View Full Version : Road side ER service
Willis Michell
12-03-2009, 05:25 PM
Does anyone have any experience with emergency road side service. I am looking into Coach Net? Thank's W
12-03-2009, 05:47 PM
I have used the Camping World Insurance several times over the years and have been more than satisfied with the service.
I have had Coach-Net for almost 10 years. I have had to call them 4 times. 3 times they had to send a wrecker (blown engine, transmission speed sensor and DDEC issue with tows of 135 miles, 50 miles and 85 miles). They have knowledgeable technicians that try to help you troubleshoot any problems before calling for help. They have not given me any issues about taking the bus to the appropriate repair facility even though they are paying for the tow mileage. They recognize a bus is a different from a motorhome and listen to what you say. I highly recommend them!!!
12-03-2009, 05:54 PM
Willis, I have road side assistance through my insurance policy. National Interstate is the insurer and Explorer is the agent. Under the policy, I call for roadside assistance myself. In other words, if I need a tire guy, I call the closest one that I have talked to and feel good about, not some outfit that just happens to have a contract with Coachnet, Good Sam or some other go between company. I feel like I am better qualified to know what I need rather than someone a thousand miles away that is going to get me fixed up for as few dollars as possible. I just pay the service company and fax the invoice to National Interstate.
The last time I needed help it was for a wrecker. The bill was around $1500. I called National Interstate to get approval to send them the invoice for the tow and the girl ask me if there were any other expenses related to the breakdown. Just the tow I said. She ask me if we stayed in a hotel and for how many nights and they paid that bill also. I much prefer being in control of any emergency situation. I can't even imagine sitting on the side of the highway, broken down and having to depend on someone else to send assistance. Get a roadside assistance policy that you have control over. You can't do better than Explorer for that kind of coverage.
12-04-2009, 06:33 AM
Has anyone tried or thought about Prevost Road PASS?
We currently have Coach Net but are thinking about Road PASS when we renew.
Willis Michell
12-04-2009, 07:59 AM
Thanks for the there any reason in particular that you are thinking of switching? W
12-04-2009, 11:01 AM
Willis, Ted's comments are right on the mark. We had AAA for many years with good service for car problems. It's a whole different ball game with the bus. The main trouble with AAA was unless you are very pushy, they choose the roadside service that is closest to your location. On more than one occasion I had to insist on talking to the repair facility only to find they were not qualified. You need to be in charge. You have excellent resources on who is best to call. Starting with Prevost Action Service (800) 463-7738 and including internet resources such as: ,, and POG is of course another quick resource for on the road breakdowns.
Like Ted, we use National Interstate through Explorer. Their rates are the best and their service is very flexible.
12-04-2009, 07:51 PM
We were thinking on going with Prevost Road PASS because they are familiar with Prevosts.
We've never had to call Coach Net but years ago we had to deal with the Good Sam Emergency Road Service and were not satisified. We were thinking that the Prevost Road PASS service would have a better understanding of whatever the problems were with the bus and would be in a better position to help/recommend solutions.
Willis Michell
12-05-2009, 06:12 AM
Brian, James and Ted, thank you for all the info and web site info. Since I have a 99 it makes sense to find a service specific for Prevost. Thank you again. W
12-06-2009, 08:53 AM
If you go with Prevost PASS let us know your experience with them.
Charles Spera
01-14-2010, 11:21 PM
As a newby I have been pretty much a lurker here. I agree this is a terrific resource.
Before leaving Michigan for Pelican Lake in Naples, I had a notion that I should look into road service coverage of some kind. Of course the activities getting ready to leave blocked it from my mind until we stopped in Fort Myers to pick a rental car.
Right there in the long term lot at the airport, the Mothership suffered a fatal aneurysm of the power steering pump. Of course, it was after 5:00 pm and all repair shops had their phones set on "ignore". What to do in this dire situation, oh dear, oh dear.
In desperation, power steering fluid draining out by the buckets full, I call Prevost Jacksonville. Their phone was answered by a robot with a friendly voice that suggested I ask my representative about their special on wiper blades. Also (drum roll, please), an after hours trouble number.....AHA! Turns out that the number is for Prevost Action Service System.
I was NOT a member but the tech who handled my call listened attentively, counseled me that he was opening a case file and would not abandon me until we were back on the road again...and he (they) didn't!
