View Full Version : Cool Tools
10-23-2009, 10:54 PM
I found a device at Harbor Frieght on clearance for $14 that functions the same a Mango Mike's Power Probe. It is called a Digital Electrial Tester. Sorry I can get pictures to attach.
Joe Camper
04-15-2017, 09:47 AM
Apex Industries. Columbus ind.
Google that. Go look at all the clever gadgets they sell to take apart a 60 series.
If u r working on anything engine transmission or rear end and need special tools and pullers and devices.
Good website easy to navigate check it out. DD, Cummins, Cat, Mack, Rockwell all there.
I had fuel getting in the oil on my Cat and I needed the nozzle retainer spanner socket and the nozzle puller.
Tools left nozzles and retainers right.
Good prices too. 150 in tools saved me 1200 in labor.
Joe Camper
05-03-2017, 07:25 AM
When u go up to redo the roof u will encounter this non leveling caulk and it is a real PITA to get off.
This is the ticket. I'm not sure what to call this. I normally use it like a jam saw and for light gauge wood projects.
It's quicker than any other tool I've used for this job. Like a hot knife through butter.
Joe Camper
05-10-2017, 08:03 AM
Can anybody tell me what this is. First correct answer wins a prize!!
Clue is its a piece off the bus.
Joe Camper
05-10-2017, 08:05 AM
Here is the backside. Dog nose included for size perspective purpose only. Nother clue, I got a handful of them.
What is this?
Donnie Myers
05-10-2017, 08:18 AM
Can anybody tell me what this is. First correct answer wins a prize!!
Clue is its a piece off the bus.The rare earth magnets that assist in fan clutch lock up. I would love a couple more rings of these. We use the magnets for many things! What do I win?
Joe Camper
05-10-2017, 08:25 AM
Well that's what it used to be.
Yes very strong
Donny we must have went to different schools togeather.
Wrong answer. They r space savers for guys with small odd campers. If u want some I'll trade u for bi color switch bulbs. Lol what else u got over there in the overflow bin I could use?? I need everything.
05-10-2017, 09:24 AM
While on the topic of the fan clutch, how does the clutch work on low speed. Given the belt driven pulley operates at a single speed, I would assume the clutch has some sort of friction clutch that doesn't fully engage. If so, it sure would make me think it must generate a lot of heat. Along that same thought, that heat may be the leading contributor to early clutch failure. If I'm headed down the right path, those that keep their dash air will probably have a longer clutch life given on most dash air applications, the fan is signaled to stay in high speed as long as the dash air is on. Does that make any sense?
Joe Camper
05-11-2017, 07:51 AM
Gill, what r eddie currents? I searched some truckers forums and this was talked about? Suggestions were made that on low speed it's driven by that.
I've never taken one completely apart but I'm pretty sure there is no friction disc in them.
Also I have never been able to identify what manufacturer it is , there's nothing marked on them.
Donny I don't want u to feel jipped so the next one I pull off I,ll send u the magnetic ring from it.
Donnie Myers
05-11-2017, 01:06 PM
Well that's what it used to be.
Yes very strong
Donny we must have went to different schools togeather.
Wrong answer. They r space savers for guys with small odd campers. If u want some I'll trade u for bi color switch bulbs. Lol what else u got over there in the overflow bin I could use?? I need everything.
Joe, Im about to clean house! I have so much stuff that I could make Fred Sanford blush! Bout time for a yard sale!
Joe Camper
06-02-2017, 09:29 AM
Well Mr Donny looks like we might have lost a source for the rare earth magnets out of bad fan hubs.
Our in forum electeical yoda Mr Gill has located a shop in Georgia I believe, a rebuilder, that has them in stock rebuilt for about half of the 1300 prevo gets. All aproximations but I'm sure Gill will respond with the skinny on it all when he sees my post.
Great find Gill u win the attaboy and pat on the back award on this one. Tell your wife I said u deserve a great big kiss.
Joe Camper
07-07-2017, 07:34 AM
The first and last word in Plazma cutters.
Hypertherm power max 45. Awsum
With nothing more than 110 house current and an air line hooked up u can cut a piece of 1/2 in plate just like this in about 1 min with very little slag resulting in a whole lot less grinding.
This is the ticket guys.
