View Full Version : 4WD Fat Beagle
I am thinking about trips for next summer and considering Southwestern Colorado. It has been several years since we have traveled all the pass trails like Imogene, Ophir, Black Bear, Poughkeepsie, California, etc, and I was thinking it might be fun to have a mini rally in late July to bust some of the rust off of the Jeep. I am thinking Durango or Creede. Any interest????
10-30-2009, 05:24 PM
Found this in my latest Newsletter from Millennium.
Publicity knows no bounds.
Nice job Churchill.
That's "Publicity knows no hounds"
10-30-2009, 06:57 PM
Sound great! Maybe I can follow you "bad boys" with my meager Jeep Liberty. Lee and I love the four wheel drive passes in Colorado.
10-30-2009, 07:27 PM
We are game. With Chris' presidentcy of the our local Denver Unit of the Airstream Club for 2010, we have summer dates set. So, pick a few dates to see if we can factor "Fat Beagle Traction" in.:D
Creede is a great place since the Wheeler Geologic Formation is nearby, also the headwaters of the Rio Grand. Rivers Edge at Mountain View is the only choice there.
Durango has more choices for spots, but they all book fast.
10-30-2009, 09:45 PM
Gotta pick a date ASAP LocNes.. We're there with you if there is any way possible. Whats in Creede RV park wise? Let's book early and get that out of the way.
Larry W
10-30-2009, 10:19 PM
If you be want to jeep the San Juan trails Centennial RV park south of Montrose is a great choice. It is only 25 miles from Ouray. Ouray is one mile from the road up Yankee Boy and Imogene. Few more miles to Mineral point trail that is the lower route to Engineer pass. Also up Mineral Point road is the turn off for Poughkeepsie Gulch. More in the area are Black Bear, Corkscrew and others. Any of these are a easy day from Montrose. We do all of these once during the summer and some 3 or 4 times. Some are easy enough for the Liberty. I know it is more of a drive from the east to get to Montrose but the jeeping will be worth the miles. We live about 5 miles from Centennial (we pass it every time we go jeeping). A 45 footer will fit most anywhere at Centennial. Creede has a great park but the jeeping is limited compared to the other side of the San Juans. Mid July to the 2nd week of Aug. is the best time for all the wild flowers. There are also 4 or 5 golf courses in Montrose. Ouray has a great hot springs. Pat my wife grew up in Creede. We can be the guides.
11-01-2009, 02:30 PM
Would like to join in on this venture if schedule allows.
Gary & Peggy Stevens
11-01-2009, 03:38 PM
We would love to make that trip, if we can get away?
Time will tell, but keep us posted about.
Gary S.
Larry W
11-01-2009, 07:00 PM
Count us in. We will show up anywhere that is picked.
Note: The Creede Woodcarvers Rendezvou is July 10 - 16, 2010. This fills up every type of lodging and parking in Creede. The woodcarvers news letter goes out soon telling all to book lodging soon.
Mountain View RV Park is the only park we have found in the Creede area that a 45' coach will fit. Maybe we can now show up at a POG function.
11-02-2009, 07:49 AM
Loc; keep us posted we would likely come.
11-02-2009, 08:13 AM
We would love to do a mini rally in Colorado and do some 4WD off roading, but we can't make it this year.... Have a trip to Alaska planned. Next year for sure!:D
Kevin Erion
11-02-2009, 08:36 AM
keep us in the loop also, if the Kids are out of school, sounds like a lot of fun!
I am thinking late July / early August. It has to be when the kids are out of school and when the snow has melted on the passes. I am leaning toward Durango as the base because it has more amenities and attractions than Creede (which is really nice but very small and somewhat isolated). Durango is close to Mesa Verde NP and has the Durango Silverton Railroad. Additionally it is closer to the better Jeep trails (around Silverton, Ouray and Telluride). We can easily run Engineer, Cinnamon, Ophir, Imogene, California and Corkscrew in just about any 4WD. For those looking for a little / lot more thrill we can run Poughkeepsie and Black Bear (although my wife has advised me she will never do Black Bear again and I won't do it with the kids). I have stayed at Alpen Rose and the KOA in Hermosa in the Durango area. Does anyone have a better recommendation in Durango?
