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View Full Version : Prevost Electronics Technician ...

Ray Davis
08-24-2006, 10:54 PM
Wow, it's been quiet here lately. Well, I got good news to post. I flew a technician out for a weekend of work on my bus, and I have to say, I got almost everything ticked off my list.

First I want to say, if you're dealing with electronics issues, and are interested in a technician who knows Prevost, and knows Country Coach, Marathan and others, Nick Hessler is available to help you out, and at a real reasonable cost.

My logic board problems are gone. It ended up not only being an issue with the control board, but many of the wires in the main Prevost harness in the steering bay were not making contact, and had pulled away. Also, it appears a previous owner may have tried to "fix" this issue by hard wiring a 12V line into the system where it didn't belong. Nick got this all sorted out, and several other things, including tracking down my jake brake wiring to find out that the signal went all the way into the back panel in the engine compartment, but the jakes were not engaging.

A quick trip to Detroit Diesel, and I'm told today that the jakes are now functional, AND a leak to my turbo was discovered and fixed. So, I'm in pretty good shape.

I still have a small issue with the over-the-road control board for the AC, but it's usable, and after POG2 I'll send it to Nick who promises to fix it promptly.

If you're in need of someone who knows Prevost and conversions especially, let me know, and I'll pass on Nicks contact info. He's not a mechanic. He calls himself a "sparkie", as he spent 10 years in the Air Force as a tech.

I've got a couple of other questions that I'll start posting in other threads, but it looks like the trip to POG2 should be good AND traveling with Jakes!!


mike kerley
08-25-2006, 08:56 AM
Ray, That is good news.

I would appriciate "sparkies" contact info (by the way, thats my nick-name) for future reference. I understand the electronics, just have a terrible time finding some of the "parts" that the wires connect. CC and prevost both do a great job of hiding things in areas i never thought of looking in.

With your over the road ac, I have a small electronic fan controller module under the dash on the right hand side of my CC that failed a year ago and was unrepairable. Its a prevost part and killed the over the road ac and heater/defrost fan. Easy to change and not hard to find, once you know where to look.

Enjoy your new Jake!


Ray Davis
08-25-2006, 11:29 AM

I've forwarded via email the contact info as requested. I'm going to pick up the coach this afternoon. I'll see if the jake is doing it's thing! Bring on Sante Fe, I'm almost ready!

08-25-2006, 12:41 PM
Ray: Congrats on successful experience with your repairs! Just wanted to say that and to suggest instead of "Bring on Santa Fe", it is Bling on Santa Fe!