If uve a garage that your in frequently and never used one or seen a demonstration it's time.
Girls, if u got this for your guy as a present u would make that guy so happy I could not even put it into words.
Defiantly a COOL tool.
Joe Camper
07-07-2017, 07:55 AM
U would need to be a exceptionally good hand with a cutting touch to make a cut this clean.
With the thinner stuff, no slag. This 1/2 in does create some but u just knock that off with a hammer........
This shot is what's left to clean up with a grinder. Almost nothing and this is 1/2 in plate. That's about amazing.
Joe Camper
07-20-2017, 10:08 AM
Here is a tool most people don't see too often.
Joe Camper
08-03-2017, 01:17 PM
Here is the cool tool of the milenium.
The Cat D11N is the biggest crawler and blade CAT ever built.
Took a month to disassemble it in a mine in PA. 8 loads to get it to upstate NY and another month to put it back togeather.
It was bought for a big job being bid in the apple and after purchase and delivery the bids went so far into the gutter we backed out.
Now I get to come over here every once and a while to hook the batteries and fire it up and warm it up so he can exercise it some.
YA Baby, these kind of requests r what memories r made of. I happily get greasy dirty here!
This has to be the mac daddy of cool tools.
I think this is what tore up Migs Field, under cover of darkness, unanounced, for emperor Daily of chicago. The airport on the lakefront he stole and turned into a park.
08-03-2017, 04:14 PM
I have a family member who operated one of these for several years in the coal strip mines. He said when the industry shut down the companies had to just leave them where they were. They could not sell them due to the cost and trouble involved to move them.
08-03-2017, 04:40 PM
I could have used that CAT as a commuter vehicle during my years in DC. Traffic wouldn't have been an issue.
Joe Camper
02-26-2018, 01:17 PM
If anyone is interested I know somebody that has an almost unused X12 torque multiplier who doesn't have the bus anymore and he'd like to get rid of it.
I'm still waiting for somebody to guess what the picture is in Post Number 14 of this thread?
02-26-2018, 09:00 PM
If anyone is interested I know somebody that has an almost unused X12 torque multiplier who doesn't have the bus anymore and he'd like to get rid of it.
I'm still waiting for somebody to guess what the picture is in Post Number 14 of this thread?
A twitch! How much for the multiplier?
02-26-2018, 09:03 PM
The loose end of the rope attaches to a door knob and the clamp to a tooth needing to be pulled.
Joe Camper
02-27-2018, 09:18 AM
That's very good Gill, I'll keep it handy just in case you should need it one day.
Dane how come I should have known you knew what this was? You are absolutely correct this is a device that leads stubborn cattle around by the nose and they usually cooperate very well when it gets used. It'll only clamp down and hurt them if they pull.
Joe Camper
05-31-2018, 01:34 PM
Today's project a blown out high side a/c hose.
I bought this little devil at the counter at Harbor Freight and I think I gave about 10 bucks for it and I can't tell you how many times it's gotten stuck bolts loose without going and looking for something bigger like a oxygen acetylene torch.
This is a very good tool. That Allen head bolt that holds that high pressure line to the back of that compressor if you ruin that you're in trouble and it was on their tight tight tight.
Joe Camper
05-31-2018, 01:45 PM
Another cool tool the Clamp Tight.
This one side of this Factory crimp had blown out and the O-ring was exposed so I made a relief cut into the crimp so I could push it back together and then I did this.
New Holland wants $320 for this AC line. Pine Bush Equipment wants 180 to cut both metal ends weld on new ones and put a new rubber coupler hose just a little bit longer.
Here's how your first attempt at a fix goes if you're working for a farmer. It won't work on hydraulic pressures that are a thousand PSI but it'll work on that 200 PSI for the high side on this air conditioner, I'm guessing. We wI'll see.
That's why I like working on this farm, he prompts me to fix stuff on the Fly first before spending any real money and you'd be surprised a lot of times a Band-Aid can last for a long long time.
Joe Camper
06-05-2018, 07:28 PM
I know I'm not the only one with a few cool tools. Where is everybody?
The Grade All. Can u think of a better way to get to the bottom of this trailer!!
