View Full Version : Journey One arrives in Florida!
11-25-2009, 08:36 AM
Once I heard that Vivian and her new-to-her bus would be making a stop in Melbourne, Florida (only an hour away from us), I couldn't pass up the opportunity to pay her a visit.
She was accompanied on her trip south from New Jersey by Joe C., who was still "coaching" her on the house systems when we arrived prior to her going solo.
According to all accounts, Viv piloted the bus south via the Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel with complete ease..... a trip I make with a certain amount of trepidation!
When she's behind the wheel, or talking about her bus, she just can't help putting on a big smile. :)
Ray Davis
11-25-2009, 10:25 AM
Great news! Good to see both Joe and Viv in your pictures! Thanks for taking the time to drive out there.
11-25-2009, 12:39 PM
Joe C. is a great guy! What a nice thing to do to help Viv out with the bus systems. There's nothing like hands on experience.
Joe C. is 100% in my book!:D
11-25-2009, 02:58 PM
Very Nice!!! Good Stuff There!!!
Thanks for the news.
Jamie Bradford
11-25-2009, 09:30 PM
GO Viv!!!!!!!
You are my CHAMP!
Nice Bus!!!!!!
11-26-2009, 09:54 PM
Viv, I am SO HAPPY for you! You have waited a long time for this ride, enjoy it! Thanks Joe, for helping her out. Like the personal touch on the front Viv:D
Debi and Bob too!
11-26-2009, 10:17 PM
Thats pretty cool.:cool:
11-27-2009, 01:42 PM
Congratulations Viv. I hope you find your Prevost everything you dreamed it will be.
..............Man, I miss Joe C...................
11-27-2009, 09:58 PM
I would imagine that Joe did not do the Viv thing free and it's none of my business, but I got a strange call tonight that I hope is a misunderstanding!
I received a voice mail from a Lady named Caren (her spelling) who is a long time friend of Viv and she was somewhat distraught. She said no one can find Viv and the last time someone talked to her she was crying and did not understand the bus and had problems. She said that Italian Joe guy was suppose to repair her bus and he cut her short leaving early. She said Viv was very upset and didn't have the money for repairs.
I returned her call and got voice mail.
That's all I know, I'm just the messenger, but if anyone knows where Viv is, call this Caren at 321-752-6868.
Jon Wehrenberg
11-28-2009, 07:24 AM
From the photo it appears Viv's bus is an American Conversion. This is not American Carriage, but the converter that was previously located in Allen Michigan.
I was afraid this was going to happen because older coaches were not easy to live with compared to the conversions of today that are almost completely automatic in every respect. To add to Viv's problems it is likely she may have some systems or devices not functioning properly, or worse, the bus has been modified over the years and some understanding of how some devices such as the inverters were set up may be required. Learning special installations is not going to happen via posts on this site. It is going to be tough enough for someone with intimate knowledge of the American conversion to communicate advice.
If Viv is to get help the best place to start is if anyone has an American conversion they could be a big help in talking Viv through the systems. Absent that if any of the folks who posted here are in contact with Joe, please ask him to stick with Viv as long as necessary to help her out. He owes her that.
For those that are not familiar with older coaches let me tell you that despite having our first one for 15 years Di still had trouble understanding which circuits were DC, which were AC and how to get AC power to those that needed it. I cannot recount the number of times I forgot to turn a knob or press a button when I needed AC power at an outlet or device. Unless you have had a coach that required you to select the power source and unless you continually monitored things like battery voltages it was not long before things started going to hell. Right now Viv is in over her head and it is my opinion those who helped her realize her "dream" need to step up to the plate and get her out of her nightmare.
11-28-2009, 09:27 AM
I received a voice mail from a Lady named Caren (her spelling) who is a long time friend of Viv and she was somewhat distraught. She said no one can find Viv and the last time someone talked to her she was crying and did not understand the bus and had problems. She said that Italian Joe guy was suppose to repair her bus and he cut her short leaving early. She said Viv was very upset and didn't have the money for repairs.