11-02-2009, 09:49 AM
A Fat Beagle Rally in Colorado in Late July / early August sounds great. We plan on trying to be in that area next summer. BUT, where and when is next years BIG POG rally? I would sure like to be able to hit the Fat Beagle and the POG rally all on the same trip. Us working stiffs have to plan long trips like this WAY IN ADVANCE. How about the POG rally 2 to 4 weeks after the Fat Beagle and do it at Kerville or Rayne, LA??? Just a thought.
Don't get me in trouble with POG Management. I am just trying to put together a little Fat Beagle Colorado trip (separate from the Official Fat Beagle at Labor Day) to have a little Jeep fun in cooler weather. I have no influence with the POG higher ups.
11-02-2009, 11:28 AM
Not trying to get you in trouble. Just trying to get POG Management and POG Members thinking about next year. It is never to soon to plan ahead for a large rally. You would still have the Labor Day Rally at Kerville??
Don't get me in trouble with POG Management. I am just trying to put together a little Fat Beagle Colorado trip (separate from the Official Fat Beagle at Labor Day) to have a little Jeep fun in cooler weather. I have no influence with the POG higher ups.
The Official Fat Beagle is always at Buckhorn over Labor Day Weekend. This would be the Fat Beagle 4WD Micro Rally an addition to the traditional OFB. The 4WD Fat Beagle will have much less planning and work by me. It will have some dates, a campground and the idea of running Jeep trails, but other than that it is vacation. I envison several days of camping with two to three days of Jeep trails (based on desire of those joining and experience levels) including a lunch at Handlebars in Silverton (a Jeep trail tradition). If we are lucky JDUB will bring his trailer queen Scout and show us how a pumpkin works on the trails. With Durango, there is the train and a trip to Mesa Verde to keep folks entertained on the other days. The Official Fat Beagle is where the real work starts.
Xtreme James
11-02-2009, 03:36 PM
Loc, I might be interested in that trip. Would the Jeeps have to be registered, or can you get by with a non " road legal " jeep ? .... James
11-02-2009, 04:08 PM
Loc, set a date and we're good to go. This place looks nice.
Jerry Winchester
11-02-2009, 09:08 PM
Okay Fat Beagle Boy,
Forget the coaches. I'll load my crew and the camping gear in the Scout and you load your gang and a toothbrush in the Jeep and we'll drive them from Houston to Colorado.
My guess is your bladder will last until we get to Collie Humperville and your 'roids will attack before we get to Waco. The good news will be that the rest of the POGGER's will be able to track you by the smell since August in Texas coupled with a rag top Jeep should be quite odoriferous.
11-02-2009, 10:14 PM
You Flat Lander Texans sure do talk big about 4 wheeling out there in them thar high elevation trails.
Some of you may turn out like me and need air. What I mean --is breathe-- without Jdub sitting on your chest. You get much over 9000 feet of elevation - I am looking for the mask to drop out of the ceiling.
Plus - after seeing some of those drop offs with no guard rail -between Montrose and Durango-- no thanks.
The only 4 wheeling I would be in on is way down at the bottom of the gulleys.
Are any of these trails like Riverside or riverbottom??
11-02-2009, 10:23 PM
Nobody said this deal was for sissy's, Roger. Man up, head west and I'll bring an extra O 2 concentrator for the over 60 bunch.
11-02-2009, 10:31 PM
How extreme are the 4WD trails, does a soccer mom's Santa Fe make it or do you need something more radical?
11-02-2009, 11:20 PM
Well, Locmesiter, you have started it now!!!!!
11-02-2009, 11:24 PM
Loc, is this one of those 'get down the mountain no matter how many times we roll' trips. I met a guy in Havasu who rents Jeeps out in Colorado so let me know when and where.
11-02-2009, 11:26 PM
Will a full size 4WD truck "fit" on the jeep trails?
I have run all of these trails before. They rent stock Jeep Wranglers in the area and they are allowed to run all of the trails except Black Bear Pass. If you have reasonable ground clearance and four wheel drive you can run most of these trails.
Cinnamon Pass and Ophir Pass can be run in two wheel drive. They are scenic but not very demanding.
Engineer Pass has a couple of places where 4 wheel drive is required and you need reasonable ground clearance. The trail is a little more difficult running it from Ouray to Lake City, but not bad either way. Engineer and Cinnamon make up the Alpine Loop.