During the next two days, this fellow and his coworkers kept calling me and arranged for the Detroit Diesel/ Allison dealer to come to me the next day to diagnose/solve the problem. The part had to be shipped in; the Pass techs determined the proper part number, found one, kept me advised, called just ahead of every step to confirm that the part was shipped, had arrived, was being installed, had been installed and finally that we were back on the road and happy with the service.
Now that's what I call service!
I wholeheartedly recommend PASS, have become a member and recommend any and all service they may provide....and that's the truth!
Charles Spera
01-14-2010, 11:24 PM
.....and thanks to this forum, I am going to call my Interstate agent tomorrow and see about a reimbursement for the cost.
Thanks POG
Gary & Peggy Stevens
01-14-2010, 11:29 PM
Chuck, glad to hear you had such a HAPPY ENDING . ! :)
It feels good when things work like they are suppose to work.
Hope the rest of your trip goes smoothly.
When you get to Pelican Lakes, say hello to Sue Rosol for me. She let Peg and I stay on her pad for a week, NO CHARGE, 4 years ago, and she didn't even know us. What a nice lady she was, and we loved Pelican Lakes too.
Gary S.
Jon Wehrenberg
01-15-2010, 07:07 AM
Over time it seems we all will experience a failure that shuts us down. To a new owner a problem such as what Charles experienced is catastrophic. It is a deer in the headlights sort of thing.
Part of the reason why I have wanted POG rallies to have some seminar content is to help owners who are going to go through stuff like this to not get that feeling of dread. I can assure the newer owners that as time passes and you learn more about your coach, its systems and the resources available to you stuff like this becomes an inconvenience, but not the end of the world.
We learn through the school of hard knocks where to turn for help (one source is to call the nearest POG member), who to get to service the problem based on the nature of the problem, and even the most efficient way to get parts.
For me, having learned on other vehicles, there is no substitute for pre-trip inspections, good preventive maintenance, and luck.
01-15-2010, 08:48 AM
I may end up calling PASS to get help with my transmission issue if I can't get it resolved in the next couple of hours! Thanks for reminding me about that valuable resource!
Charles Spera
01-19-2010, 10:21 PM
Hi Gary,
Finally tracked down Sue today. She certainly IS the main person to know here at Pelican Lake.
She remembers you and Peggy even though you never actually met.
If anyone else wants a contact at Pelican Lake, use Sue Rosal at
Visit her websites at or
BTW it turns out that we and Sue live within 5 miles back in Michigan!
Go Safely
Chuck, glad to hear you had such a HAPPY ENDING . ! :)
It feels good when things work like they are suppose to work.
Hope the rest of your trip goes smoothly.
When you get to Pelican Lakes, say hello to Sue Rosol for me. She let Peg and I stay on her pad for a week, NO CHARGE, 4 years ago, and she didn't even know us. What a nice lady she was, and we loved Pelican Lakes too.
Gary S.
01-20-2010, 02:52 AM
Where are you in Pelican? We're on 4767. We have been inmates here for about 10 years now. I'll bet Sue tried to sell you a lot. Stop by when you get a chance.
01-20-2010, 08:32 AM
Do you have any connections with Sue? Were heading to Florida today and looking for someplace to land for a week beginning next Monday through Sunday.
Looking for the Auto Dealer special, no what I mean!:p
01-20-2010, 08:54 AM
Do you have any connections with Sue? Were heading to Florida today and looking for someplace to land for a week beginning next Monday through Sunday.
Looking for the Auto Dealer special, no what I mean!:p
If you want to spend next week at TGO I have a place for you.
01-20-2010, 09:21 AM
I might know someone at Pelican. Give a call at 440-364-9538.
01-20-2010, 12:24 PM
Sue's cell phone is 737 377 8602 give her a call. She sort of freelances so she's not connected to the Pelican Rental Office. But she's got her finger on whats going on.
Charles Spera
01-20-2010, 07:52 PM
Where are you in Pelican? We're on 4767. We have been inmates here for about 10 years now. I'll bet Sue tried to sell you a lot. Stop by when you get a chance.
We're 4465 and loving it. Unfortunately, we may only be here to Feb 15; after that is a little iffy.
Stop by.
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