I don't have a dog in this fight, but can Paul Horner maybe tell us what he saw when he left Viv and Joe. Paul, do you know where Viv is? Was Viv happy when you saw her or totally distraught that Joe left her hanging (if in fact he did)? Did it look like Joe left her hanging? Joe called me from the road one evening of the trip, told me she drove like a champ, smoother than anyone he'd ever ridden with. He called later, said they were at their destination, waiting for Paul/Janice to arrive for them all to have dinner. Paul's post seems like all was good, but maybe there is more to this story than the little I have heard about.
It seems like assuming Joe left Viv high and dry without knowing the facts (except from a strange phone call from someone named Caren) is premature.
Eric Faires
Huntsville, TN
11-28-2009, 10:14 AM
As a courtesy to JoeC. I e-mailed him Truk4u and Jon Wehrenberg posts, because we know Joe and Viv are in touch on a very regular bases for a very, very long time.
Like Eric said : "...can Paul Horner maybe tell us what he saw when he left Viv and Joe..."
Let's not start building a mountain out of this moth hill especially since we were not a part of this event from the beginning.
Paul, where are you ? Say something !
11-28-2009, 10:18 AM
It seems like assuming Joe left Viv high and dry without knowing the facts (except from a strange phone call from someone named Caren) is premature.
Let's be perfectly clear, there has been no assumption from me, so let's not let this get all out of wack. I passed this on as a concern for the well being of Viv and don't give a rats ass about any assumptions!
11-28-2009, 10:33 AM
I learned this a long time ago that, sometimes is better to go thru life with this in mind:
" A good deed will not go unpunished ! "
I'm getting my share of it already, :eek::eek::eek:
Jon Wehrenberg
11-28-2009, 03:32 PM
Regardless of what the real story is I will stand by my previous post. If it wasn't clear allow me to really express my concerns in no uncertain terms.
For many years now I have posted on P-Stuff and the POG forum. Bus ownership is overwhelming to almost everyone. There is a lot to know, The systems are not necessarily complex, but to someone unfamiliar with them they can be scary. When you take the entire coach as a whole to a newbie it is just plain intimidating. There have been hundreds of posts by newbies crying for help.
Now let me get specific. I stopped trying to help Viv after a while when I sensed I was not doing her any favors by helping her. She may get very mad at me for saying this, but I think if a person is going to own a Prevost conversion they either need to be able to learn and understand the multitude of systems, or have someone close at hand who can "hold hands" and provide the advice and assistance required. I suspect there is no one on POG that will take issue with what I said.
Now let's fast forward to last night when the information Tom posted became aware to me. I felt helpless, but I am not only not able to help, never having seen her coach, I am not familiar with American Coach. My post was to prompt anyone reading that might have knowledge to see if anyone can help. This is the worst possible situation. She has a coach few if any have, and so none of us can draw upon our own knowledge of coaches and lead her in the right direction. Anyone helping needs to know her coach.
No one, not Vivian, not anyone I know, me included can get several days of training on a coach and get cut loose without having more questions, or without needing more help. Vivian is in trouble, not because she is a female, not because of her age, but because this is her first Prevost conversion and she is gong to require a lot of assistance. That should have been known up front, it should have been addressed up front and everybody involved in getting her into her coach should have made it clear to her and should have prepared for the anticipated assistance.
If anyone wants to assist her I can tell you she will need and appreciate it.
At this point she does not know enough to determine when something does not function as anticipated if she is doing something wrong, or if there is a problem with her coach. So folks, let's not blow this issue out of proportion and make like there really is no problem. We have a POG member (Viv) that is or will need help. Maybe it is not needed today, but we can count more help and lots of it will be needed.
Will Garner
11-28-2009, 05:48 PM
Is it possible that Viv could make a phone call to the PO and get the assistance she needs over the phone? As far as I know Joe C did not adopt Viv nor run away with her. He committed to ride with her to Florida in case anything happened for her safety. So if he accomplished that, and it sounds like he did, and went back to his family in Chicago then Viv needs to find her help locally.
