View Full Version : Facebook users raise your hands!
10-27-2009, 01:14 PM
One of our more "shy" POG members (she doesn't post much - but reads religiously) found me on Facebook and since then I've discovered three other POG members (Jeff Bayley, Jamie Bradford, & Paul Horner) who are also Facebook users. This "shy" POG member and I would now like to find as many fellow POG'ers who have Facebook accounts as we can. Facebook is a great place to stay in touch with far flung friends and family without a lot of hassle. You can share what you're doing, thinking, or having done to you at any given moment; where you are, etc and only the people who you've added to your friends list can see your posts. Vita and I have daily interaction with friends across the country and family as far away as Italy as simply as going to and jotting a quick note or status update. You can also send private messages that you don't want to be seen by everyone on your list. You can upload pictures and create unlimited picture albums to share. There's way more stuff you can do and use Facebook for, but you get the idea!
Back to the original reason for this post - If you are a Facebook user, please reply with your Facebook user name so that we can all "hook up" there for impromptu "cyber-rallies"! :p Or just as another means of keeping in touch!
If you are not currently a Facebook user - consider checking it out at this link: Facebook (
Jon Wehrenberg
10-27-2009, 01:23 PM
I don't get it. Of course I don't get twitter either.
Isn't that what phones and email do?
10-27-2009, 01:47 PM
I don't get it. Of course I don't get twitter either.
Isn't that what phones and email do?
Jon - I used to feel the same way! I still don't get Twitter. But Facebook grew on me and became an easy, non-obtrusive, and non-invasive way to keep up with a vast array of far flung family and friends that I would never otherwise have the available time or resources to stay in the loop with. Okay - I'll admit it - it's also mildly addictive! :o But a guy's gotta have some vices, right? (And my homeowner association's covenents won't allow me to keep sheep - or, for that matter - park the bus in front of the house overnight!)
Jon Wehrenberg
10-27-2009, 01:49 PM
You left my question unaswered. Isn't that what phones and email do?
Ray Davis
10-27-2009, 01:54 PM
I'll admit to being a recent Facebook user, however my experience so far hasn't been anything to write home about.
I joined at the suggestion of some business friends, with the express idea of looking for some old Army buddies. I've found none of them, but I think there's got a be a better way to search for people.
You can search by name, but that gives thousands of possibilities. You can refine by "location", however if they haven't listed the city you expected, then you won't find them. You can look by email, but I don't have their emails.
I have seen friends with all these "fan" links, but I don't have a clue how they located many of them?
Anyway, I'm on Facebook as "Ray Davis,"
ps: the stuff I've seen on most peoples "walls" is pretty boring stuff. So, at this point, I'm there, but waiting for the aha moment.
10-27-2009, 02:47 PM
I'm on Facebook "Andrew Haigney"
I agree with Ray, most of the stuff is pretty boring, but it's a good way to stay in contact with people.
Jon... You've got to embrace the information superhighway - phones and email are old school!
Jon Wehrenberg
10-27-2009, 02:56 PM
I have just gotten to the point where I am probably OK to use emails. My phone is just that. No camera, no voice mail, no text messages, etc.
So work with me here and outline exactly what this new stuff on the information highway does that email and a cell phone will not do. Talk slow and do not use big words.
Ray Davis
10-27-2009, 03:19 PM
So work with me here and outline exactly what this new stuff on the information highway does that email and a cell phone will not do. Talk slow and do not use big words.
This is from my VERY limited experience with it, so YMMV.
FB allows you to have "friends". In your account you have a "wall", and when you post something there, anyone who is your friend instantly gets a notification of that post.
So, it's a very quick way of disseminating information to "interested" people. You can alternately send a private type of message too, if you want to, but the intended use is to simply type a message, add a photo or two, and then everyone who cares, instantly knows about it, and can view said items.
A similar concept to friends is "fans". I don't know exactly how they differ, but I believe the same concept applies, that when you post, your "fans" get it. I've only known of celebrities or businesses who have "fans", rather than friends.
By being a "friend" or a "fan" of someone, you are in essence saying, "I want to be kept informed of what you want to post". From there it's automatic, both for me as a poster, or as a friend of someone else.