Imogene Pass requires 4 wheel drive and has a couple of places where good ground clearance is needed and a couple of creeks that you have to ford. Depending on the runoff the crossing can be a little deep, but stock Jeeps run this trail all the time. A low range is a nice to have because of some areas with small rocks where you will bounce considerably if you are not moving slowly. The pass is at 11,000 feet plus and the air is a little thin. Last time we crossed the pass we ran into a herd of sheep being driven over the mountain with a couple of dogs and a shepherd on foot (pretty amazing). Going down into Telluride there are some very steep drop offs but the road is pretty good. This is a very scenic trail. There may be a couple of places where you have to back up to get around a tight corner if you are in a full size pick up but it can be done. There are Jeep tour companies in Ouray that take full sized suburbans over this trail.
Corkscrew and California Pass are also scenic trails that I have taken my father and his wife on in their 4WD Toyota 4Runner. A couple of steep drops, but very doable trails. He is a flat lander and had never driven off road in the mountains.
Black Bear Pass is not for the faint of heart. It is one of the most demanding trails in Colorado. We will go to the top of Black Bear (the going down into Telluride is where it is dangerous) which is one of the most scenic areas in Colorado IMHO and a great place for a picnic. From there we will turn around and go back down and miss the descent into Telluride which has incredible drop offs and switch backs that require a small Jeep to back up on to get through (which is fun given the drop off if you make a mistake).
Poughkeepsie is a more difficult trail that requires four wheel drive and good clearance and a locker or two is helpful. This is not something that we will run with stock vehicles.
To get to the trails from Durango requires driving on the highway and you need a street legal vehicle. Most of the trails start or terminate between Silverton and Ouray or in Telluride. It is about a 45 mile drive to Silverton.
I have seen stock automobiles pretty far up on some of these trails. I don't know if they ultimately made it, but they got pretty far. The soccer mom-mobile should be able to make most of it.
This is only a rock thing not a rock and roll thing. The goal is to keep the shiny side up.
You can drive a full size 4WD truck on these trails. It may require some additional backing to get around some of the corners, but it can be done.
It doesn't take much to get it started.
Blah blah blah.
Xtreme James
11-03-2009, 11:12 AM
Loc, that sounds fun !!!! You must be out of breath after all those answers. I don't think it will take all that much to get my rock crawler street legal, I think I'll get started...James
11-03-2009, 11:20 AM
For those who aren't into the jeeping, the Durango area offers some great hiking and mountain biking as well. You are at the gateway to the Weminuche Wilderness which is beautiful. Also rafting, riding the Silverton Train, fishing, etc. Pretty area.
Kenneth Brewer
11-03-2009, 11:54 AM
I don't see a fixed date for this rally yet, but I think you can count us in if this rally is late July, August next year. We will probably continue on our 'vacation' afterwards to Lake Powell and Canyonlands. Have a Cherokee Limited with the factory increased clearance. Just tell me if any of the trails mentioned would be ill advised for me (wife would be along). And thanks for coming up with this idea.
Larry W
11-04-2009, 05:34 AM
LOC gave some good info about the trails. Would recommend you not try some of these if your rig does not have a low range transfer case. We would not try any LOC has listed without one. You might make it without but the safety of going slow can keep one out of trouble. The trails can change year to year depending on use and how much rain falls during the summer. This summer the lower part of Engineer Pass trail was somewhat bad.
In Moab, UT at this time "wheelin".
I am jealous. What trails are you running in Moab? My favorites are Hell's Revenge and Golden Spike.
As to Colorado, I agree with a need for Low Range, but I would still consider Cinnamon or Ophir doable without it.
Xtreme James
11-04-2009, 08:16 AM
Loc, do you do any local wheelin ?
11-04-2009, 12:36 PM
The GX470 has low range and a downhill program of some sort. Purportedly very off road capable and we had no problem climbing around the Hill Country rocks and draws looking at property. It would work for most of your trails wouldn't it? (no laughing allowed at my fancy/wimpy/soccer mom jeep :o)
11-04-2009, 02:39 PM
Gordon, along with the going along I would expect you would get scratches, dents and dings, now if that doesn't bother you I would expect the Lexus is mechanically capable.
