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10-22-2009, 08:22 PM
Brian E and Beverly left this morning after a week touring DC. To make the cross country trip even more exciting they are traveling with a pair of busses.

First stop will be in Knoxville to have dinner with A1, then across the country.

It's hard to believe someone would actually volunteer to make this happen. POGgers are the best.

The Mothership, after a quick trip to Prevost in NJ to replace a OTR compressor seal, is now headed to California Coach where Steve Bennet promises to dethrone me from the TBC.



Good travels Brian and Beverly!

10-22-2009, 10:17 PM
Brian and Beverly are the best! I'm sure it will be a interesting trip for the two of them. Hopefully they can get some pictures along the way.

10-22-2009, 10:28 PM
Now that's what I call stepping up to the plate!

Way to go Brian and Beverly:D

What a wonderful gesture!

10-22-2009, 10:36 PM
POGers-- the best. Great folks no doubt.

Brian, Bev, you can drive the truck drivers nuts with that question--- who you driving for?

Well - it's a his and her's thing. We have separate bedrooms.

Safe travels and good luck for a quick sale.

10-22-2009, 10:47 PM
Over the top even by POG standards. Very nice Brian & Beverly, I hope you folks have a fun, safe trip.
Good luck, Mango, I'm betting Steve will get it done in no time. Someone will get a very nice Liberty.

Gary & Peggy Stevens
10-22-2009, 10:59 PM
Hey guys will you be coming thru Houston on this adventure, or are you staying North of us?

Would love to hook up for an evening, if you are going to be in our neck of the woods.

I am sure JDUB, Loc, Reagan and Hector feel the same way, so give us a call if you are stopping by.

Gary S.

10-22-2009, 11:10 PM
We got us a convoy.....

10-22-2009, 11:55 PM
Mango and Donna topped off our whistle stop visit to DC with a fabulous meal at Mango's. Thanks guys for giving us a good excuse to revisit our nations capitol and all of it's wonderful sights. A meal at Mango Mikes was worth the trip in itself.

Mike in his desire to see the Mother Ship off on a no hassle transcontinental trip, went over the top in preparing the bus for it's journey. Looking a little bleary eyed from washing her at midnight after hosting our dinner, Mike blamed the red eyes on the tears he shed seeing her head west. (It makes a good story).

After a quick inspection of A-1's shop and pit tomorrow, we'll hammer down for Costa Mesa so Steve and Rhonda can do their sales magic. Rumor has it they already have some prospective buyers.

Took some pics but the attachment engine blew up....Skiffer, help!

10-23-2009, 12:52 AM
Yea Mango. Taking the Mothership to Steve and Rhonda caps it off. You being the longest, and founding member of TBC and Chris and I mere infants of TBC, may your luck selling the Mothership be as quick and great as selling our "Lily." We will truly miss her, as you will reminence about the M.S. She will be a grand coach for some new owner;).

10-23-2009, 08:46 AM

It will be hard to think of you no longer owning the Mothership......I remember the day you and Jon picked her up--not only are you the longest member of the TBC but I think the "dent award" started that day as well if memory serves:D

Seriously, great of Brian and Beverly to transport this beautiful coach, hopefully to another future POG member! All of you may not realize this but Brian and Beverly have been going beyond the call with Pilots N Paws, including driving a pooch who had been lost back to her owners in Oregon in their bus! High fives to Brian and Beverly and Bev, love your hair!! (obviously I am writing this and not Bob--ha~!)


Ray Davis
10-23-2009, 11:30 AM

When do you guys plan on being in SoCal? We'll definitely get the guys together for dinner.

Give me a buzz.


10-23-2009, 12:36 PM
Me thinks Mango aint a coming... Me thinks Brian & Bev are piloting the two busses, but I could be wrong...

Ray Davis
10-23-2009, 01:21 PM
Yep, re-reading it seems to indicate that. So, let me re-phrase!

Brian, Beverly! When are you getting into SoCal? We'd love to meet you guys for dinner one evening.

Safe travels,

Richard Barnes
10-23-2009, 01:22 PM
Even more reason for us to take them to dinner Ray. Let me know and I'll try to be there.

Jon Wehrenberg
10-23-2009, 08:03 PM
Brian and Beverly arrived safely in Knoxville and we spent an enjoyable afternoon and shared a meal with them.

Our two pups met Brian and Beverly and gave us their full approval. While here we gave B&B the tour of Casa Del Greasepit. Tomorrow they head down I-40 towards SoCal hoping to make it all the way without having to head south to avoid snow. I'm hoping they can stay on 40 because it beats I-10.

10-23-2009, 10:01 PM
Another great visit on the way west. Thanks Jon & Di for the tour. Next time we'll bring the canoe and fishing gear. An added treat was a chance to play licky face with your two rescue pups. Doggy folks are the greatest!

