the lack of live brain cells in the morning.. (gee was this near an election)?? err.. Never mind...:D

Will Garner
01-29-2010, 12:55 PM

Welcome to the funny house. Jon calls it the asylum, I kinda think sometimes it should be the insane's asylum. I guess now that you are one of us, when at a POG rally someone will actually be able to answer our cries, "Is there a Doc in the house?!"

Carole and Will

Ray Davis
01-29-2010, 02:09 PM
Hey Doc,

We look forward to meeting you. I've got the tentative list of where we are going to be parked, and you will have POGGERS on both sides of you, and down that aisle.

We're all in that general area.


01-29-2010, 06:52 PM
Welcome aboard doc and Vera. Shirley and I will be looking forward to meeting you both in LV at the POG rally. It's not hard fitting in with this bunch of Poggers they are all great people.

Doc Miller
01-31-2010, 01:24 AM
For some ,who replyed to the invitation at the mimi Rally, please be assured the volka will flow as long as the supply last at site #183 but I am confident that others will supply a back up when the potato juice runs out. For the die hard motor heads, we can always drain some # 2 from the tank...and so it goes...Doc....