Jerry Winchester
10-27-2009, 03:53 PM
I have been on it for quite a while due to my just completed chairmanship of the OSU Alumni Association. While there are some mildly amusing parts of it, it's like an electronic stream of consciousness that is mostly disinteresting. It is also constantly trying to data mine your contacts and such looking for more folks to goad into belonging to Facebook - it's basically a social virus.
All my high school buddies (or at least the girls) found me but they are all grandmothers now and I have a 10 year old, so that doesn't work.
All the old dopers from school are trying to remember their formulative years, so that gets boring after a while. They should have paid attention more and smoked less dope.
It's kinda like those letters you get at Christmas from your cousin where they tell all they did over the past year, how good their life is and how great their kids are and all the cute things they do. I am only vaguely interested in any of it, so its not worth much to me.
And if I want to irritate people until their eyeballs bleed, isn't that what POG is for?
10-27-2009, 04:11 PM
OK, I'll admit it, I too am on facebook. With my lovely picture, I managed to get a couple of, how do I say this with diplomacy, "friends", who turned out to be ladies of temporary affection. You really have to watch who you allow to be "friends"........... They must be popular because when I looked at their profiles they had several hundred other "gentlemen" friends.
I will not go public with my Facebook Stage name, however if anyone is willing to be my neighbor in Farmville, send me a PM.
Jon Wehrenberg
10-27-2009, 04:24 PM
So perhaps all you advanced thinkers can help me out here.
I can do exactly what Ray described by writing emails to whoever I want and when I want something private I just send an email to only the person(s) I wish to share that with.
So as to not beat a dead horse, nobody has yet explained what it does that email does not do. I send and receive emails sharing information or receiving information, I do it on a global basis or to individuals. I send emails to friends and receive emails from friends.
There has got to be something really good to have so many people all caught up in this stuff, so share it with me guys. So far your explainations haven't included anything I cannot do with a phone or email. Apart from spreading personal information around so somebody can mine that information for commercial purposes. Have I got it?
10-27-2009, 04:29 PM
My email account will only allow me to attach 5 pictues at a time... and they better be re-sized or it will take a while to send them.
I use Facebook primarily so that family and friends can see pictures from our travels as I can up-load dozens at a time and no need to re-size.
Other than that, nothing much that I can't accomplish with regular email.
Jerry Winchester
10-27-2009, 04:35 PM
You are missing the point. You can post it once on Facebook and all your "friends" get it at once. It would be like ten people e-mailing you the same bus question and instead of you answering it individually, you just post it on this forum or on "Sheepbook" or whatever forum you wanted to use.
It's really for kids and instead of them texting their little fingers off constantly, they just broadcast in the clear (post on Facebook) and the whole world knows what they are doing at any given moment.
It's how they talk to each other and I think it will sorely effect their social skills at some point in their life because they won't have figured out how to talk or act around people (or the opposite sex). They don't like awkward situations.
Ray Davis
10-27-2009, 04:42 PM
So as to not beat a dead horse, nobody has yet explained what it does that email does not do. I send and receive emails sharing information or receiving information, I do it on a global basis or to individuals. I send emails to friends and receive emails from friends.
I think it's all about immediacy, and ease of doing it. Obviously, you could also hand write, and USPS post letters to your friends, and they would get the same info that was in an email. It's just email was easier, faster and cheaper.
Now, it's even easier and faster, in that you write on your wall once, and all of your friends now know about it instantly. It's similar to the POG forum in one way, that you can leave a post here, and everyone that logs in can read your post, if they find it. The FB spans larger amounts of people, and they don't have to go searching for messages from you. If they are your friend, your messages pop up on their wall when you post.
Since my earlier message, I've did a bit of looking around. I've located "pages" for Millennium, Marathon and Liberty coaches. You can be a "fan" of these pages, and get their info posted to your wall. In the Millennium photo section there was a complete POG OKC photo album. Liberty had several rallies posted, but didn't mention the POG rally. They did mention rallies with the P. Prouds, however.