Perhaps a call to Rick May, formerly of Parliament, but knowledgeable in conversion systems, could get her the help she needs. He has a new business and may be nearby in Florida. I know for a fact there is nothing I can do from here in NC.
Let's not jump to conclusions about anyone leaving someone stranded, least of all Joe C. I know that when I have had some problems I could not resolve I posted here and got help immediately - like within 15 minutes. Has Viv even tried to post and describe her problems to the forum? If so, I have not seen it.
Heck, I called Truk the other day because I thought when wiring in a Guest battery tender I had messed up and killed the chassis battery bank. What I had actually not done was to throw the main Chassis Breaker in the engine bay to ON before trying to start the big motor. It was nice speaking with Tom, but man did I feel stupid. I guess it happens to all of us at some point in time.
I suggest the speculation here stop and that Viv make a post describing her problem. I think one thing is clear and that is we all know from past experiences Viv is totally capable of making a detailed post on this forum. I think her biggie went over 1,500 total. Perhaps that is in fact a posting thread record for a POG posting. Yes, she may not have internet where her coach is parked. Try going to a public library or coffee shop where wifi is available. It simply is not impossible in this day and age for her to make a post and clear this whole mess up.
Nuf' said.
11-28-2009, 06:12 PM
I don't have a dog in this fight, but can Paul Horner maybe tell us what he saw when he left Viv and Joe. Paul, do you know where Viv is? Was Viv happy when you saw her or totally distraught that Joe left her hanging (if in fact he did)? Did it look like Joe left her hanging? Joe called me from the road one evening of the trip, told me she drove like a champ, smoother than anyone he'd ever ridden with. He called later, said they were at their destination, waiting for Paul/Janice to arrive for them all to have dinner. Paul's post seems like all was good, but maybe there is more to this story than the little I have heard about.
It seems like assuming Joe left Viv high and dry without knowing the facts (except from a strange phone call from someone named Caren) is premature.
Eric Faires
Huntsville, TN
I also am dogless in this fight, and prefer to stay that way.
When Janice and I left Vivian, she was all smiles and couldn't get enough photographs taken. She was not distressed and our impression was that all was well.
The last thing I remember happening was Joe giving Vivian a hug and telling her to call him at any time. They both appeared happy with the way the trip to Florida had turned out.
I was quite taken by surprize when I received a call from Caren with a story that sounded completely contrary to what I had witnessed.
11-28-2009, 06:15 PM
You may pick a prize from the top shelf.
11-28-2009, 07:19 PM
I also am dogless in this fight, and prefer to stay that way.
When Janice and I left Vivian, she was all smiles and couldn't get enough photographs taken. She was not distressed and our impression was that all was well.
The last thing I remember happening was Joe giving Vivian a hug and telling her to call him at any time. They both appeared happy with the way the trip to Florida had turned out.
I was quite taken by surprize when I received a call from Caren with a story that sounded completely contrary to what I had witnessed.
Joe is at my house working on Lloyd Williams' bus. Joe was just on phone call with Viv (in my presence). She is as happy as she can be. Joe didn't leave her hanging. Caren's call to Truk was unfounded. Hope this puts this one to bed.
Eric Faires
11-28-2009, 07:53 PM
Thanks, Eric, for shedding some light on this subject.
Jamie Bradford
11-28-2009, 09:53 PM
Who is Caren anyway??????:confused:
Jamie Bradford
11-28-2009, 09:56 PM
As Archie Bunker would say: " There's something rotten in the state of Denver"
This thing is a bit bizzare???????????????
11-28-2009, 10:12 PM
It appears Viv has been venting to her freinds, which is a simple coping mechanism some people use. It doesn't necessarily mean she is in need of help.