We have run these trails with my father in his 4Runner. You could easily do most of them in your fancy off roader which is a much nicer version of the 4Runner. I would want to be cautious around creek crossings to make sure that the water wasn't too deep, given the computer driven systems in that machine, but it should not be a problem at the end of July first of August.
Generally not an issue with scratches as the trees do not crowd the trail at the lower elevations and do not exist at the higher elevations. Other than Black Bear and Poughkeepsie, dents and dings should not be a big concern unless you drive like you stole it.
I like the new picture of the bus with the Tetons.
11-04-2009, 02:42 PM
Gordon, along with the going along I would expect you would get scratches, dents and dings, now if that doesn't bother you I would expect the Lexus is mechanically capable.
Between my wife's customization of the rear bumper on another car and my bushwhacking through Hill Country cedars and draggin it several thousand miles behind the bus it has lost its showroom luster, so that isn't a problem. I wonder about the tires and it being top heavy..
11-04-2009, 02:53 PM
Loc, sounds good. I am not worried the exterior as mentioned in the other response. I have already done enough to it that "she needs a new one."
That is one of my favorite pics of the bus. You can't even tell there are 5 people in there raggin on me to hurry up so we can get to Old Faithful early enough to find a parking place for the day.:cool:
Larry W
11-04-2009, 11:11 PM
Am here in Moab with friends from Arizona and his TJ is almost stock and his wife is not too brave. Tuesday we did part of Seven Mile Rim into Wipeout Hill then a easy road out to the beginning of Seven Mile. After a brief time resting we did part of Fins and Things. Today did Gold Bar Rim to the start of Golden Spike and back out. Tomorrow thinking about something easy as we depart for home on Friday and the ladies are fussing about bouncing all day. Think the women what to help support some of the local merchants as well. Home is only 3 hours away for us.
I am thinking about the week of July 26 or the week of August 2. The Fat Beagle would probably leave Houston on the Friday before and be in Durango on Saturday the 24th or the 31st. We would head for home on the following Friday the 30th or 6th.
Let's do an informal survey for those interested and pick the week that works best.
11-05-2009, 08:24 AM
if you are taking input, the week of August 2nd looks good to us as we will be able to go to Sturgis immediately after.(8/9-8/15)
Kenneth Brewer
11-05-2009, 11:21 AM
Interested. Very. Thanks.
Jim Skiff
11-05-2009, 12:00 PM
Just like at sporting clays in OKC, I think Xtreme James has done this before.
11-05-2009, 02:31 PM
I agree. That guy James keeps a low profile and comes out shooting. Probably has a huge collection of Pool Sticks labeled " the shark. "
Xtreme James
11-05-2009, 02:38 PM
You guys are too much ......LOL..........But very entertaining.
11-05-2009, 05:35 PM
We'll go just let us know when. After installing all the after market stuff on the wrangler i hate to get it dirty but what the heck maybe we can watch from where the pavement ends!!!!!!
Larry W
11-05-2009, 10:39 PM
All the wild flowers peak about mid July then start a rather rapid decline towards the end of July. Summer is short above 11,000 feet.
11-07-2009, 05:30 PM
Come on, Loc, pick a date and let's get her done. I sold this trip on the "beautiful wild flowers" you mentioned early on. Don't screw it up now. If the flowers are all dead when we get up there I will point her in your direction.
Like Patrick, I don't want to get the Jeep real dirty so pick nice weather days as well. Are you going to pack a lunch for everyone each day? I have some preferences in that regard so I will send you a PM. I like an hour or so for an afternoon nap at altitude so please keep that in mind. Since your Jeep is old and banged up anyway, will you please carry all the extra fuel for everyone? You are such a grand host, Loc, I just know everyone will feel free to let you know what special request they have. I know you like happy campers and I'm only trying to help. Do you think it would be a write off for you if we all booked our reservations with your credit card? Just another helpful thought. I'll pass other interesting ideas along as they float through my head so have a pen and paper at the ready.
Wouldn't it be great to have a professional make a video of each days trip. Please look into that ASAP and get back to us. Your doing great, Loc, now pick a stinking date!!
11-07-2009, 06:08 PM
Wow, I did not realize that Loc was sponsoring this event.
Sign me up.
Wild flowers, you just can't beat that.
Thanks Loc - your the best.