Notice to our California buddies. You guys are making us feel guilty for bailing out on our native state. We don't think we ever had such good friends in the 50 some years we lived in the SF area. Thanks for returning our faith and reminding us of home.

We plan on delivering Mango's bus to Steve and Rhonda on Wednesday or Thursday next week. Had planned on a quick drop off and vamoosing for Borrego or Temecula before heading north. Don't quite know how to handle your invitations and warm hospitality but will suggest that a gathering in February or March might be a nice way for all of us to share in the work of having a party.

10-24-2009, 08:44 AM

Have any of those dormant Acme devices surfaced yet in the Mothership? Best to sleep with one eye open. Beware of buzzing sounds, crickets, shocking flashlights or pens and most of all, plastic toilet paper!:eek:

Also, at select truckstops along I-40 in the far western states, use caution when being approached by the Lot Lizards, they look for repeat customers and will remember the name painted on the bus, "Mothership!"

And last but not least, be very careful not to hit the "dump" button while driving, it's been used before!;)

Ray Davis
10-24-2009, 10:30 AM

As you get closer, or arrive in SoCal, let us know. Maybe we can convince you to stick around for a little while for lunch or dinner. I've got 50A service in front of my house, and you're welcome to stop here for a day.

For sure we will be planning something for Febrary-March timeframe.

Travel safely.


10-24-2009, 07:17 PM
Tom, The cricket has already made his/her self known. Smart little bugger it knows when I'm behind the wheel. How do it do dat??

Ray, Will call as we get in range.
Mike, Ditto
Ken, Ditto

10-24-2009, 08:56 PM
That sure is a good lookin' pair of busses. :)

Bet they look great going down the highway together!

Have a safe and "uneventful" trip......

10-26-2009, 06:38 PM

Brian E and Beverly just missed this disaster.

According to AOL News.

RALEIGH, N.C. (Oct. 25) — A rockslide in western North Carolina near the Tennessee state line has closed Interstate 40, and officials say it could take several months to clear the debris. The state Department of Transportation on Sunday issued an emergency declaration. Initial estimates from engineers are that it could take several months to clean up the entire slide and restore traffic.

Jon Wehrenberg
10-26-2009, 06:57 PM
They did not come that way. That area has had a lot of slides and this one is a biggie. They literally have to get equipment to the top of the mountain and start the repairs and removal by pushing everything that is loose down to the road surface below where it can be removed.

Anybody coming east or west to the TN/NC state line on I-40 has to detour to I-81 (where Brian and Beverly connected with I-40) and then down I-26 (or the reverse if westbound).

Adds about an hour.

Will Garner
10-26-2009, 07:23 PM
The I-81 to I-26 to I-40 detour is 130 miles in length. I spoke with Ed Mrozek last night. He and Cindy were somewhere in west Knoxville heading for Raleigh. Detour alternatives for Ed include south on I-75 to I-20 to US #1 north to Raleigh.

Today's news release from NC DOT stated to clear the debris, stabilize the slope and return the pavement to useable conditions will take 2-3 months! :eek: No vehicles were hit by the falling rock, which began around 01:30 hours. Three vehicles did run into the rock within minutes of it having slid down the mountainside.

Yes they have to start work at the top and work their way to the bottom. If you look at some of the news reel footage of the slide you will see some very big rocks that will have to be broken up (blasting most likely) in order to get them to a moveable size.

Jerry Winchester
10-26-2009, 07:53 PM
So let me get this straight. A barge can hit the I-40 bridge over the Arkansas River and drop the whole thing in the drink and they rebuild it in 30 days, but to clear a rock slide it will take two or three months?

Sounds like some DOT propeller heads at work here.

10-26-2009, 08:23 PM
Jdub: Tell them to get their Man Panties on and push harder. That should do it.

10-26-2009, 10:27 PM
On Sunday we had a little excitement a few miles east of OKC on I-40. Pulling a gentle grade I hit the mode switch expecting a shift to 5th gear. UH-UH, she hit 5th and immediately went to 4th. Engine RPM went to 2300++ with no overspeed shut-down. Immediately slowed and "DO NOT SHIFT" was illuminated. Was stuck in 4th gear. Limped along and cleared the highway to a gas station and got out the book.

Read codes and found the retarder temp sensor had a problem. Spoke to Prevost Action Service who advised trying to drive it into OKC and go straight to United Engine. Was that deja vous or what? Spent the night in UE parking lot and hooked up with them this morning. They verified the codes, visually checked external wiring and replaced the temp sensor which was reading -57 degrees. Was on the way again by noon. Was very impressed with the Allison field service folks that fixed me up.

The obvious question is why a retarder sensor would cause an unscheduled downshift. The answer was: If the retarder switch was on and it was, in the brief time it took to shift to 5th the retarder momentarily activated and an out of limits temp may have confused the shift logic. :confused:

Question: Do the retarder guys need to carry another sensor in their spares kit....to the tune of $200?