Joe Camper
06-09-2018, 08:48 AM
The Magdrill. A magnetic base that u turn on and off with a mac daddy reduction gear and motor and a apropreate big chuck.
This has to be one of my favorite marbles!!
This is a Jabsco. About 1500 bucks. Your local rental store has this usually.
06-09-2018, 10:05 AM
That must be some kind of strong magnet!
Joe Camper
06-09-2018, 10:46 AM
If u want to drill big holes quick u have to clamp the base u can overpower the magnet.
Then there is drill bits.
When u start getting into bigger holes say north of 1/2 in chrome bits in my humble opinion do not hold a candle to black bits. Black bits r not as brittle and don't heat up. These r Harbor Freight and they r very good bits. I just drilled 10 7/8 holes in 1/2 in steel with one and it's still a good bit.
I can't get away from the thought of using these is some of my scrap metal sculpture. Maybe snakes for a Madusa.
Wadaya think?!
06-10-2018, 07:58 AM
I love Your imagination Joe !
06-10-2018, 12:30 PM
Love your "stuff" Joe...haven't seen a electro mag drill in years. Noticed the C clamp ... the insurance on your hole drilling.
I'am amazed the drill bits from HF are any good at all.
Joe Camper
05-05-2019, 11:15 PM
When a vise is required but not readily available.
05-07-2019, 10:20 AM
Joe, you're always thinking. Great idea. I'm surprised you don't carry a vise mount to a standard hitch insert.
Joe Camper
05-07-2019, 11:59 AM
I'm not going to buy a new one and I haven't found just the right vintage Vise I want to use yet and I kind of like the one I'm working with now.
Where's all the Cool Tools what's the matter with you guys am I the only one posting here come on.
Joe Camper
07-27-2019, 02:33 PM
It's nice to have close friends with lots of tools. So I'm out to breakfast mentioned to Frankie that I'm going to have to break down and rent a MAG drill because I have to drill some holes in the frame and I haven't the money to buy one right now and he tells me, I bought the one from Johnson truck body when they had their going out of business auction follow me to the garage after breakfast I'll give it to you.
I've never used one like this it's a right angle and it doesn't use bits it uses cutters like a mill. They call them anular bits. You still have to strap it down in case somebody pulls the cord out of the wall or the power goes out and if you don't you can still pretty easily overcome the magnet cutting big holes.
However, these Cutters are way better than drill bits I'll never use a drill bit on a frame again once you get this thing started it takes very little effort to get on down through. Made in America and more than just cool.
07-27-2019, 04:58 PM
I can't say I've ever seen one of those. Very cool.
Joe Camper
09-08-2019, 11:26 AM
Tire Removal tools.
This is Milwaukee m18 flex fuel it goes to 750 ft lbs. 100 beyond the 650 alcoa says u need on the nuts.
However many times im working in quiet zones OR the rims were overtightened, see that ALL the time. Specify u want the tire guy to use a torque stick and get them right before they even roll be sure they carry one.
This is the infamous X12 , above, your wife could loosten your nuts with this. That would be fun hu. Its 700 bucks and for me this is the choice.
However Amazon now sells these there r 10 of them to choose, they r 60 bucks. Your mother in law could loosten yer nuts with this one!! HOWEVER buyer beware they r not all created equall. Billy handed me one in OK City it was very user unfriendly. Chad put another in my hands in KC, the one in the photo, it worked great. If u give me your email ill mail u the link. Gill wont teach me how to copy and paste a link I cant figure it out.
For that money even if u only use it once or twice its worth its weight. IF u get the right one.
Get the milwaukee and 60 doolar multiplier.
If the rims r tightened too much for the gun use the multiplier to get them started and finish them off with the gun. Going forward the multiplier will be only nessessary with a torque wrench attatched JUST to check tightness, u just use the gun both on and off all u need, If the rims r tightened correctly.
Zoom in on the last pic, got the socket for the inner duel bottom left. Both different not sizes.
We dont need no stinking compressor and back breaking 1in gun with its obnoxious hose. The milwaukee and the multiplier. M&M thats the ticket laddies.
Doug please post a photo and link for those bus stands u bought.
Joe Camper
09-08-2019, 12:03 PM
These r the mac daddy prevo stands. Low and wide. I know people who resemble that comment. Anything taller than a foot to start is too tall.