11-07-2009, 07:15 PM
Hey Roger does your oxygen bottle have wheels? :D
11-07-2009, 09:49 PM
No I don't even own one, so no wheels here, but Ted "Mel" is going to let me use his. I think he has spares.
I am leaning toward the first week of August. Nobody except Granvil replied with a preferred week and it would be fun to have he and Kim join us. Don't worry about the Jeep getting dirty, I will certainly wash it for you after each day on the trail. Of course that will only be after I have washed your bus upon arrival. Be sure and send in your request for breakfast and the time that you want it delivered to the coach each morning.
I am leaning toward Alpen Rose campground because I know that they have large spaces that I can fit the bus with the trailer into without having to worry about unhooking the trailer and parking it somewhere else. The other campground that I want to call on Monday is United. It sits on the railroad line for the Durango Silverton train and the train passes through the campground 2 to 4 times a day. Alpen Rose and United had the best reviews on I will post something on Monday.
11-08-2009, 09:20 AM
thanks for the consideration but were flexible on our schedule so plan it so it works for everybody. If it is earlier that is no problem as we can spend some time visiting friends in Colorado.
Kenneth Brewer
11-08-2009, 02:38 PM
Good for us.
11-09-2009, 08:16 AM
Any date is good with us. Loc, is it your intent to wash everyones Jeep at the end of the day or just those of us that are overly concerned about getting them dirty? Will we need to furnish cleaning supplies or do you have that handled? Let us know so we have an idea what to expect. And allow me to thank you ahead of time. You are certainly the best.
11-09-2009, 09:16 AM
According to Jdub, the washing and cleaning will be included at no cost, but Loc's handy man will do the dirty work, remember, he's a government employee and manual labor is a no no!:rolleyes:
I only wash what returns to the campground. There are no guarantees. In addition any winch services needed on the trail come with a really steep price tag. You have to like free enterprise.
You need to stop believing everything you hear from JFLUB. He sometimes has a tendency to not let the truth get in the way of a good story.
If not seeing flowers means that Jan takes your man card away and you sleep on the couch, let's shoot for December.
11-09-2009, 10:06 AM
Loc, I will handle the humor on this thread, but thanks anyway.
Patrick, my Jeep has a winch so don't feel threatened by Loc's not so subtle remark. He's like that at times.
And, the dates and RV park for this little shindig are?????????????
Xtreme James
11-09-2009, 01:23 PM
I'm getting ready.
11-09-2009, 02:20 PM
To jump out I hope:D;)
Jim, you like my new dog, or is that yours?
Xtreme James
11-09-2009, 02:52 PM
Wow, that puppy looks familiar ! ............. James
Bill Price
11-09-2009, 06:53 PM
As I am new to the POG group and dont know but a couple of the members would it be possible to tag along on the jeep trips this summer.
We will be in the South Fork, Creede Colorado during the months of June and July. I would appreciate any information regarding your summer event.
You are more than welcome to join us. To appease Ted I will get a date and place posted tomorrow. This will likely be organized chaos, but it is a fun group. My neighbor (John Strader) said to tell you hello.
Bill Price
11-10-2009, 06:21 AM
That sounds good. Maybe we could meet up with yall this summer. I dont have a serious rock crawler but I do have a Hummer H3 Alpha with the V8.
We ran some jeep trails a few years back around Salida, Colorado. We did the trip up to Tin Cup and the Alpine railroad tunnel. Great drive up to the Railroad tunnel.
Yes tell John Hello. We met him at the FMCA Rally in Shawanee, Ok.
Advise him he need to wash all of his coach; not just one side. LOL
Keep me informed.
No serious rockcrawler needed. The H3 will do fine.
11-10-2009, 10:27 AM
I'm getting ready.
Wow James, nice crawler, I don't think I can keep up with you but I will try.
11-10-2009, 10:32 AM
I am leaning toward the first week of August. Nobody except Granvil replied with a preferred week and it would be fun to have he and Kim join us. Don't worry about the Jeep getting dirty, I will certainly wash it for you after each day on the trail. Of course that will only be after I have washed your bus upon arrival. Be sure and send in your request for breakfast and the time that you want it delivered to the coach each morning.
I am leaning toward Alpen Rose campground because I know that they have large spaces that I can fit the bus with the trailer into without having to worry about unhooking the trailer and parking it somewhere else. The other campground that I want to call on Monday is United. It sits on the railroad line for the Durango Silverton train and the train passes through the campground 2 to 4 times a day. Alpen Rose and United had the best reviews on I will post something on Monday.