Kenneth Brewer
10-27-2009, 05:24 AM
"I'm hoping they can stay on 40 because it beats I-10."
Reason, please (longer on I-10)?

Ray Davis
10-27-2009, 11:31 AM
Having just taken both roads (I-40 to OKC, and I-10 from Alabama to CA) both roads were fine. It did seem that I-10 was longer, plus if they are up north on I-40, they would have to travel several hundred extra miles down to I-10.

Just a guess on my part.


10-27-2009, 07:44 PM
Ray's right. It's longer on I-10. The real reason is however, that West Texas is fine if you're a rattlesnake, armadillo, or tarantula but for a human bean (IMHO) it's the most boring stretch in the USA. I-40 on the other hand is much more scenic.

Just pulled into the Winslow, AZ Walmart. We've been fighting 40 mph crosswinds all afternoon. Poor Beverly's beat. The Mothership has Howard steering which really helps. We're hoping to make Calif. Coach late tomorrow. Will start touching bases this evening.

Ray Davis
10-27-2009, 08:17 PM
Great news. The Walmart parking lot was our first stop out on the way to OKC. You're about 9-10 hours out, depending upon how fast you drive.

Depending upon when you get out tomorrow AM, hopefully you have time for a quick get together for dinner? Give me a buzz at 949-463-0707, and I'd be happy to coordinate the locals!

Drive safely.


10-27-2009, 08:17 PM
Brian and Bev,

I am in LA this week and be warned that the wind here is really howling. There have been news reports of trucks being blown over in the high desert. I don't exactly where, but you may want to check the weather on your route.


10-27-2009, 09:55 PM
These are the Santa Ana winds...off the desert rather than the ocean. Temp and fire danger goes thru the roof....great weather at the coast....very dangerous everywhere else....CAUTION driving in the desert....slow down and be careful...hope to see you in a few days...lots of trucks par:)k in the Winslow WalMart....keep as far left as you can....facing the Walmart...BTW..it is not a 24 hour superstore...it opens at 7am if you need to get anything

10-27-2009, 10:21 PM
Thanks Mike. We're on the left facing the building and it's blowing like hell. Had to dump the airbags. :eek:

10-27-2009, 11:09 PM

I'm hoping that you and Beverly are spending the evening in the Mothership.
...extra ballast.

Gary & Peggy Stevens
10-28-2009, 12:37 AM
I don't exactly where, Loc

Loc, YOU don't ?????? what exactly ????? ( Know ? ) :) :D

Gary S.

10-28-2009, 09:59 PM
So let me get this straight. A barge can hit the I-40 bridge over the Arkansas River and drop the whole thing in the drink and they rebuild it in 30 days, but to clear a rock slide it will take two or three months?

Sounds like some DOT propeller heads at work here.

Just a clarification, it won't take two to three months to clear the landslide. It will take two to three months to build the new road to the top of the upslope area to finish the landside and stabilize the slope and then clear the I-40 roadway and likely rebuild the roadway in the area. This is not just a simple bridge problem.

10-29-2009, 11:08 PM
With the exception of a major landslide and a failed retarder sensor, Brian and Bev have made it to California Coach just fine. I followed their progress closely to make sure they didn't overshoot Costa Mesa by 150 miles while posting to POG.

I can't thank the both of them enough for making this happen.

I owe you one, probably a couple.


I believe they are having dinner tonight w/ the Erion's, and then a BBQ tomorrow night with some of the other Ca. folks. Hopefully they'll post some pixs.

10-31-2009, 10:53 AM
Thanks to all of our wonderful California hosts. The last couple of days have been terrific. Steve and Rhonda Bennett have allowed us to camp behind their facilities at Calif. Coach, a nice quiet spot with 50 amps and water. Steve and I will wash our bus this morning before we head off for a week or so in the desert.

On Thursday we visited Kevin's shop and were given the cook's tour. Kevin has set up a race bike service facility complete with a 4 lift build-up shop, very cool motorcycle dyno, machine shop, warehouse that contains a zillion Dunlop racing tires and inside storage for his semi's and Prevost. Very cool. We then followed Kevin home where his wife Amy and 3 beautiful daughters fed us a great Italian dinner. Danny dog and the Erion's pup Bennett had a great romp in their huge back yard. Thanks guys, we had a wonderful time.

Last night we visited Ken and Janet Zittrer at their beautiful home in Irvine where we had a terrific time with the Zittrers, Ray and Kathy Davis, Mike and Jean Simmons, Larry and Sandy Dahlin and Steve Bennett. Ken barbequed up a big plate of chicken and we enjoyed a very lively evening of some very funny first-time bus adventures. At least they were funny now but maybe not at the time. It seemed that all of us had a story to tell.

With this kind of a welcome, Beverly and I would like to make a standing offer to anyone who needs their coach moved to Socal that we'd be glad to accommodate. Thanks Mike, it was an adventure to remember.