One thing that is kinda cool, is that photos can be posted, and you can "tag" them. By that it means, point at a person in the picture, and "tag" it by associating the person in the picture with a FB member. For example, I found Paul Horner had tagged one of the pictures in the Millennium album. When photos are tagged, other users can see who is in the picture by hovering over the names that are tagged in the picture.
Anyway, for a trial I've become a "fan" of the Millennium page and the Marathon page. We'll see if any important information goes by my wall now.
Still learning about it.
Yes, I will agree, you can do much of what FB provides with email. I think the messages that are posted on these walls however, wouldn't generally warrant a full email. Sometimes they are just a quick thought or comment or idea. Nothing that you would take the time to figure out a bunch of people to write an email to.
I can't say that it's all that important to me at this point, but I'm trying to give it a fair shake. I'd also love to find those old Army buddies someday?
10-27-2009, 08:07 PM
Facebook's primary value to me right now is as a "social community" that allows me the potential to find or even "happen upon" people that I've lost track of and haven't been in contact with in years (no matter where we are geographically). Recently, I've reconnected with childhood friends, long lost family, high school classmates, musician friends that I gigged with back in the '70's & '80's and some of my original "kids" from a not for profit youth organization that I founded and directed 30 years ago! And as others have noted - I can communicate "stream of consciousness" style on the spur of the moment by simply typing a short (or long) blurb on my "wall". At that point, my ramblings will show on the walls of my friends for anyone (of my friends) who is interested to read and reply if they are so moved.
But you know, it's like one of my old bosses used to tell me - "There are only two types of people in the world - those who divide people into two types, and those who don't." I guess I divide people into two types and Jon doesn't! :rolleyes: That's not a bad thing - it just is what it is. Of course, the two types of people to me are Prevost owners and non-Prevost owners. :p I'll bet you guys thought I was going to say "Facebook users and non-Facebook users", huh?
At the end of the day - we're each unique - just like everybody else, so Facebook, no Facebook - can't we all just get along? :D
Seriously, I apologize for opening this can of sheep... I didn't mean to begin a deep techno-social debate - I just wanted to find other POG'ers who also use Facebook. :eek:
10-27-2009, 08:09 PM
In reference to what Jerry said; this is how young adults and teenagers communicate. It is very foreign to those of us that actually spent a lot of time learning how to communicate with others face to face and eye to eye.
If you are interested in knowing what your kids, or in many cases, your grandkids are doing and thinking, this is a must for you, even if you never post a single entry.
We don't post often, but we check regularly to see what kids, friends, and family are up to. We are "JennyandTony Conder".
10-27-2009, 08:44 PM
For all who have posted your Facebook user names, I have looked you up and sent requests to be added as a friend. Also, if you receive friend requests from Cynthia Medsker Parks, that's another POG member, parksincpp. Cyndi doesn't post on POG often because she's a liitle shy about being able to keep up with the banter amongst the more prolific posters. I'm trying to get her out of her shell to post on POG more - so when she does post, be gentle! :p
10-27-2009, 09:46 PM
I am on Facebook...kinda like being in a phone book, hun? I may make it onto my homepage 1 or 2 times a week. Between my Email, POGS, PProuds,and a couple other websites, well, enough is enough. Do what you like, do what you want, and work with that in mind. Michael...rahangman...Rodger Hang
10-27-2009, 11:25 PM
Its an OK way of getting back in touch with family members I haven't seen in years. But, I can't keep up. They want you to carry on a conversation , and share. Once a year is enough for me.
I spend all day on the phone, cell phone, blackberry, e-mail, and come home to my family in the evening, and then spend some time on POG and watch a show or the news.
Where's the time for twitter, facebook, etc. Its a little intrusive and demanding .
My kids seem to like it and singles appear to use it for staying in touch with other singles.
10-28-2009, 03:48 AM
Thanks for the kind words Michael.