If you'll wash his Jeep does that mean you'll wash my full size truck? BTW I like Breakfast Burritos with sausage, no beans and of course fresh home made salsa. I like to eat shortly after waking up so I'll call you every morning to let you know to when to deliver.
Xtreme James
11-10-2009, 10:47 AM
Thanks Scott. Loc, we need to have a warm up ride. Maybe at the Superlift park just outside Hot Springs ?? I know the owner of Superlift, maybe we can talk them into so perks ?? James
I have called a couple of the Durango campgrounds to see about availability for the first week of August, but they are closed for the season. I left messages and hope to hear back this week. I plan to arrive in Durango on Saturday, July 31. Provided the weather is good, we plan to go wheeling for 2 to 3 days (depends on whether I can get the Bride to go for 3 days or she will let me go without her) over the next 5 days. If the weather cooperates (not too hot) we may leave Durango on Thursday, August 5 for a quick trip over to Monument Valley and Canyon de Chelly on the way back to Houston. I will let you know on the campground after I have a chance to talk with them.
I am your Huckleberry for Hot Springs. I have heard great things about the Superlift ORV Park. I hear that sections D and E have some real pumpkin thrashers. We just need to allow enough time to get the broken Jeep parts repaired prior to Colorado.
Xtreme James
11-10-2009, 06:24 PM
Good point, there's a lot of expierence went into that statement !
11-11-2009, 09:14 AM
If you fellas decide to go to Hot Springs I would like to tag along if that would be ok.
Please keep me posted.
James, how are you coming along on your bus?
I'd like to stop by and see it next time I'm in Nagodoches
11-11-2009, 09:38 AM
Chris and I will be in South Fork area during the week and weekend of august 5-10. We wiill have the Jeep and the Airstream 270 Coach. The Rubicon is ready for the trails.
Xtreme James
11-11-2009, 09:49 AM
Patrick, I always have an open seat in the Jeep, since my wife will not ride with me....LOL.
The coach is comming slow, but that means business is good !
Come by anytime........James
Alpen Rose is the campground in Durango. We are planning on arriving the afternoon of Saturday, July 31st. We have made a reservation for 6 nights. First day of Jeep trails will include a drive up to Silverton and then up to Animas Forks with a run up California Gulch to Hurricane Pass and Lake Como and then Corkscrew Gulch. Then we will climb up Black Bear Pass to the top of the run for a nice view down on Telluride. We will turn around and go back down Black Bear to US 550. Second day of trails will include Camp Bird to Imogene Pass from Ouray to Telluride and Ophir Pass back to Silverton. The actual first and second day of trails will depend on the weather. If there is still fight left in the crew after that, we can run the Alpine Loop or try Stoney Creek to the headwaters of the Rio Grande. I am leaving several days open for riding the train or whitewater rafting for the adventurous. If you are gluttons for punishment we can always find more trails to run.
12-02-2009, 09:42 AM
Made reservations this morning. Really looking forward to this trip sounds like it will be alot of fun. If however it's not I assume everyone can fault Loc. lol
Speaking of which, Loc we are in Dallas if it's okay by you maybe we can follow along with you as I would guess you will be traveling up 45 from Houston. That way if we have any problems you would be there to resolve them for us. What do you think?
You may not want to follow us, but you are welcome to. We will probably leave Houston around noon (through Ft Worth around 4:30 just in time for traffic) and drive at least to Amarillo or Tucumcari before spending a short night in a roadside park or truckstop. The plan is to be in Durango no later than mid afternoon Saturday.
12-02-2009, 10:35 AM
Loc, Ya bad time to pass thru Dallas. I will probably get out of here earlier to avoid that. However, since I will be out ahead of you if I experience any problems I'll know your behind me for support. (Just goofin with you!!!!!) We are though really looking forward to the trails with our jeep. And the opportunity to get to know some of the members better. Wish July wasn't so far off!!!
12-02-2009, 03:28 PM
We get out of an Airstream Rally in Colorado Springs, the July 25th, and we have the Rocky Mountain Vintage Airstream Rally ( which we are hosts) at the failrgrounds in Salida,Co starting the August 4th. We are REALLY trying to figure out how squeeze "Fat Bealgle 4X4" in. We are in, tentatively.:D
Do I need to call Aspen Rose now, or later. Did they say they were booking fast????