Amazon. 100 doolars each. Shipped. Thank u Billy.
Thats HUNGRY Billy.
Joe Camper
11-16-2019, 01:07 PM
Guess what these r?
This is a ingenious gadget.
And Dan, no they r not sexual aids.
Joe Wilhelmi
11-16-2019, 03:17 PM
I haven't been around POG long enough to know who Dan is. Lot's of characters I hope to meet someday. I'd use them for inserting wire in split loom.
Joe Camper
11-16-2019, 03:49 PM
Would u be interested in demonstrating for us Joe??
Dan has been around for almost as long as dirt. When u caravan with him u have to put the bus in the rocking chair cause if u give him the front door hill run off and leave everybody. He has twice the energy of those half his age.
Joe Camper
11-17-2019, 01:07 PM
Anyone have any experience with these.
Heat shrink center ring is low temp solder 2 yellow rings create a watertight connetion. One step process.
Look interesting as of yet never used one.
11-17-2019, 01:31 PM
Low temp solder shrink tubing connectors won't find a place in my parts bins. Maybe because I can solder and am skeptical to the low temp connectors being capable of much current.
11-17-2019, 09:10 PM
My new cool tool is a vacuum pump for my generator radiator. I was able to vacuum down the gen cooling system and refill it without airlocks.
11-18-2019, 11:31 AM
Used them all the time on myboat. Solved corrosion problems and vibrating apart issues. Still use them on odd jobs, just be careful when adding heat to the surrounding area. I use a mini butane heat gun.
Joe Camper
02-09-2020, 10:26 AM
U can hammer on these with cordless impacts and they will take it.
Joe Camper
06-12-2020, 07:49 PM
This is a great tool. Robert in New Ulm turned me on to it When I was at his house. You can buy brake parts cleaner by the gallon or even the 5-gallon container that's all I buy it now and it's about 2 bucks a gallon that way. You let the air out of this sprayer open it up fill it 2/3 of the way with brake parts cleaner pressurize it the rest of the way with however much air you can jam in there and it works good use the hell out of it I do. Thank you Robert.
06-13-2020, 06:43 AM
I had been thinking about a yard sale but just bought a dump truck instead.
Joe Camper
06-13-2020, 06:55 AM
This is normally what I am faced with going in. Go from this to scrubbed clean with this simple brush and tub and the brake parts cleaner sprayer
Be sure to protect your lily white concrete, cause her gonna make a mess.
It never ceases to amaze me the way some shops make an art form out of sending you down the road with every last bit of grease and grime that you rolled in with. Not here. The next photo is what u should look like after a shop is done replacing front end components like bags and a arms. It's a prevo take care of it like one. Now shes ready for new parts and another decade or 2.
Donnie Myers
06-13-2020, 08:38 AM
Very nice Joe! Now just hit it with some VHT Epoxy paint and it will stay that way :o
Joe Camper
10-09-2021, 08:30 AM
A previous post in this thread already showed a mag ( magnetic base) drill.
That tool has now been relegated to yard art. This one is the ticket.
The old fashon mag drill uses drill bits and when u put the pressure nessessary u can easily overpower the magnet with too much pressure and or r drilling a bigger dimension hole. U need to add a clamp to the base to assist the magnet. It is also very bulky cant use it in many spots.
This drill uses anular cutters. Its right angle and requires very little pressure to start the hole and drill thru.
I needed to make new holes for the bigger koni shocks i put on the steer on my Pete. Litterally took 60 seconds to drill thru the frame rail.
1200 bucks worth every penny.
Joe Camper
10-10-2021, 10:02 AM
After u get one of these u will put all tbe other filter wrenches in the bottom drawer.
Tough tight filters dont stand a chance anymore since i bought these.
10-11-2021, 11:49 AM
Joe asked me to post this video. He is using a cool new magnetic drill.
Joe Camper
01-07-2022, 01:24 PM
Chassis and frame
Most of u guys have experimented with a rust preventive in one form or another.
Best I've come across by more than twice as nice as the next best thing. U can leave it flat black or paint over it.
Since this is cool tools, I might as well ask this here. Has anyone used u-joint puller like the Tiger Tool 10102: ?
I am about to pull the trigger on one of these.
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