I think facebook is a great place to stay in touch and get to know better long lost friends and family. Alot of you have said it's only for young people and singles. Not true. Everyone likes to know that you show some kind of interest in them and their lives. Even your family. Several times I've heard I can't believe Grandma or Grandpa is on Facebook, and that they figured out how to post pictures, etc. You can look at it as a communication tool to bridge the gap between generations. How many family dinners have you been to when the young have nothing to talk about with the older generation? And vice versa. Yes some of the stuff might be boring and mundane but you also just might learn something about your friends and family that you didn't know. And who knows they might actually find YOU interesting. And then when you see them face to face you will have a real conversation about things that interest both of you.
Come on if you can post on POG you can post on Facebook. It's not something you have to look at everyday. You read it, comment, don't comment, log off. Or stay on it , play games, look for people, post pictures, look for stuff that your interested in.
I found info all on the future for Volvo buses that I didn't know about. In case some of you didn't know Prevost is owned by Volvo.
I also found out that my little 3 year old nephew has H1N1. I wouldn't have known because his parents didn't have time to email or phone everyone because they are busy taking care of him.
That's my take on it.
PS..........What is the deal with Farmville?? Please explain it to me. Almost all of my friends do it.
10-28-2009, 09:23 AM
Jon, heads up, Facebook has been very good for Pilots N Paws! It has a "Cause" section you can use if you are a 501c3 which allows folks to donate to your cause. We have received small amounts via Cause from people looking at the stories and photos I put up on Facebook. We have also added a few new pilots and many new fans who now know about us. Several rescue groups have become friends as well. Other PNP pilots with facebook pages can also share their photo albums on our page by tagging us.
It is social networking but I admit, it does take time to keep up with it! Our page is called Pilots N Paws, should anyone want to join. I do have a personal page, Debi Boies, but rarely go there, no time:D
No need for you to join, or Bob--you both hate to type so pull out the phone would be my best advice for the two of you!
Jon Wehrenberg
10-28-2009, 09:48 AM
So far I have learned this is where people who want others to know personal stuff or their thoughts can post it on the internet. It's like sending the same information out in an email but its different.
Forums, FB, blogs, twitter. I can't wait for someone to come up with the next best way to spill one's guts.
It is for people that have a lot of time.
It can be used to find people who apparently choose to not remain in contact with you so you can remain in contact with them.
I think I'll go polish my slack adjusters. Bob 08 and I will discuss our facebook adventures when we are in Tampa next week. I suspect we will both set up our FB accounts at the same time.
10-28-2009, 10:22 AM
I'm with Jon. Can you imagine the time and effort needed to keep up with all those sheep herders moaning and complaining about the weather, shearing, time off, 401's deteriorating, vet bills, health insurance, vacation and worst of all, Lamb Fries!
Anyone interested in Facebook Sheepscape, go here:
10-28-2009, 10:58 AM
Jon Says:
"Forums, FB, blogs, twitter. I can't wait for someone to come up with the next best way to spill one's guts."
How about printing it on Funeral Home Fans?
Jon Wehrenberg
10-28-2009, 11:13 AM
Cruel. That was just plain cruel.
10-28-2009, 11:19 AM
I know very little about Face Book, but I am now on it. Ed Saylor
10-28-2009, 07:20 PM
It is social networking but I admit, it does take time to keep up with it! Our page is called Pilots N Paws, should anyone want to join. I do have a personal page, Debi Boies, but rarely go there, no time:D
Debi - I just joined the Facebook Pilots N Paws group and also sent a friend request to you. THE PNP group page looks great with over 1,900 members and growing! It was touching and inspiring to see the posted pictures of some of the rescued pups that have been helped!
10-28-2009, 07:29 PM
I'm up to about 15 POG members that also have Facebook accounts that have come "out of the closet." In the process, I also was able to "coerce" the previously mentioned "shy member", Cyndie, to post a very eloquent response in this very thread! I'm so proud of her! :p LOL!
Jerry Winchester
10-28-2009, 10:02 PM
Don't tell the Trukman that they have sheep in Farmville or he will be on Facebook like a rat on a Cheeto.
Post all you want and don't listen to these numbnuts. They are all hat, no cattle.
10-28-2009, 10:19 PM
You know you can GIFT the Trukster sheep on that and we will never hear from him again...ain't all baaaah'd
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