11-28-2009, 10:50 PM
What a waste of time and concern! Viv, if you read any of this, you need to tell your friend to take a hike.
Sorry for the jerk around folks, I guess you never know who's stroking ya.:(
Skiffer - Take me off the call list for any future nut cases and give them to Jdub!
11-28-2009, 10:53 PM
Sorry Gary. I am not buying into that one based on what Eric just delivered. From where I sit.
Caren called Truk.
Caren called Paul Horner!?
Caren said " blah blah"
Caren created a travisty where there was none.
Caren created a lot of unneeded angst.
Caren created a disaster.
Nothing direct from Vivian.
Nothing direct from Joe.
Caren contradicted by communication with Vivian and Joe.
I don't see a pattern do you?
12-07-2009, 01:52 AM
Very quick Post...
I am fine...will write when puter lets me...just wrote long letter that was cut before I could post it..
Warm Hugs and Love Viv...
What a waste of time and concern! Viv, if you read any of this, you need to tell your friend to take a hike.
Sorry for the jerk around folks, I guess you never know who's stroking ya.:(
Skiffer - Take me off the call list for any future nut cases and give them to Jdub!
Jamie Bradford
12-12-2009, 01:35 AM
Who is "puter"? Should we call the police & tell them that you have been abducted by "puter"????? Or is "puter" an alias for "Tru.." who will not allow you to share" the rest of the story"????
Inquiring minds want to know....................................:D
12-12-2009, 06:36 AM
It is her slang for COMPUTER. :D
JIM :p
12-12-2009, 09:41 PM
Just when things settle down, Jamie wakes up!:D
12-13-2009, 09:07 AM
Truk - I just happened to notice that you've been promoted to moderator! Now we'll really have to mind our manners! :rolleyes: Yep - I know - manners in this group is a relative concept. :p
Anyway - congrats! I'm pleased to see that Skiffer "promotes from within"! :D
12-13-2009, 09:58 AM
What promotion, Moderator status is a form of punishment, just wait and see!:rolleyes: My only function is to keep toilet paper posts from ending up in the Sparky thread. If we keep the posts somewhat in the correct place, the search function should become easier.
12-13-2009, 10:01 AM
Truk, We'll do all we can to make your prediction come true. :D
12-15-2009, 12:27 AM
I had followed Viv's story and am glad she finally found her coach. Did she ever get her $5k back?
Anyway, wish I had known she was going to pass through my area, (Virginia Beach) I would have loved to meet her, Joe, and her coach.
12-29-2009, 07:19 PM
Hello Yankee and All,
I didn't get the chance to meet you or others Yankee but sooner or later all things come to us if we try hard enough..Smile..
I'm now in Bainbridge Ga,,have been for a whole leaving Fri for White Springs and a visit there..then on to Red Barn CG in Bushnell..which is located right on I-75...Will stay there a bit..then head South to Englewood and my long time friend Ginny...who is waiting for me after a 5 yr. long lapse in our visits...
If I can meet up with anyone I would loooove to....
In the meantime here are the photo's I managed to get up on Webshots after very little time on the Net...There is a Satellite on my roof that I would connect to if I had the foggiest notion how to get it done..Any help out there would be sooo welcome..
Larry here is very very sick but has done wonders for me in spite of how bad he feels..I've suire had my ups and downs since I left NJ...but I'm still surviviing and loving my Coach more than ever...much more comfortable behind the wheel now .. Got my driving shoes in place again ...
Had a lovely Christmas though pretty lonely..with little to no communication either by computer or servise much to speak of here with AT&T Cell and I get on line via Larry's Hughes Net..very seldom..
While I'm here here are the photo't I managed to take and get up...on my Webshots Albums...
Merry Christmad and Blessings to All of you...
Warmest of Hugs and Love Always Viv...
I had followed Viv's story and am glad she finally found her coach. Did she ever get her $5k back?
Anyway, wish I had known she was going to pass through my area, (Virginia Beach) I would have loved to meet her, Joe, and her coach.
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