Chris / Jim,
Alpen Rose is closed for the season. I called and left a message and I am still waiting for the return call. I finally broke down and make a reservation on the internet. I think Ted was concerned that once everyone found out he (actually Jan) was coming that there would be a run on campsites in SW Colorado. I hope you can make it. I need someone else to give me a bunch of crap in case Ted gets tired.
I've got your back. No way that pristine XLII has any problems unless there is a crack in the plastic shield.
02-17-2010, 11:26 PM
Well now that we have just got back from our first POG rally, Las Vegas and had such a wonderful time, we can't wait for our next one. Looking foward to seeing you all this summer.
It would be great to meet you and Cyndie in Colorado if you can make it.
02-19-2010, 11:15 AM
They have to make it. They promised Sherry and I that they would be there. And Cindy thanks for the pictures!!!:)
03-22-2010, 07:17 PM
We have made our reservations and are looking forward to "4 Wheeling" in the Colorado mountains. We have never been to the Rockies so we made this part of our "Summer Travels".
04-05-2010, 10:46 AM
Alpen Rose is the campground in Durango. We are planning on arriving the afternoon of Saturday, July 31st. We have made a reservation for 6 nights. First day of Jeep trails will include a drive up to Silverton and then up to Animas Forks with a run up California Gulch to Hurricane Pass and Lake Como and then Corkscrew Gulch. Then we will climb up Black Bear Pass to the top of the run for a nice view down on Telluride. We will turn around and go back down Black Bear to US 550. Second day of trails will include Camp Bird to Imogene Pass from Ouray to Telluride and Ophir Pass back to Silverton. The actual first and second day of trails will depend on the weather. If there is still fight left in the crew after that, we can run the Alpine Loop or try Stoney Creek to the headwaters of the Rio Grande. I am leaving several days open for riding the train or whitewater rafting for the adventurous. If you are gluttons for punishment we can always find more trails to run.
Was wondering what day you were considering for the first day of trail riding? Sherry and I will be coming to Colorado via the Maine Rally and with stops along the way we probably won't get there until Sunday late.
06-10-2010, 09:34 AM
Do you have a count on how many coaches are signed up for the 4x4 Fat Beagle? I might be able to talk the wife into making something for the rally, just need to know how many.
Good question Andre. Maybe folks will let us know if they are for sure coming. I cant speak for anyone else, but I will be there.
07-11-2010, 09:44 PM
We will be there for sure also. Hope to arrive Sat night 7/31. Only three weeks away!!!
Sorry folks, but I am not going to be able to travel to Colorado - the Fat Beagle is very disappointed. Work has decided that I must be present for meetings the first week of August. Unfortunately the work calendar is such that rescheduling doesn't work for this summer. I know that that Andre and Ann, Scott and Cyndie, and Patrick and Sherry have said that they plan
to attend. I am happy to send links to trail descriptions to the group and talk through the trip. I can be reached on my cell at 917.826.6338. I apologize for the late notice, but I just got the word late Friday.
07-12-2010, 02:14 PM
Sorry to hear but understand. That work stuff keps getting in the way. Send us the links for the trails and we wil try to make the best of it. We wil be in Durango for 2 weeks so we should be able to make a good time out of it.
The website is The trails that I had planned to run were California Gulch, Hurricane Pass and Corkscrew Gulch (run together) and Immogene Pass and Ophir Pass (run together). The website provides a description, rating, directions and a map of each trail. I have run all of these and there are all doable in a stock Jeep. Give me a call if you have questions on the website or trails.
Gary & Peggy Stevens
07-12-2010, 07:20 PM
Loc, sorry to hear that you have to BAIL out of your own 4-Wheel Rally, but work does have to come first. Peg and I won't be able to attend this rally either, cause Peg has to work, Somebody has too !
Now, you really should update your signature Avatar with a picture of the new front end, and your new headlamp assemblies. I'll bet they make the bus look like a new one coming down the road? :cool:
See you for sure in Kerrville, at the Fat Beagle Bash over Labor Day weekend.
Gary S.
Larry W
07-12-2010, 11:53 PM
We have a busy time ahead of us but for those that want to run the trails LOC has listed we can meet everyone in Silverton for the day. We ran CA Gluch, Hurricane Pass and Corkscrew today. Our house is 50 miles north of Silverton. We do all the San Juan trails at least once a year, some more.
Took these today.
07-13-2010, 09:02 AM
We have a busy time ahead of us but for those that want to run the trails LOC has listed we can meet everyone in Silverton for the day. We ran CA Gluch, Hurricane Pass and Corkscrew today. Our house is 50 miles north of Silverton. We do all the San Juan trails at least once a year, some more.
Took these today.
Thanks for the offer to be our tour guide. As of now it looks like there wil be Scott and Cyndie, Patrick and Sherry and Ann and I at this little mini rally. We will arrive late on Friday 23 July and depart early Sunday 8 August. Once we know when everyone else wil be there we can try to schedule a day that works for you to try a few trails.
Larry W
07-13-2010, 09:19 AM
Let know, Don't know which we like the best, wheeling the San Juans or traveling in the Bus. Both are great.
07-13-2010, 10:12 AM
To h--- with work!!! take the reins of your own destiny, don't be a slave, live life while you can !!!!
Oh ya by the way I need to be back in the office on the 8th of Aug.
Anyway Sherry and I will be there either late Sun or early Mon. and would certainly welcome a tour guide so thanks Larry for anything you could provide. I spent some additional money on our Jeep for lower gears and lockers just so there would be less of a chance to embarrass myself on the trails. (dont mention that extra money thing to Sherry) lol
08-04-2010, 08:32 PM
Well a few of did make it to Durango for the "Not the Fat Beagle 4x4 Bash". No Fat Beagle in attendance. So today Larry and Pat took us on a tour of some beautiful Colorado mountains. Patrick and Sherry Fix, Scott and Cyndia Parks, there son JJ, and Scott's sister Tracy and her son Morgan. Here is 1 picture to show you what you missed.
08-05-2010, 09:58 AM
Can't see it well but thats a Pog medallion against that pole. We are all having a great time here. The weather is cool, scenery is amazing and there isn't enough time to get in all we want to do. Seems the trails here are easier for me to negotiate then the roads in Maine. No mishaps as yet but we are going out again Friday so we'll see. Larry and Pat were very gracious in giving their time to show us the trails and very knowledgable about the area and it's history. We are all very grateful to them and really appreciated meeting them. Everyone that gave thought to attending this gathering but didn't really missed a good one. Hopefully Sherry will be able to figure out how to post some pictures from the camera I dropped and broke, but if not I'm sure the others will post from their unbroke cameras. We are off to the Durango to Silverton train trip.
Larry W
08-05-2010, 11:52 PM
We had a great time with the group. At 12,900 feet they were still breathing. We wondered about the elevation but all did fine. Hope they have a great time Friday doing Cinnamon Pass abd Engineer Pass. If they do as they did with us they will do great.
Larry & Pat Walker
08-07-2010, 10:15 AM
Thank you Larry and Pat for taking us on a adventure to the "top of the world".I still can't believe our big Dodge fit on the trail. The scenery was spectacular. We toured Silverton, Ouray and Durango. Scott rode his dirt bike a couple of times.(Larry, he did the Alpine Loop on Friday and waited at the Bent Elbow for me to pick him and the bike up) Scott's sister Tracey came from FL with one of her sons. There may have only been nine of us but we all had a blast. Colorado is just beautiful. Can't wait to come back again. Looking foward to seeing Patrick, Sherry, Andre, Ann, Larry and Pat in the future. JJ smiled that he had the best time out of everyone.
Larry W
08-07-2010, 11:24 PM
You arte welcome Cyndie. We had a great time meeting everyone, best of JJ.
08-09-2010, 07:47 AM
Well, the "Not the Fat Beagle 4x4 rally" is officially over. Although just 3 coaches made it, we had a blast. Words can not describe the thanks we all have for the trip Larry and Pat took us on. The are so knowledgeable of the area, it is like having a personnel tour guide on hand to answer every question you might have. And we had a LOT of questions. The view and scenery was just spectacular. Ann and I left Sunday morning and went over Wolf Creek Pass east bound. Never having done that in a car much less a bus it was very interesting. The bus did fine and we even managed to enjoy the ride.
This is a picture at the top.
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